Sunday, April 29, 2007

April 24, 2007 "Executive session topic!"

Please click on the header to be directed to the topic of the Alderman Executive session meeting of April 24,2007.

This is a very interesting subject, as it seems to give loopholes for the BOA to opt out of the "sunshine laws" when and if they feel the need to.

Now why would they need that, and why now pray tell? I have a problem with this unless it's for a personnel matter

Tom Ford

NO. 327

Saturday, April 28, 2007

County assessments, or what the heck is going on here?

Click on the header for the story from the Post Dispatch in all it's glory! Now just what in the world would a person from "parks and recreation" or animal control, or for that matter a non assessor know about finding your homes value?

When one of these people show up here I plan to ask them what department they work for, and if it's not assessor's office, their going to leave at once!

Folks, this is adding insult to injury! First they want to rip you off, and now they want to use some Lord knows what person to do it!

This is one story that should make the national news, " County assessor uses un- qualified personnel to make assessment judgement's!" I think I will forward this puppy to Sean Hannity and see what he has to say!

Tom Ford

NO. 326

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A bit of humor for the senior citizens of Crestwood!

Please click on the header to be directed to the site. If you remember this as I do, please tell us about it.

By the way, a bit of news for the Grand kids! They will have one chance, and only one, to witness an event that will never happen again, that being, on May 6Th, 2007 a phenomenon will occur as follows!

Exactly at 2:34 AM we will witness 0234050607! This is a one shot deal, kind of neat, no?

Tom Ford

NO. 325

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I know this is not "Crestwood," but it sure could be!

Click on the header to be directed to the story! I believe this is the 7th or eighth fatality caused by DUI's at the hands of "illegals" in America, in the past 20 days!

Now I don't know about you, but I want better protection for my family than this! And don't give me the P.C. crowd mantra about "how dis-advantaged" these folks are, because that has nothing to do with "drinking and driving!"

Where does Crestwood come in on all of this you say, well I will tell you! What say we initiate a "DUI check point," at varying times on Watson Rd. or for that matter Sappington Rd.? Believe me it is a great way to stop this national "crisis," as well as keeping our families safe!

Let's leave it up to the Police Chief to set it up, and work to end this senseless slaughter on our streets!

Tom Ford


Crestwood Board Of Alderman meeting agenda for 4/24/07

Please click on the header to be directed to the agenda for the up-coming BOA meeting. This is a good chance to see your Government in action, so why not attend.

Tom Ford

NO. 323

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Now this is something to see! A Woman defending her belief!

Please click on the header for the video. No, Crestwood has nothing to do with this, or on a larger scale does it?

"Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere" (we dare defend our rights!)

Tom Ford


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

TDD board meeting on Thursday 4/19/07 @ 10:00AM

Your on your own on this one as I will be in Centralia, IL. all day Thursday. This is a meeting that most likely, the THF Atty. will try to convience our people that $850,000.00 is justified (right,) so if you can, please verify time's and date (meetings have a way of changing,) and attend!

By the way, if your against any funds being reimberesed to THF for this transaction, call your Alerman and tell them not one red cent back for this project! This will come up for a second reading at the next BOA meeting, and they need to hear from you to make the right decision!

Tom Ford


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Work session for the TDD 4/16/07, 4:00PM.

Click on the header to be directed to the City web site for further. This is a good chance to watch your government in action, so why not attend?

Tom Ford


Saturday, April 14, 2007

A bit of levity for all the ladies reading the blog!

This morning on the Interstate,
I looked over to my left and there was a

In a brand new

Doing 65 mph

With her
Face up next to her

Rear view mirror

Putting on her eyeliner.

I looked away

For a couple seconds

And when I looked back she was

Halfway over in my lane,

Still working on that makeup.

As a man, !

I don't scare easily.

But she scared me so much;
I dropped

My electric shaver,

Which knocked

The donut

Out of my other hand.

In all
The confusion of trying

To straighten out the car

Using my knees against
The steering wheel,

it knocked

my cell phone

away from my ear

which fell

into the coffee

between my legs,


and burned,

ruined the darn phone,

soaked my trousers,

and disconnected an

important call.

Darn women drivers!!

Tom Ford


Sunday, April 08, 2007

Crestwood BOA meeting on April 10, 2007!

Please note the second item on the agenda is for a new ordinance on the Crestwood Point TDD. This is the part where THF is looking for re-reimbursement for purchase of the private pool known as the Crestwood Swim Club!

If you think that's OK, well stay home, but if you, like I cannot understand how public tax money can be used to fund a private pool, please attend!

Tom Ford

NO. 318

Friday, April 06, 2007

The Tuesday, April 10th meeting of the BOA

"A quick point about the Kohl's project. My package indicated a proposal to modify the intergovernmental Coop Agreement to allow the TDD board to reimburse Kohl's for 295,000 or such amount approved by the TTD board will be introduced Tuesday the 10th of April."

I would suggest interested citizens should show up to hear this debate and make their opinions known.

Folks, let's try to be there, please!

Tom Ford

NO. 317

Happy Easter Crestwood!

And to our Jewish friends a very happy Pass Over.

Please click on the header for your card.

Tom Ford

NO. 316

Thursday, April 05, 2007


This is something to ponder on as today's world (as we know it,) is coming apart.

"Once, you believed it was “only a compromise”: you conceded it was evil to live for yourself, but moral to live for the sake of your children. Then you conceded that it was selfish to live for your children, but moral to live for your community. Then you conceded that it was selfish to live for your community, but moral to live for your country. Now, you are letting this greatest of countries be devoured by any scum from any corner of the earth, while you concede that it is selfish to live for your country and that your moral duty is to live for the globe."

~ From Atlas Shrugged (Galt’s Speech), 1957

Reflect on this, and give us the benefit of your wisdom, please.

Tom Ford
NO. 315

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Election day 4/3/07 in Crestwood!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I will not bore you with a favorite list of candidates for Alderman this year. However I will ask you to please look at each person closely, and vote for the best candidate out there in your ward!

I have been told that the turn out will be very light this April, but I pray that is not so! A great many men and women have given their lives to insure we have the right to vote for the person of our choice, and I urge you to do it! What finer tribute can you give them than to say today, I voted, thank you!

Remember the photo's from Iraq showing the "purple fingers?" Those people stood in line for hours in the face of threats to exercise their new found freedom, surely we can do no less.

Folk's, Crestwood is on the move again, please vote for the candidate that will keep her going in the right direction!

If any of the candidates would like to place a last minute item on the blog, please do so under this header.

Tom Ford
