Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Any Viet Nam Vet's out there ? We need your service again! (Please click here for the link.)

Please note that I have added a site under the "link" portion of the blog in the right hand column (Viet Nam Vets Chapter 1028.)

The Chapter of the Viet Nam Veterans Association of America of which I, and several other Crestwood residents are members of is looking for new members, both men and women who served during the Viet Nam war.

Please click on the header to be directed to the web site of the chapter, and how you may join. I really believe you will find it very rewarding, as the Chapter is in service to the community, the children and our Veterans of all wars.

Why not come out on the first Wednesday of the Month, meet the crew, join and get involved with helping your community.

Tom Ford
(Life member, chapter 1028, VVA.)

NO. 799

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's Bush's fault ! (gee it is isn't it ?)

Nuff said !

Tom Ford

NO. 798

Saturday, August 28, 2010

From "Dales Blog" with thanks to Dale for the humor.

"Since it’s Friday, maybe this will be in time to do us some good…

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.

Evening news is where they begin with ‘Good evening’, and then proceed to tell you why it isn’t.

If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining.

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea… does that mean that one enjoys it?

If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of payments.

Some people are like Slinkies … not really good for anything, but you can’t help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs.

I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted pay checks.

A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it.

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with “Guess” on it… so I said “Implants?”

The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.

God must love stupid people. He made SO many.

The sole purpose of a child’s middle name, is so he can tell when he’s really in trouble.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!

Some people say “If you can’t beat them, join them”. I say “If you can’t beat them, beat them”, because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.

You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice."

Tom Ford

NO. 797

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mr. Mike Anthony of the Call opines on the Mayors little gaff with the Charter. (click here for the excellent op/ed.)

Like most of us who live and work in Crestwood our local Newspaper, the Call in the form of an excellent editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony wonders what the heck our Mayor is doing? Has "His Honor" so little a grasp of the City Charter that he would willfully violate it? Or does he put his mouth in gear before his brain is engaged?

I tend to think that it's the latter as we have seen this time and again coming from this man who would be King. Let's wander down the path of "Roy isms" and see if this is indeed the case. "Neighboring City's shoot stray dogs," It's Robinson's rules of order, not Roberts," "I run this City!" And we could go on but you get the drift.

Now however he has crossed the line and accused Alderman Paul Duchild of doing something nefarious, forget the fact that the Charter calls for Alderman Duchild to do it! Alderman Miguel asked for a clarification, "His Honor" refused it, and continued to pontificate (unfortunately "His Honor" was wrong as usual.)

We have a major problem in Crestwood in that the law firm of Lewis, Rice and Fingerish undertook to pen the MOU for the Firefighters (under someones direction) minus ANY of our elected officials attending. Couple that with the fact that the City Attorney, Mr. Rob Golterman was out of that loop, wasn't there for the negations (so it seems) and suddenly we have a crew from a law firm running the City, none of whom we elected or, even know!

The Call has asked for the censure of Mayor Robinson, and I agree whole heartedly
. I would however like to further call for the resignation of the City Attorney, and answers from his firm as to why our people were not there.

I want to know WHO authorized the law firm to draw these negotiation papers up, why we spent more money (close to $4,000.00) on the Civil Service rules, and WHO authorized that to happen and why. And while were at it, Mr. Kurt Becker (Firefighters union) seemed very surprised that this Civil Service deal was voted down. Why would that be, was he promised that the Board would go along with it? And if so by whom?

Times are hard enough as it is without spending needless funds at lawyers or for that matter anywhere else. A couple of FOIA Forms will be in the works soon and we shall see if answers are forthcoming, or if our City Attorney Say's "I can't recall!"

Tom Ford

NO. 796

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Q & A session at the Tuesday night fights better known as the BOA Meeting!

Well folks we have here a short report on what transpired when former Alderman Steve Nieder asked the City Administrator a couple of questions reference the Civil Service Rules, and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Firefighters and the City. About that time the City Attorney Mr. Rob Golterman advised Mr. Eckrich that he didn't have to answer that, he (Golterman) would. Mr. Golterman ( who seemed to be uncomfortable) discussed it until Mr. Nieder calmly asked a couple of pointed questions about the contract. It was at that point that Mr. Golterman said "I can't recall." Mr. Nieder continued to press for answers only to have Mr. Golterman "not recall" a few times. May we assume Mr. Golterman "won't recall?" I think so.

Now I have not heard that defense since Hillary Clinton told it to the grand jury in the 90's. May we assume that our City Attorney (of Lewis, Rice and Fingerish) in fact knew Mrs. Clinton and was "baking cookies" when all this was going on? We already know that Mr. Golterman's firm wrote the memorandum of understanding, and not Mr. Golterman (and why not,) but what we don't know is who told Mr. Kurt Becker (of the Fire Fighters Union) that the Civil Service Rules would be amended at the BOA meeting? (they weren't.)

There seems to be a lot of "selective" memory loss when it comes to those two little items, and I am beginning to believe a F.O.I.A. form will be in order so we, the great un-washed can have a chance to understand this. I also wonder why a man making nearly $100,000.00 per year, plus perks is not allowed to answer a citizen's questions? Is there some concern as to the way this deal was done, and it became obvious to all that "the mouth piece" needed to step in to save the day? In this case it certainly looks very suspicious, no?

Now you may be wondering what the Avatar of Sgt. Schultz is doing next to Mr. Goltermans Avatar? Fair question and it's because "His Honor" (in this case Sgt. Schultz sound alike) chimed in almost immediately with the "I had nothing to do with it, it wasn't me" routine. Now this reminded me of Sgt. Schultz of "Hogans Hero's" who always said "I know nothing, I see nothing" so what better illustration of "His Honor" showing us his "bail out mode" than that? May we say, to paraphrase the Bard, "Me thinks "His Honor" doth protest too much?" I think so, no?

Tom Ford

NO. 795

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We paid $10,000.00 for a "lighting survey?" Good Grief!

It has recently come to my attention that the public works department under the supervision of Dzenana Mruckovski authorized a "Lighting survey" to see if we could save money by "re-lamping" Crestwood grounds.

At first blush this would seem to be a great idea until you realize that virtually every electrical / energy savings company in St. Louis will do it FREE! You see much like the HVAC business where we routinely give a load calculation and (if needed) a duct design with the quote, the energy saving company will do the survey for nothing if asked.

So, that said if we do "re-lamp" we will have effectively added $10,000.00 to the lowest bidder on the job. "How can I spend your money? Let me count the ways!" Mr. Eckrich,do you really feel this is the best use of our taxpayer money, and why didn't you tell her it could have been done for nothing with a quote?

In the name of all that's decent, please do not ask the good citizens of Crestwood for any sort of tax increase as long as this sort of waste continues!

Tom Ford

NO. 794

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I knew there was a reason for the "recycle" trash cans! (click here for the story.)

The City of Cleveland, Ohio will be placing a micro chip on "recyclable" trash containers, and levying a $100.00 dollar fine to those who do not participate! Just think "Your Honor" how much extra mad money Crestwood can acquire without the hassle of asking for a tax increase!

Spending can go through the roof, and no one will know why, this is just perfect for you and the "four horseman of the ridiculous." Now all you have to do is to sneak through a expense for the micro-chips, ( you know like the new web site that doesn't work) and away you go!

It also gives the code enforcement officer something else to do as she hasn't been seen since her new gig at the Sappington House took effect. Just think, we will also need a "trash supervisor" to dig through the trash for "evidence of wrong doing," so Mr. Eckrich get's to create yet another position. All in all this is just what the doctor ordered, you get more money for the City, Alderman Foote (and by extension Beasley) can forget about canopy fires, and move on to "trash as the next crisis" in Crestwood, and yet another position is created, marvelous!

Tom Ford

NO. 793

Monday, August 16, 2010

What can we do about "puppy mills?" an anonymous reader has an idea that's a good one!


This came in today under the Thread "we need to change the subject," But I thought it was more than worthy of a thread of it's own, I hope you agree.

" Anonymous said...
This is a change of subject that I would like to address to the animal control people in this city. The ones dedicated to animals and who have been so thoroughly discussed lately."

"A recent POST editorial discussed legislation related to laws affecting puppy mills. To me it is amazing anyone would be against them. But alas politics even visits this venue. I can't get my arms around this kind of business. Dogs kept in pens with grates to stand on, in hot an cold conditions with no love, only the constant breeding and its consequences so someone can make money. And the fact that there are too few laws and the ones there are cannot be enforced due to lack of personnel to enforce the rules. Then the euthanizing of the Mommy dogs when they are no longer useful. No way to make this sound decent. Have you ever looked into the eyes of mistreated dogs and cats? It is pathetic and you don't even have to be a pet lover. ANYWAY,letters to the editor have been coming in and I would like to suggest the many Crestwood Animal lovers who work with our shelter and adoption facility help take up this cause with the intention of getting lots of meat into this current legislation and assure the officials that profiting off this social disgrace is out of the question. And monitoring the breeders is going to happen big time and profit off of this kind of operation is going to be closely monitored. The greed involved in this kind of operation can be barbaric. So, hey, animal people, get your concerns together and spread the word and let those voting know they are being closely observed. Get the word out, get something going, put your strength and caring on the line. Please make some noise."

1:06 PM, August 16, 2010

Tom Ford

NO. 792

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"King Roy" upset about email sent to City Administrator (The Mayor was a CC on the email.)

From the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Friday, August 13, 2010. It seems the man who would be king strikes again! Command ? What Command Roy? If memory serves you asked the Alderman for an evaluation of the City Administrator in the first place. Did you tell them they couldn't send it to Mr. Eckrich? Probably not, and now you huff and puff as though your "Command" was usurped, ridiculous!

"CRESTWOOD > Mayor unhappy about e-mail sent to administrator • Crestwood Mayor Roy Robinson reasserted his command of the city administrator evaluation process at Tuesday's aldermanic meeting. Robinson called the discussion after expressing dismay that an alderman had directly criticized administrator Jim Eckrich by e-mail rather than by going through the mayor, as the annual evaluation process was underway. Robinson said he follows the city charter in gathering evaluations from aldermen, then presenting a one-voice report.

Robinson also said that he soon will reiterate the practice in a memo to the board. Alderman Jerry Miguel motioned for a formal resolution outlining the process, which resulted in a 4-4 tie. Robinson was called on to break it, and he voted no. Robinson later declined to name the alderman involved. Eckrich, who has been administrator since July 2008, left the room as the discussion began."

(St. Louis Post Dispatch, Page A-3, Staff reporter.)

Your "Kingship," be careful what you wish for, you just may get it!

Well I have just added the report on this Fiasco from the SunCrest Call (please click on the header for the story.) I an struck by the fact that both "His Honor" and Mr. Golterman seem to feel it was necessary to go out of their way to defend something that was never suggested in the first place. I seem to remember a passage by William Shakespeare who wrote, "Me thinks the Lady doth protest too much!"

Tom Ford

NO. 791

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Home town lad graduates as a lieutenant (From Missouri), in the U.S. Army, and is married to boot ! Congratulations Lt.and Mrs. Matt Braun !

I am proud to be able to say that Matt and I have spent a few hours at the range sharpening his (and my) rifle skills, and he is a very good shot, and will make an outstanding young officer !

When you run into his proud Mom, Ms. Char Braun please tell her how proud we all are of Matt and Allison, and if your ever out in California near Ft. Irwin please stop in and say hello for me.

Now that is some hat Lt. Braun, I thought only the Air Cav. wore the slouch hat while on parade, guess not.

May God bless this union, and may God keep them both safe and sound throughout their Army career !

Flash update! Matt attempted to "attack" a rock and the rock won. I am very happy to say that while I am sure his pride may have been wounded he will be fine once the Head ache wears off You might want to send him a "get well" card out there as I am sure the Army will not be doing it.

Tom Ford

NO. 790

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Well I am told that we need to change the subject here, so what shall we discuss?

We don't really want to get into the old saws such as "the swim club, or the animal control, or the City Attorney," do we ? Of course we don't. But we do need to fill our stores with shoppers (see above) once again, right?

We could discuss ways to make Crestwood Courts a more viable location for a business to open. ( what ever happened to "economic development?")

Well, I will toss out one just to see if it flies. How about we look at the Watson Road corridor, and what we as a City can do to improve traffic there for our businesses?

It seems to me we have started a slew of things to bring in people, but thats where it stops, no follow through. We have a perfect chance to create the right atmosphere for "Route 66" and all the nostalgia that goes with it on Saturday, August 14, 2010 when we have "the classic car cruse." Have we publicized this as it should have been? And when it's over what have we done to continue the mystique?

As the Man Say's, "what say you?"

Tom Ford

NO. 789

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Mr. Kevin Jackson author of "The Black Sphere" opines on the Kerry yacht "Issue" (please click here for the article.)

Well once again Mr. Jackson has nailed it folks. What we have here in Washington (and in Crestwood) is a "holier than thou" mentality that is ruining this great Nation.

Tax this and tax that, and never worry about where the great un-washed will get the money to pay for it. Well this is one four flushing, filthy rich, lying bozo that has been "hoisted on his own petard !" Now ask yourself just how many more of the folks on all sides of politics are treating us the same way ? I can think of at least five right here in Crestwood who would take our last farthing for God knows what if we let them.

Please remember that in January, 1911 we will see the tax man coming to take even more of our money, so beware the wolf in sheep's clothing when it comes to any one who has "something for nothing" to give you, federal, state or local !

Tom Ford

NO. 788

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Mr. Mike Anthony weighs in on "His Honor" and the City attorney (click here for the op/ed .)

Well here we have an excellent editorial reference "His Honor" and his side kick Rob Golterman (of Lewis Rice & Fingerish.) It seems (rightly so) that Mr. Anthony is wondering what happened to that empty suit promise the Mayor made about "more civility" towards citizens ?

I was wondering that same thing as I remember a BOA meeting I attended that had Messrs, Roby and Pickel requesting that the Board be allowed to bring up on charges and censure anyone sitting on that Dias who did not show that respect ! Well Alderman Pickel, Mr. Roby is no longer there so I ask you what you plan to do about our City attorney who so willfully has disrespected a very fine and up-standing Citizen such as Martha Duchild ? Will we be seeing you requesting that Mr. Golterman be censured, or removed for his actions? In a word, NO, and the reason is he is on your side of the fence isn't he ?

As Mr. Anthony has so eloquently pointed out, the time for "walking the walk" is here ! We all know that four of the Alderman ("the four horseman of the ridiculous") will only vote to back whatever "His Honor" wants, but wouldn't it be wonderful to see them actually think for themselves for a change ?

Alas we will never know, they are who they are !

Tom Ford

NO. 787

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

New audio of City Attorney Golterman telling Martha Duchild "I really don't care ! (click here to listen.)"

Gee whiz, the wife of a sitting Alderman, and a resident of Crestwood who in part pays his salary, and he said what ?

Well Rob a lot of us do care and were fed up with your arrogance ! May I suggest you resign to spend more time at Wildwood, or with your family if that's that attitude your going to take. I guess you felt that "It was just a house wife" and you could get away with it, but you were wrong because that "house wife" verbally beat you up and took your milk money !

Alderman Miguel's summation is below, please cut and paste for the summation.


Are you happy with this sort of insulting behaver to a Citizen ? You tell me because I am sure not !

Tom Ford

NO. 786