Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Board meeting last night, yes there was a Board meeting that infact turned very interesting!

If you were there you know what happened when the Aldermen discussed that small issue of conversing with an outside source (In this case Centrum people) without telling the others what they have done.

Now at first blush one would think that this would be a violation of the Sunshine Law. I checked, it is not, however what about that thing called ethics? Again, we have an ethics commission in Missouri set up for? (they don't worry about ethics so it seems.) Once again, I guess that would be in the eye and heart of the beholder.

Well last night Alderman Mimi Duncan stated that she had been in contact with a person or persons from Centrum Properties, and that she saw no reason to stop doing it unless the Board passes a resolution or ordinance to stop it. Now one wonders just exactly what she and that person, or persons were discussing? I have, courtesy of a FOIA form, a copy of an email sent to her by Mr. Vic Pildes (Centrum consultant) dated 10/23/12 saying the following, "Mimi, Please call me if possible before the Board meeting tonight Thank you." Now I would wonder just why that conversation would have to take place when Mr. Pildes was going to be at that meeting anyway?

Alderman Duncan, I believe you owe the Citizens of Crestwood an explanation as to what exactly you hoped to accomplish with these calls, and what was discussed.

Were waiting.

Tom Ford

NO. 1073

Friday, November 23, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is an idea that I hope and pray will catch on this season!

I wish I could say that I made this, but the fact is I found it on face book, and I thought it was the right poster at the right time for Crestwood.

There has been much made of this "District at Crestwood" idea and proposal (a lot of it by me,) but have YOU ever thought about whether you will shop there if it's built?

We now have some very fine retail establishments in Crestwood that no doubt have the goods and services you are looking for, so why go elsewhere? For instance, the Ace Hardware store, Friar Tucks, Kohl's, Gordmans, Crestwood Appliance, Crestwood Jewelry, Best Buy, and many more are fully staffed and ready to assist you in finding the perfect gift this Holiday, so why go outside Crestwood (unless you can't find it here, However, if they don't have it, they will order it for you.)

If you haven't noticed the Gasoline prices have snuck back up for the Holidays, and the family vehicle burns more of it the heaver it gets, so "saving" by taking the kids to the Bluffs for instance is now not as lucrative as it once was.

All I ask is that you consider doing your Holiday purchases in Crestwood this year, give our town the and business people your trade, and benefit Crestwood's coffers while your at it.

When you see Linda and I at one of the Crestwood Stores please say hello, and I thank you in advance for "SHOPPING LOCAL" this season and from now on.

( Up-date to the author of this fine poster. I have learned that this was first posted by Albert Merrill who shared "Sisters Antiques" post. Thanks to both of you for a very fine idea.)

Tom Ford

NO. 1072

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving is upon us folks. May you and yours have a joyfull, and happy day

May the day be a joyous one for you and the family, and if you can find it in your heart and wallet, please help those of us who are less fortunate.

Please remember our young men and women in harms way this Thanksgiving, keep them in your prayers, and when the festivities are over, and your leaving, please take one last look back for those who no longer can.

May God bless each and every one of you, and may the Good Lord guide our Mayor, and the Board of Aldermen in their coming deliberations.

Tom Ford

NO. 1071

Friday, November 16, 2012

I am starting this thread to cover the TIF, TDD, CID, Centrum properties questions only..

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have move the posts from the Board Meeting thread to it's own venue as there is more than enough interest to support a "thread of it's own."

I ask that you restrict your comments on this thread to the "District at Crestwood" proposal that has, and will be in the local news for some time to come.

Please note that your posts have been moved under this thread to consolidate the questions, answers, remarks, and general comments for all to see. As usual please keep it civil, and remember that ALL of us have the right under the Constitution to express our feelings, even though we may not agree.


Tom Ford

NO. 1070

Monday, November 12, 2012

Board Of Alderman meeting at 7:00 PM Tuesday, 11/13/12

Ladies and Gentlemen, I wanted to put the agenda up here for all to see but the City Web site seems to have a glitch as I cant get in to copy it. I will call tomorrow and see what the problem is, but until then, pleas3e plan to attend as it may be well worth the time.

Until tomorrow when we have the agenda for the meeting, I remain,


The agenda as sent by Ms. Flowers. Please note that it's a server problem and NOT part of our sysrem that has us in limbo.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
1. Call to Order - Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call: Duncan Deutschmann Duchild Tennessen
Wallach Trueblood Miguel Foote
3. Approval of Minutes
October 23, 2012 Regular Meeting
4. Public Hearings
5. Reports, Presentations, Communications and Appointments
Proclamation for Old Newsboys Day 2013
Resolution Honoring Crestwood Citizens for Active Involvement in Government
- Char Braun, Jerry Bratsch, Jerry Thomas
6. Public Comment - Persons wishing to address the Board of Aldermen on issues that
are not on the agenda should do so at this time. Persons wishing to address the Board
on issues that are on the agenda will be given opportunity as subjects are discussed.
Because of time constraints, you may be asked to limit the time of your comments.
7. Zoning Board Report
8. City Administrator’s Report and Associated Bills
Approval of the Purchase of New Fire Truck
An Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Purchase of a Pumper and Fire
Apparatus from Smeal Fire Apparatus Company in the Total Sum of Five
Hundred Eleven Thousand Three Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($511,315.00) and
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute all Necessary Documents in
Connection with Said Purchase.
Revision of Municipal Code for No Smoking
An Ordinance Repealing Sections 16-57 and 16-58 of the Crestwood Municipal
Code in their Entirety and Enacting a New Section 16-57 to be Known as the
Indoor Clean Air Code.
Approval of ADA Grievance Procedures
Discussion of Financial Advisor Services for Crestwood Court Redevelopment
9. Perfection of Bills
10. Introduction of Other Bills
11. Reports from Mayor, Board Members & City Attorney
12. Introduction of Future Issues
13. Old Business
Selection of Developer for Crestwood Court Redevelopment
14. New Business
15. Adjournment
Posted: Friday, November 09, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Note: Due to ongoing City business, all meeting agendas should be considered tentative.

Tom Ford

NO. 1069

Friday, November 09, 2012

Veterans Day, 2012, Please, if you see a Veteran this weekend, that him or her for their service!

Ladies and Gentlemen, please take a moment of your time to thank the people who gave of themselves freely so we may ALL enjoy the day with our loved ones.

There re a thousand cliches by now that can be used to tug at your heart strings, but for now, please think of the 7% of all Americans that have and do protect us from harms way, and in doing so give up their youth to do it.

I am reminded of an old Navy song that went something like this, " I knew a lad, I knew him well and now I cannot find him. I knew this lad he went to sea, and now I canno't find him.

Away, away, he went to sea, and now I canno't find him, away, away, this lad was me, and now I canno't find him!"

The moral of that old sea chantey is simple, we signed on to protect America, we took an oath to do so, and lo and behold some of us ended up "over the horizon" in a shooting war that forever changed us, so please understand and thank a Veteran when you see one.

We Vietnam Veterans have a saying, "All gave something, some gave all!"

God bless you and your families.

Tom Ford


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Remember Paul Harvey the radio commentator?

The above was recorded 47 years ago by him. There is not much that I can add to a broadcast legend, so turn up your speakers and become enlightened by one of the truly greats from the past, when reporters were reporters and commentators did just that, comment!

Tom Ford

NO. 1067

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Public Works Director, Jim Eckrich resigns last Monday.

I heard today that we have lost our Public Works Director Mr. Jim Eckrich. I am given to understand that he has resigned to pursue other adventures.

More will be forthcoming when i flesh out this recent news.

Tom Ford

NO. 1066

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Election Day on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Tuesday November 6, 2012 is a day that ALL of us have a sacred duty to fulfill. Yes, we have to get out and vote for the person of your choice, no matter whom that may be.

Unless your a brand new reader of this Blog there should be no doubt who I am for, but that's not important now. What is important is that YOU ALL go to your polling place and cast YOUR ballot.

I have said it before, and I say it again now. I will never tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you to do your civic duty and vote, yes, it's that important that you do.

There is and will be voter intimidation, voter fraud, threats, and comments by fools on so called comedy shows, and all the remaining dirty tricks that either party can, and will toss in your way, but YOU must push that aside and VOTe!

Tom Ford

NO. 1065
