Thursday, July 24, 2014

Letter to the editor of the Call, reference Ms. Flowere departure.

I think it should go without question that this "family member's" loss will be felt for some time to come in Crestwood.

We have lost not only a good and faithful servant of the people, but also a good friend to those who knew her well.

Now, who do we have in the wings that can step right in and take over her job without a hiccup ? The short answer is NO ONE !

A memo to the City Fathers, please remember the old Chinese proverb, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." Now what do we do ?

I am not going to engage in reasons why she left, because we don't know the reasons, but I will say if this "bleeding" is fixable, we beat do it, and NOW !

One thing is for sure, she didn't leave for a higher salary (she took a pay cut to remain,) so it has to be another reason, so whatever that is, FIX IT before it's too late.

Tom Ford

NO. 3074

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

we lost our City clerk (Ms. Tina Flowers) yesterday, she resigned, why ?

While there is no official statement out as of yet that I have seen, we have in fact lost yet another very valuable employee.

I don't know the reasons behind this latest departure, but I do know that Crestwood will miss her expertise for some time to come !

Now who is in like to replace (very hard to do) her? As I said before there has been no official word out as of yet, so let's wait and see who the C/A has and more importantly, why.

I am beginning to think that there is something amiss at City Hall, were losing too many good employees and it's not a money issue, trust me.

What do you think is going on, and better yet, what would you do to fix it.

(Please remember, no personal attacks are allowed unless you sign your real name.)

Tom Ford

NO. 3073

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

The Call has issues with a couple of Crestwood officials, what do YOU think ?

"I see NOTHING,"

Well the honeymoon is over it would appear, so what is your opinion on the performance of the City with respect to the "Sunshine Law ?"

I will (for a change) hold mine except to answer a question (if there is one.)

Please remember that NO attacks will be allowed unless you sigh your real name. Those not doing it might as well save their manicure as I will delete it immediately.

Tom Ford

NO. 30772

Friday, July 04, 2014

Happy Birthday America !

Fellow "Crestwoodians," please let me take this moment to wish you all a very happy and safe Fourth of July.

Whatever your doing today may it be with good friends, and family, and please remember our young men and women who are still in harms way to preserve our freedom.

Tom Ford

NO. 3071

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Gas prices now a record 1290 days above $3.00 a gallon !

Well where are you going to go this weekend ? The gasoline pricing has gotten a bit out of hand, and some popular sports are seeing less and less participation due to it.

I have just returned from a trip to Syracuse, Indiana (Lake Wawasee) where the gas price for the boat was North of $5.00 per gallon, and car gas in some spots was $3.99.9 !

Now that the costs have become so high will you be staying closer to home ? I am thinking that many of us will be running fewer errands to the store, and combining our trips to cut costs.

I believe that this is a perfect time for the economic development commission and Mayor Roby to launch a "shop Crestwood First" campaign. The President believes that no crisis should ever be wasted, so why not use this one to boost the sales of Crestwood businesses ?

What do you think, and better yet, what would you suggest to the Mayor and EDC given the chance ?

Tom Ford

NO. 3070