Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Crestwood Board of Alderman meetings!

In the humble opinion of this writer our B.O.A. meetings have degenerated to the point of serious silly! At last night's exreavaganza we saw the President of the board waxing eloquently about the Mayor's decision to limit City employees from talking with the news media! Now at first blush, this seems rather restrictive, but as you look further, a city should have only one spokesman so that MIS-information is not disseminated to anyone. I agree with the mayor in that I have been in positions where the media has the situation completely wrong, and I only had a part of the puzzle, so I couldn't comment either. One person must be designated as the spokesperson for the City, and only one! And who best to do that, why the Mayor of course.

Tom Ford


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first forty min of almost a five hour BOA meeting on Tuesday night was spent on restoring Don Greer as the City media contact person, taking that position away from the mayor. Alderman Trueblood (president of the BOA) demanded the change and carried the issue against the mayor by a four to three margin, one abstained.

One wonders what the long serving alderman Trueblood has in mind? He has worked on the BOA for the last twelve years. Alderman Trueblod and the three other BOA members, voting to strip mayor Robinson all recently supporting a number of city projects for the benifit of our residents. Interest and principal payments of $10 million dollars for a new Aquatic center in 2002 paying down the debt over ten years at over $1.08 million dollars a year. A new Police Building interest and principal payments $14 million over twenty years annual payments $733,000 a year from the Capital Improvements Fund ( note we designed this two times spending $1.6 million dollars and ending up with no affordable design). Recomended a real property tax increase for ten years to pay for the not to exceed $6 million dolar ten year GO bond stating with out it Crestwood would have to cut fire and police.

In April mayor Fagan was voted out of office, the GO bond failed and the new Mayor Robinson pledged to cut long tem debt, city costs and maintain fire and police services. The new mayor also stated the City needed to rehire a city administrator and stop using one man as the police chief and city administrator.

April 2005 to date the city long term debt was Cut by close to $14 million dollars and the cost reductions made have gone a long way to putting our city back on track. Applicants to fill the vacant city administraor job are now being reviewed, yes one wonders what Alderman Trueblod has on his mind?

11:22 AM, October 27, 2005  

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