Thursday, November 10, 2005

Cartoon? In the SunCrest call

Well, folks the Suncrest Call has outdone themselves this week with their Cartoon? on the Letter's to the editor page. Here we see two caractures of the Mayor put forth in a fashion that my Grandson could eclipse!

I guess these lad's at the call have taken up a drawing class offered on TV. Why else would we see such childish drawing's by a grown adult? I will be the first to admit I am no artist, but these drawings are so childish as to defy reason!

Boy's, if you like. I can suggest something like "etch a sketch" for your artistic longing's, as what you have now just isn't making it!

Or to paraphrase William Shakespeare's "Mac Beth", "These cartoon's are a tale told by idiot's, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!

No 15


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Suncrest CALL has now proven it has equal artistic and writing skills, did we expect more? It is an editorial flop house. Everyone knows this. People don't take a rag like this seriously. The people who advertise probably think the unsolicited circulation/free paper thing is welcome in mailboxes. Think again.

10:39 PM, November 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion for all of those who are disgusted that the Suncrest Call has turning into the Crestwood Enquirer. Boycott the newspaper! Call the publishing office and tell them to take you off their mailing list! Call the businesses that advertise with them and beg them to stop paying for this gossip rag. Sometimes I am so mad by what I read, I don't even look at the ads! Advise the paper that if they can't keep their opinions out, and just report the pertinent facts, that they are disgracing all of us! Talk about not listening. A.G. Edwards officials warned the board of alderman that negative publicity would hurt the city's credit rating, not defeasing the COPS! Tell the Suncrest call that they are hurting all of us! Stop the Trueblood/Greer press machine!

11:44 AM, November 11, 2005  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

While I would love to rid myself of this waste of space and paper, I may be getting a new puppy soon, so there may be a use for it.

Where is Al Gore when we need a "tree hugged"? I'm sure he would object to cutting down anything that could be used to make paper, to publish that fine town crier!

4:40 PM, November 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WARNING: If you call to cancel the SunCrest Call, they will hang up on you. This has been my personal experience. I recommend writing "Return to Sender" on the paper and placing it back in your mailbox (don't forget to put the flag up). Not only might they finally stop sending the paper, they hopefully will have to pay the return postage!

11:26 PM, November 14, 2005  

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