Crestwood charter commission, partisan politics, or business at the same old political stand?
Well Ladies, and Gentlemen, we now have a handle on what the "shadow charter commission" has been looking into since being appointed by our defeated Mayor Fagan. In case you haven't heard about the meetings, or who is on the board, don't feel bad, they apparently don't want you, or I to know who they are, or what they are doing!
You know, if I were them, I wouldn't want you to know it either! We have a community in complete disarray due to fiscal mis- management, a BOA that is so divided by petty politics, and a City that will surely fail unless we all work together!
That said, guess what our "Charter Commission" has come up with in the last year, ways to help the City? A proclamation to require the BOA to stop this Mickey Mouse in fighting? An idea as to how we can better the community? NO, NO, and NO!
What we get is a three fold recommendation to prop up the person who recommended that they be appointed to the commission (imagine that)! Preliminary reports have it that we will see three recommendations to the BOA at their next meeting, 1: Censure for our Mayor Roy Robinson! 2: Dropping term limits for the Aldermen who got us into this mess! And 3: Eliminate the tie breaking vote of the Mayor!
These are recommendations to become ordinances, if we allow them to be rammed down our throats, so may I suggest we all band together and put a stop to this "band of extremists" before this City goes completely down the tubes!
Who the heck runs this City? A bunch of doddering, failed, old has beens, or a new, and vibrant group of citizens who believe in Crestwood,(and the Mayor), and know that it can return to the greatness it once was before their so called leadership? I can't, and won't speak for any of you on this one, but by the almighty, you had better get out there and speak for yourselves before it's too late, or you will be seeing St. Louis County police cars on your street, as we will become an un-incorporated section of the county!
Folk's this is as serious as a heart attack! We have a great community here, we need to stand up and say no to people who would bring it down just because their boy lost the last election! I ask you, who will join me at the BOA meeting, and tell these leftovers that their fifteen minutes are up, previous Mayor Fagan lost, and were sick and tired of the imbecile, childish, and divisive politics being played by them! Boy's, and girl's, the citizens are sick and tired of your act, get it together. Or resign!
Residents, please join with me to vote out all these so called City leaders who oppose the City moving forward, and bring in some new voices for fiscal responsibility!!!
No 24
You know, if I were them, I wouldn't want you to know it either! We have a community in complete disarray due to fiscal mis- management, a BOA that is so divided by petty politics, and a City that will surely fail unless we all work together!
That said, guess what our "Charter Commission" has come up with in the last year, ways to help the City? A proclamation to require the BOA to stop this Mickey Mouse in fighting? An idea as to how we can better the community? NO, NO, and NO!
What we get is a three fold recommendation to prop up the person who recommended that they be appointed to the commission (imagine that)! Preliminary reports have it that we will see three recommendations to the BOA at their next meeting, 1: Censure for our Mayor Roy Robinson! 2: Dropping term limits for the Aldermen who got us into this mess! And 3: Eliminate the tie breaking vote of the Mayor!
These are recommendations to become ordinances, if we allow them to be rammed down our throats, so may I suggest we all band together and put a stop to this "band of extremists" before this City goes completely down the tubes!
Who the heck runs this City? A bunch of doddering, failed, old has beens, or a new, and vibrant group of citizens who believe in Crestwood,(and the Mayor), and know that it can return to the greatness it once was before their so called leadership? I can't, and won't speak for any of you on this one, but by the almighty, you had better get out there and speak for yourselves before it's too late, or you will be seeing St. Louis County police cars on your street, as we will become an un-incorporated section of the county!
Folk's this is as serious as a heart attack! We have a great community here, we need to stand up and say no to people who would bring it down just because their boy lost the last election! I ask you, who will join me at the BOA meeting, and tell these leftovers that their fifteen minutes are up, previous Mayor Fagan lost, and were sick and tired of the imbecile, childish, and divisive politics being played by them! Boy's, and girl's, the citizens are sick and tired of your act, get it together. Or resign!
Residents, please join with me to vote out all these so called City leaders who oppose the City moving forward, and bring in some new voices for fiscal responsibility!!!
No 24
I believe you need to be more proactive in getting your information. You have made several statements that are incorrect. You could have even attended the meetings, I have.
The item regarding censure was to protect elected officials from being dismissed from their duties if they had any violation of the Charter.
The item regarding the dropping the term limits is just giving a choice to the voters. The voters elect the officials. If they find someone consistantly doing a good job, why not have the experience and background knowledge?
The third item regarding the Mayor having the ability to break a tie vote regarding ordances was not eliminated. This was just a verbiage change to clarify that the Mayor has the ability to do so.
Maybe you need to publish facts instead of fiction. It is comments like yours that mislead the public.
Why don't you focus on the fact that Crestwood will be 1 million dollars in debt again at the end of 2006? If you would look at the financials provided by the city, you would see that after separating the amounts owed from one fund to another, the general fund is over 1 million dollars in debt. This is not a check book. These funds should remain separated to reflect the income and expenses respectively.
Wake up!
Thanks for your response! I encourage everyone with somthing to say to do it.
After all, this is one way to bring the issues to some of the citizens in town.
If you wish to post a headline story, just send it to me via E-mail, and I will post it verbatum.
Thanks again!
Just as a foot note to Anonymous, I have "woke up", and so have a lot of other Crestwood residents! We "woke up" to the fact that spending has gotten out of control in the last three years, and we don't like what we see!
You say look at the financials, well that's great, I have, and I have read the proposed budget, ( it said the general fund will be up in 2006), so who are we to believe?
As far as dropping term limits, it's much more than "giving a choice to the voters", it's a way to keep the same old tax and spend crowd in tact.
And as for censure, why would we protect elected officials if they wantonly violated the Charter, after all the Charter is what we live by, (or should).
So, all in all, I appreciate the ideas of the commission, but as for me, I reject them as being more of a problem to the city than a help.
That said however, I greatly appreciate your contribution to the blog, and I hope you will continue, as I feel that this is a great way to get all sides of the issues, thoughts, and, ideas out to the citizens so they can make up their own minds.
Regarding the blog which mentioned the Charter and thought one blog had several statements that were incorrect. I was wondering if the writer could list a few examples of the violations (of Mayor or Alderman) of the charter which would fall under the censure clauses. Also, there were 2 tie breaking items, the one not mentioned is that the Mayor could not break a tie for appointments. What is the arguement behind this change? As for term limits, right now at this time and this place, it would term limits are desperately needed and the original charter coverage on this should stay intact if for no other reason that to resolve this writers final paragraph - the city is 1 Mil in debt and city hall and the public works building are collateral. Terming out those who failed to see the train coming is not a bad idea, it is a great idea. However, a blog is a blog so since I am looking for healthy debate, bring it on. This is as good a place as any.
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