Saturday, November 05, 2005

Crestwood resident outraged by board's decision!

I am absolutely outraged by the board’s decision to overturn our Mayor’s ability to represent our city to the press. We did not elect Mr. Greer (or should I say “smear”) and I do not want him representing our city! Did you notice that while Mr. Greer was silenced, our city was no longer front page news to the press. With the SunCrest call reporting only what occurred during BOA meetings, the city of Crestwood’s image improved ten-fold. All they were reporting on were the facts. Residents, like myself, began feeling more positive about Crestwood. How could you not! There was an end to all the gossip and rumors, plus there was no negative slant to the facts in the SunCrest call. No longer overwhelmed with this weekly attack on our city, residents, like myself, and non-residents became quite a bit more encouraged regarding the city of Crestwood. I am shocked the majority of our Alderman failed to recognize this. Do they want our city run through the mud? The minute Greer opened his mouth, we are front page again with a story about how the Mayor has silenced city employees from speaking with the press. Oh, and surprise, surprise! problems arise and tempers flare from Greer’s statements to the press.

I personally think that Mr. Greer should be written up or removed from his position for talking to the press. Don’t mistake what he has done; he is no whistleblower. He is blowing his own tune and hurting our city. He simply should have referred the press to our Mayor and said nothing else. By outing to the press the details of a direct order from his boss, he basically did not perform as requested. I question whether Mr. Greer really has the best interest of Crestwood at heart. If he took issue with the Mayor’s request, he should have first discussed it with the Mayor directly. Secondly, he could contact the BOA individually or possibly even the city attorney. Instead, he went directly to the press. Personally, I’m tired of Mr. Greer’s stunts and, Mr. Trueblood, I question your loyalty to our city as well (that’s actually funny given your name)!

Aside from all of the above, just think about this: How well does a City Administrator who is driving an Alderman underwritten, city paid luxury car represent a financially strapped city? In any other city, corruption bells would ring!

Marilee Sauer
Crestwood Resident since 2003 (Via E-mail)

No 8


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corruption bells are ringing. The volume just needs to be turned up. Wonder what the bank will do with city hall and the public works facility? The people of Crestwood had better listen up. This man's BMW and $830/month car allowance were just the tip of the iceberg. Imagine what lies beneath. If you believe one word that comes out of this man's mouth,you are part of the problem.

12:23 AM, November 19, 2005  

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