Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election day, Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen. I hope we all recognize the importance of the tax increase on the ballot today. The City cannot afford to continue to loose personnel, as we need all the fire, police, emt, parks, ETC that we have now! I know many of you look at a tax increase as a vehicle to cut more of your spendable income, but in this case, believe me, it's needed!

I have worked in communities where we were short handed at the police department, as well as fire rescue, and I will tell you that you never want to experience that sort of "public service". I have seen calls "stacked" (taking the most urgent first), because we were out of responders, and if your the one with the emergency, it seems like a "lifetime" before your help arrives!

No matter what the intentions of some on the B.O.A., we still need a full force to protect us from what ever, and to be there with paramedic's when we need them, no more, no less!

I have lived in Crestwood since March of 1970, raised two son's (both police officers). I am a past commander of the Crestwood VFW, as well as a member of The fraternal order of police, (Ret), a U.S. Navy veteran, and I have two grand children!

Why do I tell you this? Because I wish to stay in Crestwood, a City which was vibrant when we moved here, and a City that will be that way again!

I ask for your help in making it happen!

No 12


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I wish to thank you all for getting on the side of the city, and voting for thr tax increase! I wish we would have gone a bit further, and allowed the increase on the residential property as that would have shown our business community that were all in this tighether, but it is a start!

Now, let's back the Mayor, and start to move tward fiscal responsibility for a change!

7:55 PM, November 09, 2005  

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