Thursday, November 10, 2005

Long time Crestwood resident feel's the City is in "Crisis"


Well it's almost that time again, when candidates for aldermen will be running for office in the City of Crestwood. Judging from the antics of some members of the board, the qualifications seem similar to that of a Chimpanzee.

Speaking of qualifications - I remember at a board of aldermen meeting several weeks ago when Alderman Kelleher and others on the board questioned Mayor Robinson regarding the qualifications of Martha Duchild, a crestwood resident, to be appointed to the Civil Service Board. Had they been judged by their actions and how they posture themselves on the board of aldermen, the question should be asked "what qualifications do they have to be aldermen? Further, I would also like to state that it has always been a rule that board of aldermen members are not to get involved in personnel matters. Therefore, I feel that it should be against policy to have them vote for members of the Civil Service Board, which is set up specifically for “personnel matters”.

Here we are in crisis in our city and the board of aldermen members sit up there and play politics. With the exception of Alderman Jerry Miquel, I don’t hear anyone asking the so- called financial wizards for accountability.

The residents are given a bunch of numbers that make no sense that change all the time. The Director of Finance makes $70,500 per year; and her full-time accountant makes $41,500 per year. We also have an Economic Development person who makes $58,000 per year, and an Assistant City Administrator who makes $46,500. Then we have a secretary who makes $36,900. Add them up folks and do your arithmetic! They were all hired by the previous city administrator, who said we had a hiring freeze but lifted it every time he wanted to add one more female to his pack. Makes sense to me – after all – we are broke.

People have nerve enough to chastise the previous administration for not doing their jobs. Alderman Miquel stated at a board meeting that he has been waiting for answers from the Finance Department since LAST APRIL! HELLO IS ANYBODY HOME!

The audit! What good is it to have one, if the suggestions are never followed. Mr. Greer still drives his $50,000 BMW. He changed everything including the civil service rules and regulations. Of course we needed all this new computer software to the tune of $100,000 plus for financial purposes. And we still can’t get the numbers right! And I challenge any of the Fagan Five to tell me we are better off now. But they still pay “homage” to the previous city administrator as if he saved the city. And while he was flexing his self-serving muscles and showing the board of aldermen how wonderful he is – who was taking care of us, the citizens?

One minute the finances are X amount of dollars and then it changes and changes again and again and again. And what do most the board members do? Some suck up to him through osmosis or a drug cause it makes them feel powerful, some turn the other way and pretend nothing is wrong and others fight the mayor because they say he doesn’t have a plan. Listen Up Puppets! The mayor has a plan – but you’re not listening. If you listened, you might be able to pull this city out of the muck and work as a team. But some of the board members are having much too much fun playing politics to worry about the people who voted for them.

Nero danced and Rome burned!

Sandy Grave`
Crestwood Resident
(via E-mail)

No 14


Anonymous Anonymous said...

During the course of an alderman meeting, Richard Breeding having given in to political pressure for voting to seat a lady on the Civil Service Board reversed his vote to a NO. She was then unseated. His reason, really didn't know enough about this board to pass judgement. (How many years has he been an alderman - what else doesn't he know?) This reversal was highly suspect and unprescedented. He made a complete fool of himself. Up the road he voted to seat her. Did he bone up on the Civil Service Board, or discover its lack of existance? Alderman Kelleher said he had no information on the lady but knew her to be confrontational. Yet, Mr. Kelleher has no bio info on the city website and he is olympic at confrontation. Who is this man anyway, where does he work? What is he all about? Besides his bi-monthly classless ramblings on the BOA,name one thing this man has done to proudly serve this community or represent his ward?

7:47 PM, November 12, 2005  

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