Saturday, November 05, 2005

"The power of one" As shown by a Crestwood resident!

When it comes to teamwork on Crestwood’s BOA, the residents are being shortchanged. In times when this town needs life support, we are seeing divisiveness and petty politics. The meetings have been reduced to a game divided into two teams. This game I have named "Despicable." The rules include disrupting, discouraging and disputing chances to unite for the greater good. The teams are 5 on one side (Team 1), and 2 or 3 on the other (Team 2). No handicap. The object of the game is for the loud majority to reduce logic to dust and try to out mayor the new duly elected mayor. The previous administration, with tentacles into the new one, is so pathetically vindictive that despite an unfathomable debt load, which happened on their watch, and a projected need for a $3.5 M. dollar LOC, with 2 of our city buildings used as collateral – they simply refuse to join hands. Obviously this game is for age 10 and under.
Since the "mismanagement of funds" allegations and the replacement of the alleged perpetrators, the city has not made a noticeable turnaround nor has it thrived. The State Audit found non-compliance with standard procedure and lack of accountability. Yet replacement staff has avoided providing us with the comfort of evidence of compliance with the recommendations. Further, this staff has not provided the sound or timely or persistent advice necessary to implement the drastic measures needed while we were staring at bankruptcy. Rather, against these odds and fierce citizen opposition, they and Team 1 continued to force plans for the $14 M Dollar City Hall Rehab down our throats. Residents voted no on Prop 1 because of the trust factor and a need for facts pertaining to the use of the funds.
Knowing full well that lost revenue was a serious problem, why would Team 1 and replacement staff look the other way when the cupboard was bare? Why did they chose to ignore an Alderman on Team 2 who wisely suggested defeasing bonds 2 years ago and then do an about face when the bank came looking for explanations and collateral. Why are the winners the bank, contractors, architects, bondsmen, lawyers, and office furniture stores? Why didn’t reducing personnel and combining services become an idea SOONER? Why did they vote to lease a suite at Westfield Plaza? Why can’t these grown men use the "Power of One" to bring this city back? Why did they disguise themselves as public servants when they weren’t even close? Why are they belligerent, rude, disruptive and unproductive? What is the incentive? Who benefits? Why did over 2000 residents have to grind the ground breaking of the $14 Million Dollar "Bricks of Nonsense" to a halt?
Team 1 has been wasting our time and our money for how long now; more recently making issue of the Mayor representing the city with the media? You bet there are "Bigger Fish To Fry." They shout the Mayor down at every opportunity, needlessly challenge his authority and demean people appointed to citizen boards who support Crestwood in its effort to make the changes that should have been made while Rome was burning. Newly appointed board members deserve better than the flap they have had to endure. Rather than assume there are solutions presented by Team 2, which have merit, Team 1 has chosen drama and brimstone. They deny the politics of reason in order to hold together their little power club, which as we now know was asleep at the wheel while revenues dipped and expenses soared unchallenged. Thank heavens for Term Limits!
BOA Watch is going on. It is time for a new game, new rules, and the new City Administrator. Actually, time to consider completely removing from the scene those whose managing style, lack of direction, scruples and qualifications proved a detriment to our community. We have a new Mayor, who held an enlightening, appreciated and well-attended Town Hall Meeting recently. Team 2 Aldermen, despite being the minority vote, are applying their considerable knowledge and expertise diligently to matters at hand; their agenda clear and positive. Progress is starting to rear its head in Crestwood as we watch these few good men supported by constituancy represent us in spite of political hindrance. Visit a meeting, watch the clowns, you will know right away who they are. Then join Team 2 and help replace the stigma of the past administration and its leftovers with the best PLAN yet. The one where we can once again see the light of day and recognize the wonderful town in which we chose to make our home. How about that for an "Idea Whose Time Has Come?"
Carol Casey
Crestwood Resident (published with concent of the auther)

No 9


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should not the mayor speak for the city? He was elected by the entire city, not just a ward. Greer was not elected by the people. Was greer one of those in a back room closed door meeting that purposed a new city hall when all those businesses have closed their doors, and the city has lost all those taxes? Now he is a spoksman for the city.I can't believe any sane people whould purpose spending all those millions at a time when the city is in the red. Question: are they stupid or corrupt?

10:58 AM, November 06, 2005  

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