Friday, December 16, 2005

Crestwood to get new shopping center!

Proposed shopping center gets initial OK


Crestwood aldermen have given preliminary approval for a 58,000-square-foot, high-end shopping center at the southeast corner of Old Sappington and Watson roads.

The proposed Sappington Square would be across from Crestwood Mall to the north, Schnucks plaza to the east, Barnes & Noble to the west and residential properties to the south. The 5.6-acre site would feature four commercial buildings and a parking lot.

A spokesman for the developer, Brinkman Constructors, described the project as a "high-end, specialty boutique." He declined to mention potential tenants.

Earlier, the planning and zoning commission recommended approval of the project with several stipulations. The council won't consider a final plat until all stipulations are met. The site has a small shopping center, an auto shop and a historic home. The developers said they plan to relocate the house.

(click on the story title to go to the P.D. site) No. 37


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Indeed, this will be a boost to the entire area! A few up-scale stores is just the ticket to help revive the shopping areas.

I am glad that the board ok'd this project, and i hope we can attract more.

6:08 PM, December 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree too. I heard through the grapevine that this development was actually started several years ago by the old city staff. Glad to see the new staff team didn't mess it up too. From what I've read on this board and heard they seem to have had a few screw-ups - BMW car allowances, hanky panky at city hall, $100,000 computer software that doesn’t work a year after it was purchased and millions spent on plans for city hall/police project that, thank god, won’t be built. I hope Mayor Robinson can clean things up!

12:14 PM, December 21, 2005  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Mayor Robinson has the right ideas to make Crestwood vibrent again, but he needs new faces on the board to do it.

There is no way that he can do anything with five members voting aganst him when ever he comes up with a new plan, so the only option is to vote out the nay sayers, replace them with good people who are willing to listen, and move ahead!

4:41 PM, December 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct! April can not come soon enough! Hopefully the new council will demand an accounting of the problems that went on with this Greer guy, the Finance person who gets paid $70k a year and can't answer a simple question etc. I liked Crestwood a lot better before these people took over!

5:15 PM, December 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are still people around who remember Crestwood when it had major growing spurts. When Kohl's was Schnucks, Flaming Pit, and a Shoe Repair Shop. Next door was Bel Air Motel, a Minature Golf Range, Danny's Donut,a Funeral Parlor and McDonalds. Crestwood Theater was replaced by Lindberg Cadillac. We had a trailor park on the Barnes and Nobel site and the Mall was not enclosed. Applebee's Center was a Nursery; the new Schnucks was the 66 Drive In. Progress is not viewed equally by all people, but see it as you may, Crestwood did undergo many complimentary facelifts in the 70's and early 80's. Indeed,Watson Road has an interesting business mix and this can be attributed to past level headed city leadership, and planning and zoning. Thanks to this growth spurt and the Plaza, Mayor Joe Vitalis was able to reduce our taxes to an amazing 22/100. The city then built a new city hall/fire station, followed by Whitecliff Park, bridge and the pool; and the Public Works facility now Sam's Club which moved to Pardee Road to property purchased from a utility company. In recent years, tax revenue dipped as competition from neighboring cities took a major toll. Regretably,along with lost funds went sound leadership. While Crestwood's population, size and resident needs remained fixed, funding and rationale did not. Then in came a Jesse James continegent of leadership complete with the help of a willing cheerleader in the form of unqualified staff help whose mindset spelled political dynasty at any cost, and who had tried but failed this plot in a former life. As the financial trainwreck was coming down the track in Crestwood, this brainwashed group of would be politicos voted YES to lease an office suite while building a $14 Million Dollar Structure to house their arrogance and power. This despite the handwriting on the wall - no money. Alas, a resident group nipped this one in the bud. Now, these board majority mental giants have been forced by their lack of common sense and decency to mortage our future with a 3.5 M. Dollar LOC, defease the original bonds, and find a way to sell the constituancy on a tax increase and as importantly the idea that they can be trusted. They cannot seem to balance the budget, and their main concern has been to malign the new Mayor, protect their Hooveresque chariot master, drive up legal bills, dispute the many good suggestions made by the 2 aldermen on the board with their heads on straight,and force ordinances on the ballot next April which will do away with term limits. Now tell me, is this the group you want around while we are trying to redeem our collateralized city hall and public works building, bring in new business and put on a happy face. Term limits is just one way to turn our city around, but for starters it's a darned good one.

3:04 PM, December 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for growth. Personally, I like Kohl's and Sam's is great. I just can't believe that with all this high priced administrative and finance talent we are paying for, we can't get straight answers to simple questions. Has someone looked into this lawsuit that is going to cost another $100,000 that we don't have? I read the “Forensic Audit” that was mentioned in another post and it was written by the two people who can’t answer simple finance questions. I hope that we’ve got good lawyers for $100,000, I think we are going to need them……

4:24 PM, December 22, 2005  

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