Saturday, December 10, 2005

Resident concerned about 2006 budget in Crestwood

Dear Crestwood Citizens,
I have commented in the past in public of concerns about the financial direction and presentations. I urge the residents to attend the December 13 public hearing addressing the 2006 budget. The last time that the City had a balanced budget was FY 2000. I would encourage the BOA and Mayor to review the financial comparisons during that time period to grasp if knowledge can be garnered from that time period of efficiency.
The defeasment of the COPS 2002 Bond should have strengthened Crestwood’s overall financial position. This has solidified the Capital Improvement fund’s financial position. However, what we thought would be a $733,000 annual savings due to the defeasement in the Capital Improvement fund has been whittled down to $230,000 according to the recent budget. The BOA needs to make a conscious effort to ensure that revenues exceed the expenditures along with reserve funds set aside for other needs.
Recently, the BOA has reorganized the Parks and Public Works Department. The Parks Fund is getting closer in being able to stand on its own without relying on assistance. The reason why I say this is that there is a $215,000 grant for the construction of the restroom at Whitecliff Park that will be received in 2006; however, expenses were incurred in 2005. Without this grant money, the fund would have a negative balance of about $200,000. Therefore, work still needs to be done for a balanced Parks fund.
The General Fund continues to be of concern as it relies on transfers from the Capital Improvement and Parks & Stormwater funds. The recent passing of the 2 proposals is a start in assisting the revenue stream. The General fund expenditures include the salaries of our city staff, police and fire department. There has been discussion of suggestive cuts in the Police and Fire Departments. I would caution in this direction if it adversely affects Crestwood’s safety. The BOA and Mayor will need to determine if additional cuts in other areas are warranted and keep a continued eye on expenditures.
In a recent email from an Alderman, the response was the following: "We've got to stop the finger pointing, stop the name calling, stop the accusations and undertones, and work for Crestwood. It starts with the Board and if they cannot play along together, how can we ever expect our citizens to?"
Crestwood citizens want an openness with the City and one that is fiscally responsible. Public requests for information must be responded to in a timely manner. If any tax issue is placed on a ballot, the BOA and Mayor need to deliver an overall present and future financial plan as to why the increase is needed. The current BOA needs to portray a willingness to do what is right for the best interest of Crestwood and stop the insinuations. Lastly, I whole heartedly agree with the Alderman’s comments.
This coming April is election time in the 4 wards. There will be an opportunity for a fresh start in Crestwood for new faces with different ideas as to how the City of Crestwood should proceed forward. Crestwood means so much to us and we want it to thrive again! I believe that Crestwood will come back to its glory days and it all starts with the citizens involvement in April voting for their candidate whom they feel will strive for fiscal responsibility and whom has the desire to do what is right and fair and in the best interests of Crestwood.

Darryl Wallach
(via E-mail) No.34

Click on the headder to be directed to the 2006 budget.


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well said sir! it seems to me that, in the words of a past United States Senator, Earnest Hollings, "there's too much
consumin' going on here"! Our problem in Crestwood is that we are out consuming the intake! And we are not moving in the right direction!

We can cure this in April, and I pray that all of us in Crestwood will go to the polls, and vote for the person of your choice,as we need your help to fix whats wrong.

10:37 AM, December 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need someone who can be trusted and is really smart as well. I have always been impressed with Jim Murphy. Just look at all the great letters he has written to the papers! May be he can run for Mayor some day. Or maybe alderman in April.. Doesn't he live in Ward 3? That would be a spot for him to start in turning Crestwood around.

5:54 PM, December 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when the 2006 will be passed? Seems like time is running out......

5:44 PM, December 27, 2005  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2006 budget will not be voted on until at least January 10, 2006. It may take longer than that if no one understands the thing, and from the last meeting, they don't!

5:50 PM, December 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the budget: After 2 serious audits, numerous budget meetings and requests for information (largely ignored by incapable staff)and the renewal and increase of the LOC, the failure of 2 ballots issues for a tax increase and the overall condition and priority of the city finances, pray tell what is the hangup? There are 8 Aldermen and 1 Mayor and 14,000 residents wondering why the budget resembles War and Peace and what exactly the people putting it together are doing to earn their salaries. Their huge compensation should have required some midnight oil - WORKING! Apparently this was too much to ask. How soon can we expect the resignation of those responsible for the delay? Please elected officials, get these staff monkeys off your back, our back, this is zero hour. You are the 9 responsible parties here for letting this happen. If you plan to ask for another tax increase, then Show Us the Money and all 9 of you impress us with your ability to make the moves up at city hall which will serve the best interest of the community. Forget your politics, you need the people a whole lot more than you need your City Hall liason, who has sold you a bill of goods,and has tried to make the budget so complicated no one can understand it. Your loyalty is now to the residents and your reputation is now based on your ability to do what has to be done. NOW! Get this man's signature and that FO's signature on the entire budget and if there are problems, well, this is why we have an Attorney General. I don't think there is a single city official who is not now realizing the enormity of the mistake of letting unqualified people mickey mouse them around and stall the budget and they end up biting the bullet. Wise up! You can are all capable people.

5:34 PM, December 30, 2005  

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