Saturday, December 03, 2005

Response to Anonymous, from the post on the Charter commision


Dear Anonymous -

If you feel that you are so absolutely right about the issues in the
Crestwood Charter - why go "anonymous". You see, that bothers me because it implies
that although you wish to be outspoken about things - you are too afraid to tell
us who you are. There has to be a reason for your anonimity. I liked your
explanations and was with you until you told us to WAKE UP! This tells me that
you feel that I, as well as others, are "asleep at the wheel". I can assure
you, Anonymous, we are not asleep and see only too well. Here is why!

How can you blame us for any misunderstandings when, first of all we, the
people, could have participated more, given our input and had our
misunderstandings clarified - but meetings were not properly publicized. You cannot just post
things on the web (everyone doesn't have a computer) and you cannot just post
it in the Crestwood Connections. People who have to work and those with
children have hectic lives. They pay the bills, take kids to their sporting games
and piano lessons, and are pro-active in churches or organizations. We have
elected board of aldermen members to help protect us. they all took an oath
to do that. No offense to the Crestwood Connections but many times people read
it "on the run" or do not read it all.
I was part of the original charter commission and we agonized over term
limits and decided in favor of term limits because every citizen should be given a
chance to work for their community. To do away with term limits just gives
incumbents the edge by continuing to run for office all the time. Even though
someone can run against an incumbent, that person has a lesser chance to win
because, as you said, incumbents have the knowedge and expertise (sometimes I
wonder). However, seeing what I have seen on that podium and the way
incumbents disrespect the mayor, roll their eyes and posture themselve in such a way
that it matters not to them what he says - they are playing "politics" and it is
extremely obvious. In fact, it is so bad that for the first time in our
history, an appointment to a commission was nearly voted down -not because that
person wasn't qualified but because she had a difference of opinion and "hurt
some feelings" on the board by her remarks. This tells us that you have to
agree with board members or you may not get to be a commission member some day.
There goes our fundamental right of free speech! Didn't President Harry Tuman
say - "if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen".

The objective for an appointment on any board should be - is that person
reliable and forthcoming - but when you loose your objectivity - then it becomes a
personal thing which should not be part of a criteria for being appointed to
a committee PERIOD!

The Charter is such an important document which sits at the right hand of our
City but still I saw no information about the charter meetings on the "right
of ways" telling residents and welcoming them to attend. BUT - you will see
signs everywhere when it's time to run for office and mayoral and altermanic
seats are waiting to be filled. Why did we not have questionaires - like we
had with the original charter? SO, anonymous - don't telll me to wake up!
The city would rather put it on the ballot so we have to go through it all
again! And I guarantee you - propaganda will be all over the place. We all know
that no matter how it is presented on the ballot and no matter how clear we
want it to be - some interpretations willl be confusing. The mayor even stated
how important clarity will be come voting time.

I woke up a long time ago - anonymous - as I worked for Crestwood for over 30
years and retired. And I can say, that I have never seen a board of
aldermen so intent on NOT WORKING TOGETHER - as is obvious now. I have tried for
many months to speak with several aldermen. By their silence - they have told me
that although I am an Crestwood resident - I am not worthy of a response. So,
this is the other side of the coin and maybe you should WAKE UP AND SMELL THE
COFFEE. If the board of aldermen like a divided board - then they should
keep up the good work!

Sandy Grave`
Crestwood Resident
(Via E-mail) No.31


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