Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Thought's on Politics in Crestwood, and why we are where we are.

As we come to the end of 2005, I have been mulling over the City I have lived in for so long, and why we seem to be the brunt of so many less than favorable articles in the local newspapers. At first blush I thought it must be a vendetta against the City, but as I looked at it further, I began to realize that the articles were a reflection of Crestwood politics, and nothing more.

Lets review the status of the City, visa vi the current Mayor (Roy Robinson), and the BOA. As far as I can tell from the meetings I have attended, the Mayor has gone out of his way to work with the BOA to cut spending, improve our cash flow, and make sure the right people for the job have been appointed. Now we come to the BOA, and we see a very different picture here, as only two of the eight Aldermen are willing to listen to the Mayor, and the remainder seem to be in lock step with the old administration. We have even seen an Alderman change his vote in the middle of a meeting to refuse a volunteer a chance to serve on a board!

Then we have the posturing by some members of the board to insure their names get into the paper, why just pick up a copy of the City Charter, wave it around, and your sure to get some space in the paper! We have others who wish to change the very Charter we live by (or should be), to advance their agenda, for who knows what purpose.

I could go on, but you all know too well the problems we face, and I will tell you that this petty political posturing does nothing for Crestwood, and frankly, I, for one, am sick and tired of seeing my City in a negative light because of it.

There is an old saying that simply states, "lead, follow, or get out of the way", Now if you can't, or won't at least listen to Mayor Robinson, may I respectfully suggest you "resign to spend more time with the family".

You see, Ladies and Gentlemen of the board, after thirty five years in Crestwood, I now have a dog in the fight, a four old Grandson, and a soon to be born Grand daughter, and I want a vibrant City with all the parks, and recreation available to them, as their fathers had when we moved here.

As for the paper being negative, well how can you blame them, they are only printing what you regurgitate at the BOA meetings! Step back some time, look past yourselves, and ask, what are we doing for Crestwood? Because my friends Crestwood needs all of us to work together to get out of this mess were in!

I am attaching a quote that seems to reflect the attitude of those who would further the agenda of the past administration in lieu of progress, and to those who thwart the Mayor at every turn. I think Mayor Robinson has been very humble in his approach to the BOA, he has attempted to reach out for help, only to be rebuked, and told "he has no plan". Well as Machiavelli said, it hasn't helped, and his quote may be why. Think about it!

"It is often seen how humility not only does not help, but hurts, especially used with insolent men who, by envy or by another cause, have conceived hatred for you." Niccolo Machiavelli

Tom Ford, Ward two



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