Saturday, January 21, 2006

Crestwood site of police/ swat team criminal chase, and capture!

Please click on the title to be directed to the Post Dispatch story, interesting indeed!

Tom Ford

No. 56


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if our Police Chief was on the scene? I would hope that he was present. I didn't see the BMW on TV so I don't know if he was. Now that we have a new CA, we finally will have a full time Police Chief to focus on things like this event.

9:04 AM, January 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the Police Chief was on the scene, showing the concern that he always has for the officers that work for him. Mr. Greer has fought to increase salaries for those officers, get them the best equipment so that safety is not an issue, and even tried to improve their working conditions.

I agree with some comments made here about everyone focusing on petty issues. Since Mr. Ford likes to share famous quotes, allow me..."Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo", H.G. Wells. That quote comes to mind every single time I hear comments about Mr. Greer's BMW or Mr. Greer's social relations.

From what I've read and seen, Mr. Greer takes the heat for the actions of many others. If you've read the City's financial history, the previous administration created the mess we have now, and Mr. Greer has made every effort to ensure that the financial condition of the City is no longer a secret, but public knowledge. If you are incapable of reading the spreadsheets and presentations he has made, is that his fault or yours?

I've heard comments about sexual harassment from the former Mayor, who if I recall correctly, resigned immediately after his inappropriate conduct. I don't think Mr. Greer is to blame for the conduct of an elected official.

The City did not buy Mr. Greer a BMW, he bought that himself, in part with the car allowance that the former Mayor and Board of Aldermen approved, I believe because Mr. Greer was doing two jobs for the price of one. The City did, however, buy the previous City Administrator a vehicle, which he kept upon his departure.

The future will be interesting. Who will the Mayor and his cronies turn on when Mr. Greer is no longer around to blame for everything? The Mayor didn't run a campaign against his opponent, Mr. Fagan, but rather against Mr. Greer, an EMPLOYEE. I should think that would make the employees of the City feel extremely vulnerable.

8:29 PM, January 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a well thought out and intelligent argument that you posted. And let me tell you, it is good to hear from intelligent people that have a different point of view. Well done!
It's not been too frequently that opposing points of view have been without a touch of venom, and yours has some of that too.
And you have to admit, some of this nonsense could have been avoided.
If only the powers that "were" had been more conscious of the way things were being perceived by the public.
If they had been listening and responding appropriately to what they heard, we might all be talking over beers or coffee, and not posting "anonymously" on this website.

10:18 PM, January 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm sure he was lending his expertise! Does he even carry a gun? Does his fine German auotomobile even have a police radio inside? Did any of his Dodge Intrepids have one? If you went into that police station and took a private poll of ALL employees, I KNOW that about 97% would want him gone! But I think a better idea would be to demote him to a regular old traffic cop! He may need some experience first! I would love nothing more than to see him patrol my street in a COMMON POLICE CAR writing traffic tickets. Maybe he could write enough tickets to get back all the money HE has cost our fine city. He would be at it for a while that is for sure!

11:17 AM, January 24, 2006  

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