Friday, January 27, 2006

Thought's on Crestwood politics, and what we can do to better our community!

Well folks, it's been an interesting ride for the past couple of years under the previous leadership, here in Crestwood! I, for one was extremely happy to see Mayor Roy Robinson elected, as I firmly believe he has the "good of the City" firmly ensconced in his agenda!

We have all heard his detractors, and nay-Sayers on the board wax eloquently, Visa Vi, the reasons that they have concocted to insure Crestwood fail's under his leadership, and we also have seen the foolish innuendo put forth by these detractors, to insure that he fails, as well!

Well, if you would look at what he has accomplished to date, I think you would have to join me in giving him a 4.0 rating so far! Just look at what he has accomplished in a few short months! A new City Administrator, A second, and third look at the budget, retaining Police, fire, para-medics, public works, and a great start on insuring a come back for Crestwood!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we have all had enough of the "spend crowd" here in Crestwood, and that's why I would like you to consider voting for me as your Alderman, from Ward 2, in Crestwood!

I , and others have been labeled as "Citizens for fiscal responsibility" in the Call Newspapers, and rightly so. But please explain to me why this is a "negative", as we must all be interested in "Fiscal responsibility",( wouldn't you think) if Crestwood is ever going to return to the once vibrant City it once was!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I too wonder why the Call has to consistently point out who is a member of Crestwood Citizen’s For Fiscal Responsibility. Should these individuals’ comments or concerns be of any less value than another resident’s? What’s next? Is the Call going to point who is a Baptist, Catholic or Republican or Democrat when they speak at a public meeting?

The Call has NEVER written a positive story about anything. It’s pretty sad when all you do as a “Newspaper” is pick a divisive issue in a community, pick a side (or person) to back and then fill your news column up week after week with endless quotes from meetings backing your horse.

How about a story on what a wonderful place Crestwood is to live. How we have one of the lowest residential tax burdens in St. Louis County. All the great and essentially free services the City offers for this tax rate? How about a story on a dedicated City employee who has had to endure years of reading how crappy their town is or when they might loose their job? Or better yet why they chose to stay and serve as a Police Officer, Fire Fighter or Secretary.

This would require a little work to compare our great services/employees against other cities and St. Louis County. Why should Mr. Anthony work when he can just listen to at tape of last week's Board Meeting and type away filling up is little Birdcage "Newspaper". I think time will soon tell exactly how lazy Mr. Anthony has been the last few years and what real stories he missed or purposely chose to overlook while filling up his weekly tabloid.

No, I’m not member of Citizen’s For Fiscal Responsibility, nor an employee of the City. Just a resident who is tired of Mr. Anthony’s weekly dose of horse manure and proud to call Crestwood Home for more years than the Call has been in business!

9:00 PM, January 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've come to learn that the City employees have not received a pay raise in over two years now. When will Mr. Robinson address this issue? If we are worried about effect of the political landscape on employees, shouldn't we compensate them for their loyalty?

These folks don't do their jobs out of the kindness of their hearts, or because Crestwood is such a great City. They, like everyone else, work to support themselves and their families. Kind words from the residents and a slap on the back from the Mayor is not what they are looking for.

9:38 PM, January 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, some employees have gotten raises during the last two years - those who are under a certain percentage of their job values. Second, just about EVERY municipality in the area is operating under tight fiscal restraints and not handing out significant increases. Third, almost all employees got substantial raises - some in $6,000 - 7,000 range when the new pay plan was adopted three years ago.

Finally, money is NOT the sole reason why employees stay at a job when times are tough. Working environment, caring management and support from the community go a long way in making up for a raise when there is a dry spell. Employees are not stupid; they know the City can’t afford to give them a raise right now. Unfortunately, our employees only see scandals, BMW’s and double standards for select employees and the Call backing the guy who brought it to you!

10:22 AM, January 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know that's funny I don't recall getting a raise for over two years now, or any other employee. Your right we did get a raise three years ago, hold on incase you didn't read that correctly. THREE YEARS ago, and that just brought us up even for all the years the board gave the city a 3% and then the cost of health insurance took must of that away. Wait, I take that back the new hires in the last couple of years were brought up to a certain level, and that was a percent or two. I'm sure they went crazy for christmas this year. Who got them the raises anyway? I think it was Don Greer.

Who really cares about the BMW, it is so small in the grand sceam of things. I know many people do however, but you know what the board let him do it. They could have said "NO" and hired a new C/A for 80-100 thousand instead of 10,000 extra for doing two jobs.

How about we do are jobs, stop crying and act like professional's. Hopefully this will work itself out this year without the loss of more employee's. Those double standards you talk about, I know many have been given a second chance at Crestwood, but its odd how they forget. The ones that cry the most are usually the ones that are on their second and third chances.

Don't worry the winds are changing, becareful what you wish for you never know what you might get. The City of Fenton had these problems to some degree or another. Some say its better and other worse.

10:09 PM, January 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, now that we are in agreement with the facts on the salary adjustments, I don't think you will find a Crestwood Resident who wouldn't be willing to dip into their pocket and come up with $100/year in property tax to fund police and fire service .HOWEVER……………

The average resident has been bombarded with newspaper (Call) articles telling them how broke the City is and then the guy telling them this TAKES an $800/month car allowance AND shows up the NEXT day driving a $50k Big Black Shinny BMW and parks it out in front of City Hall so everybody who drives by on Sappington can see it. Do you think Mr. & Ms. Crestwood (If you are indeed a police officer with the city - you know the typical Crestwood resident who votes.) will vote yes for any kind of tax increase or believe a word coming out of the mouth of somebody with such a low level of judgment? Its funny how the “small” things come back to bite you.

That said, I urge every resident to vote yes in April on the property tax increase. Please, don’t let one man’s lack of judgment continue to divide and deprive the City of the necessary funds to function without mortgaging our future. We have a new City Administrator who will decide which staff people are capable of standing on their own two feet and one I’m sure won’t be driving a BMW.

10:53 AM, January 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The disgruntled city employee who has taken to whining: Sir, do you like whine with your cheese? Your comments reek of the reality of discovery. That of a rat realizing the need to abandon his mentor/sinking ship. Time to move your Cheese, eh! Someone very unhappy that the winds are a-changin! Maybe, you should find work elsewhere say at Ford Motor Co. Hey, fellow things are rough all over! No, we sure don't think you are doing your job out of the kindness of your heart, or that you have any loyalty to the city for that matter. Lots of people had to downsize Christmas this year. With this in mind, why would we want to compensate you for "your" loyalty. What loyalty?

Guess what, this city is in recovery mode and Mayor Robinson is to be complimented for getting the ball rolling again. Who cares about the BMW and the $830 allowance per month? Apparently most everyone in this town guy. Why don't you and your mentor move on. That pat on the back is not really apprapro for the likes of you. Oh yes, and on your next coffee break, why don't you ask your pal why he led the Aldermen to believe Crestwood needed and could afford the $14 Million dollar City Hall with the "really big" Police Chief's Office? Did I say "oversized?" Or, why he dismantled Civil Service? Or, why he hired an unqualified person to be a finance director, and why he assumed it okay to let this friendship bloom while his position required him to set a good example. Mr. Crybaby, your raise was spent on architects, bondsmen, contractors and attorney fees and for insurance for a sexual harrassment suit and to subsidize that BMW. Ah yes, things would have been different if things had been different. Surely you don't think your problems outshine the cities. Pal, this is just a small city - 4 sq. miles, 14,000 folks. Pleasantville. You need a bigger city where you can massage your ego and your attitude and where there is a vending machine for cheese in the lobby. Crestwood has better things to do than nurture your pathetic need to whine. There are probably lots of people from Ford who might be more appreciative working here. As for your comment that your pal was a real bargain salarywise. Really! Well, that sir, remains to be seen. Sadly, we got what we paid for. It will all come out in the wash!

Certainly from reading your input, being a city employee has its limitations for you. Best you find a job where the boss has his eyes on the road, knows his stuff and appreciates your need for adoration. In Crestwood, we expect you to do your job and keep your nose clean while you are at it. Capize!

1:41 PM, January 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is in recovery mode? I haven't seen that. Is recovery mode getting new signage for the mayor's parking space? How does that look from the street to passers-by? Is recovery mode settling all your cronies into board positions? How about continuing the constant attack against employees as a ground for a political stance?

Oh, maybe recovery mode is swapping what they accused of kingdom-building by this administration, for their own kingdom-building and ego massaging, hidden under the guise of residents for fiscal responsibility, like it didn't exist. There are no finances to be responsible for, and if the board and anyone else had bothered listening to that the past three years, they'd know that the G O Bond increase was serious business, not a political playing piece.

The previous tax didn't pass because the mayor didn't support it as part of his campgain. Now where are we? Another year later, still no tax increase, and no raise for the employees.

The police building was something that the crestwood police board analyzed and recommended, that the then city administrator and board agreed we had the money for, and that the crestwood residents voted in favor of by way of a tax to finance. The police employees themselves went out of their way to express the antequated, unsafe and insufficent space in which they are working. Yes, now let's make that another part of the political blame game, along with a car. It's frankly embarassing that people are still talking about that car. Obviously a lack of anything more substantial to focus on.

I think your above attack on an employee, accusing them of whining, should serve as a warning to every employee in the city, that having an opinion about their place of employment will bring them under attack. I'm sorry you haven't had a raise in three years, and instead of attacking you, I'd like to thank you for doing your job and expressing an interest in crestwood by trying, in vain, to talk to the residents via this blog. Unfortunately, these residents don't want to hear anything but that doesn't support their beliefs.

5:06 PM, January 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would advise employees not to post comments on this site. You bring yourself and your fellows under attack.
Your comments are not welcome.
You are a number on a piece of paper.

5:53 PM, January 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, that's Great advice anonymous. Let's scare them more than they have been for several years. Then they'll leave on their own, and we won't have to worry about downsizing!
Let's not have 5 police officers! Let's let Crestwood turn into a place where people won't go out after dark! I'd just love to live next door to a crack house! Or get my car broken into every week! Or have it stolen while I warm it up in the morning! And let's not have a fire department. I would love knowing that my family is not only unsafe, but we won't have anyone to help us after the fact. I love to see vacant crack houses burn down! Let's all be scared to go to the mall. Tell your neighbor with three children that it's not safe! They shouldn't shop there because the gangs have taken it over! Let's have street repairs like other towns, where you get potholes that you can't get fixed. I really hate going to work when it snows anyway. This will give me a great excuse to tell my boss that I can't get out of my own street! And let's not have a swimming pool. Sell it! All that land could bring a good price!
We all know this has happened in places all around us. How many of you would even drive through those neighborhoods?
So let's all sell our houses and move somewhere else where taxes are cheaper and we still get everything we want. I have a great piece of real estate I'd love to sell you in La-La Land!

6:24 PM, January 31, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well folks, I have seen, and heard a few things in my time, but to tell anyone that their "comment's are not welcome", when this is still America takes the cake!

Up until that coment was made I had planned to stay out of this thread, but now, I can no longer do that!

You see some of us have served in the military, or in emergency services, or as volunteer's to a city, and for anyone to tell an employee that they are "just number's on a paper" is an insult to them as well as to the men and women who have died to insure their right to post!

A while back I was asked why I wanted to run for Alderman, why put yourself through that nightmare, ETC. Well Gentle blogger, If I didn't know before,(and I did) I sure do now!

One thing is for sure, if I am elected in April, every City employee will have my phone number's, and they will be able to voice their concerns without fear of reprisal's! I would ask you, how can we expect to right the wrong's in this community without the input of the folk's whose "boot's are on the ground" every day?

Think about it, gentle blogger, would you wish no less for yourself, and family? I think not!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

6:27 PM, January 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, whew! Gentle Blogger was breathiing fire on their computer this afternoon. These words sound so familiar and so scripted; probably not from someone busily engaged at work, say an employee, but rather from someone with all sorts of sugar plums dancing in their heads trying to redirect the grenade. Someone trying hard to twist the words addressed to just "one" malcontent blogger who is at odds with his employer in what appears to be coached rhetoric, or could it be the "man" himself talking to himself. Trying to stir up controversy, get the troops restless, make it look like employees are not appreciated. How lame can you get, anonymous? Crestwood supports its employees, prefers them happy, appreciates them, and is trying very hard to bring things around so that raises can happen as they should. To try and stir up trouble as the town tries to hold onto its real estate AND its employees is unconscionable. Crawl back into your miserable hole. I don't think you caught any fish on this one. Crestwood city employees are professionals, and professionals don't listen to garbage. Please don't tell them not to use the blog site. Who the heck do you think you are? Anyway! As for the Mayor's sign. Boy, this must have taken a lot of skin off your back, buster.

7:39 PM, January 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the problem with the Mayor having a reserved parking spot? Mayor Killoren had one for many years. Mayor Brasfield chose not to. Oh, I guess it's just this Mayor that we have a concern over a sign.

I did a quick survey of several cities in St. Louis County. All have reserved parking spots for their Mayors, none have $800/month car allowences - including Town & Country whose Administrator is also the Police Chief. He drives a Ford 500 - The replacement for the Taurus!

9:38 PM, January 31, 2006  

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