Friday, February 24, 2006

Candidate Tom Ford states his positions on a few questions.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been asked to respond to a few questions that were asked by "anonymous" over the last few days, and today I said that I would. These questions should be asked of both candidates for Alderman in Ward Two, as the voters deserve to know where we both stand.

1. Do I believe in "eminent domain" and the TIF programs: First let me tell you that legislation now in the works in Jefferson City may make eminent domain a moot point. That said, no, I am not for it, We have all seen the damage done in Sunset Hills, by that great plan, and we do not need it here in Crestwood.

The TIF, or tax increment financing program has hurt our school system from the standpoint of lower amounts of funds available for their use due to TIF's. I feel we all should take a look at what we might gain from a TIF, (or for that matter a TDD) and ask ourselves is it going to mean that much for Crestwood, or are we just doing it to gain another business?

2. What do I think about a Politician who said one thing and does another: Folks that seems to be a way of life in Washington, and Jeff. City, but I don't think we need to see it here in Crestwood! We all have a common goal in Crestwood, and that is to make sure the City prospers for our children, and grand children. The only way that will happen is for the elected officials to trust each other, and to do what they said they were going to do when elected, or at the very least work hard to do it. What I know is I will tell you the way it is, you might not like all of it, but it will be factual.

3.Will I stand by my positions,and principals, even if it means going against the Mayor, and the new City administrator: That's a very interesting question, as it implies that some on the BOA have not done that. Well I can tell you that I have core beliefs, that I will not waver on, as I am sure you do also. My commitment will be to the citizens of ward two, all of them. I am not running to be a "yes man" for anyone, (we have enough of that on the dias now!). If I am against it, and my constituants are against it, my vote will be no, regardless of who is in favor.

4.What am I going to do to represent Ward Two: Folks, my home is on Joshua Dr. We have lived there for 36 years, and we have no plans to move. I have been privileged to see some very fine representation, and some not so fine representation in those 36 years, and I know what I want in an Alderman, and so do you. I , if elected will hold Ward TWO meetings every three months ( a sort of state of the city meeting), publish my home and mobile phone numbers, and be available at my home, or yours for concerns, or questions. I will listen to you, and I will work hard to see that you receive a fair review of your concern. I will be a voice for Ward Two concerning public works, and parks and recreation meetings when, and if necessary, and I will never forget that I am your voice up there, not just a "rubber stamp" that is so prevalent at the meetings now.

I hope that these remarks clarify my ideals, and my strong belief in Crestwood, and that you will join me in April to start our journey back to the City we all knew, and loved!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No 73


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Mr. Pickel, would you please be so kind as to give us your answers to the questions posed by "anynomous" listed above? I am sure you agree with me that the citizens of Ward Two deserve to hear from both of us on these issues.

I am sorry to have missed you at the "Prop. S" meeting yesterday, as I think you support the tax increase, as do your friends, Mr. Trueblood, and Mr. Kelleher. As you know it was voted on by the board, and is on the April 4th ballot. Mr. Kelleher has advised all of the board members that it would not pass unless all were in agreement, and he is correct.

That said, would you please give the citizens of Ward Two the benefit of your convictions reference the "anonymous" questions? Ward Two awaits your reply.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford,
Ward Two

8:44 AM, February 26, 2006  

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