Crestwood Plaza reprieved! Sunset Hills project off the table.
Ladies and Gentlemen, things are looking up on the retail front! If you would please click on the title, you will be directed to a story in the "South County Times" stating that the Sunset Hills shopping project is, for the time being off the table!
This can be nothing but good news for Crestwood, as now I believe Westfield will move forward with their plan's to renovate the plaza, and attract new client's. While I am saddened to see the turmoil in Sunset Hill's, I am elated, (for Crestwood) knowing that Crestwood will now have the chance to regain it's rightful place as a premier shopping stop in St. Louis County!
Folk's, let's back Mayor Robinson, and Mr. Myers, as they work with Westfield, and the Watson Rd. Corridor to insure Crestwood's future. Our community needs this partnership (Crestwood / Westfield, Watson Rd. Retailers) for future growth, and they need us to support them.
If I may, I would like to suggest a new slogan, and a new way of thinking for the citizens of Crestwood, and that would be "SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST"! We have some of the finest retailers in the country right here in Crestwood, (both at the plaza, as well as all along the Watson Rd. Corridor) and they contribute to our success and well being, so why go anywhere else? For my part, if you are a Crestwood business with a web site, and would like to link to the Crestwood Independent, (free to Crestwood businesses) please call, or E-mail me, and it shall be done.
It's up to us folks, do we believe in Crestwood? Do we enjoy the parks? Do we need Police, and Fire protection? Do we want a vibrant city? Well, I do, and so does my family, and I bet you do too!
So what say you join me, and put our money where it belongs, "SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST"!
"my name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 71
This can be nothing but good news for Crestwood, as now I believe Westfield will move forward with their plan's to renovate the plaza, and attract new client's. While I am saddened to see the turmoil in Sunset Hill's, I am elated, (for Crestwood) knowing that Crestwood will now have the chance to regain it's rightful place as a premier shopping stop in St. Louis County!
Folk's, let's back Mayor Robinson, and Mr. Myers, as they work with Westfield, and the Watson Rd. Corridor to insure Crestwood's future. Our community needs this partnership (Crestwood / Westfield, Watson Rd. Retailers) for future growth, and they need us to support them.
If I may, I would like to suggest a new slogan, and a new way of thinking for the citizens of Crestwood, and that would be "SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST"! We have some of the finest retailers in the country right here in Crestwood, (both at the plaza, as well as all along the Watson Rd. Corridor) and they contribute to our success and well being, so why go anywhere else? For my part, if you are a Crestwood business with a web site, and would like to link to the Crestwood Independent, (free to Crestwood businesses) please call, or E-mail me, and it shall be done.
It's up to us folks, do we believe in Crestwood? Do we enjoy the parks? Do we need Police, and Fire protection? Do we want a vibrant city? Well, I do, and so does my family, and I bet you do too!
So what say you join me, and put our money where it belongs, "SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST"!
"my name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 71
This is a copy of a note sent to the economic director of the City of Crestwood today.
Ms. Dailey, we all know we have some of the finest retailers in the nation right here in Crestwood, both at the mall, and on the Watson Rd. Corridor. That said, I would like to propose that we put forth a campaign to enlighten our citizens as to what is available in Crestwood, and why we should all "SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST".
I know all of our business people would greatly appreciate the boost in sales, and we will all (City, and business) enjoy the fruits of the program.
The businesses will all have my support, as all with a web site will be linked on my web site ( which is averaging 72 hit's per day, (since I placed the counter on three weeks ago) and with the backing of the City, and some innovative idea's we have a real chance to improve on our retailer's sales, and thus our City Revenue.
I have spoken to retailer's on the north side of the Watson Rd. corridor, and I can tell you that the ones I have contacted think this is a great idea, so why not propose it to whom ever is responsible at the Chamber Of Commerce meeting, or for that matter present it to the entire Chamber at the next meeting. ( I will attend to answer questions if you wish, or I will present the idea, your call)
Ms. Dailey, we have a real chance here to move Crestwood forward in 2006 on many front's, the business community, I am sure is ready, the City is ready, and the citizen's are ready! What say we give it a chance?
Tom Ford
Candidate for Alderman
Ward Two
EarthLink Revolves Around You.
While I agree we should encourage Crestwood residents to shop in Crestwood, we need to also focus, if not more so, on bringing shoppers who don't reside in Crestwood here. These are the shoppers that we have lost and need to get back. It will be tough, but not impossible task. We have unique traffic generators already here - Sams, Kohls and even the mall in its weakened condition. Sappington Square (Old Sappington\Watson) will become one too if the tenant that is very interested in the site goes in. A redeveloped Watson Plaza with its’ new traffic generator will also help.
Patience is also needed. All of these developments listed above took years to get done. Kohl’s was questioned because of the TIF/Swim Club Buyout and slowed down because of a former Alderman\Mayor (The one that resigned.) desire to make a political mark for future office. Anyone seen him lately?
However, redevelopment is doable. Look at the July 2002 Watson Road Technical Memo.
Every single one of the Areas identified has or will have some type of redevelopment activity underway. Whoever’s brainchild this document was should be commended. It was right on the money.
When the Mayor ran for office he said he was against the use of eminent domain and TIF's in Crestwood. Recently the Mayor has had a change of heart on the use of eminent domain and has left his principals at the voting booth. When do you believe the use of eminent domain would be ok? Do you think the Mayor is allowing it to be used correctly this time? What do you think about a politition who says one thing to get elected and once in office does the opposite? Will you change any of your positions if elected or will you stand by your principals, even if it means going agains the Mayor and new City Administrator? Other than your promise's to support the Mayor, what are you going to do to represent WARD TWO?
It is important for you to be clear on these questions and answer all of them if you expect to be trusted.
The new postings of your picture are eye-catching. However, for some reason it does not quite seem do justice to your current appearance. How long ago was it taken?
The photo was taken about three weeks ago. I had just returned from out-state Illinois, and my right eye was inflamed from the long drive, and the drop's I must to take to avoid rejection of the cornia transplant . I have been told "it's to serious"! But, these are "serious times in Crestwood, so why would I be smiling?
I promise you that when we right the ship in April, I will have a "formal" photo (smile and all) for the blog!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
To "Anonymous", reference being clear on the questions you asked, Thank you, I shall be.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
I guess your answer to anonymous is clear as mud - I don't think you answered any of the questions besides the one regarding being "clear" on your answers.
To the "anonymous" writer that feels my answers to the "anonymous" writer's (same person?) questions were a "clear as mud", please allow me to clairify.
I have placed my thoughts on this blog for all to read. I have signed each post, and invited a response. Now I am faced with a "questionnaire" which expends quite a bit of it's verbage questioning the Mayor's decisions, and then posting under "anonymous". To whom do I respond?
I have never believed in responding to comment's made by people who are not willing to back up their writings by signing their name, as it seems to be "tilting at windmills".
That said however, I will be happy to answer all your questions under the following two conditions, one, just ask the question, and two please sign your name to the post.
Yours are excellent questions, and I look forward to responding to them when you place them in the proper format.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
It seems to me that you would answer/respond to questions from "anonymous" if you agree with their comments. If you look at this site - MOST ALL comments are posted anonymous. I have only seen maybe 4-5 that have posted with names
I guess you might be waiting to get your answers from someone else before you answer?
No, I do not wait for others, or local "focus group's" to come up with a position, I leave that up to "professional marketing people"
But, you know what, I think your partially right it's time for both Mr. Pickel, and I to state our positions, so I shall do that on the main section of he blog for all to see., today.
Will Mr. Pickel be forthcoming with his on the blog as well? Please ask him when next you meet.
"My name is Tom Ford, And I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two".
Tom Ford
Ward Two
This is another reason that you should not be elected. The Sunset Hills project will continue. The developer will eventually "dot all the I's and cross all the T's" and the project will become a reality. It may take time but you must not have a good grasp on reality and live in a dream world.
I do feel sorry for the folks in Sunset that have been displaced from their homes - not a good situation.
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