Wednesday, February 22, 2006

An open letter to Mr. Jim Murphy, reference "Prop S"

Mr. Jim Murphy, Sr.,
I have heard that you are opposed to our city's request for a tax increase, namely PROP S,
which will be on the April ballot.

I represent a committee of citizens who support this tax increase and feel that it is badly needed to sustain the quality of our services. The Citizens for PROP S are diligently working to educate Crestwood residents regarding this increase and communicate the progress which has occurred in 2005/2006 to move our city forward. I respectfully ask if you are opposed to this increase; and if so, why at a time when we are beginning to regain our city?

Char Braun
Citizens for PROP S



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have since 2/22/06 wondered why C. Braun elected to use this blog site to single out one individual, James Murphy, and ask him why he is opposed to the tax increase. I wonder why anyone would not presume there are going to be opposing ideas to almost any issue on any ballot - especially those involving a tax increase, especially in CRESTWOOD, especially at this time in our history, especially considering all the things which led up to this apparent "desperate need", and especially with any probability that the officials who led us into this backward spiral are anywhere near the budget at city hall. Since 2/22, C. Braun has blogged eloquently 2 more times on her issue, and is spreading the word at ward meetings at my city hall using my electricity. Mr Murphy on the other hand, who has a perfect right to his opinion, is a perfect gentleman and is a respected leader; and further has not rained on C. Braun's parade, nor publicly singled her out. Why then should he be the one questioned as to "why at a time like this, when we are beginning to regain our city are you opposed?"

C. Braun, rest assured Mr. Murphy is not alone in his opposition to the tax increase. You can take that to the bank. Thanks to James Murphy, who was instrumental in preventing the $14 M. dollar city hall, (the Crestwood-Gate of our time) it is not the collateral for our bank loan. This was the best education we could ask for.

Having signed the petition which essentially halted this building, I now realize the true meaning of diligence in protecting our city, our services and our integrity. Kudos to James Murphy. When you singled him out, for no apparent reason, you lost your gold medal and dropped down to 2nd place on this issue in my mind.

C. Braun, I attended your meeting at Whitecliff during your drive regarding Prop 1. You and your friend, Charles Barry, now running for alderman in Ward 4, absolutely refused, in this city building, to entertain a single question or comment from the audience in opposition to that tax increase which you encouraged. The issue failed. Residents clearly said no to tax and spend.

There are some very vital reasons some chose to oppose this tax issue, C. Braun ... at this time, in this amount and for 7 years. But I don't intend to list them here, as I would be responding to someone who because of the abovementioned tactics, has not impressed me with an abundance of sincerity.I am already proud of Crestwood, and, our city is NOT LOST. We had some easily explained rough spots, and some disgraceful politics and leadership. At such time as the last of this bunch is washed from the face of city hall, I will join forces for a reasonable tax increase noted CLEARLY on the ballot as intended to "entirely" pay down the debt. Not, by any stretch, to provide wiggle room for more excess. More buildings, more crown jewels, more perks.

While I am at it, I "respectfully" ask that your campaign not play the old and tired fear card, that we will lose our services. If residents can economize and live within their means with what they have, so can city hall. If you want so badly to move this city forward, why not form your 3rd group; call it: "Citizens for a Return to Reality."

8:31 PM, March 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not saying I am for or against the tax increase but you need to look at the budget.

The general fund that pays for Crestwood's services will be over $1mil in the hole at the end of 2006.

The Capital Improvement Fund will be over $1mil in the black.

I think that that needs to be addressed. You can't use the money in the Capital Improvement Fund to pay for services. You could use the Capital Improvement Fund for a new sound system and improvements to the government center. You can't move that money into the General Fund to pay for services.

The old Prop 1 that failed would have put money in the General Fund. This tax will not. It will pay off the $2mil first.... how are we going to get more money into the general fund to pay for services? The Prop 1 was not just trying to get money for Capital Improvements - police building (which came in way over budget - 2 times!) but to put money in our account to pay for services.

10:29 PM, March 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back during the time of the Kohl's TIF discussions, it was discovered and mentioned that Crestwood was 1.5 million in debt. Mayor Robertson was scratching his head while talking about open government, and then he joined Mssrs. Licklider and Wuebbels to spend family time. Uhuhmn! At the same time, tax revenues were in a steep decline. No secret here. All lights were on RED, but spending remained on GREEN.

Two audits advised that it was time for some accountability - oops, gotta cut down. But no, just gotta have that new city hall. And did you ever count all those police cars that sit up there on the lot. This metropolis is still just 4 square miles right; 12,000 good folks.

Ah yes, 1.5 Mil wasn't enough, had to go for the gold and press on with that new city hall fit for Ladue. So the "figger" just grew and grew and the replacement City Administrator, with dilusions of grandeur, appealed to his court to keep digging and by the way how about a BMW, a burgeoning staff complete with some nifty new high paid positions, new furniture, software, and undocumented legal bills out the gazoo. We'll talk about the streets and parks and pool repair later. We'll even tell people that if they don't dig deep, they will lose their city and their city services. In the meantime, we watched fiscally responsible advice be ignored and our illustrious officials work negatively against the new Mayor at every turn. It was a sight to behold. I needed Dr. Phil just to sit through the spectacle of a BOA Meeting. Then guess what, something hit the fan and the bank declared, "boys and girl, quit the games." And then we had to use our property as collateral for the Save the City Fund.

Crestwood can't pay the bills and the general fund is broke. Who would have thunk! All those board heads could not see that darned choo-choo coming??? So, now we owe our soul to the friendly bank and some folks are out there selling the tax increase story from every rooftop. But these people are not on the board. They cannot make promises. They cannot guarantee me anything. AND, I want guarantees.

Some say, ah forget the past. Let's concentrate on the future. Let's work together. Well the past is sitting on top of the future right now and it is top heavy. I can't help but notice. I was always told to learn from the past, and that history is often repeated. So, I plan to hold on for dear life to the lessons learned in the last few years in this town and try like heck to prevent history from an oncore. I will let go of the past the very minute that astute leadership takes its place on the council and replaces every single soul up there who remain a constant reminder of just how bad city government can be and how poorly they handle my money. I don't care how tight that belt has to get.

12:27 AM, March 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read your opinions and heard even more. The one thing that keeps getting left out is how those opposed to a possible $50-$100 a year tax increase will solve the problems of this city.
How will you manage the general fund when there won't be enough money for everything? What are you suggesting be cut? There just isn't enough money!
If you are suggesting to vote against the tax increase, then tell me what I am voting on cutting.
Or are you suggesting blind faith that you can find something?

5:15 PM, March 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For starters the gravy train called Attorney bills; cars provided to city employees, excess police vehicles, such as this. Strict adherance to the audit suggestions. Don't think people are stingy at all, just so used to being lied to they want an iron clad promise that there will be no more surprises, where does it say "to pay the debt off ONLY." Tell me where this is stated on the ballot. Where! Are you in a position to tell me that if I vote yes, our troubles are over. That you can prevent a rerun. That is all I would need. Can you guarantee a united board in April? By the way, where were you when we needed you? The cuts should have started over 2 years ago. What say you to this?

7:09 PM, March 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr. Murphy not supporting Prop S... He has three good reasons not to. He owns three homes in Crestwood, one which he lives in, one he rents and one is the rent free home for his close to 40 year old unmarried, unemployed son, Jimmy. Those are three pretty good reasons as he can only past the cost of Prop S increase on to one of the properties. So you can see how he would be against any increase.

But there is something the poster of 3/03/06 states about James Murphy that I can not agree with. That is his description of Mr. Murphy as being a respected leader. Never forget that while a State Rep. Murphy broke ranks with his party by not voting with them in a vote that fell short by his one vote in replacing the Speaker of the House with a Pro Life Speaker. Never forget that Murphy had for years courted the Pro Life voters when it came to his election time. But when it was time to cast a vote that really counted, Murphy voted as he had promised the then Speaker of the House he would and surprise, his wife was able to keep the very profitable State License office. Later Murphy gave money to the candidate of the other party who was running for his House seat once he had been term limited out. Murphy was kicked out of the Party that he had stabbed in the back so many times. Speaking of back stabbing, did any one read this week issue of the SunCrestCall? Murphy now leaves one of his supporters (Mr. Beck, who was only following Murphy's orders) to take the fall over the Amendments to the Charter question by denying he knows nothing about them....

I think that I will vote against Prop. S. You see, if Prop S. fails, closing the Police dept and replacing it with County Police only saves $200,000 a year. But if you close the City Fire Dept which forces the home owners to pay a Fire District to protect them, the City saves over $3 million a year currently being spent for our Fire Dept.. And you dont need the increase in Prop. S. as the $3 mill a year saved would pay off the bank notes in a couple of years. Plus most of our current firemen would be hired by the district who would most likly use our old firestation to operate from.
The best part is Murphy, who owns three homes, would have his fire protection cost increase 75 cents on top of what the 25 cents he is currently paying for each home and since I rent, my cost don't go up!

7:19 PM, March 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hesitate to do this, but an evil attack on my family such as this deserves a reply. I would like to reply to the anonymous blogger who has taken great strides to attack the Murphys. You have done your job very well. You combined some fact with a lot of fiction and created one of the most hateful diatribes I've seen since I read the attacks on Sandy Grave.

Regarding your first paragraph: It's only somewhat true, except for the fact that I am employed and I have yet to approach 40. True, I am not married and I can only presume you have something against single people. Why are you so fascinated about my life? I can tell you, it's really not that exciting. I wish I could tell you otherwise! And you may have given yourself away - I know of only a few people in this town that have referred to me as "Jimmy". And your statements regarding our home ownership - please tell me, where did you get your erroneous information from?

Regarding your 2nd paragraph. True, he broke ranks with his party and voted for the existing House Speaker. In previous years, many Republicans voted to keep this House Speaker and the speaker was not seriously challenged. How many times have elected officials broke rank with their party? Very few march lock step with their party.

True, Dad courted the pro-life vote and worked very hard for it and worked his tail off to help them. He worked with pro-life organizations and helped numerous pro-life candidates. Had the pro-life movement been disenchanted with him, they would have moved on. Instead, they continued to support him.

And no, we did not keep the so called "profitable" license office. When Carnahan was elected, we were booted one year after. And if you believe our license office was profitable and such a money maker, well, I've got some great land for sale in the lower part of New Orleans.

Everything else spewed in your diatribe makes for nice fiction. Quite frankly, I think you own your home and you are quite active in Crestwood politics. I think your "I rent" quote is malarky.

But I must tell you, when I first read your blog, it got to me. Like I stated earlier, you did your job and you did it well. But once I realized how hateful and vicious it was, I almost pity you.

I must tell you, life is too short to go around preoccupying yourself with hatred for other people.

9:35 PM, March 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget about NOT receiving the nearly $1 million dollars per year from the 1/4 cent Fire sales tax.
If sales tax revenues do go up in the city due to more profitable businesses moving into town, that loss margin is increased.
Also, there would NOT be over $3 million savings. Their current budget is somewhere near $2.2 million. Total savings would be $1.2 million. Would the $350,000 payment to Affton still be paid? That brings your savings to around $850,000 a year.
Then each homeowner would pay the huge increase for a fire district tax.
Doesn't sound like a great plan to me. But if you're looking for revenge on Mr. Murphy, or any other home owner, then your plan is great!

9:49 PM, March 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of the soap opera talk aside - I am inclined to agree that if the fire department is cut the revenue generated in Crestwood, along with the current property tax would provide Crestwood with enough money to go forward.

As far as the the money in the Capital Improvement Fund - the fund balance and the end of 2005 was a positive number of $1,560,486.00 which would have been more than enough to pay the $733,000.00 payment last year. Unfortunately both bids to construct the facility came in way overbudget.

The General Fund on the other hand had a fund balance at the end of 2005 with a NEGATIVE $1,312,470.00.

I do think it is horrible that just a handful of citizens can block the instructions of the City Charter and then do not even attempt to collect signatures. Can't some action be taken against these individuals, or at least in the future do NOT allow these individuals to sign petitions for a referendum? I think that was politics at its best.

10:03 PM, March 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this talk about Prop S and making this decision made me want to know what other places pay. I found that information. Maybe you'd be interested in it too. The site is
It looks like we're getting a pretty good bang for our buck. Some of these other cities have the same tax rate and their not getting fire service for their money. We're getting a good deal here.
If Prop S raise our rate to .45 cent then we'll be getting the same service as Brentwood and Ladue for the same amount of money. Sounds good to me!
And cheaper than paying those fire district rates.
Besides, I like having the police and fire service we have. I went to the board meeting the night they discussed selling our services off and plenty of other folks did too. We don't want our services cut. Let's get the debt paid down and keep our city.

10:38 PM, March 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prop S would not pay our firefighters - the General Fund does.

Prop S pays only the "loan" we have outstanding ($2 mil).

Again, even if Prop S passes, where is the $1,312,470.00 needed in the General Fund going to come from? I assume the cash flow loan of approx. $1.5mil. It will take several years to raise enough money to get to pay off the $2mil. In the meantime, where are we to get the money for the General Fund? (can't use the Capital Improvement $$) This also assumes that the bank will be willing to extend the "cash flow" loan. The BOA have struggled the last year and NO one wants to cut services, that is why we are still in the same boat as last year. Last April the BOA tried to educate the public regarding the Prop 1 and how it was also needed to maintain services - not just to construct a new facility.

The approved 2005 budget has indicated (if revenues came in as projected)Crestwood could maintain the current level of service BUT several times stated that much more needed to be done to maintain services in the near future. Also, the revenues for the General Fund projected in the 2004 budget were off by approximately $1.1mil.

These are the type of issues this site should be discussing instead of who is doing what ... seems like a cossip column

11:03 PM, March 04, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

ladies and Gentlemen, after reading the comment's reguarding the Murphy family of Crestwood, I feel it' time to chime in here.

Before you start low rating the Murphy clan (oh, wait, you did it allready), please remember that Jim Murphy has been, and remains one of Crestwoods outstanding citizens!

At the age of 81 he has walked the Ward's gathering signatures to defese a bond for a new facility we could have never afford. He is a voice for sound fiscal responsibility, and he continues to work hard to better our community!

I have no idea what his reasons are Visa Ve the Prop. "S" issue, but I Do know that he has the right to follow his own convictions, and not worry about it.

I would hope all here on this blog would respect his decisions as you would your own, and not berate his family for them. This blog is for the exchange of ideas,for people to post their true feelings, and attempt to sway their opponents to their way of thinking. It was not concieved to be a forum for "gossip" as one blogger stated!

Now, I have asked before that we all attempt to keep a civil tone to this forum, speak your mind please, but let's not decend to the point that we debase, and insult people who have Crestwood's best inrerests at heart.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alserman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

10:55 AM, March 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said... Roy Robinson the mayor of Crestwood or is Jim Murphy?

2:52 PM, March 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said... Roy Robinson the mayor of Crestwood or is Jim Murphy? It's sort of like the Wizard of no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!!

2:53 PM, March 05, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

We know who the Mayor is, and we know who Jim Murphy is, but what we do not know is who you are!

The above mentioned have had the courage to use their name on issues, you have not. In fact, it looks as though it took you two posts to get out your view's.

One thing is for sure, I would never want you by my side when "it's fish or cut bait time", since, if you do not have the courage of your convictions on this little matter, I know my "foxhole" would be empty (except for me), and in a hurry!

May you be granted the courage, the wisdom, and the strength to come out of the shadows, and stand up for your belief's!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

4:59 PM, March 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last blogger......ROY ROBINSON is the MAYOR! It is time for some people in this city to show him some respect.....HE HAS EARNED IT!

5:00 PM, March 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, let's comment on the blogs regarding Mr. Murphy, etc. but let's not address blogs regarding the budget and the General Fund. No comment? Sure it will only be another couple of years before our tax revenue increases, but will that be enough to support our current level of services?

You keep blaming the current BOA. I will admit that in the past year they have not been able to agree on how to generate revenue or cut services in the General Fund but they are not the ones that caused the problem.

If you look at the approved budget for 2005 - the General fund revenue was approx. $1.2mil lower than anticipated.

So let's see...Crestwood needs:

$2mil - loan
$1.5 - $2 mil - cash flow
$1.5 - $2 mil - reserves so we don't need a cash flow loan

Well - almost $6 mil. Imagine that, it is what was on the ballot last year.

As far as I can see the Capital Improvement Fund has ample money for paying for improvements, but not enough money in the General Fund to pay for our current level of services.

Any comments? Maybe I am wrong - I just read and listen trying to figure things out. I am not in the polical circle to hear all of the dirt, so I comment on the issues not the heresay.

6:05 PM, March 05, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Is that a "retorical question", or do whom do you direct your question to?

Tom Ford
Ward Two

8:27 PM, March 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that is really addressing the questions/issues that had been presented in the previous comment! Why comment at all if that is the kind of response you are willing to give. Not very impressed.

10:06 PM, March 05, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

It's a very fair question! If you read your writings, you address it to no-one in particular, so I asked who should respond?

If you wish for me to respond, please ask "Tom", "Mr. Ford", or Tom Ford to respond, and I will do it. Sorry, but I have read, re-read, and re-re-read your post, and I can't find any reference, or request for Tom Ford to answer.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

6:44 PM, March 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you on that one Mr. Ford. VINDICTIVE PEOPLE!!!!!!

9:59 PM, March 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vindictive people? I am just a citizen asking questions that are valid. I guess that is not allowed.

I guess comments should just reflect personal comments about other people (which get plenty of replys) instead of issues regarding the budget.

10:23 PM, March 06, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Dear "Citizen". If you would like me to answer your questions, I would be more than happy to.

Please call me at 314-341-2307, set up a time when we can meet (your home or mine,) and it shall be done

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

"Endorsed by the Professional Fire Fighters Of eastern Missouri I.A.F.F., local 2665"

7:25 PM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this site was for all citizens to gain information. Why are not ALL questions addressed? Asking the citizen to set up a meeting to discuss? I am not sure why? It seems this is a great place to gain information.

11:01 PM, March 07, 2006  

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