Saturday, February 25, 2006

Prop. "S" meeting for the candidates on February 25, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just returned from a meeting which covered the ballot initive known as "Proposition S". The meeting was held to inform the candidates for Alderman on the issue, and to explain the position of the "Citizens for Prop. S" committee. All but two candidates were in attendance, and the other's (Mr. Bland, and Mr. Pickel) had previous commitments.

We had the opportunity to go into some of the details, and to discuss the reasons behind the issue. As I listened to the committee, (made up of some of our most distinguished citizens) I became more aware of the need for this proposition to be on the ballot.

In the near future we will all be receiving literature concerning "Proposition S", which will fully outline the reasoning behind it. If I may, I would ask each of you to read it very carefully, discuss it, and get all the facts before making a decision.

If you would like more information on this please call, or E-mail me, and I will discuss it with you. We have a new City administrator, with experience in re-vitalizing communities such as ours, we have a new Mayor, who believes in Crestwood, and we will have four new Alderman in April to work with both of them.

The questions we should be asking ourselves revolve around a new and vibrant Crestwood, one we can be proud of, and one where businesses will want to locate in. I would like to be very much a part of that plan, and I assure you that, if I am elected I will provide the fiscal responsibility, that will be needed to insure we make it happen.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two



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