The Suncrest Call archives!
Wow! Ladies and Gentlemen, You may, or may not be aware that for $20.00 per year (payable to the Suncrest Call), you will have access to their entire archives. If you really are interested in what has been happening in Crestwood over the past few years, I highly recommend that you spend the money, and I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed!
Most of us have thought we were informed as to how we sank into the abyss we now find ourselves in, but I now find (after reading the editorials) that we were warned about this by both Ward Three Alderman, and they were right! It has happened!
What's more interesting is the clicks that have formed, and who has voted for what. After reading the "archives", I am more than ever convinced that we need new blood on the board, people who have no ties what so ever to the past administration's, or for that matter, any ties to those who have been divisive, or who have demonstrated their lack of civility, and decorum at board meetings!
Folk's this is your City! You and I have worked hard over the years to pay our taxes, raise children, enjoy Grand children, and yes, be proud of where we live. I ask you, do we need to be placed on the front page of the paper every week just because an Alderman, or two can't control their emotion's? I don't think so!
I have lived in Crestwood for 36 years, and I have never seen such divisive politics as we are witnessing with the current board! We must get a handle on spending, and we must stop the petty bickering so prevalent at each board meeting!
For those of you in Ward Two, I am running for a seat currently held by Mr. Tim Trueblood, who will be term limited out his April. There is a gentleman running for the same seat, who has backed Mr. Kelleher, and Mr. Trueblood in the past, and continues to do so today. To me this is a clear cut difference. Do we continue "business at the same old stand", or do we move forward, and away from "devisive politics", and get Crestwood going again?
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Most of us have thought we were informed as to how we sank into the abyss we now find ourselves in, but I now find (after reading the editorials) that we were warned about this by both Ward Three Alderman, and they were right! It has happened!
What's more interesting is the clicks that have formed, and who has voted for what. After reading the "archives", I am more than ever convinced that we need new blood on the board, people who have no ties what so ever to the past administration's, or for that matter, any ties to those who have been divisive, or who have demonstrated their lack of civility, and decorum at board meetings!
Folk's this is your City! You and I have worked hard over the years to pay our taxes, raise children, enjoy Grand children, and yes, be proud of where we live. I ask you, do we need to be placed on the front page of the paper every week just because an Alderman, or two can't control their emotion's? I don't think so!
I have lived in Crestwood for 36 years, and I have never seen such divisive politics as we are witnessing with the current board! We must get a handle on spending, and we must stop the petty bickering so prevalent at each board meeting!
For those of you in Ward Two, I am running for a seat currently held by Mr. Tim Trueblood, who will be term limited out his April. There is a gentleman running for the same seat, who has backed Mr. Kelleher, and Mr. Trueblood in the past, and continues to do so today. To me this is a clear cut difference. Do we continue "business at the same old stand", or do we move forward, and away from "devisive politics", and get Crestwood going again?
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Got my weekly edition of the "Call" today. NOT ONE story about Crestwood! Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because we have a new CA? Could it be that the Finance Director is MIA?
A pleasent suprise. Let's hope the peace and quiet continues.
Same here, but if you really wish to understand th going's on in Crestwood, please sign up for the archives!
Believe it or not, Mr. Anthony has been on our side in the past!
Tom Ford
It has been nice to see the CALL direct its attention to other area concerns other than Crestwood such as school boards and fire districts as they, too, are important issues which badly need to see the light of day. There are, however, still a few issues under rocks in Crestwood that could use the kind of in depth reporting such as that done by the CALL. Through the CALL, residents have read enough to suggest there are some unanswered questions that still need to air. Facts relative to the kind of openess needed to impress residents with how to vote on the tax proposition. Such as:
-When is the trial of the former City Administrator, Mr. Licklider?
-Why does this city tend to have so many employee related lawsuits?
-Why did the most recent City Administrator, Mr. Greer, receive 6 months salary when he left?
-Are there policies in place which prohibit accruing excess comp time? If no, why not? If yes, why?
-Is the recent City Finance Officer, who is now on leave, getting paid for this leave? If yes, why?
-Why is Crestwood so generous with our money when it comes to employees who depart?
- Exactly how many police cars does the city of Crestwood have?
-How many cars are provided to employees in Crestwood?
-What fund does the receipts from the Municipal Court go into?
-What was the 2005 total paid to Crestwood's City Attorney?
-What was the 2005 total paid to other Attorneys, and the breakdown?
-What, if any, rules are in place prohibiting Crestwood city employees from becomming involved in politics in any form locally?
-What on the tax increase ballot insures against excess spending in the future because the money is forthcoming?
-If the political mix on the city board continues its political and divisive and spend thrift ways, how do residents contend with it? How will this be explained?
Voters don't tend to reach too deep on blind faith. That didn't work out too well. Now they need answers. Withholding this sort of information when so much of the city's dirty laundry has already been aired is not condusive to a "yes" vote. "Neutral" factfinding, void of politics, from a newspaper could be an effective way to bring back the many residents in Crestwood who tuned out in disgust.
Well, well, well. I guess WE did not like the last response from March 7 at 11:59 am being on this web site. I see it has been removed and no note of the deletion. Why? I am not sure.
Well, if there was a response deleted, it was not by me! I have been reading the blog since arriving home this evening from Illinois, and I have not "deleted" anything at all!
To whom ever posted the "deleted" response", please re-post it, and I shall see that it stays on the blog (assuming it's a family type post.)
"MY name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
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