Tuesday night at the Board meeting.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I attended the Crestwood BOA meeting last night, and for once in a long while I was impressed! The meeting started on time, and no visible bickering was evident, with the possible exception of a gentleman suggesting that crestwood was practicing "age discrimination" because someone in his family might have been to young to enter the new retirement facility in the works! Now that in, and of itself is interesting because his statement? Took about two minutes, which caused the meeting to run two minutes over (8:32 not 8:30)!
That's right folks the Mayor, and new C/A did a wonderful job of running the meeting so that actual business was conducted for a change, and no one Alderman could bolveiate for the sake of getting their name in the paper!
Several good things happened, not the least of which was the Salvation Army being granted a C.U.P. for their new thrift shop in Crestwood! I know that this has been a lightning rod for both sides, but now that it's completed, I think you will see positive results when they open.
There was an "executive session" for a personnel matter after the meeting, and as it should be, we have nothing to report on that.
There is no doubt after last night that Mayor Robinson, and C/A Mr. Frank Myers have gotten off to a great start in putting Crestwood back on the right track. I fully believe that we now have a part of the leadership in place to move forward, now all we need is to elect an Aldermen from each of the four wards who are willing, able, and ready to step up and help these two fine gentlemen accomplish their goals.
We are very fortunate to have Mr. Greg Roby in Ward Three, (the current President of the Police Board), step up and declare his willingness to serve, and we have others in wards One, and four who are equally qualified a's well.
But wait, you forgot Ward two you say? Well no, I reserved it for last, as those of us in Ward Two have two candidates for the position to serve you as well. My name is Tom Ford, and I have lived in Crestwood for thirty six years, raised two son's (both police officers), My wife Linda, and I have been married for 40 years (April 16th), and we have two Grandchildren, with a third due in April. I have a background in Police work, contracting, The United States Navy, and as a volunteer pilot for the Red Cross emergency blood flights, as well as an emergency services search and rescue pilot (CAP, Rank of Major). Well, why mention all of that? Because I will be one of the names on the ballot in April for Alderman in Ward Two!
There will be another gentleman on the ballot also. The other gentleman will have many reasons to vote for him as well, as well he should. This is where the race becomes interesting, we have two very different people, with two very different idea's as to where Crestwood should be heading! Side one, we have ties to the old way of doing things, side two (me), a willingness to move ahead, and forward our City via "fiscal responsibility"!
I hope, and pray that this will be the sort of race that places the issues in front of you for you consideration, and one where you will be able to hear both sides before making up your mind.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I ask for your kind consideration in voting for me for Alderman, Ward Two, Crestwood in April".
Tom Ford
Ward Two
That's right folks the Mayor, and new C/A did a wonderful job of running the meeting so that actual business was conducted for a change, and no one Alderman could bolveiate for the sake of getting their name in the paper!
Several good things happened, not the least of which was the Salvation Army being granted a C.U.P. for their new thrift shop in Crestwood! I know that this has been a lightning rod for both sides, but now that it's completed, I think you will see positive results when they open.
There was an "executive session" for a personnel matter after the meeting, and as it should be, we have nothing to report on that.
There is no doubt after last night that Mayor Robinson, and C/A Mr. Frank Myers have gotten off to a great start in putting Crestwood back on the right track. I fully believe that we now have a part of the leadership in place to move forward, now all we need is to elect an Aldermen from each of the four wards who are willing, able, and ready to step up and help these two fine gentlemen accomplish their goals.
We are very fortunate to have Mr. Greg Roby in Ward Three, (the current President of the Police Board), step up and declare his willingness to serve, and we have others in wards One, and four who are equally qualified a's well.
But wait, you forgot Ward two you say? Well no, I reserved it for last, as those of us in Ward Two have two candidates for the position to serve you as well. My name is Tom Ford, and I have lived in Crestwood for thirty six years, raised two son's (both police officers), My wife Linda, and I have been married for 40 years (April 16th), and we have two Grandchildren, with a third due in April. I have a background in Police work, contracting, The United States Navy, and as a volunteer pilot for the Red Cross emergency blood flights, as well as an emergency services search and rescue pilot (CAP, Rank of Major). Well, why mention all of that? Because I will be one of the names on the ballot in April for Alderman in Ward Two!
There will be another gentleman on the ballot also. The other gentleman will have many reasons to vote for him as well, as well he should. This is where the race becomes interesting, we have two very different people, with two very different idea's as to where Crestwood should be heading! Side one, we have ties to the old way of doing things, side two (me), a willingness to move ahead, and forward our City via "fiscal responsibility"!
I hope, and pray that this will be the sort of race that places the issues in front of you for you consideration, and one where you will be able to hear both sides before making up your mind.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I ask for your kind consideration in voting for me for Alderman, Ward Two, Crestwood in April".
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Mr. Ford,
Do you support the increase in taxes as found in Prop.S? There is a posting on your blog supporting the increase, does that mean you support it as well?
If you are elected what will you do if Prop. S fails, to balance the budget. If Prop S passes what will you do to keep Crestwood from asking for another tax increase like this one (the fifth one in less than a year since the new Mayor has been in office)?
I'll let Mr. Ford speak for himself, but the City's budgets are balanced. Unfortunately, we operate on a line of credit and have Promissory Note that is backed with the Titles to City Hall and the Public Works Garage. I equate this to be hooked on a drug. The only way to get off this drug is to A) Further reduce operating expenses – this means cuts in Police or Fire as together these two departments represent $6.9 Million of the $9 Million Operating Budget (These two departments actually account for higher percentage of the Operating Budget because some $470,000 worth of Public Works Department Budgeted Expenses are offset by transfers from the Park and Capital Improvements Fund.) or B) Raise more revenue through redevelopment (long term) and a tax increase (short term).
Now that I now that my tax dollars won’t be going to fund BMW Car Allowances, $65,000 “Internet Specialists” AND we will actually have a Finance Director who can count, I will be voting for the property tax increase. The fact that I currently pay more to the Zoo than I do to the City of Crestwood shows that I’m getting great services for little cost. Our police officers and firefighters need our support. Don’t punish them because of the mess that most recent CA\Finance Director got us into with mortgaging our future.
I, like the Mayor, and all eight Alderman do support the increase, but only if it is used for the right things! The day's of "tax and spend" must come to a halt! We will have a balanced budget for 2006, and we have a new C/A.
We all know, our City has gotten off the track over the past three years, and we know we must work to correct this, and soon.
If I am fortunate enough to gain your trust, and therefore your vote, I promise you that I will be a constant voice for fiscal responsibility on the dias, and working toghether we will rectify the problems we now have!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Of course the BOA meeting went smooth. There were no items of any substance on the Agenda. (housekeeping ordinances) Why? The BOA has discussed using the nonexpendable fund for cash flow and "repaying at year-end" - that did not make the Agenda - another month of inflated interest. The Agenda did not address the $1,760,708 deficit in the general fund? The Agenda did not address the surplus of $1,176,805 in the Capital Improvements Fund (could use better sound system - at least to purchase a laptop to record meetings, etc.)
Don't talk about the the projected change in fund balance line - that is not real "cash balances". It seems that the budget is doing just fine according to those that put items on the Agenda. The Projected Fund Balance for 2006 is very similar to the Projected Fund Balance for 2005 - but we are not addressing!
The tax increase will only pay for the outstanding "loans". How is the <$1,760,708> in the General Fund going to get in the black???????
How are you, Mr. Ford, going to fix the General Fund???? Have not read any ideas on that.
I find it interesting that the issue/discussion of the nonexpendable fund and its usage (under the instructions/advice of the Mayor to Alderman Maddox) should be discussed at a Ways and Means meeting (probably during the day when most citizens cannot attend) instead of at a BOA meeting. I guess Alderman Maguel was not informed of the Mayor's wishes prior to the BOA meeting?
Politics or what?
One thing is certian, I canno't pay back the deficit to the fund by my self. And I have not spoken to the department heads, and employee's to see where we can cut costs either.
If Prop. S passes we will have the funds to pay off our 3.5 million debt to the bank, and if we can do it sooner than seven years (as projected), we will have excess funds to pay down that debt (if approved by the voters).
How is Mr. Ford going to fix this? Well the short answer is I can't by myself, but give Crestwood the leadership committed to "fiscal responsibility", and it will be rectified!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
I assume from your answer that Crestwood is counting on the renewal of the cash flow loan each year for 7 years. What steps is Crestwood taking to ensure this?
I know the tax increase will show that we intend to pay off the debt owed but that does not count the 6+ years inbetween - when the at least $1.5 million cash flow loan will be needed. I think that amount will be higher in the future with increase in the cost of living.
Maybe we can show a projected increase in tax revenue based upon the new business opening? Any other ideas besides cutting expenses? I think that the budget has been gone over line by line and besides cutting services - we are at bare bones.
I know of no plan to have a cash flow increase every seven years, do you? I do expect an increase in revenue from new and expanding business's in Crestwood. When Westfield modernizes the plaza, we can expect to gain back the shoppers we have lost since 1999.
yes we are at "bare bones", so to speak now, but there are still ways to save money, we just have to find them.
One sure way is to stop the $900,000.00 plus flowing out of Crestwod to Wildwood, Jennings, ET AL! This was a lame idea when first hatched, and it's much worse now. If I am elected I plan to work with the Mayor, and C/A to petition the State legislators to repeal this at once!
In my opinion the major problem we face at this time is the pay off of the two million dollar loan secured by City hall, and the Public works building. Once the funds are in place, and reserved for that use only, we can start on the other opportunities we face, namely the 1.5 million line of credit, and the three funds which are in debt.
We did not get to this state overnight, and it will take time to get us out of it. However if we stop the "borrow and spend" mentality of the three past administrations, work with Mr. Meyers, and the "Entire board", it can, and will be done!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two".
Tom Ford
Ward Two
If you have looked at the budget the Capital Improvement Fund is not in debt. On the otherhand the General Fund is in debt. I think statements regarding "still ways to save money, we just have to find them" came out of Mr. Robinson's mouth during his campaign. When he got into office he realized that the financial problem was worse than he anticipated. (I believe that he has said that himself on several occassions.) So when the BOA said they needed the bond issue last year, they meant it. There was no politics involved as many have suggested.
Regarding balanced budget it is only the change in fund balance that is balanced. If you look at the bottom line, (like the cash you actually have in your check book after all bills have been paid) the General Fund is over $1 mil in debt. This is the fund that pays the employee's salaries that provide Crestwood's services. People keep tying to mix apples with oranges when it comes to the different funds.
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