Amazing! Almost 5,000 hit's on this blog in 5 1/2 weeks!
Not long ago I was told that "this Blog is a waste of time, only two or three people read it, and most of Crestwood (including my opponent)know nothing about it".
Well, in a short period of time we have seen my opponent start up his own web site ( which he advertises on my blog,) and we have seen the average daily readership (on this site) climb to over 95 hit's per day! All this from a site that I put up last October for a total cost of $125.00. Now, I will admit that my site is boring, and lacking the pizazz that my opponent's site has, but, hey, at least you can respond to mine (you can't to his.)
I have noticed that some of my detractors have said that electing me would be a "conflict of interest", as my son is a serving police officer in Crestwood. I would guess that you are aware that three layers exist between the BOA, and any City employee (C/A, Mayor, department head,) and as such, any serving Alderman would have to convince all three to do his bidding (won't happen.) It has also been suggested that I would file a law suit against the City to force the City to seat me.
Well, first of all, I signed on to run for Alderman, to stop these idiotic law suits, so that will never happen! Second, if you would like to see, and read a classic case of "conflict of interest", I have it in my possession! Let us examine the P&Z board meeting of 3 July, 2001, when a motion was seconded by Mr. CHRIS PICKEL that a "conditional use permit" be granted for the "Crestwood Swim Club". After due discourse, the motion was voted on, and passed by a vote of 4-3, with the following votes recorded. Yea, Messrs,. Lewis, Kelleher, PICKEL,and,Green. Nay's, Boll, Kapsar, and Powers.
Now on the surface, so what? But is it not a fact that Messrs. PICKEL, and Kelleher were members of that club when they voted? And, if they were, why did they not rescues themselves from the vote? That, Ladies and Gentlemen is what "conflict of interest" is! When you do not "rescuse" yourself from a vote when you have an interest in it's outcome! Now, we find out that the "swim club" (in violation of the C.U.P., they were to have their own,)has been using the City trash dumpster, five months out of the year, (and filling it to the point that the City has a hard time using it.) Who gave them permission to do that, I wonder?, and are they paying for the trash service for those five months, I think not! If you want to cut "City expenses", that's a good start!
Ladies, and Gentlemen, Ward Two deserves to have "all the citizens represented", not just the chosen few who are on the "cocktail circuit", or those who would vote in "lock step" with another to benefit their own interests!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 90
Well, in a short period of time we have seen my opponent start up his own web site ( which he advertises on my blog,) and we have seen the average daily readership (on this site) climb to over 95 hit's per day! All this from a site that I put up last October for a total cost of $125.00. Now, I will admit that my site is boring, and lacking the pizazz that my opponent's site has, but, hey, at least you can respond to mine (you can't to his.)
I have noticed that some of my detractors have said that electing me would be a "conflict of interest", as my son is a serving police officer in Crestwood. I would guess that you are aware that three layers exist between the BOA, and any City employee (C/A, Mayor, department head,) and as such, any serving Alderman would have to convince all three to do his bidding (won't happen.) It has also been suggested that I would file a law suit against the City to force the City to seat me.
Well, first of all, I signed on to run for Alderman, to stop these idiotic law suits, so that will never happen! Second, if you would like to see, and read a classic case of "conflict of interest", I have it in my possession! Let us examine the P&Z board meeting of 3 July, 2001, when a motion was seconded by Mr. CHRIS PICKEL that a "conditional use permit" be granted for the "Crestwood Swim Club". After due discourse, the motion was voted on, and passed by a vote of 4-3, with the following votes recorded. Yea, Messrs,. Lewis, Kelleher, PICKEL,and,Green. Nay's, Boll, Kapsar, and Powers.
Now on the surface, so what? But is it not a fact that Messrs. PICKEL, and Kelleher were members of that club when they voted? And, if they were, why did they not rescues themselves from the vote? That, Ladies and Gentlemen is what "conflict of interest" is! When you do not "rescuse" yourself from a vote when you have an interest in it's outcome! Now, we find out that the "swim club" (in violation of the C.U.P., they were to have their own,)has been using the City trash dumpster, five months out of the year, (and filling it to the point that the City has a hard time using it.) Who gave them permission to do that, I wonder?, and are they paying for the trash service for those five months, I think not! If you want to cut "City expenses", that's a good start!
Ladies, and Gentlemen, Ward Two deserves to have "all the citizens represented", not just the chosen few who are on the "cocktail circuit", or those who would vote in "lock step" with another to benefit their own interests!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 90
Mr. Ford,
The city administrator when the purported swim club deal happened was Kent Lichliter, the man who our mayor says is in his corner. The mayor was Jim Brasfield. For the record, Mr. Greer had nothing to do with the "deal".
P&Z members are not elected, but are volunteers, they do not take an oath of office as is required of an alderman.
Use of the City dumpster by the swim club is at City's request until parking lot is resurfaced.
City got title to almost one half (1/2) of current parking lot FREE from swim club.
Now if your elected, you will have to take an oath of office. You by taking the oath will be obliged to obey the laws of the State and City. Covered by those laws is the issue of nepotism and conflict of interest. How will you be able to vote for a budget if it includes any spending for the police dept?
How can on a you vote if the mayor, as he has stated, wants to throw out the current pay plan? Wouldn't your vote benefit a relative? Wouldn't that be nepotism?
How will you be able to approve a new Police Chief? Wouldn't your approval have an impact on your relative who works for the police dept.?
The Board is looking at the cost and coverage of health insurance for its employees, how could you vote with out it having an impact on your relative?
These are issues are just some of those covered by having your relative work for the police dept. Lets look at your relationship with our firefighters.
Lets say Prop S fails and more cuts have to be made. Will you cut the fire dept budget or will you cut the police dept budget? The fire dept needs money to spend on fire fighting equipment, the police dept needs money for a new radio, which one will you vote for?
You see Mr. Ford if you are elected because of your relationship to the firefighters union and due to your having a relative working for the City, you will not be a very effective alderman and representative for Ward 2. And that has always been the issue in this race from my point of view. Not who does or doesn't support the mayor or Mr. Greer or the swim club, of which I am not nor ever have been a member. But who will be the most effective voice in City Hall for our ward. After all the events of the last 10 days I have my doubts that you can be that effective voice.
Well--you have made it clear to many of your constituents where you stand on Crestwood Swim Club--did you realize that there are many registered voters of ward 2 that are members of that club? While there is a vocal minority of opponents--did you realize that that Crestwood Swim CLub is celebrating its 50th anniversary this summer? Did you also consider that that the pool draws not only from families all over Crestwood, but from neighboring communities....All summer long people come to Crestwood, shop at our Schnucks, pick up their prescriptions at Walgreens and order pizza after pizza from Imo's. The snack bar is stocked from many local merchants and the local Macdonalds and Jack in the Box benefit from the increased traffic. I am sure that Shop-n-save will also appreciate the added business from Crestwood Swim club--as will the mall. Yes, Crestwood Swim Club is an attraction that draws people to the city for three months every year. But for some reason, you have negative feelings toward the pool. And oh, by the way, the pool is only open three months out of the year not five. Further, the children are taking the trash across the parking lot--the parking lot that now belongs to the City thanks to Crestwood Swim Club-- to the city dumpster at the city's request. Read your own blog Mr. Ford. Why did the pool move? The pool moved to allow the Kohl's development to move forward. You said it yourself that you are against eminent domain--and Crestwood pool was almost taken by eminent domain. If your house was needed in order to allow the Kohl's development to take place, I am certain that you would have wanted to be paid in order to replace the home you have. So look elsewhere to save money for the city--three months of trash service in exhange for developing the Kohl's and a new parking lot--sure seems like a good deal to me. And for those ward 2 folks who are not current pool members, they might have been members many years ago and have happy memories at that pool. So keep that in mind as you campaign.
In most cities, a neighborhood pool is considered an amenity--but for whatever reason, there are a few misguided folks who don't feel that way about Crestwood Swim Club. Apparently, you are one of them. Too bad.
I believe the reason for all of the attention is because of your outragious remarks. Maybe you should stick to subjects that you know about.
How much do you want to bet that if the situation were reversed, and Mr. Pickel's son was a Crestwood police officer, that Mr. Ford would consider it a problem?
I believe that the first two comments and the details will keep you busy trying to find out if they are lying (have a good time). I attended those meetings and I believe those comments to be factual. I have been observing the politics in Crestwood and your comment on the original post confirms that YOU like slinging mud to win an election.
I am sick of all of these types of comments. There have been several other comments that could be addressed, such as the budget and the lack of funds in the General Fund. Why don't you address those?
Want some mud - I have been told that your son doesn't pull his weight at his job. I guess that might make a difference who is made Police Chief. I am sure it will be a buddy of you or the Mayor's since you two go back a long time!
I have also been told by a Crestwood citizen that a confidant of yours, he did not give his name (even with a prestigious job) does not have any common sense. He stated that if you would be asking him for advise it was reason enough not to vote for you.
Sling that mud and you get mud. Like it?
I asked on an earlier post if you would provide by a link or post on your blog the questionnar you completed that the firefighters union said secured their support for you. Since it was on an post dated 3/10/06 numbered 87 you may not look that far back and answer my question. So I am asking again if you can do so?
As stated before, leaving comments on old posts don't get any feedback so if somebody has already read this - it is a "repost".
If you have looked at the budget the Capital Improvement Fund is not in debt. On the otherhand the General Fund is in debt. I think statements regarding "still ways to save money, we just have to find them" came out of Mr. Robinson's mouth during his campaign. When he got into office he realized that the financial problem was worse than he anticipated. (I believe that he has said that himself on several occassions.) So when the BOA said they needed the bond issue last year, they meant it. There was no politics involved as many have suggested.
Regarding balanced budget it is only the change in fund balance that is balanced (for a single year). If you look at the bottom line, (like the cash you actually have in your check book after all bills have been paid) the General Fund is over $1 mil in debt. This is the fund that pays the employee's salaries that provide Crestwood's services. People keep tying to mix apples with oranges when it comes to the different funds.
I have been told that the Capital Improvement Fund owes the GF approximately $750,000. That still does not make the GF in the black.
Guess what? Pickel is being endorsed by the Communications Workers of America, Local 6310.
Thank goodness it's a Union that is not representing any of our City Employees so there can not be a conflict of interest with them if Pickel get elected.
Just saw it on Pickel's web site.
to the two "re-posters" looking for answers, forget it, tom has no answers.
Yeah, but the bow tie does!
To the anonymous that posted at 10:52 - you may have missed some of the comments regarding the Union Endorsement for Mr. Pickel. See the reponse under the Post "An Open Letter..." from 10:34 on 3/13 and the response from 11:50 PM, March 13, 2006.
The police are part of that union.
Welcome to the National Coalition of Public Safety Officers web site!
NCPSO/CWA National Training and Leadership Conference
Peppermill Hotel & Casino
2707 South Virginia St
Reno NV 89502
April 5-6, 2006
NCPSO is a division of the Communications Workers of America union. There are now 18,000+ public safety officer CWA members. These officers include the entire range of public safety services – municipal police officers, deputy sheriffs, state police, county and state correctional officers, EMS workers, communications dispatchers, probation officers, and firefighters.
So Mr. Pickel's clan is suggesting that being supported by the firefighters union is bad? Looks like he's being supported by firefighters too.
To the second blogger - anonymous -9:09 PM, March 15, 2006 , the Crestwood Swim Club received approximately $750,000 dollars to relocate. At the time, St. Louis County assessed its value around $100,000. Most homeowners and businesses are given fair market value. Why was the Crestwood Swim Club given so so much? What did it do with the extra money? How many board members and city employees are members? Since the swim club received so much tax payer money, it would be a wonderful gesture to open its doors to public use. In addition, why is the club so reluctant to release its membership list? Are they embarassed because they received so much money? Mr. Vincent has surely represented you well.
What is your problem with the pool--get over it. move glad that it is in the city--it is an ASSET to the community.
Mr. Ford--you have made reference to the "cocktail circuit" a couple of times in this blog--could you please explain exactly what that is? Is it in Crestwood? Thanks.
Just so the facts are strait.... The Crestwood Swim club DID NOT receive one penny from the City. The name of the check that bought the swim club was THF Realty.
The Crestwood Pointe TDD then bought the parking lot from THF and paid for traffic related improvements for Kohl’s and would have paid for improvements to the parking lot.
The City of Crestwood got well over half of the current parking lot at City Hall at NO COST to the City – not one penny came from any Crestwood Fund. The City was going to need the parking lot for the construction of the ill-fated Police HQ Building.
The people who shop at Kohl's are paying for the parking lot - that's what TDD's are created for.
Thank you for setting the record straight. Can't argue with facts.
It does no good to rehash past mistakes. What the voters want to know is if the candidates are willing to do what is right for the taxpayers of Crestwood. The voters were unhappy with the former City administration and spoke loudly when they elected the present Mayor. What we want now are Aldermen that will put aside childish resentments and work to make Crestwood a viable city.
I am disappointed in Board of Aldermen meetings where many of the present Aldermen seem only concerned with doing everything they can to be contentious. They were elected to do the best job possible in providing essential city services while staying within the budget.
We need a group of Aldermen that are seen as working together to make Crestwood a city that will attract new businesses if we ever hope to solve our financial crisis. Infighting makes it unlikely that new businesses will view our municipality favorably when looking for a location to open or expand a business.
Although I am no longer a member of the Crestwood Swim Club, I still own stock. Many residents belonged to the Crestwood Swim Club before the Whitecliff pool was developed because it was the only option for our children to enjoy a neighborhood pool. The problem with the new Crestwood Swin Club is that present members seem completely oblivious to the negative consequences to the neighbors near the pool that have to endure the constant noise three months every year. Many of the Club members don’t even live in Crestwood, so they have no stake in trying to be good neighbors. Perhaps the Crestwood Swim Club would be viewed in a better light if it would be willing to modify operating hours and mitigate the noise problem with these neighbors.
Until full details of the exorbitant relocation fees paid to the Crestwood Swim Club, this issue will never be dropped. As far as the local neighbors, I think they will argue over the "asset to the community" line.
Since there are some bloggers who have knowledge of the Swim Club, I will ask a few questions. Please advise how I can sell my stock in Rosebrook Realty/Crestwood Swim Club and how much it is worth. When I joined I had been on a waiting list and there were several fees involved, and this was the only refundable one when sold. Thanks.
Mud: A dark brown earthen substance, gooey, and sodden, sometimes used to disguise.
Truth: Conformity with fact, an established fact, reality. Or in this case, Factual, words from the official accepted minutes of the P&Z board meeting, July, 2001.
You can sling one all you want, the second bask's you in it's glow. Some can take it, most can't.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
To the blogger requesting the Fire Fighters questionare.
If I had it, I would give it to you. I sent it to the address provided, and have not seen it since.
By the way I like the idea that Mr. Pickel has been endorsed by the communication workers union, I never received a questionare from them, but I sur would have answered it, if I had. I, for one am glad to see that he is pro union.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
I am a member of the P&Z board right here in Crestwood. I am a "volunteer" as you said, however, your not quite right about not taking an oath of office. I, as well as all the other members were required to take an oath of office, being sworn in by the City Clerk prior to taking office, so you see, it does apply.
Second, I never mentioned Mr. Greer, the Mayor, or the EX-C/A, so how did they get into the mix here?
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
I really liked your comment #18. I think you are right on as far as
the under-handed remarks on this blog. Mr. Pickel has made comments to several
people in Ward 2 that he will work with the mayor and promote Crestwood. I
am all for that. I just don't understand why he laughed and mocked at
everything Mayor Robinson said at the debate if he really means he wants to work with
the mayor. He has told several Ward 2 people the same thing.
I was sitting right behind him at the debate, and I saw this inappropriate
behavior for myself. When I have asked him on this blog to explain this, I
get nasty messages back from bloggers saying "why don't you go around the corner
and ask him since you live so close by". All I have ever seen of Chris
Pickel is the back of his head at the debate and it turned me off. He has never
given me any type of literature to show his background. Others who have put up
his signs say all he gives out is his card. I just don't understand why if
you are putting a sign out for somebody, why wouldn't you give them a copy of
your background. I would like to know how he stands on the tax increase but I
have seen nothing from him. I am sorry to say that when I saw him make fun of
Roy and stay perfectly quiet when Tom Fagan spoke at the debate, that it was
an awful way to act and I would like for him to explain it. Is that so wrong?
I will again sign my name to this blog and I hope that the hate messages
don't start coming in like they did the last time. Every time I sign a message,
someone has to start hitting below the belt. Like I said before, I am
entitled to ask questions. I think that my questions have relevence and I think
they are legitimate questions under the circumstances.
Sandy Grav`e
How many times are you going to rehash this? do you feel guilty because you didn't confront him right then and there? I guess it's just easier to keep repeating your allegations ad nauseum on the blog. Yawn--I'm bored.
Mr. Pickel's background is all over his campaign literature and all over his website. He has his phone number on his website--give him a call. Why are you asking everyone BUT Mr. Pickel about what he stands for? You keep repeating your criticisms of Mr. Pickel on this blog--doesn't make too much sense. You are like a child that keeps complaining over and over and over about something. If you are truly interested--which I do not believe you are--you would behave like a grown woman and obtain the information you want to know about Mr. Pickel. Let me break it down for you:
Call him
Go to his website
Ask to speak to him in person
Go to his home.
What's so complicated about that?
What campaign literature? What Mr. Pickel?, when do we get to see him, or hear from him?
I can't fault Mr. Pickel for having a hard time holding back his dismay at the debate, I had the same problem. The question I have is how could either Mr. Pickel or Mr. Ford say that will work with the Mayor? I want a candidate that is standing on his own, not one of either group currently debating here. I'd like to see someone who is going to hold the Mayor, the City Administrator, and everyone else accountable, not "rubber stamp" them. Crestwood's future isn't in a unified group, it's in some checks and balances, something that hasn't been there in a long time.
Have you listened to, or read Mr. Ford's ideas, or posts? I don't see him as being a "rubber stamp" for anyone!
FYI, I am running for the seat in Ward Two because I believe we need the very "checks and balances" you spoke of!
I have, and still do run a very profitable business, and I know what it takes to prosper in today's economy. If you wish to have a BOA that will "rubber stamp" the feelings of sitting Alderman, then you need to look at my worthy opponant.
However, if you want someone to look after your money, get the job done, and get us out of the mess we are in now, well then, I would appreciate your vote!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
Well, doesn't this beat all. What ever happened to " ,Love they Neighbor" I do find it interesting that while our city is drowning in it's own issues, all the bloggers can do is argue over superfilous B/S. I would recommend that each and every one of you contact your Current and Prospective aldermen and demand that they address the issues facing this city and do it with due diligence. Let's wake up people, the idea is not to kill off one another but to rally around the problem in unity to bring this city back. When that has been accomplished then you can all step out into the street and beat each others brains out. Your individual issues are not this cities concern. So let's step back and re-evaluate what is really important. It doesn't matter who gets elected as long as their heart and best interests are directed at straightening out our problems
Who has been paying for all of the electric, sewer, grass cutting, telephone, asphalt paving of parking lot, sidewalk maintenance, pool maintenance, water and gas bills for Crestwood Swim Club and for Rosebrook Real Estate Company since 1956 or 1957?
Does anyone have a list of the Rosebrook Real Estate stockholders and a list of the Crestwood Swim Club members?
Was Mayor Brasfield and Kent Leichliter a member of Crestwood Swim Club and a stockholder in Rosebrook Real Estate Company?
Are you sure that the City of Crestwood "got title to almost one half (1/2) of current parking lot FREE from swim club?
Have you read the Conditional Use Permit for the Crestwood Swim Club and for Rosebrook Real Estate Company?
Have you tried to find a place to park for a public meeting at the City of Crestwood during a Crestwood Swim Club meet?
The City owns its parking lot. Prior to the Swim Club relocating it did not and therefore could not build anything on it. The parking lot was required to build the Police HQ Building.
The Conditional Use Permit allows the Swim Club to use it for their swim meets - just the same as before they relocated.
Again, the City did not pay penny for getting its parking lot back. Had the City condemed the parking lot it would have gotten it, BUT would have had to pay its own money for it. Then we would have had even less money than we have today.
No, I don't own "Stock" in the swim club and I have never took a dip in the pool.
How many real estate transactions
are between the City of Crestwood and Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club?
June 13, 1972 Ordinance 1351 An ordinance approving a contract with Rosebrook Real Estate Company for the Purchase of a Parcel of Ground Presently Part of Crestwood Swimming Club parking lot, located adjacent to the present city hall property providing certain conditions and authorizing the mayor to execute said contract on behalf of the city.
Whereas, the City of Crestwood, Missouri is engaged in the construction of a Crestwood Government Center; and
Whereas, additional parking facilities must be provided for those persons using said Governmental Center; and
Whereas, the Rosebrook Real Estate Company Corporate Entity for the Crestwood Swimming Club, did on the 13th day of June, 1972 execute a sales contract with City of Crestwood for the sale of said property for the sume of ($12,000.00) with certain other benefits; and
Whereas, under the terms of said contract, the purchase price of said parcel of ground shall be used to improve the balance of the parking area of the Rosebrook Real Estate Company;
Purchaser City of Crestwood as a further consideration, grants to seller 10 foot wide road access to seller's property immediately north of the present tennis courts from Sappington Road.
Purchaser City of Crestwood grants to seller a right-of-way across purchaser's parking lots and property immediately east of the present parking lot of seller.
Purchaser City of Crestwood shall have the right to provide lighting, curbs and other appertainences to the seller's parking lot.
Purchases City of Crestwood shall have the right to unrestricted use of seller's parking lot immediately north of the property purchased herein for the purposes of parking personal pleasure motor vehicles only with a 24 hour limitation.
In consideration of the sale price being in excess of the appraised price of said property sold herein, seller grants to purchaser the first right of refusal for the purchase of the remainder of the seller's entire property including the present parking lot, the property containing the swimming pool and diving pool together with the walkway thereto.
Purchaser City of Crestwood agrees to provide maintenance on seller's adjacent parking lot for one year after completion and seller acknowledges that after the expiration of said year, it will be responsible for the maintenance of its parking lot. Purchaser agrees to provide all striping of adjacent parking lot and any concrete curbs needed, as long as it is used by purchaser as a parking lot.
Ordinance No. 1351 was signed by Mayor Joseph S. Vitalis and William G. knopf, president of Rosebrook Real Estate Company.
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