Blogger, Ms. Jacqueline Stock offers help in finding City information
Sometime ago I ( J. STOCK ) sent an article to the BLOG recommending the
requirement of "signatures and NOT allowing "anonymous" articles. As mature
people, it is unbelievable how many adults
make statements which are not correct! On March 17, 06 at 6:50p someone
wrote "......He dismissed volunteers who had served for years...And replaced them.."
WHAT.... Did you NOT check the MUNICIPAL CODE BOOK....which reads..
"___________Board is hereby created ......shall have ___members, who shall
BE APPOINTED by the Mayor and SHALL RUN CONCURRENTLY with the Mayor..". If you do not have time to go to the CITY HALL to read for yourself,
let me know through TOM FORD and I will provide you with copies of ANY
and ALL of the BOARDS, COMMITTEES and COMMISSIONS. When someone
makes a statement, they should have the backup to discuss their opinion.
These issues MUST be approached correctly and not be allowed to MISINFORM
the reader. Jacqueline Stock
No. 95
Sometime ago I ( J. STOCK ) sent an article to the BLOG recommending the
requirement of "signatures and NOT allowing "anonymous" articles. As mature
people, it is unbelievable how many adults
make statements which are not correct! On March 17, 06 at 6:50p someone
wrote "......He dismissed volunteers who had served for years...And replaced them.."
WHAT.... Did you NOT check the MUNICIPAL CODE BOOK....which reads..
"___________Board is hereby created ......shall have ___members, who shall
BE APPOINTED by the Mayor and SHALL RUN CONCURRENTLY with the Mayor..". If you do not have time to go to the CITY HALL to read for yourself,
let me know through TOM FORD and I will provide you with copies of ANY
and ALL of the BOARDS, COMMITTEES and COMMISSIONS. When someone
makes a statement, they should have the backup to discuss their opinion.
These issues MUST be approached correctly and not be allowed to MISINFORM
the reader. Jacqueline Stock
No. 95
Ms. Stockhausen, or is it Stock? Could you at least clarify your correct last name? I've seen it appear as both recently....
I think the point that blogger was trying to make is that NO previous mayor had seen fit to make those sweeping changes to the boards and commissions, and had allowed those volunteers to continue in their positions no matter what their political affiliation is.
If I am correct, you yourself supported the mayor, and were left to continue serving on a volunteer board for our city. Others, however, who chose to support another candidate, were rapdily replaced with supporters of the mayor.
This isn't about what he 'can' do, but what he does do. It is the perception of abuse of authority and political paybacks that deteriorates our city through his actions.
" I never can get JACQUELINE
STOCKHAUSEN on one line! "
Yawn? are you an encephalitis patient, or just ADD afflicted?
Hate corrodes the vessel that holds it.
I hope that I can answer the question regarding how the mayor appoints
people to the various boards and commissions in Crestwood without making
anybody angry. I am just trying to help and possibly clarify a concern. If you
choose to read this with an open mind, read on.
Ms. Stock (Stockhausen) is correct when she states the code. Since I
have worked for 5 different mayors, it was always my job through the City
Administrator to have the mayor (whoever it was at that point in time) look over the
Official Roster of the City of Crestwood to see what changes he/she wanted to
make. This is what all mayors have done - the ones we like, the ones we
don't like. Not one mayor has ever done any different. That roster has all of
the pertinent information of each member of each board, commission and committee.
By that roster, the mayor could check to see how long someone served, what
ward that person was in, if there were too many people from the same ward on the
same board or committee, the date that he/she started to serve and anything
that was pertinent to his/her appointment.
Mayor Robinson took a look at the roster and saw that there were many people
who had served for many years on the same board, and was trying to figure out
how he wanted these boards and commissions to be laid out. He wanted to give
others a chance to serve their community. He said so publicly to try to
straighten out the issue. Had Tom Fagan been elected, he would have made changes
at his discretion as well. Every mayor does it. Whether it is Tom Fagan or
Roy Robinson, mayors have always appointed people they know versus someone who
they see walking the mall. Get real. Many times they also appoint people who
are referred to them. They usually give the mayor a thumbnail sketch of
their background so the mayor can see their credentials. If you want to criticize
the mayor for that, you would have to criticize all of them.
BUT Unfortunately for this mayor, he did not have someone who was
knowledgeable about the proper process gauged by other mayors in WRITING APPROPRIATE
TO APPROACH PEOPLE. HE HAD DON GREER write the letters for his signature if
I recall.
It is not my intention to make an excuse for the mayor but I know exactly how
it happened as I, too, served on the Animal Control Board and was sent a
letter just as others were. That letter left everyone cold. That letter was
purposely written that way and it should have never gone out. Big Mistake. Don
Greer would do nothing except use every situation he could to exacerbate this
mayor's intentions. That was what he did best AS WELL AS TAKE INFORMATION THAT
HIM. Those letters were sent out and the people felt that they were not
appreciated, that all the years meant nothing for their service, and the letters
never stated that the mayor wanted to start off trying to straighten out the
imbalance of who had served too long to let others have a chance.
If you want to say that the mayor appointed all his own people, well pray
tell who should any of the mayors appoint, and how would your candidate done it
I hope and trust that I have helped explain how it is done. If you still
want to criticize this mayor for doing it this way, I suggest you come up with an
alternative plan. For those nay sayers who just want something they can hold
over this mayor's head, I have nothing else to say but I am sure you will
think of something.
Sandy Grave
I'll bet Mr. Pickel wishes he had never been appointed to the P&Z post. Had he not been, it would not be necessary for him to justify his swim club conflict of interest vote.
Lord Chesterfield:
Wrongs are often forgiven, but contempt never is. Our pride remembers it forever.
Ms. Grave, from your comments you seem to know "how things work". Tell me then, how can somebody be appointed to a board by a tie vote by the mayor? THIS IS AGAINST THE CHARTER OF CRESTWOOD. The mayor may break ties regarding ordinances, BUT NOT on appointments.
Tell me why has this not been addressed? Politics?
Please refer to the City of Crestwood Charter adopted November 7, 1995:
Article IV Section 4.4(a) "The Mayor shal preside at meetings of the Board of Aldermen, but shall not vote on any question except in case of a tie."
You may also reference the BOA minutes from October 11, 2005.
P.S. BOA meetings are held at city hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. The agenda provides for public comments. :)
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