Friday, March 10, 2006

C/A Myers gives a great interview!

Please click on the header to be directed to Mr. Myers article in the Times! I think this gentleman has the right idea's for Crestwood, and his optimism is just what we need to move forward.

I have been reading some of the "Anonymous" posts, and have to tell you, I am impressed! Someone has a great sense of humor, and that's just what we need right now during this "silly season".

Just remember folks this is all business, not personal, so please let's not get ourselves into a tizzy, as we will all need to work side by side when the election is over if we are to remedy the cities problems.

In response to the blogger who was worried that I am shutting down the blog, nope, not going to happen. I must tell you that no matter who started this thing, I would still participate. This blog has given many of our citizens a chance to post their views, and it seems to be a wonderful vehicle for all of us to speak their minds. So with that in mind,

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 86


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that the new CA was offered new furniture! I thought the general fund needed all the money it could get. Imagine that - we will watch who uses what copier, whether or not it is color, etc. BUT the new CA was offered new furniture.

9:11 AM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe was offered the $8,000 set and $1,200 chair that the taxpayers bought for former Mayor ROBERTSON.

12:01 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is the past - keep pointing fingers - not making any friends here.

12:06 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the past is front and center, given the first post on this page!

Did anybody ask the new CA if he was really offered "NEW" furniture or simply was offered something nicer (That the City arleady had.) than he inherited? They guy's been on the job for less than a month - cut him some slack… He said NO to both.

Apparently he will now be required to define every word out of his mouth.

12:29 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you should have read the article in the Times (hence the first post from Mr. Ford)


"When Frank Myers came on board a month ago as Crestwood's new city administrator, he was offered new furnishings to replace some of the old, outdated pieces in his office." You can read the rest yourself.

The comment was not against Mr. Myers but the administration even suggesting that he get new/replacement furniture. Each department has been at meetings last year going over minute details regarding expenses in their departments (hence, do you need this, how often do you use....etc.) That is the reason for the comment.

Why must you twist things around against other people. Not one thing in that post said anything negative about Mr. Myers.

1:07 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone is on the same page - cut corners, curb spending. New Furniture is not on the horizon, and many agree that the BMW issue, like it or not, did erode trust (along with some other very prominent and disturbing facts trying desperately to remain beneath the rug) - as does the severance package for the resigned FO and the 6 months salary for the retired CA, plus the overkill on the police car fleet and the totally out of line legal expenses, with no backup. Can you hear me now - no backup! Imagine what the residents thought when they learned the brand new roof at city hall would come off to accomodate the $14 M city hall re-do which would now be collateral. This then, is the nightmare which keeps reoccurring and which stands squarely in the way of trust. This is not the ancient past, it is current and it is part of the equasion of understanding. Don't ask me to forget it and then ask me to throw more money at it all. Not without a thorough understnading that it is for the debt, and nothing else, like furniture or perks, and not until we receive answers to the above questions. You know, "open government." Too many instances in this city of "ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies." There is something terribly wrong when 8 Aldermen vote to spend money we don't have and then tell us we are broke, need some more of our money due to their generousity with a resigned and retired duo. Thank heavens for term limits.

2:27 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By "Administration" I assume you mean the current Mayor, but thats OK. If he truly did offer to buy brand new furnutre then that's a strike against him just like was it was against Robertson.

Can we agree that Mr. Meyers is trying to set a good example regardless of the situation?

2:57 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not atacking anyone, just wanted to point something out concerning the police cars.

There are a lot of vehicles on the lot, but belive it or not there is a reason for it. If you agree with it or not, there is one.

First there use to be more officers patrolling the streets. With cuts and retirements those officer's were never replaced. To my knowledge the city use to have a traffic and mall squad, division, or what ever they called it at the time.

The police cars are set up to run for 12 hours and sit for 12. If they didn't do this the cars would have to be replaced every year, because after a year of running 24/7 and driving in a city with only 4 miles probably with no greater speeds more than 40-50 mph. Those cars would be break down twice as fast as yours or mine.

The cars that our on the lot are as old as 1998 models. I would image with only minor down times for the most part.

Just ask if you don't believe my words, or if the citizens would like to buy 4-6 new cars every year, then go for it and see how much that cost the budget. I'm sure someone will disagree to disagree with me, but call around and see how other cities deal with the car issue.

3:05 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Different departments handle fleet rotation in different ways. Some will replace their entire fleet over a one to two year time frame to try and keep extended maintenance costs down. Although that changes with the market for used cars - primarily auto brokers who buy for taxi companies.... they want low mileage, around 50,000, cars. Other departments drive their cars into the ground and have higher operating costs to keep them running. Just depends on the department.

4:00 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you were not involved with BOA meetings in the past. The roof was put on the building with CIF money because originally there was to be a separate building built. The roof needed to be repaired. After finding out that the plans were way over budget the current building was going to be retrofitted. That was also way over budget. Shouldn't the firm that designed these be responsible? instead of the BOA

4:36 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments regarding the number of police autos. I have often wondered about that myself. Unless citizens attend the Police Board meeting, etc. the average citizens would not know how Crestwood "rotates" the automobile fleet. Thanks again, these are the kind of responses needed on this site!

10:43 PM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m a little confused, wasn’t somebody from the City supposed to be overseeing the architects. I agree that the BOA can’t oversee every minute detail, but didn’t we have somebody from the City working with the architects? $1,000,000 dollars, I think that’s the figure that was mentioned, is a pretty big amount to have spent. Who approved payments to the architect? Who was monitoring their performance?

12:00 PM, March 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your welcome about the information about the cars. Unlike the fire trucks these vehicle's are on the road all the time. They need to be replaced more often. The older vehicles are finally starting to show their age. After all a 1998 is a very long time for one of these cars to be on the road. It starts becoming a safety issue over time.

Just ask one of the cops you seeing driving around town. Ask a few and then take the answer you get most often. We have different views right now on how things are happening.

Also, the radio is in bad shape as well. I believe parts are hard to come by for the station radio. The hand helds are becoming more difficult to read when we are out of are cars. This is a major issue for the officers. All of the relatives know if this becomes a horrible incident for one of us.

Just a concern that seems to fallen on death ears. The response is no money and this is not a shot but a real problem that worries us that are on the street. FYI, get involved.

3:03 PM, March 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree; the communications equipment should have been purchased. The Capital Improvement Fund could have paid for it. but....Approving expenses these days is pretty political.

4:24 PM, March 15, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Speaking as a person who has been involved in several persuits, I can tell you first hand that it's not childs play. Police cars must have the tires, radio's, and maintanance so the officer can do his / her job!

Folks, we do not need to loose an officer, fireman,paramedic, or public works employee due to poor maintanance, or lack of communication's equipment. This is a very serious problem. I spoke with an officer not long ago who told me his unit was running with one tire plugged!

Now if we have a robery, or worse, and that car is in persiut at high speed, we stand a good chance of loosing that officer.

Crestwood must find a way to get these vehicles on line with whatever is needed to insure our employees safety, we can do no less!

I know, what's my plan to do that, right? Well, let's start by electing to the board new people who have the emergency services back ground to understand what our people need, and then we will work on it!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

5:09 PM, March 16, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

What it looks like is the new C/A is not only on the right track, but he fully understands the need for "Fiscal Responsibility"!

Thank the Lord, we may be turning a cornor here!

As Sir Winston said "It is not yet the begining of the end, but it is the end of the begining"

Folks, lets work for Crestwood, and let's do it now!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

9:02 PM, March 16, 2006  

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