A call for "volunteers" in Crestwood, or what can you do to help your City?
Ladies, and Gentlemen, I know that we have a "brain trust" in Crestwood that is not currently being used! I am asking each of you to examine your background, and tell the Board where you can be of assistance!
It has been stated that we should have known what the new "Police facility" would cost more than we could afford, and that's true. However wouldn't it have been great to have a "retired Architect" available to oversee the plans? How about an "H.V.A.C. person" looking over the load calculations, or a "retired Electrician" giving the City their expertise at no charge, and I am sure there is a "Retired Plumbing contractor", who is willing to lend his expertise!
Folk's, we can save this City a lot of money by stepping up, and offering your services to Crestwood!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
It has been stated that we should have known what the new "Police facility" would cost more than we could afford, and that's true. However wouldn't it have been great to have a "retired Architect" available to oversee the plans? How about an "H.V.A.C. person" looking over the load calculations, or a "retired Electrician" giving the City their expertise at no charge, and I am sure there is a "Retired Plumbing contractor", who is willing to lend his expertise!
Folk's, we can save this City a lot of money by stepping up, and offering your services to Crestwood!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
That's a sweet little idea--who gets to decide whether or not the person is qualified? Who will check their references? Who will be liable if the advice received from the lil'ole retired expert is completely misguided? What if they have ulterior motives. What if it's Don Greer's cousin? What if it is Diana Madrid's next door neighbor----WHAT THEN!!!!!
I'm curious how you will determine who gets to help as part of this brain trust? Apparently anyone who has ties to the past administration, past employees or past and sitting aldermen who disagree with you and your supporters are not fit to run for office--In your words "We need fresh voices who do not act in lockstep with the people who got us in this mess" Soooo, the big question remains--are you going to refuse help from residents of Crestwood who are not supporters or Roy Robinson. Are you going to take help from anyone who in your opinion socializes with the wrong people? If you are not fit to run for alderman because of your associates/friends/affiliations--it seems only fit that you should not be able to volunteer as well--Are you starting to see the difficulty with this twisted logic?
I would like to see Mr. Pickle volunteer if he loses his bid for aldermen. Do you think he would be a big enough "man" to do that?
I think what he is suggesting, as his words stated "to oversee" the plans. That would mean that if specific information was already placed in the proper format, an expert would be able to tell if the recommendations were correct and would come in on budget, etc. Don't the boards do some of that now, without the ability to ask an expert (except for the contractor) if they have questions or concerns? Second opinions and verifications are useful information. That way they can be relatively sure they will make a sound financial decision.Remember when the federal court house was built and fungus was found in the walls. They had to tear down and start all over. If they had a "retired contractor" looking over the plans they may have seen that coming and prevented it. As suggestions go, this one is pretty good. And it would give a sense of involvement and trust with the project. At least you could have experts at your disposal who could spend a couple hours when asked to give peace of mind.
You bet it's a "sweet idea", and it will work! Who get's to make the selection? Well, how about our City engineer? Who would then pass it on to the board for final selection.
As for who get's to help, well as the saying goes "Who cares who killed Hitler, as long as he's dead?"
Go ahead, be negitive, call it "twisted logic", laugh at what a fool I am, and you know what? Crestwood will all the worse off because, we will still be re-arranging the deck chairs while the ship is sinking!
In case you havent noticed, were in a sort of mess here that will not go away by it's self. We need to all pull toghether to get us out of it.
I put my name out there for your consideration, I have steped up to try my best to help, what have you done, other than laugh at my family, and I?
As they say, it's crunch time here in Crestwood folks, what are you going to do?
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Does Mr. Pickle or his wife or his parents or his in-laws have stock in Rosebrook Real Estate Company which is part of Crestwood Swim Club?
When I join a club or an organization, I always publish this information on my resume or on a job application.
I am confused why the City of Crestwood public officials do not volunteer their affliation with Crestwood Swim Club and their shares of Rosebrook Real Estate Company.
Who created the Crestwood Swim Club and Rosebrook Real Estate Company?
I thought I read in the paper that Alderman Gary Vincent received $750,000 for the Crestwood Swim Club.
Someone mentioned that Gary Vincent received around $850,000 for the sale of the Crestwood Swim Club pool.
Who received the $100,000 difference in the actual sale of the Crestwood Swim Club?
Did a lawyer or lawfirm receive this money?
I have noticed since hearing about this site that it doesn't seem to matter what Mr. Ford writes, his opposition jumps on it like a lion on lamb. This is very telling and the worst possible way to campaign. Kudos to Mr. Ford as he lets it roll off his back. Kudos to those who find this behavior appauling and say so.
A recent blogger wrote perhaps the time has come for the issue of the Crestwood Swim Club to be investigated by the Attorney General. I have always wondered about that development and now more than ever as the haughty nature of their member bloggers has aroused my curiosity. So much has been said that I have to wonder how it was ever approved to be rebuilt on its unlikely site, not to mention the clouded and shrouded "financial" benefits. I, too, would like to know how many of our officials are affiliated with this private club now and when it was relocated causing all this acrimony. I wonder about the constant defensive manuevering of swim club bloggers who have become so vindictive and seem to have evolved as an armed group not completely willing to peacefully co-exist with the city's best interests. This pool does not serve the city. It is a private club using the city's parking lot for their members and swim meets and parties in the summer. If it is "their" parking lot,or has shared ownership, then I would certainly have to question how it could ever have passed muster as such, as its size is such that it should be relegated to city business only. This alone is highly questionable. The noticeably testy and divisive local constituancy that belong to this club, especially at election time, appear to have have placed themselves and the pool first and the city last by virtue of their determined need to malign anyone who questions their operation or tactics.For some reason they seem to think they have the divine right to stamp their approval on their candidate while critisizing and defameing their opponents to a suspicious degree. They forget the fact that if there is anything this city needs, especially now, it is statesmanship.
To the previous blogger: Well stated! Thank you!
Was Crestwood Whitecliff pool relocated to our City Hall parking lot?
Please read Armstrong Teasdale website!
Representing the City of Crestwood, Missouri, the group is using a TIF, a TDD and a CID to finance improvements related to the Crestwood Point development at Watson Road and Sappington Road. The TDD and CID aided in the acquisition of land to expand and improve the city's existing government center parking lot and relocate the city's swim club.
To blogger 2:22...I don't think people are 'jumping on Mr. Ford'. Mr. Ford put this website out here for everyone to give input, so he can be more aware of the thoughts of the residents.
I'm sure Mr. Ford has found that many people do not necessarily share the same beliefs he does, and perhaps knowing that such a large group of his constituents have differing opinions, he'll be more careful in his decisions as an alderman.
Mr. Ford doens't need kudos, he's putting himself out there as a public official. If elected, it will be his job to know the many differing opinions of those he represents. This also means suffering criticism and scrutiny. That's the life of an elected official.
I hope Mr. Ford takes away from this an independence that does not align him with either of the perceived 'groups'.
I want our city employees to be safe and also believe they need the equipment to do their job safely...but is this a conflict of interest....in Mr. Ford's own words in a previous posting on this blog?
Tom Ford Says.....
...Speaking as a person who has been involved in several persuits, I can tell you first hand that it's not childs play. Police cars must have the tires, radio's, and maintanance so the officer can do his / her job!
Folks, we do not need to loose an officer, fireman,paramedic, or public works employee due to poor maintanance, or lack of communication's equipment. This is a very serious problem. I spoke with an officer not long ago who told me his unit was running with one tire plugged!
Now if we have a robery, or worse, and that car is in persiut at high speed, we stand a good chance of loosing that officer.
Crestwood must find a way to get these vehicles on line with whatever is needed to insure our employees safety, we can do no less!
I know, what's my plan to do that, right? Well, let's start by electing to the board new people who have the emergency services back ground to understand what our people need, and then we will work on it!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
8:05 AM, March 20, 2006
It seems that we now have enough interest in the Crestwood Swim Club to merit a complete public review. Anything which stirs up this much dust is due for a good airing.
According to several blogs, those with time and talent to volunteer in our community could be prejudiced, unworthy, unqualified, have ulterior motives, be part of a lockstep braintrust and support only unqualified candidates with twisted logic, and have terminal croony tatoos.
This is not a sweet idea, this is twisted logic.
It is also an insult to a very very special constituancy, one which deserves respect. How on earth could any volunteer be worse than some of what has represented us on the BOA and as ex-employees.
Now, it's a "conflict of interest" to want good equipment for our employees?
I can't speak for Chris Pickel, but I am interested in ALL of our employees! A better question would be, why isn't Chris Pickel?
I have attended too many funerals for fallen officers, firefighters, ET AL to not know that they need the best we can give them, equipment wise!
Why don't you call the police department, and ask them if you could "ride along" for a 12 hour shift, or call the firemen, and ask if you could join them for a 24 hour shift?
Better yet, let Chris Pickel do it, and then give us a report as to what he thinks! Chris, are you willing to see what our people go through? If so, when can we expect your "ride along"?
Are those "my own word's"? your darn right they are! My question to you is when will you display the courage to print "your own word's"
The only "conflict of interest" we have here, is that I am interested in the health, and welfare of Crestwood employees, and you are "conflicted" by your need not to be, for what ever reason!
These people have families, that expect to see them at the end of their shift's, why would you deny them the best equipment we can afford? They gladly put their life on the line for all of us, every day they are on duty, and have pledged to save you if needed, and yet you call it a "conflict of interest"!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Whoever is YAWNING...please...you are making me tired!
Will you tell us the name of the company you work for? Pickel has given his on his website.
I noticed the Recreation Dept. of the city solicited volunteers in their flier, so Mr. Ford it would seem is to be complimented for his "volunteer" suggestion. Afterall, it was an idea and there is not a thing wrong with ideas.
Edward de Bono:
It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all.
I guess we need new people to move into Crestwood and run the city.
It is obvious that the individuals commenting on the pool, Rosebrook, TIFs, TDDs, etc. were not involved in Crestwood government until recently.
And the idea of having "volunteers" is just what Mr. Trueblood has suggested. Of course at the first meeting when several citizens got up and liked the idea - the mayor "thought it sounded like a good idea" THEN at the last meeting - he doesn't think it is a good idea? Why would this idea of having volunteers fly if the mayor doesn't like it?
Eleanor Roosevelt:
Campaign behavior for wives: Always be on time. Do as little talking as humanly possible. Lean back in the parade car so everybody can see the president.
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