Monday, March 06, 2006

Candidate Tom Ford is endorsed by the Professional Fire Fighters Of Eastern Missouri I.A.F.F., Local 2665!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very proud to inform you that I have received the endorsement of Local 2665, as well as the Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters, for the office of Alderman, Ward two, Crestwood!

I can assure you that of all the endorsement's that a candidate could receive, this, to me, is the most inspiring! Why, you ask? Well, I have been in law enforcement, and I know what it means to have the backing of your "peers".

The Fire Fighters, as all "first responders" know that they must be able to trust the person next to them with their safety,as well as their life, and they must be able to count on them to do the job when called upon. You might say that this is a "Band of Brothers (and Sisters)."

I am extremely gratified that they have seen fit to endorse me for Alderman, Ward two, and I promise all the citizens of Ward Two, that I will not betray that trust!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course - its all in who you know - they got the mayor elected!

10:14 PM, March 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If thats true then I want to thank them! They made a wonderful choice. Based on that I think Mr. Ford got my vote. Are they backing the tax increase? I certainly hope so.........

8:32 AM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Thank you kind blogger! It is in fact true, and They do indeed back the tax increase. I for one hope it passes, We must retire the debt, and get back the deed's to City Hall, and the Public Works property.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two".

Tom Ford
Ward Two

5:58 PM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ho-hum--just more politics. Let me guess-Jim Murphy secured this endorsement?

5:41 AM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, not bloody likely!

8:41 AM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being backed by this union gives the impression that the local Fire Department backs you as well. This is another example of the employees being drawn into the politics in Crestwood, despite the fact that the majority of them don't even live here, and don't wish to be involved.

I hope Mr. Ford takes a long look at what is being done to our employees. We have a Mayor making no secret of backing a candidate for Police Chief, because they have a personal relationship, creating very bad morale among employees.

The Mayor tells members of the Board of Alderman that the employees support him, not altogether true. The employees have never been put in the position of having to interact directly with a Mayor, or any elected official, prior to this Mayor, and are frightened by the disintegration of "Chain of Command" that had them answering only to the City Administrator. Mr. Leichliter did an excellent job of creating a 'non political' environment for the employees to carry out their responsibilities.

The new City Administrator has conducted several meetings with employees now under the guise of introducing himself and learning of their concerns, only to badger employees into working on the passing of the tax that is upcoming. The employees have NEVER been asked to become involved in politics before.

Mr. Ford, as I understand it, your son is a Police Officer with Crestwood, and surely you have heard many of these rumors. Rather than perpetuating the image that certain employees are backing you via this union, please work to reinstate the separation of politics and employees before the City loses quality people.

12:14 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last blogger: You have no clue what you are talking about. My guess is that you are a employee yourself with ties to the exiled police chief. Awwwww, pitty pitty. I feel for you. If you were to poll all city employees you would find that Mr. Robinson has overwhelming support. I'm sure it's not unanimous but none the less he is WELL supported by the rank and file. The new C/A is a breath of fresh air also. I assure you that not one employee is being "badgered" in to anything. "Badgered", now thats funny! "Disintegration of Chain of Command". What a joke! If you don't like it or the "person" giving you your faulty info doesn't then go "patrol" another city. "Badger".....I'm still laughing.

1:22 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These comments just highlight the horrible conditions the employees must be facing! I can only imagine the sort of divisiveness that has occurred because of the horrible leadership these past few years.
If anyone deserves our respect it's the employees who've had to deal with this crisis day in and day out. And then to keep their minds focused on dangerous situations?
Well, maybe just working there seems like a "dangerous" situation with the fighting amongst the citizens, the board, and the finances and now we learn the employees!
Let's give them something to look forward to people! Pass this tax, put aldermen in that will make a difference and not play the same old games!

3:35 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 100%. We need more people like you voicing your views!

3:37 PM, March 08, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Mr. Murphy can't be held responsible fo this one friends!

I know it's his fault it rained today, and it will be his fault that it will be dark later, but the endorsement is not.

I am sad to see your negitive feelings for a man who has done so much for Crestwood, and the State of Missouri. I can not remember him ever asking for our thanks, he just did what was right, and he did it well!

If your on the "Board" now, or ever hope to be, you can only hope and pray that you will be able to do as much, I do!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward two

5:08 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well here we go again. Why make a comment regarding Mr. Murphy when not one of the comments said anything about him? Did you post on the wrong comment?

And "can only hope and pray that you will be able to do as much, I do!" - what is that supposed to mean?

Strange comments, unless I am missing something?

11:23 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing I do know about this site, I read about the "politics behind the scene" in Crestwood that I would not normally know. My Alderman does not forward those types of issues, only facts that he has learned first hand and mostly those that affect the running of the city - not things like who likes who and who does what.

Mr. Ford, I did not know that your son was a police officer with Crestwood. Maybe that is why your opinion of the past CA/Police Chief is tainted. Not everybody likes their boss or coworkers.

And the comment regarding "you have no clue what you are talking about" takes the cake. It could be an employee that works for Crestwood now, if so why would they lie? What would be their motive. Come on. Have you taken a poll or just asked Mr. Ford's son? Since I don't know him, I don't have anything against him personally but....

11:37 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that many employees were happy to see that a forum had been created for public opinion. The employees certainly do know more about what has been happening in this city than people who haven't had to deal with it every day for years. Those who posted opinions on this site probably felt like the citizens cared about them.
The only reason I am posting this comment is to defend Mr Ford's son. Please understand that Mr. Ford's son is a very private person. In all these years that things have been extremely bad he hasn't been involved with opinions or politics. It looks like his father is very proud of him and his work. Please try to respect his difficult position.
The employees are so depressed now the only way to make it worse is to attack their them. When city employees are not supported by the city/citizens they feel forced to find jobs where they do feel secure and supported. Many, many employees have fled and been laid off. Some demoted after 20 years because of the finances. It hurts all of us when this happens. Many employees have stayed loyally serving Crestwood and its citizens even through all these uncertainties. Please respect them for that!
I saw a Ford worker almost crying on the news today because he had worked for Ford for 20 years and has been laid off. He doesn't know what to do now.
That's how it feels.

3:06 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I think it would be very wise for city employees to just avoid politics altogether. There are obvious threads of the feelings of "some" in most of these blogs, likely written by them or their ties to the former administration or CA. City employees are not all neutral, those who are not are most definitely known. If they want their employer to thrive, best they just do their job and bury the hatchet, or hustle on up the road. Crestwood does not need defiance and moody employees. Get over it. Times are a changin!

3:15 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hustle on up the road"? Now that's a great way to problem solve. Just tell all the employees to go get other jobs because they were forced into this political atmosphere when things got really BAD! Not one thing that is done in a city is not political. It's a government entity that employs them! How about WE problem solve! Fix this mess! Fix the finances! Remove their concerns!
I can't believe that anyone would tell them to "hustle on up the road"! They didn't cause these problems!
You just want them to be silenced!
I'm pleased that they are voicing their opinions. It just highlights that a rotten administration was just replaced!

3:57 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just lost my vote. The last thing the city needs is another elected official controlled by the fire union.

4:10 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the 14th comment. Advise the city workers to avoid politics, does that include the firefighters union and its members who work for the city?
Bury the hatch, get over it, times are a changin? Is that advise meant for former employees who have retired like Ms. Grave?

4:12 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the future of the city isn't important to you, then make your decision based on that! You've just proven that the financial future of this city and changing the people who got us into this mess don't count to you.

4:23 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So helping this city should be left up to the residents and the board entirely?
We know the workers have to do anything political in their own free time. So why would they help? One previous blogger stated that they don't even live here. Why spend their free time helping? I'm taking this as a sign that the workers care about our city!!!

4:39 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think that Mr. Ford's son working at the Police Department would be a conflict of intrest. Its along the same lines as the former CA/Police Chief and his relationship. I could see him wanting to get involved and try to make this a better place for all to work, but not this way. Who's next your wife, brother, or a cousin. If we go this route we could end up like Florrisant with the Lowey group. His son or son's all are high ranking in the Police Department.

If you check the code book there is an ordiance that states if a family member becomes an alderman the employee will resign the following month of his/her appointment, unless you have the majority of the boa vote. Now why would you risk your son's job unless he's leaving the department once your in office. My next question would be, have you been told this wouldn't be a problem if elected. If that's the case that is just back room politics at it best.

These are just valid questions that need to be answered. It sounds like the employee's have seen and heard enough over the years. Its amazing how a quiet little town could get this bad. Good luck to all!

4:51 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you have the code book? Do share. How did you get it? Are you on the Board? Do you wear a bow-tie? Or did your wife write that?

5:01 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness - anyone can go to City Hall and read the code book. Citizens have gone out of their way to read depositions no snide comments had been made about that. In fact supportive comments have been made.

5:10 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That code book must be volumes thick. You went up to city hall and sat there and READ it? Come ON! You have your own copy!

5:13 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am single and have no neck

5:15 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, now you made me laugh. I like you again!

5:16 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds to me like employees are trying to tell us something and maybe we should listen. i'm hearing that nothing is any better, maybe worse with the new politics. do we really know what we have up there? we ignored a whole administration that let us get into financial trouble, then we ignored another administration that did things we don't like. are we going to ignore this one, side with them without wondering if they are really what they represent? he selected someone to replace greer as city administrator without much publicity or discussion. how much did we know about that? before he picks someone to replace greer as chief and madraid as finance person, maybe we should start asking questions. sounds like there is already trouble brewing over choice for chief.

6:13 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor doesn't pick the chief. The personel manager recommends and the Board of Alderman has to vote to appoint the chief. This is a democratic process.
Like so many other things, little fact, lots to talk about.

6:51 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What personnel manager? The personnel manager is the City Administrator, who was hired by the Mayor. Wait until the April election is over and the Board will be filled with supporters of the Mayor, who will approve his recommendations. A few may call this a united front for progress, others may view it as a rubber stamp for the Mayor's wishes. Same old, same old, just a different group of faces.

8:00 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe this was just an FYI for Mr. Ford incase he wasn't informed about the code pertaining to employee's relatives being elected to office. This will open the gates for every other employee who has a relative that lives in the city to run for office. Who know's if it will be good or bad?

My point is he knows now and if he is willing to take that chance and he doesn't get approval from the boa, then we have to find someone else to fill his seat. We don't need that hassel of starting over again for ward 2. If he's not worried about it I want to know if he was promised it would fly, and that would be more behind the scenes crap thats been going on for to long.

I think his son's job is more important, and no one wants his son to get caugh up in this rat race.

No I don't wear a bow tie, its not my stlye. Most of the employee's the hundred or so that or left are just trying to survive and hope this mess will work itself out. I have no ties to the former C/A, he's gone let it go. We have put our, future, our way of life in the hands of part time politician. We would like to have a stable environment for a change. Or at least a few of us would, we can't speak for the entire city. Thanks again Mr. Ford for making this site posible. It's obvious that some don't want the employee's to be heard if we don't agree with their views.
Good luck!

9:52 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the Mayor nominates the canidate for CA and the Board of Aldermen vote on the appointment.

12:40 PM, March 11, 2006  

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