Candidate Tom Ford lists what he stands for.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been asked what I stand for, so I decided to place that list on the blog for all to see. I hope we will see the same from my worthy opponent.
Complete Fiscal Responsibility to the Crestwood Citizens!
Accurate Accounting of where the funds are being spent, and why!
End the “Borrow and Spend” Government of the past 3 administrations!
Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments fully manned and ready to serve Crestwood!
A Ward II Representative who will not make you wait for answers to your questions and concerns.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Complete Fiscal Responsibility to the Crestwood Citizens!
Accurate Accounting of where the funds are being spent, and why!
End the “Borrow and Spend” Government of the past 3 administrations!
Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments fully manned and ready to serve Crestwood!
A Ward II Representative who will not make you wait for answers to your questions and concerns.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Good for you! Finally a man ready to lead this city with some common sense and good leadership! I hope on April 5th we can all say collectively "Welcome Aboard"!
Could you please provide specifics to describe how you will be able to accomplish these goals. How are you going to have the police dept.and fire dept. fully staffed--with what money?...also I would like to hear your specific plans for keeping the businesses open in Crestwood and more businesses coming. And I don't mean a marketing plan to "shop crestwood first" What concrete, tangible things are you going to do?
Excellent question! I have one also. What "concrete, tangible things" has the curent B.O.A. done so far to complete those goals?
You know in order to keep a business open it needs revenue from local shoppers as well as others. Just what have "we" done to insure that the businesses stay open in Crestwood.
Police, fire, and public works rely on local businesses, and us to have the funds needed to operate, that's a fact, so what will "we do"?
I am giving you my priorities, my oponent has said nothing to date, that we know of. I, at least have some ideas, what about him?
Before you dismiss a "marketing program" as being silly, ask Mr. Pickel, that's his line of work, ask him if it will help! (it darn sure can't hurt.)
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
Mr. Ford--you did not answer the question. I am asking a question of you on your blog. I am not asking about the current board of aldermen, the past board of aldermen or your opponent. Again--what concrete, tangible plans do you have--what are YOUR ideas? It will be great to solve Crestwood's financial problems and I hope that they will be resolved soon. But then what? Please answer the question. Thank you.
I really don't think that the past 3 administrations could have seen the severe drop in revenue. Mr. Ford, unless you had received all the information that the BOA did I don't think that is a very educated comment. (maybe you had?) The General Fund's actual revenues for 2005 were $1 mil less than the projected revenues. At least this year's budget was based on 96% of last years revenues. Hopefully that was on the actual revenues not last year's projected budget amount. Not sure on that one. Anybody else know?
As far as keeping business staying open and attracting new business to Crestwood - the past administration and the BOA have been working on that but it takes long time to achieve that goal. The mayor himself said he was unsure of the value of the Economic Development employee until he was in office and saw the value add. That may have been one of the "cuts" he felt he could make before he was in office. (like street cleaning). Sometimes there are reasons why certain expenses need to be paid.
Many of the developments now coming around had been identified and pursued prior to Robinson coming into office. These things can take years.
Do you think it is a conflict of interest for you to serve as an alderman in the city where your son is a police officer?
Economic Development does take YEARS. It also takes a willingness to provide appropriate assistance. Crestwood has struggled with this in the past. Other cities, such as Sunset Hills, Fenton and Kirkwood have provided close to $75 million in TIF, plus millions more in TDD money to facilitate development. Not to mention the willingness to use Eminent Domain.
The TIF/TDD/CID @ Kohl's became a whipping post with endless debates about who should own what, what tenants should be allowed etc – I just finished reading the Call Archives. It is amazing the amount of development that has been accomplished.
Does anybody know who was responsible for the development such as Kohl’s, Sam’s, Watson Plaza and corner of Old Sappington and Watson? I understand that these developments preceded Mayor Robinison and Ms. Daley – the current Economic Person.
Funny thing, anonymous bloggers keep harping away on "what is your plan?" Sound familiar? Also, the information coming across on some of the blogs sounds so very familiar, so in character, so amazingly like the hype dished out in the last few years by the nefarious; like from someone who has a little extra time on his hands right now and is playing the getting even game and stirring things up. Shades of what we have had to tolerate from the likes of, well now you know who, don't you? If you want plans, then how about asking both Mr. Ford AND Mr. Pickel with the expectation of getting an answer. Otherwise it is just plain bullying. Something for which you are known. Your dart game is pretty tiring. Go up Malone's and play there. Take your attitude along. The PLAN game is pretty obvious. Pick another number.
It has been asked "do I think that it's a conflict of interest to serve in a City where my son is a police officer?"
No, I do not. My son has nothing to do with politics in Crestwood, or for that matter anywhere else. he is a police officer pure and simple.
A "conflict of interest" is when you are a member of the planning and zoning commission, and vote for for a conditional use permit for a club, of which you, or your friends are a member. (read the minutes of the P&Z meeting July 3, 2001, available for a nominal fee from the City clerk.)
As far a providing answers, I will do so when, and if my worthy opponent will do the same! What are his ideas? It seems that he need not answer anything, are we to assume that he "has all the answers", and as such see's no need to respond here?
Folks, we all know what's going on here, "the old political trick of making your opponent look foolish by forcing him to say something wrong". I am sure we are seeing most of the supporters of my opponent, in fact from the time lines on some of the posts, I think we have a sitting Alderman or two posting as well.
That's all fine and dandy, but from now on, unless we hear from Chris, I will talk to you in person, and try to answer your questions then.
I have given you my positions on as many of the issues as I can, and I will continue to do that, so if you want to meet me in person, call me and I will make every attempt to be there.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Methinks I did read on a post about a week ago where Tom Ford said any city employee was "fair game" when he was defending all the smears and gossip against Madrid and Greer. In honor of national talk like a pirate day I say - ahoy mateys we've run aground! Grab your parrot and make a decision once and for all whether we are going to discuss the private lives of employees or not?
The only reason you're conscious right now is because Tom Ford doesn't want to carry you.
Superman wears Tom Ford pajamas.
People with amnesia still remember Tom Ford.
GI Joe plays with a Tom Ford action figure.
It might not be nice to fool mother nature, but it is just plain stupid to piss off Tom Ford.
If you aren't giving out any more answers about your positions/plans, I have to ask: Has the blog outlived is usefulness? Are you closing down the blog? Does this mean you are not Tom Ford and you don't want to be my Alderman?
Well - I have a got a news release for the people in Ward 2. I saw an
acquaintence of mine today that I may see 10 times in a year. We live in similar
subdivisions and she said that Mr. Pickel came to her house asking for her
support in the election.
She said that he told her that he had a discussion with the mayor and
told the mayor if he got elected that he was going to work to promote Crestwood
and him (the mayor).
Since I have heard about how Mr. Pickel laughed at the mayor when he
debated with Tom Fagan at City Hall, I can only conclude that he is telling
stories to people in Ward 2 to get his signs posted. If I had to do that to get a
vote, I think I would stick to my day job.
oooh yes that's a great idea! Base your vote on gossip that's several years old and recycled. I'll bet you have also heard stories about the Loch Ness Monster. Be very afraid!
I would like to answer comment #84. This blog isn't suppose to be used
as the basis for a verbal swordfight. If you want to answer my question with
something that tells me I am wrong, say it. Otherwise, save it for somebody
else. Whoever you are, whether you are Mr. Pickel's manager or better yet, his
wife, (whose outspoken reputation is well known) or just someone who thinks
by speaking of "monsters" and the like, you are scoring points, you should do
us all a favor and take a long walk off of a short bridge. We got more
important things to do with our time.
If you don't like what I say or what anybody else say - speak up like you're
all grown up instead of a stupid child! I also have copies of several past
articles written by Mr. Pickel himself making accusations that clearly show, he
has never, ever wanted to work with the new mayor and his allegiance has
always been with the Fagan 5.
As a Ward 2 resident, we don't need another uncooperative smart mouth, up on
the dais representing the citizens. Mr. Fagan let the board members get by
with it all the time. Further, if Mr. Pickel is going to lie to get a vote and
you want people to think that it's not true - you will have to do better than
making me or anyone else look foolish. Try again I am sure you can come up
with something.
But if you can't use logic and common sense - stay off of this blog. You
just make it look like a big joke and anybody over the age of 13 can come up with
a better story that what you have.
Since I am not the writer that was taken to the wood shed on in 15# comment to this post, I can't answer their questions.
But I can ask you 4 simple questions that I would like to have your answers for, as they speak clearly to what your asking/thinking about.
1. Who do you think is Mr. Pickel's manager?
2. Will you please ask Mr. Ford to post your copies of the several articles written by Mr. Pickel himself that you have?
3. What is Mr. Pickel's lie?
4. Why does Mr. Ford have a better sense of humor than you do?
If you paid attention to what I said in my comment #15, you would see
that I do not know who Mr. Pickel's manager is to answer your first question.
So stop the cross examination. I was trying to figure out who would put
something so insane on this blog. Anyone would wonder why people choose to make
light of important information.
In several conversations I have had with 2 individuals in Ward 2,
apparently Mr. Pickel lied by telling these two residents that "he (Mr. Pickel)
already spoke to the mayor and told him that he (Mr. Pickel) would promote him
and the city, if he (Mr. Pickel) got elected". (Here's my sense of humor you
were looking for) Liar, Liar Pants On Fire! Mr. Pickel has no intention of
working/promoting the mayor unless laughing at the mayor while debating with Tom
Fagan at the mayoral election is considered "promoting the mayor".
I do not need Mr. Ford to give me copies of anything. I myself have kept
every article in every paper. I do my homework, Sir or Madame.
8/24/2005 - Letter to Editor - Mr. Pickel criticizes the mayor for "not
having a plan" and blaming him for "not serving the interests of all
residents". Does that show he was going to work with the mayor if he got elected? Well
the Mayor did have a plan and those two individuals (Greer and Madrid) are now
gone. Why didn't Tom Fagan see through Mr. Greer instead of praising him at
the debate? On Yes - but I should NOW believe that Mr. Pickel is going to work
with the new mayor!!!! That is the biggest lie to get a vote I have ever
heard. (also by this comment, I am not saying that Mr. Pickel or Mr. Ford have to
do everything the mayor wants) so don't go misinterpreting me. They need to
work as a group and I haven't seen that in several years.
Letter to editor - Mr. Pickel accusing Jeff Schlink of lying. Because Mr.
Pickel was campaigning for his buddy "Mr. Kelleher", he accused Mr. Schlink
of lying about being a member of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church. He said -
"as a school parent and active parish member, I cannot recall ever seeing him
at a parish function". So in other words, if Mr. Pickel never saw him, and
none of Mr. Pickel's clan ever saw him - that meant Mr. Schlink was a liar. After
all, if you don't belong to the same group that Mr. Pickel belongs to - then
Mr. Schlink had to be a "nobody". So what, who cares - this is politics.
Yeah - at its worst.
Considering the aforementioned, Sir or Madame. You asked me your 4 questions
and I have answered them. It's pure and simple. If you are going to work
with the mayor and 8 aldermen that is fine. But when you say one thing and your
actions show that your words don't match up, you need to stay away from
politics in this city.
If Mr. Pickel wins this election and he takes an oath to be my alderman, and
then gets up on the dais and starts laughing hysterically like he did at the
debate at the mayor or any other aldermen, I personally will be all over him
"like a cheap suit".
Finally! The big plan of the Robinson Administration has been revealed. Ta-daaa--The plan is--to remove Don Greer and Diana Madrid from office. Brilliant...they have done this--NOW WHAT? Are we out of debt yet?--IS THE MALL TOTALLY FULL NOW! Are all the problems of Crestwood solved? Some plan.
Further (previous poster) you are completely talking out of both sides of your mouth. It is obvious that you want the new alderman to do whatever Mayor Robinson says because you got worked up into such a lather--is your keyboard okay?--evaluating Mr. Pickel's ability to work with the mayor.
You might want to go back to your pile of newspaper clippings and reread them and reconsider.
We got rid of Greer - who did nothing from
day one but spend money. That's important when you consider we are broker now
than when he became city administrator.
He and his inept finance officer were a big part of the problem. We had 8
aldermen at that time many of whom did nothing but give Greer everything he
wanted. Whether you like it or not, Greer and Madrid had to be gone before we
could ever start getting this city straight again. And NO our mall isn't full
yet and unless we have aldermen on the board who will work together as a team
and stop playing politics, you and I and all residents will be left in the cold
and Crestwood will never rise from the ashes. When you don't work as a team
you get nothing accomplished. So am I getting through to you, and explaining
what I mean, or did you have too many martinis before you read this blog?
You sound like one of those clowns that want to use this blog to show off!
Be my guest but I think you and your tribe of contentious individuals should
spend your time finding out what is really going on in your city instead of
acting like 8th grade wise guys. Our city is in crisis now so stop the bull.
If you went to any board of aldermen meetings, especially after last April to
the end of last year and the beginning of this year, you would see that we do
not have aldermen in Ward 2 that did anything but play politics. Everybody
in this ward should be tired of it. It's a circus up there and it's time to
stop it. The only way is to get people on the board who care.
Mr. Pickel is going around saying that he told Mayor Robinson that if he were
elected, he will promote him and Crestwood. That's a lie to get a vote. I
gave you two articles in a previous blog that show just the opposute, where
Pickel had nothing good to say about Mayor Robinson. Now he tells people just the
opposite. He hasn't put out once piece of literature to show me what he
will do if he is elected. People have his signs, but no literature. I am
worried and concerned about that. Is that OK with you, or are you just more
interested in hammering on me, than caring about what's important to Ward 2 as a
whole. Are you willing to put up a sign for Mr. Pickel when he gives you no
literature to back it up why he should be elected? Then you are as dumb as they
If I said it once I have said it 100 times, but you and others don't want to
hear it. Once more and pay attention. Mr. Pickel or ANY board member doesn't
have to go along with the mayor on anything, but if it is because Roy
Robinson is mayor and their choice (Tom Fagan) isn't mayor, they have LOST THEIR
Pickel according to what I have read in the aforementioned articles, show me
that we will have more antics and anti-mayor decension on the board and nothing -
Now go back to your coloring book and crayons. The rest of us got work to
do. This is getting really stupid. No wonder we never get good representation
in Ward 2 if morons like you, keep constipating this blog with manure.
Has Mr. Ford put out any literature? I haven't seen any. I live in ward 2. Further, Mr. Ford has stated that he will not state any of his plans (on his own blog no less) in fear of being made to look "silly." Now that is playing politics.
Brining up the pool issue? I thought you were against emminent domain? Making people give up what is theirs for a parking lot? The amount of spaces Kohl's required was way over the amount needed according to Crestwood and County ordinances. The least Crestwood could do was grant a permit. They wanted Kohl's bad and wanted to do anything to get it in Crestwood. That property was vacant too long.
Just trying to stir things up?
Additionally, the City acquired the Title to almost half of the current parking lot at City Hall at no cost to the City. This was owned by the Crestwood Swim Club and not the City prior to Kohl's.
If you had come to the board of aldermen meetings, you would have seen
what "playing politics" really is. Not so much now, as last year and early
this year.
If you are on this blog, then you should know how to get literature
from Mr. Ford as he has been very open to all. He has been very considerate and
honest. I realize that it is hard for all candidates to get things out to the
people. However it just puzzles me that I have gone to people's homes that
have Pickel signs on their lawns but they tell me they have no literature about
what he stands for and what he is all about. Then why would they allow a sign
in their yards? Is Mr. Pickel's stance on issues an "ancient Chinese
Mr. Ford has personally asked Mr. Pickel to send his messages to the blog to
share opinions. So far there has been nothing. Signs are showy and visible.
Literature can't be seen from the streets. This is how Mr. Pickel is
merchandising himself. That's what he does for a living.
I just hope and pray that we get good representation in all wards, that
everybody learns to work together and that we can go forward from here. I will no
longer belabor this point. No matter what happens to anyone's candidate, this
is our community and every alderman has a duty to us. That should be their
sole purpose. Enough said.
Thank you for your consideration.
Mr. Ford has passed out litrature, and more will be passed out the next two weekends.
I you would please read my post about "the political season", you would see that I stated that, Mr. Pickel, and I canno't get to all the homes in ward two. If you want to see my litrature, please call me, and I will hand deliver it to you. (by the way, I will be at the Ward Two breakfast on 3/18/06 @ 9:00 AM, so we can chat there if you wish)
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
To help the readers of this blog in their quest for more information about Chris Pickel this is his website address:
his email address
his phone number
No reason to believe everthing you read about Chris on this blog, you can contact Chris and ask him you questions, directly
Maybe Mr. Pickel will answer this blog regarding his affiliation with
the Crestwood Swim Club.
Under the Conditional Use Permit, last summer the swim club was suppose
to dispose of their trash using containers on their own property. All last
summer, the dumpster behind the fire department was filled with their trash to
the point where there was no room left for the city's.
Shame on you, Mr. Pickel. Can't you keep your supporters in line.
Chris, that is one great web site you have put toghether, I congratulate you on a job well done!
I have said it before, and I will say it again, you have a great looking family, and a great message, I, for one am glad to see you are finally in the race!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Were you afraid that no one would see your remark regarding the swim club on the other "comment section" that you had to post it two times? please.
Again - the City of Crestwood had requested the swim club NOT purchase their own dumpster until the parking (mostly obtained from the swim club) was reconfigured and resurfaced, etc.
I didn't look to see if a blog about the swim club was repeated,as mentioned by former blogger, but I can't imagine how "afraid" comes into play. Just another sarcastic snip which helps no one. If you want to lend more positive input to this blog, as you seem well versed on the swim club, you can probably do some research and get the needed info and advise us bloggers of the projected date of completion of the parking lot reconfig/resurf and who asked the swim club to delay purchase of the dumpster until this time. The protective comments by the swim club advocate and the snide way they are presented has certainly opened Pandora's Box as regards this club.If this project is indefinitely delayed for whatever reason, I would ask as a Crestwood taxpayer that the swim club proceed to purchase their own dumpster ASAP. It would be the right thing to do. Our city government is not in a position to be charitable to a private enterprise capable of paying for its own trash. This is not conjecture, and certainly not sarcasm or retaliation on my part. It is simply fact.
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