Click here to see what PROP "S" will be used for.
Folks, prop "S" will not be used for anything but debt reduction. Please click on the header for resolution.
Elect Neider, Wallach, Roby, and Ford, and you will be guaranteed that's all it will be used for.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
No. 108
Elect Neider, Wallach, Roby, and Ford, and you will be guaranteed that's all it will be used for.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
No. 108
Thank you very much for posting this. This makes me feel better about voting for the tax increase on Tuesday.
kind of suspicious that you are already guaranteeing the actions of the entire slate of candidates--seems like there is already some backroom, Tammany Hall Politics already underway...I hope folks will think twice about voting for those four amigos, neider, roby, ford and wallach. Neider stopped by my friends house and could not even articulate why he was running for alderman--what is UP WITH THAT?
You have friends?
yes, I am quite popular
Must be the life of the party up at the pool.
Until our Mayor and our Board of Alderman follow the State Audit recommendations, I am not voting for any tax increase of any sort.
Then kiss your City Hall, Public Works Building and Police and or Fire Department goodbye.
What is left to cut? Let's take out our frustrations on our Police & Firefighters and all vote NO!
the sky is falling! THe sky is falling!
I won't vote for any type of tax increase either, until I see some action, and I haven't seen any yet. It isn't 'taking it out' on anyone, it's called reducing debt. It's the price of doing business.
Guess, what? The firefighters union that supports Mr. Ford called the Communications Workers of America
and asked their president to with draw their support of Chris Pickel in this election....The CWA president refused to do so, instead he stauncly defended Pickel.
Now I am not a political guru, but I have never heard of a union asking this of another union. Nor do I know what this means about the condition of Ford's campaign as viewed by the firefighters union. So maybe those who moniter this blogg by the minute and are in the know on this type of even can fill us in?
Of course the firefighters can deny all of this so we may have to call the CWA local 6310 and get their side of the story.
Now why would a union defend a management type? I think you have your slant wrong!
In a word, "horsefeathers"
I would think that if Mr. Pickel is supported by a union then that would put our union firemen and other union city employees (if there is any, I don't know) in a pretty good position if Mr. Pickel gets elected. Surely if he has union support now I would think that if he wants to keep it he would play fair with the firemen's union if he gets elected....right? That is how my union (I.B.E.W) would work. I am assuming this union has ties with his place of employment. This is very interesting.
I was wondering if Mr. Pickel is a member of this union. Yeah, obviously Mr. Ford is not a member of the firefighters union but, I can't help agree with the blogger at 10:24pm. Would that not put Chris in a bad position if he had to vote on possibly cutting union jobs. I also read somewhere on this very site that this communication workers union also represents policemen and firemen. I would think this could be a bad situation in the future for Chris Pickel if more cuts had to be made to our public safety people. Would he even be able to vote. I would think that union that supports him would make him vote against any cuts in either area. I am not a union person but I am familiar with how they work and I can't see where any of this would fly with any labor organization. Unless maybe he is planning on cutting ties with this union that supported him after he is possibly elected. If he can do it to them, what makes you think he wouldn't do it to any of us common folk whose door he knocked on and asked for our vote, promising he would listen to our concerns.
I really don't think you can compare the 2 unions. Many have said reflect on the past to make the future better. Take a look at the history of the 2 unions. I think you mights see a big difference in the way they conduct themselves.
What more is there to cut? - besides Police and Fire! Fact is we owe the bank and they will collect and we can't pay without cutting police or fire.
Please tell me how we are suposed to come up with millions of dollars from the General Fund just to repay the debt AND be in a position to have a balanced General Fund Budget next year?
Prop S will solve the debt probem and then we can focus on balancing next year's operating budget.
There is no guaranty that the tax increase will not be used for new loans or pay raises or more needless construction. Lets first get rid of the people who caused this debt that we have now. Giving them more money won't help. After they are gone , then lets have a tax increase vote, in november, with new aldermen that will use the additional money to reduce the debt.
Click on the Header...
"BE IT RESOLVED that this Mayor and Board of Aldermen attest that our intention of
offering “Proposition S” to the voters of the City is solely to retire our current debt to Southwest Bank
and to eliminate the need for our current line of credit from that same bank,
including any
accumulated interest debt which may occur until those two purposes are accomplished;"
Please read this carefully. It was passed on March 28th...3 days ago!
"..solely to retire our CURRENT DEBT to Southwest Bank and to eliminate the need for our current line of credit from that same bank,"
"Until these TWO purposes are accomplished"
They changed the language for YOU! You voiced your concerned and they heard you.
This prop will SAVE MONEY. They will be able to shop around for better interest rates.
The PROP is the only tool the city has to SAVE MONEY without reducing the operating budget.
I certainly would love to pay less interest on that money, wouldn't you, with a DEDICATED form of payment.
PROBLEM: the city must have any change in the property tax rate into St. Louis County no later than Sept.1 2006 for the rate to be collected in January 2007. A tax rate change passed in Nov. 2006 can not be collected until January 2008!!
Want to hear something funny, the Citizens for Prop S Committee didnt file their needed report with the Missouri Ethics Commission untill after the dead line. What else? They only show the source for $750 out of the $1530 they raised. Wonder where the rest came from?
Want more, the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility didnt file with the Missouri Ethics Commission until after they were under investigation by the State. And they have three men they want us to vote for in order to bring in a breath of fresh air and honesty to our City?
I guess you have proof that the State has investigated the Citizens for fiscal responsibility no doubt? If you do, your the only person anyone knows of that does!
I think that you will find that this is jusr a rumor you would like to start. "A tale full of sound and furry, signifying nothing"
They say it takes a worried man to sing a worried song (Joan Biaz), and by now Chris you must be a basket case!
Will Tom Ford promise to list his phone number in the phone book if elected?
You want proof? You can't handle the proof? Just like in the movie but proof instead of truth.
Ask the Missouri Ethics Commmission if the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsblity, has filed with them as a committee and when they did so. Or do a search on the Commission's website.
Ask their founder, Jim Murphy, if he was ever contacted by the Missouri Ethics Commission about the group he started.
Then ask the three candidates, Ford, Nieder and Wallach, who are members of the group if they had been told anything about the actions of the Ethics Commission. It would be doubtful that they have, but if they have, why havent they said anything about this
Maybe this is why Ms. Martha Duechild asked her name be removed from a membership list before she was appointed by the Mayor for a position on a board of the cities? Too bad she didnt run for office, looks like she was the smartest of the bunch.
Tom Ford has two lines (fax, regular,) and both of them will be listed in all the phone books in this area, if elected.
As you may know it is more expensive to have an un-listed number, that a normal listing. My family number was un-listed when I served in the "MEG-NORTH CENTRAL" drug unit with my oldest son. I think you can understand that my wife did not want calls from a drug dealer at 0330, so out of existance it, and I went.
That's over now, left to the younger officers who protect you and I every day, (thank God) so, elect me, and it's back in the book!
I will go one step further, and try to convience Alderman Kelleher to put his Bio on the City site. It's been a year now, and I am sure he has one by now.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Great job of "bloveating" oh wise one, but show us the paperwork! Rent a scanner if you have to, or, well, your just not going to be believed!
Oh, and don't forget that in that "Movie" the COL. was proven to be a lying arrogant fool!
Miguel has been on the Board for almost two years now and he STILL has not placed his Bio on the City Web site...So why should Kelleher?
I bet Jerry wanted to put his Bio on the City's website but I bet you it was Greer who kept it off!! Or something like that.
Exactly! Why should Kelleher, what could he say? I am a consultant? What, or whom does he consult?
I say we all chip in to buy him a blood pressure kit (that red face can't be good for him) at Wallgreens before he has a stroke for no good reason!
What a poor example your are setting--continually slamming the sitting aldermen
Kelleher's phone number is the phone book, Ford's isnt.
Hay, how come there are two number
108 posts?
Regarding the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility. Early on when we were having small groups visit at homes one of the things we discussed was should we have a name? Because we are all citizens of Crestwood and all want fiscal responsibility the name just seemed a natural. We did indeed go the Mo Election Board and asked a woman there if there was any official forms we needed to fill out. She asked questions about were we collecting money and the answer was a truthful NO and she asked if we were going to be involved in an election, again NO. So we were assured that at that point in time there was nothing at all we needed to do to be legal and that's what we wanted to know. Also it tells us in the Charter exactly what we could do. So because we weren't involved in an election nor were we collecting money, we didn't form a committee. They did tell us that a lot of people were inquiring about our group and when we told her what we were doing, she just laughed. So bottom line: we never had a need to form a committee because we were never involved in an election. The inspector from the Missouri Election Commission just laughed at the complaint. Obviously we really made somebody nervous for there to have been so many inquires. We recently did form a committee however; the main reason was specifically to prevent some of our crazy spenders from adopting the name to cover their sins. I would think whoever filed the complaint really doesn't know much, just wanted a little notority, but if you want proof positive, go over to the Election Board and find out for yourself.
If Fenton gets their bill passed Cities like Crestwood will get to keep close to a million dollars more of there sales tax dollars than they get to keep now. I think I'm going to vote no on Prop. S until I know for sure that if the Fenton idea works.
What do you think?
You know how long legislation takes to pass. Since this idea is on the ground floor it will take a very long time to get cooperation and strength, move to the legislature, and finally wait until the repeal date to collect. It would be like waiting on a train when you don't have the schedule. You'll wait until the right train comes, is it coming, when is it coming. This will be a very patient and persistent process.
Regarding CCFR, hopefully this answers all your questions Mr. Trueblood, et al.
Listen to yourselves:anonymous says
You have friends?
Yes, I am quite popular
Must be the life of the part up at the pool
The sky is falling, the sky is falling
Margaret looking for her 3 legged dog
Some one or some folks sure have a lot of nonesense on their minds. If only they would put some effort in suggesting something worthwhile. I just hope none of this is coming from any of our standing aldermen. But then it would certainly prove why we're in soo much trouble, wouldn't it?
I wonder if the manner in which Mr. Ford postures himself on this site is what we would have to look forward to if he is a member of the board. Think about it folks.
I wonder, too, sir. But then I also wonder about the manner in which Jim Kelleher postures himself. Had I known then what I know now, he would not have received my vote. His contribution as an Alderman has been so miniscule as to warrant every bit of the criticism heaped upon him. He brought it all upon himself as a shill. He has stood out on the Crestwood Council as a repugnant oaf purposely slowing down city progress with no attempt to be effective in ways to move this city forward. What he has really done is lower expectations and respect for the position of Alderman. The best thing any law maker in this city could do is distance themself from this man. He has forfeited any chance of being respected. I hope whichever candidate in Ward 2 wins will raise the performance bar in Ward 2.
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