Friday, March 17, 2006

Communities open swimming pools to neighboring Cities!

Please click on the header to be directed to the Post Dispatch story.

What a wonderful idea, now the kids with friends from school, who live in another community will all have the chance to be together wherever they might live.

See there, common sense wins the day every time!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward two

No. 93


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be a wonderful gesture if the Crestwood Swim Club would open itself to others as well. Besides, it got public money to relocate...and a lot of money at that!

11:32 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, please get your facts straight. What you say sounds great to stir up both sides of the Swim Club Gang, BUT... The Swim Club did not receive one penny of public dollars. THF Realty bought the old swim club and its parking lot. The name on the check was THF.

THF then sold the parking lot to the Crestwood Ponte TDD who gave it to the City at NO COST. That's well over half of the entire parking lot at City Hall. The price paid was ALOT less than if the City would have condemned the parking lot and the lawyers got involved.

9:05 AM, March 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The name on the check was THF but taxpayers have to pay them back! I recall TIF and TDD negotiations with THF and THF repeatedly saying they would need reimbursement when it came to the pool. So you are wrong. The check might have stated THF, but the money was the public's.

12:38 PM, March 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more I think of the Crestwood Swim Club deal, the more I think the Attorney General should investigate.

12:47 PM, March 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the Crestwood Swim Club and the fact that the check was from THF
Realty. Nevertheless, THF Realty got money from the government, specifically
from the Transportation Development District known as the (TDD) and used
public money to pay the private Crestwood Swim Club. And the public (that means
me and every other John Q. Citizen) are paying it back every time we shop at

Therefore, the developer gave the swim club a check, which was public money
to pay for your Private Swim Club. A certain percentage of monies are added to
your purchase price when you shop at Kohl's for your private swim club, so
that you, Mr. Pickel, Mr. Kelleher, Mr. Vincent and many other people who are not even
Crestwood residents can enjoy a brand new pool. And the developer got his
development and you got your money for your private pool and they all lived
happily ever after.

It's about time that this piggyback ride stops. The value of the old pool
was what about $80,000?. The swim club got a windfall but that's OK because
THF Reality wrote the check, Oh, and Mr. pickel, and Mr. Kelleher voted for it at the July, 2001 Planning and zoning meeting!

6:06 PM, March 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES, THF got money and the City got its City Hall Parking Lot. Did you know that the City didn't own that?

It sounds so good to say that the City just gave a big pile of money to evil THF and the Swim Club.

The Swim Club got compensated for its property from THF. I guess property rights only matters if it is YOUR house that is being bought out!

Wake up! You shop at Wal-Mart or Target in Kirkwood you are paying the same tax to help rebuild the streets in Mecham Park.

You can't have it both ways! If you want your City to run on sales tax dollars then, then yes. the City is going to have use economic development tools to help build the stores that generate sales tax.

Crestwood is a BUILT OUT INNER-RING SUBURB - There is no vacant land! Why would a developer want to spend more money to tear something down in Crestwood, when he can go to Fenton and have it done for him!

If you don't want to pay the penny tax then shop accorss the street at the Mall.

7:57 AM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many real estate transactions have been signed between the City of Crestwood and Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club?

June 13, 1972 Ordinance 1351 An ordinance approving a contract with Rosebrook Real Estate Company for the Purchase of a Parcel of Ground Presently Part of Crestwood Swimming Club parking lot, located adjacent to the present city hall property providing certain conditions and authorizing the mayor to execute said contract on behalf of the city.
Whereas, the City of Crestwood, Missouri is engaged in the construction of a Crestwood Government Center; and
Whereas, additional parking facilities must be provided for those persons using said Governmental Center; and
Whereas, the Rosebrook Real Estate Company Corporate Entity for the Crestwood Swimming Club, did on the 13th day of June, 1972 execute a sales contract with City of Crestwood for the sale of said property for the sume of ($12,000.00) with certain other benefits; and
Whereas, under the terms of said contract, the purchase price of said parcel of ground shall be used to improve the balance of the parking area of the Rosebrook Real Estate Company;
Purchaser City of Crestwood as a further consideration, grants to seller 10 foot wide road access to seller's property immediately north of the present tennis courts from Sappington Road.
Purchaser City of Crestwood grants to seller a right-of-way across purchaser's parking lots and property immediately east of the present parking lot of seller.
Purchaser City of Crestwood shall have the right to provide lighting, curbs and other appertainences to the seller's parking lot.
Purchases City of Crestwood shall have the right to unrestricted use of seller's parking lot immediately north of the property purchased herein for the purposes of parking personal pleasure motor vehicles only with a 24 hour limitation.
In consideration of the sale price being in excess of the appraised price of said property sold herein, seller grants to purchaser the first right of refusal for the purchase of the remainder of the seller's entire property including the present parking lot, the property containing the swimming pool and diving pool together with the walkway thereto.
Purchaser City of Crestwood agrees to provide maintenance on seller's adjacent parking lot for one year after completion and seller acknowledges that after the expiration of said year, it will be responsible for the maintenance of its parking lot. Purchaser agrees to provide all striping of adjacent parking lot and any concrete curbs needed, as long as it is used by purchaser as a parking lot.

12:38 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Board of Alderman Agenda Memorandum 8b
Date: November 11,2003
To Mayor and Board of Alderman
By Don Greer, City Administrator
Re: Intergovernmentatl Cooperation Agreement - Between the City of Crestwood & Crestwood

..."Finally, the Agreement stipulates that the City will collect the TDD Sales Tax on behalf of the TDD for a fee of 1 % of the collected amount"

Crestwood Point Transportation Development District
The following table outlines the projected TDD costs:
Swim Club Parking Lot Acquisition $800,000
Watson/Plaza Cross Access $550,000
Watson/Sappington Intersectino $525,000
Landscaping TDD $ 80,000
TDD Issuance Costs $ 50,000
Glenwood Dr./Watson
Intersection $300,000
Traffic Engineer $100,000
Government Center
Parking Lot $631,719
Total $3,036,719

12:43 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Filed May 15, 2003
Juan M. Gilmer Circuit Clerk,
St. Louis County
In the Circuit Court of the County of St. Louis State of Missouri 21st Judicial Circuit
In Re the Creation of the Crestwood Point Transportation Development District
THF Crestwood Point Development, L.L.C. and City of Crestwood, Missouir,
St. Louis County, Missouri, and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission
Cause No. 03CC-000941
Division No. 31
Judgment and Order Organizing a Transportation Development District
Exhibit D
Transportation Project
A general description of the Tranportation Project is as follows:
a. demolition and reconstruction of an existing parking lot on property owned by the City;
b. improvements to Sappinton Road, including a dual left-hand turn lane from southbound Sappinton to eastbound Watson;
c. constuction of cross access between Watson Plaza and a commercial development to be constructed within the District;
d. relocation of a curb cut on Watson Road serving as the entrance to the commercial development to be constructed within the Distrct; and
e. accompanying grading, drainage, pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, stormwater facilities, structures (including any architectural treatments related thereto), signing, lighting, traffic signals or other similar or related infrastructure or improvement in connectino with items (a) through (d) above.

Where is the Swim Club Parking Lot Acquisition item?

12:47 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole thing sounds like it's right up Elliott Davis's alley! Why not call him at chanel 2, and let him investigate? Let the chips fall where they may!

5:15 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Gary Vincent of Crestwood,Missouri in his role as President of Rosebrook Real Estate Company was the seller of Rosebrook Real Estate Company.

Buyer(s) Final Closing Statement
Closing Date: 12/10/2002
Buyer(s): THF Crestwood Point Development, L.L.C.
Seller(s): Rosebrook Real Estate Company
Lender: LaSalle Bank
Property: 1475 So. Sappington Road Crestwood, MO
Totals: $850,565.89

5:23 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I read in the paper that Alderman Gary Vincent received $750,000 for the Crestwood Swim Club.

Someone mentioned that Gary Vincent received around $850,000 for the sale of the Crestwood Swim Club pool.

Who received the $100,000 difference in the actual sale of the Crestwood Swim Club?

Did a lawyer or lawfirm receive this money?

5:25 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Mr. Pickle or his wife or his parents or his in-laws have stock in Rosebrook Real Estate Company which is part of Crestwood Swim Club?

Who has Rosebrook Real Estate stock and a membership in Crestwood Swim Club? How many shares are outstanding with Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

Please check out their fees!

5:31 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is monitoring these fees?

Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the City of Crestwood, Missouri and the Crestwood Point Transportation Development District dated November 25, 2003. page 8 Section 4.1 Collection of TDD Sales Tax. The City shall collect, receive and deposit all TDD Sales Tax in the Special Trust Fund. The City may deduct from the TDD Sales Tax on deposit in the Special Trust Fund the cost of collection of the TDD sales Tax in an amount not to exceed one percent (1%) of the total amount collected. Except for a reasonable review and comparison of each TDD Sales Tax Return to the corresponding Department of Revene Form 53-1 to determine whether the amount of TDD Sales Tax remitted to the TDD was calculated correctly, the City shall have no affirmative obligation to discover, investigate or ascertain the accuracy of such TDD Sales Tax Return.

Section 6.4 page 11. Load of TDD Revenues. In the event that the City notifies the TDD that the City and the City of Sunset Hills, Missouri have adopted resolutions pursuant to Section 238.207.5 of the TDD Act calling for the joint establishment of a transportation development district for the purpose of undertaking a project that involves improvements to Watson Road, the TDD shall provide the Loan to the City in an amount of up to $30,000 to provide for the City's costs of filing and defending the petition to establish such transportation development district and all publications and incidental costs incurred in obtaining the Court's certification of such petition pursuant to Section 238.217 of the TDD Act.

Order No. 04-003 An order authorizing the Crestwood Point Transportation Development District to enter into a reimbursement agreement with Crestwood Point Community Improvement District and THF Crestwood Point Development, L.L.C. dated August 9,2004 by Don Greer, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

6:04 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was the purpose of creating two companies to swim at a pool?

Please check out Missouri Secretary of State for both Rosebrook Real Estate Company and
Crestwood Swimming Club.

Please click on Filed Documents.
Charter Number: 00084816
Entity Creation Date: 4/15/1955
Registered Agent Gary L Vincent
Office Address: 1321 Raycrest
St. Louis, MO 63126
Crestwood Swimming Club
Charter Number: B00013833
Agent Name: Benevolent Corporation
Entity Creation Date: 7/3/1956

6:16 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Webster Kirkwood Times
article on Webster Groves Pool
February 17-23, 2006

Swimming Against The Status Quo
When Webster Groves opened a swimming pool back in 1949, black residents sued for their right to use the facility

Who were the original founders of Crestwood Swim Club and Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

8:14 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you get the bottom of this unsolved mystery, could you next focus on determining on whether there is indeed a loch ness monster. Also, what about big foot--last I heard he was spotted in the halls of the deserted Crestwood Plaza. thanks.

8:29 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marla Grigaitis will coordinate our social calendar. She will be taking all reservations for all birthday and any other planned parties. Please contact Marla for your party reservations at 314-962-8811. Please note that all parties must be paid for in advance to hold your reservation. If you would like to plan a party after pool hours during the week or weekend, the City of Crestwood ordinance is the party has to be over by 11:00 pm. There is also a $50.00 permit fee that the City of Crestwood does require. We apologize for this. It is something out of our control.

*Party Rates: A party is considered to be a group of 15 or more people. If you have 14 or fewer guests, you pay the standard $5.00 guest fee and do not need to hire an extra lifeguard. An extra guard is required for every 15 people. The rate for your party of 15 – 45 people is $3.00 per guest plus $25.00 per hour per guard needed. For 46 and more people the rate is $2.00 per guest plus $25.00 per hour per guard needed. CSC will provide grills, charcoal and lighter fluids for your needs.

From the "swim club web site"!!!

What a shame that the City $50.00 fee is "out of their control"

9:40 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the previous blogger regarding Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster. Neither one could get membership to the Crestwood Swim Club so they left. However, Elvis got his membership, with the help of Vincent and Kelleher. You'll see him there this summer. At the moment, however, he is refining his swing so he can hit the links with Greer.
Elvis also plans to relocate Graceland to Crestwood but will need some tax abatement to do so. He does plan to restart his movie career too, and thinks Breeding will make an excellent sidekick!

10:22 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Previous poster--I have to admit--that made me smile--we all need a little more humor and to be able to agree to disagree.

8:59 AM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I made you smile. Have a good day!

9:14 AM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Poster @ 6:04 PM, March 20, 2006 "Who is monitoring these fees?"

The same guy who "monitored" the $250k in legal bills, the $100,000 accunting software, the $1,000,0000 in architect fees for the police building, $850/month BMW allowence and the same guy we are paying "$74,500 in accumulated time-off hours by the city from Feb. 6 to Aug." plus $850/month in car allowence through Junue 1."...... DON GREER

9:29 AM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was a portion of the $2.5 million dollars spent for the engineering and architectural drawings for the new Police Station and for the new Crestwood Swim Club/Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

Are the Rosebrook Stockholders pitching in their fair share of fees?

Please read the Webster Kirkwood Times article on the Crstwood Swim club.

Webster Kirkwood Times
May 16-22, 2003
In Crestwood: Crestwood Alderman
Review Design of New Police Building

"The parking lot between the Government Center and the the new Police Administration Building has been reconfigured to look more like a "campus-type" setting. The pick-up and drop-off areas for the Crestwood Swim Club has been made safer, and an unobstructed route for fire department vehicles has been created."

11:45 AM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Ward 4, Pat Duwe, could answer lots of questions as she was an early memeber of the swim club. Also members are Kelleher, Pickel and Vincent; not sure about Breeding. The whole subject and its long time and multiple aldermanic and city attorney ties are very interesting. Don't know any other city which almost got a $14 Million dollar new City Hall compound with a private swim club sharing the not so big parking lot. An earlier city attorney, a lady, who up and quit overnight could also shine some light on this. Speaking of parking lots; zoning boards of this city have always been very strict on things like number of parking spaces, shrubs, lighting and fencing when a new business goes in. Have you seen the back parking lot at Kohl's where the swim club used to sit and had to be moved "from" at great expense I might add. It is EMPTY. It is always EMPTY. Unused. Essentially not needed. Obviously the zoning laws must have been applied here ***** So how could a zoning board this strict on number of parking spaces approve a double use for the small city hall lot? The new relocated pool is a darned sight nicer than the one it replaced. Who came out ahead on this one? And, what aldermanic influence was the enabler?

12:15 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kohl's, the Company, has an internal requirement on the number of parking spaces it needs. The need for extra parking had nothing to do with Crestwood's Planning & Zoning requirements.

3:08 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was taking with someone who worked for the City during this time and they said that the former Assistant CA\Economic Director would know about what went on with the swim club. Does anybody know who this person was? Maybe somebody could contact them and they could shed some light on this issue.

3:13 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be Matt Conley. Another fine hard working employee Don Jaun pushed out.

4:03 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a few questions about the Crestwood Swim Club. You can go back as
far as before the building of the current city hall and you will always find
at least one member of the Crestwood Swim Club who was on the board of aldermen
in Ward 2.

Talk about a conflict of interest! Ward 2 propery owners abutting the
swim club were considered cronic complainers. There voices were never heard when
they had complaints about the pool. And the more they complained, the more
angry the pool people became as if they were taking up too much of the swim
club's time. Like nobody but them counted. All those property values are zip
today because of the swim club, but as much as they defend what good neighbors
they have been all these years, none of these aldermen including Mr. Kelleher
or Mr. Pickel would ever want to live there.

Problems with that pool always managed to disappear like water into sand,
because the aldermen were protecting their precious interest, the Crestwood Swim
Club. I would love to see that whole TDD issue investigated and THF Realty.

So, while everyone is busy worrying about a 40 years old ordinance that is on
the books about Mr. Ford running for office, how can two aldermen, Mr.
Kelleher and Mr. Pickel, if he is elected, possibly say they will protect all and I
mean all of Ward 2 when the people on Bali Court have never been protected
and the swim club has always managed to come out smelling like a rose. I think
it all boils down to lawyers and more lawyers who know how to get around the
problems, people turning their heads instead of using them, and knowing the
right board of aldermen members especially when one or two have always sat on the

Nothing will ever change in Ward 2 unless we change it. Until then, the
aldermen elected in Ward 2 will always be a swim club member and a member of a
certain congregation. It's just the way it is. It's been that way forever. It
will never stop unless the people stop it.


4:18 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree--every member of that club for the last 50 years has been nothing but pure evil. Their only goal has been to make everyone in ward 2 miserable and exclude them from their precious, private empire. I heard that when the members look in a mirror, there is no reflection--and all of the children can bi-locate. And don't get me started on the CONGREGATION that casts a long and dark shadow all across ward 2. They have done nothing but bring the entire community down. It was a great day when the school associated with the CONGREGATION closed--no more indoctrinating the children of Crestwood with their political power.

5:06 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Ward 2 aldermanic candidate Chris Pickel wants people trust him as an alderman, he needs to explain why he did not recuse himself from a situation, which clearly represented a conflict of interest. Mr. Pickel is a member of the Crestwood Swim Club, during his membership he was also a member of Crestwood’s Planning and Zoning commission. While a member of this commission, the sale of the Swim Club was part of a TDD (tax relief) to develop the property on which Kohls now sits. The record shows that Pickel supported the deal in which the swim club was paid over $750,000 for the Crestwood Swim Club Property, which at the time was valued at $88,000. In October of 2001 the board granted the Swim Club a conditional use permit to build a new pool, and it opened without the benefit of an occupancy permit from either St. Louis County or the city of Crestwood. Based on Mr. Pickel’s performance in the Kohl’s/Crestwood Swim Club deal, it is clear that he refused to acknowledge the conflict of interest this represented, and worse, that his support of this deal benefited his family. It seems Mr. Pickel put his personal interests above the financial interests of the city, a decision that definitely calls his fitness for office into question.

9:40 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that ANY alderman who voted for the improvements at the Crestwood Aquatic center do not let their families swim there-because it is a benefit to their family. Further-I hope that NONE of the Alderman use the new stoplights at Glenwood and Watson and Watson at Sappington--it might represent a conflict of interest. They are BENEFITTING from these street improvements. Let's call in the attorney General and clear up this matter once and for all.

6:40 AM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The previous blogger jokes, but I do know of one of the former alderman who worked very hard to get the aquatic center tax passed. The following summers, his daughter worked as a lifeguard.
Not a big or high paying job, I grant you, but his kids were always at that pool, working or playing.

2:18 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you acknowledge it is a low paying job--do you feel the slightest twinge of guilt or regret for being so petty?

2:24 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I don't. But thanks for asking!

3:01 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer to 6:40 AM blogger. Public money used for public streets, etc.
Public money used for a PRIVATE SWIM CLUB because some people in Crestwood think
they are above everybody else, IS DIFFERENT. If you can't see that, maybe
it's because you are one of those who is enjoying the luxury of a new swimming


6:05 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wasnt it great to read Tom Ford's interview in this week's issue of the Call! He really layed it all out there for everybody to read! When you get your copy be sure to read it if you havent already done so.

7:54 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does it mean when people call to ask about the 'Crestwood Swim Club' and they are told it is safe? I've hear it said that it means no black are allowed! I'd like an answer about that, maybe Mr. Vincent could tell us?

10:33 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Mr. Pickel lost his voice? Or can we assume his chatty supporters on this blog site are speaking for him?

Please don't tell me he didn't recuse himself on that pool vote and now thinks he is qualified to be an Alderman? No wonder he is muffled. I had no idea.

11:30 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pooling the Money
To the TIF victors go the spoils in Crestwood
By D.J. Wilson

Published: Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Years from now, when people stop at Sappington and Watson roads in Crestwood to buy a Croft & Barrow sweater or a pair of Sonoma jeans at the Kohl's "That's More Like It" store, chances are they won't know they're paying an extra three-eighths-cent sales tax for the suburban burg's new transportation-development district.
Nor will they know that the tax increase enabled the members-only Crestwood Swim Club to sell off 1 acre of land with an aging private swimming pool, currently appraised at $88,000, for $750,000. But in St. Louis County, with its 91 municipalities and just so much development enticement to go around, a suburb does what a suburb's got to do. In this case, besides a $2.2 million tax-increment-financing plan, Crestwood created a transportation-development district and a community-improvement district.

Let's not put everyone to sleep with too much detail about the difference between a TIF, a TDD and a CID. Believe it, explaining that convoluted mess makes a drug dealer's money-laundering seem like simple arithmetic. It boils down to this: Crestwood wanted to develop that busy corner, but to do so, the $2.2 million TIF subsidy wasn't quite enough. TIF funnels a portion of the new, or "incremental," sales-tax money from a development back into the project to pay off its cost. The swimming pool was outside the footprint of the TIF district but was needed for additional parking. So a TDD was formed to raise more public money, to be paid off with a three-eighths-cent sales tax to be collected at the proposed Kohl's.

The developer, THF Inc., first offered $250,000 for the 1-acre pool site, but that sum was deemed insufficient by the swim club. So THF settled on $750,000 and looked for a way to generate more cash for the project. Technically, the three-eighths-cent TDD sales tax won't be used to pay off the pool -- instead, it will pay for driveways and lights and such -- but all that money is fungible, moving around to enable the developer to cash out the swim club.

That's what irritates Catherine Barrett, a lifelong Crestwood resident who feels that the dues-paying members of a private pool are making out like bandits. "What economic benefit is there to Crestwood? Why are we trying to subsidize a private pool?" asks Barrett. "They're going to get more money for their pool than they should, an additional $500,000, to build a pool for 110 families, the majority of whom are not even Crestwood residents. What good is that doing for us?"

Barrett has another ax to grind: The new pool will be located on land owned by the swim club, right next to her house. That displeases her in part because the swim club was granted a conditional-use permit so it could build the replacement pool in an area zoned for residential development.

Gary Vincent, a Crestwood alderman, doesn't see eye to eye with Barrett. He happens to be president of the Rosebrook Real Estate Co., which owns the pool. He recused himself from voting on matters connected to the land sale, and he thinks Barrett and other neighbors should clam up. "They're saying we're getting paid too much money -- how can they determine that?" Vincent asks. "What difference does it make to a resident, around that pool, what we get paid for? That's not going to affect them at all. That has absolutely no impact on them whatsoever, at all. Period."

Yeah, right. It might be nobody's bidness, if the developer was paying its own way. But the sales tax paid by the public at this Kohl's will go in part to subsidize the developer and in part to pay for a new pool for a private club. So Barrett does have a legit gripe.

Assistant city administrator Matt Conley defends the use of a TIF to develop the corner across from the Crestwood Plaza, saying, "This project is the poster child for tax-increment financing." An abandoned gas station and asbestos in the five-story bank building make cleanup of the site expensive and have prevented private-sector development, he says. Without the use of TIFs by inner-ring suburbs, the sprawl in Jefferson, Franklin and St. Charles counties will be fed by economic refugees from St. Louis County, Conley contends.

"Retail follows rooftops," he says. "Where they're building houses, that's where they'll go. If Kohl's doesn't build in Crestwood, they'll build out in Eureka. That's the way it is. We don't make those calls; the people who work for Wal-Mart and Target and Kohl's, they do that. We don't necessarily like the tools we have to use, but they're the only ones we have. If we could have other mechanisms to use that weren't so controversial and weren't so convoluted, we would love to use them."

Using a TIF and a TDD to make a project possible is like borrowing money from Peter and Paul to pay off Guido. But as with all TIFs, from the ones used to build St. Louis Galleria on, most property owners don't complain because they're getting paid double or triple their property value. The host city doesn't gripe, because in the short term it gets increased tax revenue. And surely the developer doesn't whine, because he's guaranteed a generous return on his investment without the usual risk.

The losers are the ones who have no say in the decision: neighboring cities, which lose development and revenue to the TIF district; small-business owners, who never qualify for TIFs; and public schools and other taxing districts, which lose the incremental taxes for years to come.

But if you're a member of the Crestwood Swim Club, jump in, the water's fine -- and it's paid for.

8:26 PM, March 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...I wonder who tore that little gem out of their scrapbook?

9:07 PM, March 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the owner of the scrap book is none other than long time Crestwood resident Catherine Barrett. Who also believes that the cancer rate in Crestwood is higher than surrounding citys because the water lines are privatly owned and the owners are allowing cancer causing chemcials into the water so we all will die off early and so they can buy our homes and make the property in a giant mall. Seriously! Just ask her sometime.

9:47 PM, March 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that is funny no matter who you support! I think we can all agree on that..................still laughing!

10:26 PM, March 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cancer rates in Crestwood are higher on the north side of Watson Road. Check it out. Still laughing?

1:20 AM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of polluted ground, how big is the sewer coming out of city hall. There's got to be a lot of waste in that one!

1:23 AM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a special message from Waste Services.
We are concerned that a large amount of t*rds are roaming freely in Crestwood. They disguise themselves as children. One such t*rd reported to school last Wednesday and had to be turned away. The odor was quite offensive. We quickly responded to this incident, disinfecting the entire gymnasium with Lysol. Which actually did them a big favor because it smelled like gym shoes and kid sweat before we got there. If you should see one of these t*rds playing in the playground or driving a car, please report it's size and location immediately.
And please be cautious, large amounts of fiber makes them very dangerous. They have been known to jump fences and dive into residential swimming pools, causing large splashes that wet the entire neighborhood.

10:18 AM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looged onto this site from seeing it in the newspaper article about Mr. Ford. please explan what stock is owned in the swim club and who owns it. how did they get it.

11:13 AM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a little inside scoop that will blow the whole lid off this crestwood pool deal--it is not a swim club at all--on no--it is a plot that was started 50 years ago. Everyone involved is just a pawn. you thought the DaVInci Code had some amazing plot lines?...It ain't nothing when compared to the pool---here's the secret...It is a landing portal for an alien race bent on human domination. And the pool members--they are all Pod people. The good news is that when the aliens do finally arrive through the "Pool's" intergalactic portal, all eyes will be focused on Crestwood. It might improve business at the mall--at the very least, the media satellite trucks will have plenty of empty parking spaces. Now, let's just hope that the alien invaders are friendly. Don't say you have not been warned.

11:16 AM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The aliens landing pad was not built. They originally planned on building the landing pad but were thwarted in their plot. They dumpsters were not allowed on the lot because they would have been in direct violation of the exhaust pipe ordinance which prevents lunar space exhaust from escaping into the atmosphere.This ordinance was an attachment to the boat and RV plot. A luxury vehicle was purchased to transport to aliens to their leader. Concubines was brainwashed to propogate the alien species. Satellites were placed to coordinate the funneling of all of earths comedic talent directly to the Star WArs satellites launched by Ronald REagan. Now all that is ruined! and we are stuck with it.

11:35 AM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard that aliens disguised as humans prefer to wear bow ties!

12:38 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen Tippy? If so then e-mail Margaret @ Keep large reptiles away from Tippy!

Thank You

Margaret's attorney

2:38 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the smell of the swim club in july it smells as though that sewer drains directly into the main pool. I originally thought it was from the that giant frog that sits next to said pool. If only they new of what happened with that frog at the last pool it gaurded!

2:40 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last pool that frog guarded was in Jamaice but since the winters are so cold there it was moved here to have year round use. In winter it is often used as an ice slide for Olympic luuuge training. It guards the mouth of the hidden money vault (but don't tell anyone). It is reported to be made of solid green stuff. It's selling price was 78 cents but shipping cost $94,000. Quite a bargain when compared to the cost of the red pixie fairy which wasn't really good for ice sliding.

3:49 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The red pixie fairy from Duluth?

3:55 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the one! The online auction price went so high it just wasn't fair. You must have been looking at it too!!!!!!!! It was a matching set but when they broke apart the set and paired each one up with a spandex jogging suit and matching earrings it became too expensive!

4:05 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah I thought so too. My third cousin twice removed put me on to another one though. The seller will only accept interesting trades though. Anyone know where I can get my hands on some cheap toilet seats?

4:11 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well don't go to the government.The Halliburton "1 hour deluxe" seat cost near 1 billion dollars. Now the Halliburton "quickie" only costs less but still that's too high. Last week E-Bay had some used ones that were being bid on quite fiercely. They're probably out of those by now. I didn't buy one cause my neighbor gave me one.

4:21 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I don't want to buy them I just want to put my hands on them.

4:28 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we get back to serious business here people? Don't buy anything off the auction. Last week my Uncle's step-sisters ex-wife said she tried to pay her auction off with paypal but she lives alone and doesn't have any friends so she didn't know a pal to take the payment for her. then she couldn't find the slot to run her credit card through. after that she gave up and lost the item and now she can't find the only piece that she's missing out of her hubcab collection. She's getting so depressed I don't know what to do.

4:51 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe she neds a friends. I got a three legged dog I could sell her.

5:02 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I left a message on your blog site but it's kinda private. I don't want the whole worled chasing down Tippy. She sounds like a really valuable dog. I hope you find your soulmate soon. You're looking for love in all the right places Margaret. Maybe we can meet sometime?

5:28 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Margarett, I can help you find Tippy faster cause I have a 4 wheeler and we can chase her down real fast if we have to. Let me know where to meet you. I'll bring protection. No homeless guy is hurt your Tippy or gonna keep your Tippy from ya when I'm hear to help.

5:36 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found the Riverfront times article on Google under Crestwood Swim Club. You can search on any newspaper and magazine article both on Google and in the St. Louis County Library databases feature on the website.

Pooling the Money
To the TIF victors go the spoils in Crestwood
By D.J. Wilson
Article Published Oct 24, 2001

4:41 PM, March 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Information on Air Pollution in the City of Crestwood.

During the winter, the winds move the Color Art/Cenveo smoke towards Chadwick and JoAnn Place?

During the summer, the winds move the Color Art/Cenveo smoke towards Rayburn?

Watch all of the smoke coming out of Color Art/Cenveo after sunset! Do you smell the chemical odor?
Enter your 5 digit ZIP code: 63126
type in 63126

2:58 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet Don Greer is behind the way the wind blows!! Glad we got rid of him before it was too late

4:16 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
search on segregation recreation facilities for every State in the Union

Definition of segregation
The First Amendment means to me ... that the only constitutional way our Government can preserve itself is to leave its people the fullest possible freedom to praise, criticize, or discuss, as they see fit, all governmental policies and to suggest, if they desire, that even its most fundamental postulates are bad and should be changed....
Hugo Black, U.S. Supreme Court Justice (1886-1971), from his dissenting opinion in Barenblatt v. United States, 1959

use find for Swim or Recreation Arkansas

50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

50th Anniversary of Rosebrook Real Estate/Crestwood Swim Club

How many lives have already been killed, beaten to death, hissed at, rocks thrown at them, all over a recreational facility like a swimming pool?

4:22 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was a big wind bag now that I think of it! I'll look a little more into this revelation.

4:42 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathaniel Hawthorne:
It is to the credit of human nature, that, except where its selfishness is brought into play, it loves more readily than it hates. Hatred, by a gradual and quiet process, will even be transformed to love, unless the change be impeded by a continually new irritation of the original feeling of hostility.

from The Scarlet Letter

8:02 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosebrook Annual Registration Report for 8/31/84
Director list
Lee Kearney
Wesley B. Finke
Catherine E. Kruger
Walter Zimmerman
Glenn H. Jackson, Jr.
Charles P. Scherrer, Jr.
1325 Dalcrest
Crestwood, MO

Charlie Scherrer is Alderman Kelleher's father-in-law.

Tom Scherrer is Alderman Kelleher's brother-in-law that works for Pool Specilists who built the new Crestwood Swim Club.

Everyone gets a job and has stock in Rosebrook Real Estate Company but it is okay not to disclose your conflict of interests when voting on a Crestwood Swim Club issue.

Alderman Kelleher was on Planning and Zoning when the Crestwood Swim Club was approved for rezoning a tennis court property into a swimming club recreational facility.

8:06 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosebrook Annual Registration Report for 8/31/84
Director list
Lee Kearney
Wesley B. Finke
Catherine E. Kruger
Walter Zimmerman
Glenn H. Jackson, Jr.
Charles P. Scherrer, Jr.
1325 Dalcrest
Crestwood, MO

Charlie Scherrer is Alderman Kelleher's father-in-law.

Tom Scherrer is Alderman Kelleher's brother-in-law that works for Pool Specilists who built the new Crestwood Swim Club.

Everyone gets a job and has stock in Rosebrook Real Estate Company but it is okay not to disclose your conflict of interests when voting on a Crestwood Swim Club issue.

Alderman Kelleher was on Planning and Zoning when the Crestwood Swim Club was approved for rezoning a tennis court property into a swimming club recreational facility.

8:07 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/9/2002 Grading Permit
Spiritas Wrecking Company
9717 Watson Road
for the purpose of: "contaminated soil removal: subject to attached conditions
by Paticia Hanes-Code Enforcement Officer
Date Inspected 12/30/2002

Notify in writing the following:
Crestwood Mall, City of Crestwood,
Bali Court residents, and Twincrest residents.

Did everyone receive a letter?

8:09 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real Property Certificate of Value
St. Louis County
Grantor: Missouri Triangle Corporation owned by James R. James, Jr.
Grantee: THF Crestwood Point Development, L.L.C.
Address of property: 9701 Watson Road, 9719 Watson Road
Locator(s): 25L130174, 25L130442
Total Cash $180,000.00
signed by Michael H. Staenberg, Manager from THF Crestwood Point Development, L.L.C
Received 12/4/2002 St. Louis County

8:12 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: Northwest Corner of Watson & Sappington Road Evidence of THF Realty, Inc. Commitment for Financing

Dear Mayor Brasfield,
.. It is our understanding that the entire cost of the project will be $12,500,000 and the THF Realty will be receiving $2,200,000.00 in tax increment financing.
Signed by Jack M. Wiser
Senior Vice President of Nations Bank


RE: Crestwood Redevelopment
Principal's Ability to Purchase TIF Bonds

Dear Mayor Brasfield:
We will be working with E. Stanley Kroenke, Michael H. Staenberg and Harvey Cantor, M.D., to enable these gentlemen to purchase the TIF Bonds that will be sold as a result of the $2,200,000.00 tax increment financing revenue that will assist in the redevelopment of the northwest corner of Watson & Sappington Road.
Signed by Jack M. Wiser
Senior Vice President of Nations Bank

Buyer(s) Final Closing Statement
Prepared by U.S. Title
Buyer(s): THF Crestwood Point Development, L.L.C.
Seller(s): Marvine R. Mishkin, Harvey E. Cantor, Sue Ann Jones formerly Cantor, Andrew Cantor, Kim Scholtes, Jon Cantor
Lender: LaSalle Bank
Property: 9725 Watson Road
Closing Date: 12/04/2002
File Number: 02003913B
Totals $1,575,483.79

Who is part of this L.L.C?
The sellers are buying the TIF notes so do they still own the land.

Maybe Rosebrook Real Estate Company or a stockholder is part of this L.L.C.

8:19 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Project address 904 Rayburn
Tenant name Crestwood Swim Club
Owner name Rosebrook Real Estate
owner address 1321 Raycrest (former Alderman Gary Vincent home)
locator number 25M621280
MSD P0025112-01 under a Creve Couer Project

Did Pool Specialists build several pools for Rosebrook Real Estate in Ladue, Creve Couer, Town & Country?

I hope the city of Crestwood receives a percentage of each pool sale taxes.

8:22 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many shares of Rosebrook Real Estate stock does Charlie Scherrer, father-in-law to Alderman Kelleher own since 1972?

Is is 16 or 32?

Who is buying up all of Rosebrook Real Estate stock?

8:23 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

History of corner of Watson and Sappington under Kohl's and City of Crestwood City Hall and parking lot

Year 1939
Under Fuel and Coal Sections in St. Louis County Directory
Wuellner, Louis Branch for Ice and Fuel Company at Highway 66 and Watson Rd

Book 2400 Page 140-145
Lease between Emilie Wuellner and Alber Wuelnner and Gulf Refining Company. On page 142 in the middle stated "storage of gasoline, petroleum and petroleum products."

Book 2928 page 203-294
Easement for Water Pipe that undersigned Emilie Wuellner and Albert Wuellner grant convey and confirm onto the St. Louis County Water Company - an easement strip twenty feet (20') wide

Board of Alderman minutes for 7/14/1953 for Crestwood
Purchased by Emilie Wuellner
"F.E. Dolson erect surfact type Water Storage Tank 450 feet west of Sappington 1020 feet north of Hwy 66 capacity 2 1/2 million gallons with dimensions of 92 feet diameter by 50 feet high"

Book 3900 page 35-37
General Warranty Deed between Emilie Wuellner and Triangle Auto Sales Company which became Missouri Triangle Corportation which James R. James, Jr. is president and Hartwell C. Crain, which was the Senator of Missouri in 1949

Book 4071
Page 522-530
Lease between Triangle Auto Sales Company which became Missouri Triangle Corporation and Crestwood Investmetn Company with a term of 99 years on page 523.

President of Crestwood Investment Company was Jacob J. Frohmann at No. 1 Old Westbury Webster Groves. MO

Year 1966
66-CR-66 Federal Criminal Case Jacob Frohmann case file is in Kansas City - prosecuted by Federal Attorney General's office -150 pages - IRS issues

8:55 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Barrett, when did your family purchase your home?

9:14 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Hoffer:
The capacity for getting along with our neighbor depends to a large extent on the capacity for getting along with ourselves. The self-respecting individual will try to be as tolerant of his neighbor's shortcomings as he is of his own.

9:29 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rosebrook Annual Registration Report for 8/31/84
Director list
Lee Kearney
Wesley B. Finke
Catherine E. Kruger
Walter Zimmerman
Glenn H. Jackson, Jr.
Charles P. Scherrer, Jr.
1325 Dalcrest
Crestwood, MO

Charlie Scherrer is Alderman Kelleher's father-in-law.

Tom Scherrer is Alderman Kelleher's brother-in-law that works for Pool Specilists who built the new Crestwood Swim Club.

Everyone gets a job and has stock in Rosebrook Real Estate Company but it is okay not to disclose your conflict of interests when voting on a Crestwood Swim Club issue.

Alderman Kelleher was on Planning and Zoning when the Crestwood Swim Club was approved for rezoning a tennis court property into a swimming club recreational facility.

8:07 PM, March 26, 2006

You may want to keep this one in mind folks.The dirt ready to be slung in this town is plentiful, as is the conflict of interst.

4:43 PM, March 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Junior FBI agent...while we know how desperately you want to uncover a big scandal--I regret to inform you that there is none. No matter how much you think your facts add up--they don't. So please, turn your attention to something more important. Thank you.

5:36 PM, March 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute..maybe they are onto something here. I have been reading this site for about 2 weeks now and have now devloped concerns about why an alderman's brother in law get awarded a contract where no less than 2 other sitting alderman are financially benefitting from the project.
Sounds like instead of watching the city's money they were lining their own pockets!

6:04 PM, March 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In "The Crestwood 50th Anniversary Fall 1997 booklet at city hall"
page 24
Map of City of Crestwood boundaries superimposed on 1905 map, presented to the City of Crestwood by C. W. Detjen, City Attorney, December, 1949 (frist city attorney, C. Wheeler Detjen, a resident of Webster Groves)

There is a Detjen street in front of City of Crestwood Building.

"We are enclosing the original certificate of Agreement, granting incorporation to the Crestwood Swimming Club, which has been duly recorded in Book 3613, page 319 of the St. Louis County Records, as of June 4, 1956."
Signed by C. W. Detjen from Detjen and Detjen law offices
Suite 207
110 s. Central Ave.
Clayton, MO

June 21, 1965
Secretary of Missouri Charter
Number: 0011016 Currently Inactive
Highway 66 Development Co.
Entity Creation Date: 6/21/65 to
Dissolve Date: 9/5/72
C. W. Detjen
110 South Central Avenue
Clayton, MO 63105

6:10 PM, March 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosebrook Real Estate Company Certificate of Amendment
Walter F. Barnes, Secretary of the meeting and new registered agent is H. W. Reuter, Jr.

Is this the same Walter F. Barnes an alderman for the city of Crestwood in 1952?

6:12 PM, March 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting desperate, eh?

6:59 PM, March 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the facts are wrong, then the paperwork is wrong.

Is this fraud?

What is someone or a group of individuals trying to hide if all of the paperwork is wrong?

9:51 AM, July 14, 2008  

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