Folks, if your going to by an appliance, why not get an "energy star" model that will save you money!
It's no secret that some items will save you a lot of money in the long run, so please click on the header for a list of energy saving appliances, and building products.
Some of these item's may even qualify for an earned income tax credit in 2007, so why not take a look.
My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 105
Some of these item's may even qualify for an earned income tax credit in 2007, so why not take a look.
My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 105
Robert H. Schuller:
Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive.
A TIMELY subject....Are you aware of the leading role our CITY took, some years ago in saving the environment? ? CRESTWOOD was one of the FIRST
cities to establish a MUNICIPAL RECYCLING CENTER.....people came from
"miles around" to deposit the newspaper / cans / aluminum / clear & colored
glass / plastic...with large bins provided for each group...corrugated was picked
up regulary from the PLAZA and we baled the corrugated on site...with a hugh
baler provided by ALTON BOX... The Center was under the direction of the
PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.....I had the distinct pleasure of managing the RECYCLING CENTER ..We gave out tree seedlings each ARBOR DAY.....There are a lot of large trees in our CITY ...which came from those seedlings...We also had programs for Schools and Groups and we were on a TV DOCUMENTARY ..The intent was to
save the envornment and teach that the landfills were filling up and where would
it all go and how much more is would cost to "get rid of things"...and YES
there are PICTURES of the CENTER..and has happened...the landfills
ARE does cost more to haul it farther away...The RECYCLING response was
so strong, the CITY went to "at home pick up" as part of the solid waste contract
thus your recycling bin furnished by the hauler...CRESTWOO has always been a
LEADER and some of us are proud to have been part of this CITY and we know
our RESIDENTS will continue to stay informed in saving the environment as EARTH
DAY approaches.....J. STOCK
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