Ladies and Gentlemen, 101 posts! Wow, I think this "Blog" is serving it's purpose!
Well, I have asked all the questions, and fielded as many questions (reference the up-coming election,) that I feel were necessary to get the information about the candidates to the voting public.
It therefore occurs to me that by now we all know where I stand. I feel, that from now until the election you should all examine the record, and vote for the person of your choice. To help facilitate your reflection I shall refrain from posting anything related to me or my opponent, and let you make the choice. Please join your neighbors, and friends at the polls on Tuesday, April 4th. And VOTE!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
It therefore occurs to me that by now we all know where I stand. I feel, that from now until the election you should all examine the record, and vote for the person of your choice. To help facilitate your reflection I shall refrain from posting anything related to me or my opponent, and let you make the choice. Please join your neighbors, and friends at the polls on Tuesday, April 4th. And VOTE!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
on file at Missouri Secretary of State
State of Missouri
No 84816
Rosebrook Real Estate Company
Filed and Certicate of Incorporation issued 4/15/1955
Signed by Elmore Riggs, Aaron Rose, and Stanley G. Brooks
The names and places of residence of the shareholders and the number of shares subscribed by each are:
Elmore Riggs
707 Paddock Court
Webster Groves 19, Missouri
Aaron rose
724 Hutchins Drive
Webster Groves 19, Missouri
Stanley G. Brooks
1420 Trelane Ave
Webster Groves 19, Missouri
R. J. Adams
901 Volz Drive
Webster Groves 19, Missouri
R. F. Hoel
943 Volz Drive
Webster Groves 19, Missouri
W. G. Williamson
1511 Shoppers Lane
Webster Groves 19, Missouri
John S. Wyrsch
731 Hutchins Drive
Webster Groves 19, Missouri
Is this how Rosebrook Real Estate received their name by both Mr. Aaron Rose and Mr. Stanley G. Brooks?
Amazing how the original stockholders were all of Webster Groves.
Why would Webster Groves citizens build another pool in Crestwood when they had a beautiful pool in Webster Groves?
St. Louis University Law School, Vanderbilt University, and League of Women Voter's was involved in the lawsuit over Webster Groves Public Swimming Pool in 1949.
Missouri Secretary of State
Crestwood Swimming Club
filed by Detjen & Detjen
signed by C. W. Detjen, city attorney for Crestwood on 7/2/1956
In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands this 24th day of May, 1956
(The following signed their names)
Charles J. Kunkel, Chris Senes, Corinne Fenwick, Jean Koehler
Thomas M. Mullen, H. A. Radford
John B. Mitchell, R. J. Adams
Leo Chaison, Donald A. Dieckhaus
William A. Herbst,Virgil Laux
Articles II Objects and Purposes
The objects and purposes of the Club are benevolent and educational; to provide swimming and other recreational facilities and to promote social activities and encourage civic activities by and for its members; to instruct and educate young people in athletics, sports and recreation; to promote health and physical development of its members and others in the community; to publicize such information as may be of aid and benefit in such matters, and to do whatever is incident to such purposes and objects and useful to it members and to the community therein.
State of Missouri
County of St. Louis
May Term 1956,Friday June 1st 1956
In the Matter of No 213368
Crestwood Swimming Club
Pro Forma Decree of Incorporation
Charles J. Kunkel, President
Chris Senes, as Executive Vice-President,
Corinne Fenwick, as Vice-President,
Jean Kohler, as Secretary and Thomas m. Mullen as treasurer of Crestwood Swim Club
File and Copy Issued July 3, 1956
"... Chapter 352 of the Revised Statues of Missouri 1949, entitled, "Benevolent, Religious, Scientific, Educational and Miscellaneous Association," and are not inconsistent with the Consitition or laws of the United States or of the State of Missouri."
City of Crestwood Board of Alderman minutes dated 10/10/2000
Alderman Gary Vincent first and only vote for the Kohl's TDD.
page 10
Introduction of Bill No. 00-21 Amending Ordinance 3549, 3595 and approving a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Crestwood and THF Crestwood Point Development, L.L.C.
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 3549, as amended by Ordinance 3595, approving a redevelopment agreement between the City of Crestwood and THF Crestwood Point Development, L.L.C. by amending Section 2.3 of such redevelopment agreement relating to the sum to be paid by developer to the city of costs incurred by the City in furthance of the Redevelopment project; by amending Section 4.1 so as to amend the Reimbursable Redevelopment Project Costs; by Amending Section 5.1 relating to the maximum amount of TIF notes; by amending Section 5.23 relating to excess incremental sales tax revenue; by enacting a new Article XI providing for a TRANSPORTATINO DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT; and by enacting a new article XII providing for a COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT.
Bill No. 00-21 was read for a second time by Alderman Fagan. It was moved by Alderman Fagan, seconded by Alderman Robertson, that Bill No. 00-21 be adopted. On Roll call vote, motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Fagan, Maddow, Vincent, Breeding, Robertson, Duwe, Labore
Nays: Trueblood
Absent: None
Alerman Gary Vincent acting as President of Rosebrook Real Estate
April 15th, 1955
Annual Registration Report
Rosebrook Real Estate
c/o H.W. Reuter, Jr.
728 Hutchins Drive
Crestwood, MO 63126
by H.W. Reuter, Jr Secretary
Board of Directors
William Knopf
T. J. McGuire
H.W. Reuter, Jr.
Wesley B. Finke
William Duwe
9014 Laurel Crest
Crestwood, Missouri
Is William Duwe Alderman Pat Duwe's husband?
How long was Alderman Pat Duwe a member of Crestwood Swim Club and how many share of Rosebrook Stock was given to her family?
well that wraps it up for me, I will not be voting for Vincent or Duwe for Alderman of Ward Two...Trueblood has my vote!
What the heck, what say we go to Sunset Hills, and see if we can pick up some candidates, they will have a few out of a job soon.
Is Attorney Robert Golterman, city attorney for Crestwood,a member of Crestwood Swim Club or a Rosebrook Stockholder?
There is a Golterman street next to Sappington on the way to Lindbergh highschool. Are they related to Attorney Robert Golterman?
Board of Alderman minutes
for 10/10/2000
page 5
"Mr. Leichliter explained that the swim club property is not in the TIF area. He stated the City would draw a transportation development district boundary that includes all of the swim club property. It is suggested that the TDD would buy the swim club property and if it buys all of the property, it will keep part of it and the city would use it for the government center parking lot. He stated the City will sell to Kohl's the part of the property that Kohl's will use for their parking lot."
page 6
Mr. Conley would not know most of the property was vacant, that gas tanks may still be buried in the ground, etc.
page 10
Mr. Staenberg indicated that they will have to deal with relocations, asbestos in the bank building and gas tanks underground and also work out a deal with Bank of America."
Ordinance No. 3749
Bill No. 02-24
2nd Reading 10-22-02
An Ordinance approving a General Warranty Deed between Rosebrook Real Estate Company and the City of Crestwood, Missouri and Authorizing the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the city.
signed by Mayor James E. Roberton
Ordinance No. 3750
Bill No. 02-25
2nd Reading 10/22/02
An ordinance approving a boundary adjustment plat between Rosebrook Real Estate Company and the City of Crestwood, Missouri and authorizing the Mayor to execute said plat on behalf of the city.
signed by Mayor James E. Robertson
Ordinance No. 3753
Bill No. 02-28
2nd Reading 11/12/02
An Ordinance approving an easement and license agreement between Rosebrook Real Estate Company and the City of Crestwood, Missouri and authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the city.
signed by Mayor James E. Robertson
Ordinance No. 3783
Bill No. 03-05
2nd Reading 6/10/03
An Ordinance approving and granting an easement to Rosebrook Real Estate Company and authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the city.
When will the City of Crestwood buy property or lease property from Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club?
What is the total money transfer or title transfer between the City of Crestwood, Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club since 1955?
Mr. Tom Ford,
Question: Why is the Fireman's union supporting Proposition S when supposedly this 3 million will pay off our line of credit at Southwest Bank?
Is some of the Proposition S money going to pay the salaries of Fireman, Police, city employee's or any public employee in Crestwood?
January 8, 2003
Limited Environmental Sampling
City of Crestwood Police Department
by Michael S. Roark, R.G.
Senior Geophysicist
page 2
1.2 Background
Geotechnology conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at the subject property in March 2002. Results of Phase I Environmental Assessment indicated that the subject property may have environmental impacts to soil and/or groundwater based on previous site uses. The subject property reportedly contains fill material from an unknown source added during the construction in 1972. Chain-of-title information regarding the subject property revealed that the site was leased by Gulf Refining Company in 1948. Leasing of the property to Gulf Refining Company may indicate that a service station was previously located on the site. A review of records obtained from government databases and provide by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) identified the site as a Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) site. Interviews with Mr. Mark Menning of the Crestwood Fire Department and Mr. Mark Payken, director of Crestwood Public Works Department indicated that USTs were previously located near the police station and that a diesel fuel UST associated with the Crestwood Government Center had previously leaked. Additionaly, a report prepared by Shively Geotechnical, Inc. indicated that soil samples collected at the subject site exhibited hydrocarbon odors.
page 4
The samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and zylenes (BTEX), methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) per Iowa Methods OA-1/OA-2.
page 6
Soil concentrations were above MDNR action levels but below estimated cleanup levels for TPH in Boring EB-4, and TPH, benzene and total BTEX in Boring EB-2A. If future development activities require site grading, excavation or trenching operations at the subject property, Geotechnology recommends that an environmental consultant be present during subsurface excavation activities to evaluate soils and, if necessary, collect soil samples for laboratory analysis. Impacted soil/fill should be properly managed, which may include permitting and disposal.
Is why former our Mayor Pat Killoran had a cancer study performed both in 1972 and in 1982 for Ward 2?
What just a second, a street named Golterman? Holy cow there is a car named Ford, does that mean??? Could it be in 1955 that Ford Motor Co. knew then about the election this year(2006)????
I bet the Sappingtons when they moved here back in the early 1800's are the ones really behind this. Or maybe it was the Indians whose land they took, its their revenge.
It's clear to me that Don Greer is behind all of this including the higher cancer rates north of Watson Rd, bad water and buried gas tanks.
I trust the new mayor cause his son worked as a life guard at the Crestwood Swim Club and is in Kent Leichliter's corner, the guy who signed all these sweet heart deals with the Club.
I know, this is serious stuff and we shouldnt make fun of the poster who believes all the above to be true. Maybe we should pity her for having a lack of a life and ask her to join the Crestwood Swim Club Haters Club (CSCHC)?
Tell you one thing she sure is a bulldog when it comes to finding dirty dirt on people..maybe she knows where Tippy the missing dog can be found?
Who is the Junior FBI agent who is obsessed with the pool?
I have a great idea. Can we have categories of comments like "Post here if this is Purely Factual" and "Post here if this is something you just made up" and "Post here to Criticize Someone" and "Post here if you think it's Fact but others know it's Not"
And don't forget "Post here if you found Tippy"
ummm...I am confused...has Tom Ford directly answered a single question on this blog? I don't think so..He reminds me of Ted Kennedy--just keeps answering every questions with another question and never provides a direct answer--And now, refuses to answer any more questions on his own odd.
Cathy Barrett is our Jr. FBI member
I don't know who the "junior FBI agent" is, but I just stopped by the Swim Club site, looked at some of the member photo's, and from the looks of things, I think you built the pool too small!
In response to a previous blogger, Tom Ford has answered many questions on this blog. In fact, he has put a lot out there for everyone to see. These blogs are a fairly new venue, and to put so much out there takes courage. Support him or not, you have to admit he has guts. And I think that if he is this open now, I think he will make a great public official.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all doing direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
- Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870) in 'A Tale of Two Cities'
Regarding this blog message, Jim Murphy's appearance at the meeting, and
those who think the past cannot be repeated.
The money spent for lawyer fees is only being recanted over and over again
because most of us can't believe that the Mayor and aldermen at that time, who
accepted stewardship for the citizens of Crestwood, let it happen.
Now we have an election where people who can help turn the tide may not be
elected and candidates who seem to want to make excuses for the previous mayor
and the aldermen could be elected and we could have more of the same rebellion.
Several of these candidates assisted the previous mayor and had allegiances
with him and his board members. The mayor will never be able to go forward if
this happens since everyone knows that Tom Fagan and his followers hate the
mayor - to this day.
Jim Murphy as well as so many others feel compelled to keep reminded the
citizens, who have so many other things to worry about, that they can't loose
site of what has happened so as not to repeat it by electing the wrong people.
The previous board or mayor were never asked for accountability and they
should have been asked. We are talking about a humongus amount of city money
going out to lawyers as well as a 14 million dollar police facility and more.
Don Greer had a field day with this town and we let him do it. The lawyers at
that time definitely were reaping and we were going in the hole! Jim
Murphy's material shows it in black and white. Seeing it in black and white is
different than saying it and it would make any person sick. If you care!
That is one big concern of Jim Murphy's as it should be. Don Greer was
allowed to do whatever he wanted and up until this point in time, I have seen no
one come out and say as much so that the people in this town can hear it. If it
is said a thousand times, you will never get any of them to admit it and what
is worse they don't feel responsible.
What is said is that in order to get rid of Don Greer, he is rewarded along
with his ????? who didn't know how to count 1 plus 1. So Greer gets rewarded
and we never get one, honest and truthful response from any of those who made
him King Almighty in the first place - Tom Fagan and his Faganites who thought
Don Greer could lead us to the promised land.
We should all be angry; we should all be up in arms over it. One man was
allowed to come in and create a mess because that administration didn't mind the
store. Now we all suffer for it. But if you say something or ask about it,
people get angry at you and me and even make excuses that "it was in the past".
Had you or I done that to the city, it would be the biggest story that ever
hit the South County News.
Sandy Grave
Roger Anderson made a presentation to this board and mayor in January regarding the legal bills. The legal bills from one law firm contain no itemization or detail of the work performed. This firm billed Crestwood $550,000 + so far. What they have been working on is unknown, but the city paid them. Mr. Anderson hasn't got any answer from the board or the mayor regarding this issue. We can only assume that these legal bills are still presented in this manner and that the city is still paying them. Please remember, this $550,000 is your money. Is this how you want Crestwood to handle it?
It doesn't make a Tinker's Darn which side of the fence you sit on politically. When there are $550,000 worth of legal bills that have a generic description FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (no backup)and the bills are approved by D. Greer and the BOA; the sunshine law (& BOA) either does not require a breakdown, or if it does, it was ignored, and the identity of the legaleese is a well kept secret. If a town is in dire straits financially and wants residents to pass a tax increase, then they should not cover up the obvious; the BOA should get the answers and supply us with what this $550,000 represents, and if it is not forthcoming, take this straight to the Attorney General NOW! Who exactly are the aldermen representing? Me, You? This city has become a cash cow for the lawfirm of Bobroff,Hesse, Lindmark & Martone and apparently anyone who thinks a lawsuit will expand their bank balance. My my what a happy fizzies party. All aided by D. Greer and apparently the Crestwood BOA, with whom we have placed our trust and which apparently does not think the fees exhorbitant, smell a mouse, or recognize a need to inform the public of their play in depleting the city's funds. But, yet, they are fully prepared to put their hands in my pocket and ask for a bail out. And, to think, while this was all going on, they thought they could pull off a $14 Million Dollar City Hall, buy a $20,000 malfunctioning software package, provide a BMW for a city employee and delay all cutbacks until desperation set in in the form of a 3.5 M.$ LOC. What other wool has the former CA,FO and board pulled over our eyes that has contributed to the size of our problems? And when will accountability become part of the job. Depleting tax revenue is only a part of the problem; but certainly not all. I would suggest that your vote on April 4 be for the candidate who will best open the closed curtains of this city and not those who are unwilling to play ball as a team. Keep your eyes and ears open after April 4 for none of these questions are going to get swept under the rug. Residents now fully recognize what we are up against and who to blame. The BOA is going to have a busy schedule "sweeping clean." Indeed no walk in the park.
Greer and CO. are gone. No one disputes that they took an unfortunate situation and made it 100 times worse while at the same time flaunting their “social” relationship. The fact is unless the Prop S passes we will probably loose our City Hall/Public Works Building. It does not fix the rest of the General Fund, but that is a something for another day
Yes,Greer and Co. are gone. Perhaps you could reiterate how much it cost us to see them gone, and how much they cost us while there and how long it took to see them gone and why to all the above. Residents have total recall and are struggling with anger vs concern and until the last vestiges of the council board who considered politics more important than fiscal responsibility are gone, it will be difficult to let bygones by bygones. Residents addressed their concerns to the board for quite some time only to be insulted and ignored. They preferred to listen to Greer and co. who as you say are now gone. Gone, but not forgotten. What a travesty.
I agree. Trust me, I'm no fan of Don Greer.
Just saying that at some point we have to move on and forward. How can we do so without our City Hall and Public Works Building?
Is the Firehouse considered part of city hall?
You better believe it!
Yes, the firehouse is part of city hall as well as the police station. Think about that for a minute. Maybe that is why the policemen and firemen have an interest in seeing this tax increase pass and see responsible people get elcted to office. Maybe they are just trying to protect their liveliehood since so many past administrations have not.
How long was the sinking tax revenue kept secret? Long enough to almost launch a $14 M. Dollar city hall redo per chance. How much did the lawsuit against Mayor Robertson cost? How much does Crestwood pay in insurance to cover this sort of thing? When can we expect the backup for $555,000 worth of legal bills? When is the Licklider lawsuit going to happen? How much is budgeted for that? And is the Greer and Madrid settlemlents budgeted in the 2006 budget? Why is Greer still getting the $830 car allowance. Why, Why, Why!!!Surprise! before you go sticking your hands in our pockets, let's have some answers. How on earth could any community land in the black with such vast mismanagement and corruption? What kind of board allowed this kind of thing to happen and how long has this been going on? Focusing on tomorrow is a great idea, just as soon as we can forget the past.
Why don't you ask the mayor about the past employee's compensation? What kind of "bullet" (in his words) did the city dodge by working out the compensation packages? What is being hidden? It seems many have much more insight in these kinds of things and I would really like to be enlightened.
Do to the law they are not allowed to talk about specifics. I wan't to know too but thats something we are just going to have to swallow no matter how bitter it is.
Sense in suburbia
St. Louis suburbanites must love local government; they've created so much of it. With 91 municipalities in St. Louis County alone, you can hardly walk to the mailbox without bumping into an alderman.
But the close-to-home benefits of tiny communities come with big problems. A town of 5,000 enjoys no economies of scale in running a police force, managing road crews or maintaining parks. And shifts in the regional economy can strip towns of sales tax revenue as businesses close and shoppers flock to a glitzy new mall one town over. Hazelwood, Rock Hill, Jennings and Maplewood have felt such woes in recent years.
This creates an addiction to sales taxes and sets off a feeding frenzy among municipalities to land the next shopping center -- or maybe even a trendy "lifestyle" center. Towns prostrate themselves at the feet of developers, offering property tax breaks to lure retail enclaves that will swipe sales tax revenue from all the towns around it.
Towns such as Crestwood, with its aging shopping mall, lose as towns with newer malls gain. Suburban arterial roads become clogged with more shopping centers than the local economy can support and more traffic than the streets can handle.
Existing law requires that towns share some of their sales tax collections, but that mechanism needs updating, and Missouri's tax increment financing law, which allows towns to offer property tax giveaways to developers, needs to be reworked completely.
Right now, the system works beautifully -- if you're a developer. But region-wide, it reduces taxes available for schools and municipal services and often subsidizes retail businesses paying low wages.
Reforming the TIF law can help, and there's an effort underway right now in the state Legislature. Genuine improvements in the sales-tax-sharing rules could end the beggar-thy-neighbor game.
But a much harder long-term fix involves mergers of some of the region's smallest municipalities. Fifty-four of the towns in St. Louis County have fewer than 5,000 people. Merge just two, and you could retain close-to-home government but improve efficiency.
Larger towns, too, can save money by sharing services. Communities have had success with joint emergency dispatching operations. There are many other possibilities. Clayton and Richmond Heights now are talking about sharing services, or even merging. If they can save money through joint pothole-patching, they should do it.
The people of the St. Louis region ought to be able to enjoy the benefits of small-scale government without suffering its inefficiencies and an unending series of TIF wars.
st. louis post dispatch 4/3/06
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