Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A letter from Charles E. Berry, Ward Four candidate for B.O.A.

As a Candidate for Alderman in the 4th Ward of the City of Crestwood, I want to congratulate those Aldermen and Candidates who have endorsed and who are affirming their endorsement by actively supporting Proposition S.
Crestwood is currently undergoing a period in its history which will determine whether it is to remain a truly great and wonderful city or simply fall by the wayside and endure the deterioration that has affected so many of our nation’s cities. I want to be part of the governmental organization and administration which will move the city forward to new heights.
My background in education as a special education teacher provides me with the ability to clearly inform the citizens of Ward 4 regarding the important decisions being considered by the Board of Aldermen. My education and training as a trial attorney allows me to clearly identify the issues which are most important in the city’s decision making process. My service experience as a Combat Officer confirms my willingness to take a position and hold it.
It has been said that all politics are local. That is true. It has also been said, and I firmly believe, that democracy is a participatory exercise. Therefore, I want to congratulate my opponent in this aldermanic race, Mr. Neider, for coming forth and offering himself as a Candidate in this race.
I believe all of the aldermanic races, as we determine the general make up of the next Board of Aldermen, will determine the direction that our wonderful city is going to take.
I would like to thank the individuals who run this website for an opportunity to speak to the citizens.

Charles E. Berry
Candidate for Alderman, Ward 4



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck to you! I think you would make a fine represenative for us folks in ward 4!

5:42 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a very qualified candidate Mr. Berry. But I find that your opponent, Mr Nieder, has excellent financial skills that is needed at this time.
Furthermore, he does not have any strings attached. Good luck to you Mr. Berry, but residents in Ward 4 would be much better served to vote for Steve Nieder.

1:50 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't disagree with the previous blogger. Mr Nieder seems like a very smart man in person. However I prefer Charlie Berry. Charlie is a decorated Vietnam helicopter pilot and received the Silver Star and the Purple Heart that I know of for his service. That is very important to me. Then he became a teacher and a lawyer after he got back, thank god in one piece. I believe that his legal expertise will help us with some of the problems that we've had here in this city. And I know darn well that Charlie is a stand-up guy that tells it like it is. There'll be no more of this getting away with not answering important questions, especially about legal bills and unethical business dealings. Charlie sticks to his guns, and wisely and respectable so.I don't think Charlie is a guy that either disrepects others in public or has strings attached in any form. He'll be a great alderman for this city. A true vet that fights the good fight for us.
he stood up for me in service of this country, now I'll return that sacrifice by pledging to vote for Charlie Berry.

2:30 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Crestwood was in need, Mr Nieder was there. He collected signatures so the board would reconsider the Crestwood Plaza lease. This was one of many factors that saved Crestwood 14 million dollars. Mr. Berry and his good friend, Ms Char Braun were no where to be found. Instead, they were supporting candidates and policies that put Crestwood in debt in the first place. As far as strings attached, I refer to the firefighter's union. They are diligently working this campaign, not out of love for Crestwood, but for their own gratification. The firefighter's union must be congratulated. They are close to turning Crestwood into another Mehlville - complete with retirees walking away with hundreds of thousands of dollars in a retirement buyout. The head of the firefighter union, who is active in this campaign, does not live and does not work in Crestwood.
Mr. Nieder is smart and is not controlled by a special interest group.

2:45 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Berry is always active when a tax increase is proposed. He is always in favor of it. If you vote for Mr. Berry, watch your wallet.

2:49 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe this. I'm finally going to break my silence and speak the truth. Crestwood has one of the lowest tax rates in St. Louis County. Raising the tax rate from 24 to 44 cents is so minimal it is unbelievable. We pay more for the St. Louis Zoo than to Crestwood! And some of us are past the point of using the zoo. But we still want a vibrant city. Can you imagine what our tax rate would be today if the board had accepted the minimal increases each year that they had a right to. Can you imagine what it would have been if they had done that on top of not rolling back the tax in 1985. How i wish they had not rolled back the taxes in 1985. All this would never have happened. We are so very lucky here. I can't get over how people complain about taxes from this city. We have paid bottom dollar for an excellent city! Now it's time to admit that.

4:09 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and one more thing. Other communities look at us in envy of this low tax rate. They can't believe we're having this much trouble over such a low tax increase. They are all paying more than us. My friends from Webster Groves and Kirkwood have much higher tax bills and much lower priced houses.

4:13 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your previous comments about the firefighters union, Mr. Murphy. Although you are completely wrong in your assumptions.

4:27 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I presume that the "anonymous" who posted the ridiculous comments at 2:45, did so covertly in an effort to prevent people from knowing how truly ignorant and uninformed they are. Why are you all so afraid to sign your names to any of your comments? Grow up.

For the record, Charlie and Steve both actively sought the endorsement of the Fire Fighter's Union. Not because they had hoped to relinquish control of their campaign, but because they recognize that our members are some of the finest individuals one will ever come across. After thoroughly reviewing each candidate, IAFF Local 2665 elected the leave the Ward 4 race "open" and not endorse or oppose either individual. We did so because we feel strongly that both are exceedingly capable of performing the duties of Alderman.

Crestwood should count itself as very fortunate to have such fine people willing to sacrifice a great deal of personal time and energy to serve on your Board. Crestwood should also recognize that your Police Officers and Fire Fighters are cut from a rare cloth, and that you are incredibly lucky to have them available to serve your public safety needs.

To suggest that these individuals are preparing to leave the city with "hundreds of thousands in retirement buyouts" is as insulting to these fine men and women as it is utterly absurd. Crestwood participates in the State run LAGERS pension plan. There are no buyout options, and your employee's benefits are so meger, that many of them simply cannot afford to retire. They have no post-retirement health care benefits and no city matched 401k. After they pay for health insurance, most of your Police Officers and Fire Fighters will be subsisting on about $1000 per month in pension benefits after taxes.

Your gutless and anonymous attacks on these men and women is even more shameful than the way you treat them when they retire after serving your city for over 25 years. I guess if I was the coward you are, I would not want people to know my name either.


Kurt Becker
4th District Vice President
IAFF Local 2665

4:44 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know if Mr. Berry is connected to our previous mayor Tom
Fagan. If that is the case, how can he say he will work with this new mayor
and this administration. As I understand it, he and Mr. Fagan were extremely
tight. Mr. Fagan has been angry ever since he lost to the new mayor. Why then
would I or anyone else feel that Mr. Berry is not equally as angry and will be
another alderman who plays politics. I would like to know if he will answer
that question on this blog.

The previous administration is responsible for this police facility fiasco.
We have a new chance now for a new beginning. Mr. Berry seems to be so
anxious to promote himself that he is doing everything but having a parade down the
streets of Crestwood. You will see his signs not only in his ward but
everywhere. I would like to know from him why I should think that he is now in step
with the new administration when he was serving in the Crestwood court system
with the old administration and lives in the same area as Mr. Fagan, who is
also an attorney. I feel that all these so-called attorneys all belong to the
same fraternity. They all scratch each other on the back. Mr. Berry is almost
too all over the place to give me a healthy feeling about what he is up to.
I hope he can settle this issue since he has chosen to send a message on this
blog. Thank you.

6:21 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is common knowledge that Mr. Berry is a neighbor and friend of Tom Fagan. I have seen them together many times. I cannot, however, attest to Mr Berry's ability or inability to stand on his own two feet at crunch time. He says he has lived here only 2 or 3 years, so if he wants to be part of tomorrow instead of yesterday, maybe a little more seasoning would be a good idea. I really don't think he wants to publicize his Fagan association. This would not help his cause.

6:43 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is Crestwood like the swim club, members only until you have more seasoning? Maybe he came here as an outsider, saw that he could be of service and stepped up. Like he did when fighting the war. Betcha he didn't require more than 3 years seasoning to risk his life for his country.

7:30 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Kurt Becker
Will you tell us how much money or in kind support your Union and it's PAC have spent on each of the candidates they support in Crestwood election? If you chose not to do so, can you tell us how we can get this information from St. Louis County Board of Elections?

7:48 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In answer to the comment at 7:30 pm -

I think that is great that Mr. Berry is a veteran of the war. However, I
think he is a little over-the-top with his campaign literature - the front is an
8 x 10 glossy of himself with the flag and he is holding up a newspaper
saying that he was in the war. He's passing that around like a coat of armor and
everywhere you go, it is all over the place. The opposite side of this "I love
myself" picture has his credentials on it. I would be proud to be a veteran
too, but Mr. Berry's gives one the impression that he loves himself maybe a
little too much and is using his status as a veteran to get votes. Anybody that
feels they have to make the whole front page of their campaign literature a
"stars and stripes, look at me and see what I did" type photo experience
grandeous enough to be put on a billboard is more interested in making a name for
himself than working hard for the people he is suppose to represent.

We have already had a resigned mayor who was self-impressed that did nothing
for the city who have no business running for that seat short of gratifying
his own ego. And from the looks of how Mr. Berry is promoting himself, he scares

8:39 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, the same message applies.
Suncrest Call Archives:
March 23, 2005 - To the editor:
>"It's time that the politics of fear and mistrust and paranoia ...come to an end."
>Chris Pickel

8:43 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he sure doesn't follow his own advice

9:29 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will mr. Pickel tell us how much the CCWA has given him in contributions, or in kind support?

Crestwood want's to know!


9:59 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question for Mr. Berry regarding your post:

You write...
"My background in education as a special education teacher provides me with the ability to clearly inform the citizens of Ward 4 regarding the important decisions being considered by the Board of Aldermen."

Are you implying that Ward 4 residents are not as skilled as the average person at educating themselves about Crestwood government and require "special" help in this regard?

10:13 PM, March 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
- Murphy's Second Corollary

1:57 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Kurt Becker, 4th District Vice President, related to Nick Becker former president of Crestwood Swim Club?

6:15 PM, March 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Peters:
If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.

6:22 PM, March 27, 2006  

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