Friday, March 17, 2006

Letter to the editor in the Times Newspaper.

Folks, just click on the header to be directed to he "letters" section of the Times.

I thank the writer for her clarity, and for her belief in "fiscal responsibility".

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two



Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:10 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the matter? Does a supportive and intelligent person bore you? When I read Martha's letter it confirmed what I have been hearing from my friends for years.Your one-word statement tells me that you are a person who is contemptuous and sarcastic. How many of those have we seen at the meetings and in the newspapers? You do nothing for my view of Mr. Pickel. In fact, you make me rather angry with your contempt. A very nice person shared the address to this site with me. I certainly will be sharing it too. We wanted to know what all the fuss was about. We had heard that comments were rather ugly. I am surprised. Mr. Pickel had presented a good impression on me at first. Now I am horrified at viewing what some of you have had to say. I will not be voting for someone that keeps your company. Just like Martha's letter stated, you have represented the company you keep.
You can't stop this silliness? I hope I helped you realize how juvenile your comments is. You probably should get a nap now.

5:48 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am horrified as well...this is amazing. Yes, let's have a bunch of folks with one point of view and some sort of grudge running the city. Martha Duchild has her own grudge against the city because she wasn't immediately installed into the Civil Service Board because people were rightfully questioning the Mayor when he dismissed volunteers who had served for years on Boards and replaced them with his supporters after his election. I can't believe that Mr. Ford found this to be a worthy article to share with his constituents.

This group is far scarier than the previous administration. I would have to think twice before voting for ANY of these candidates for alderman.

6:50 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you attacking Ms. Duchild? Do you have a new target today?
We wouldn't want to bore you. Next up..Joe Smith from the meat market..the lady that drove too slowly in front of you..and the kid that cut your lawn because he didn't trim the spot next to the outer corner..the pizza man..the lady that looked at you funny when in line at the grocery store (What's her problem?)..the mailman because he didn't bring that letter you've been waiting for.
Let's face it, it's been one person after another.
Today it's Martha, tomorrow someone else because you can't see the good in people. I'm sorry, but you have no right to talk about people this way!

7:29 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Duchild makes an excellent point. Messrs. Bland, Berry and Pickel were supporters of the Fagan regime, the same regime that was willing to build a $14 million dollar police palace while the city had to borrow money to pay its utility bills. If Bland, Berry, and Pickel had their way, the city would still be in serious debt and Fagan would still be mayor.
Basic common sense went out the window with the Robertson and Fagan regimes. Why undertake these expensive projects when the city is broke? Why not focus efforts to bring financial stability to the city? Yes, I know the monies come from different funds. But should a starving family buy groceries or a Mercedes?
If Bland, Berry, and Pickel win, and they continue the spending habits of those they supported, Crestwood may see complete financial collapse!
Some of the aldermen who are leaving us should apologize to the city for the mess they helped create!

7:45 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I recall correctly, it wasn't the Board of Aldermen that approved the building of a Police facility, it was the voters, the residents of this city. Why do we keep blaming the 'past administration'? How did each of you vote to sell the bonds to pay for the police building? We also built an aquatic center we couldn't afford, thanks to Kent Lichliter's lack of attention. How come nobody talks about that???

Furthermore, why do any of us feel more comfortable with voting in a whole administration in 'lockstep' with this Mayor? I'd rather see a new type of board, one that is varied in their opinions and backgrounds.

The "Fagan" regime didn't get us in the spot where we needed to borrow that money, they were just the ones that had to do it to keep Crestwood afloat. Fagan was only in office from what, August to April? Hardly enough time to get us anywhere. I don't think that group of aldermen went on the defensive until the Robinson campgaign attacked.

The financial crises was identified and already being corrected long before this group came along, with the help of some of those board members you criticize. It's a shame that this 'new' group gets to claim that victory when they had NOTHING to do with it.

7:56 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not so long ago, a whole country was morally outraged at the Clinton administration because of his behavior in office. They reacted by electing the village idiot into the presidency, along with a whole congress to support his actions.

Today, we're sorry for our knee-jerk reaction to that, and we're paying for it dearly as a country.

Now Crestwood finds itself following suit....finding moral outrage in meaningless activities, and electing the town crier to Mayor, and attempting to back him up with a whole board to support him.

So, will we be sitting here three years from now wondering why we were so outraged and what the heck we did to Crestwood? I know a large group of people in Crestwood feel like that is exactly what is happening, and why we aren't seeing the writing on the wall from the bigger picture we have as an example.

Let's not let our moral outrage blind us to what is best for Crestwood, and let this hatred lead us into poor decision making.

8:06 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the blogger that stated that the financial crises was identified long before the new group came along.

In the July 21st edition of the Suncrest Call:

Miguel later said, "This is a warning. It's a wake-up call. It's not a pretty picture, but I haven't seen this board willing to face reality.. So I hope I don't disturb your sleep tonight. I don't intend to be negative, but I don't know how else to ring the bell.''

That was July 2004!
What did the board do? TALKED.

Alderman Breeding "..I am shocked that you can sit there and constantly go over the negative, negative, negative.."

It wasn't until Mayor Robinson was elected that absolute, definitive, concrete measures were taken to reduce deficit spending.

You can't argue facts!

So vote your conscious. Mine says that the only way to keep progress moving in the right direction is to rid the board of the aldermen (and their friends) that talked and didn't do!

8:45 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Breeding used the word 'negative'? He's learning the big words now! Hopefully he can learn to add and subtract, along with some of the other aldermen!

9:02 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The person that wrote this will recognize it. Please follow your own advice!

"Re: Incog why don't you just tell us who you are? You can even wear a paper sack over your head and come as the "unknown fan".

9:16 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must confess that if I would wear a paper sack over my head, I would look a lot better!

9:43 PM, March 17, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Folks, we were broke, yet we hired a firm to draw up not one, but two set's of plans to a building that I could have told you would never come in on budget!

We were broke, yet the BOA wanted to spend over $66,000.00 to rent a portion of the plaza for office space while they built someting that we could never have afforded!

We were broke, yet the BOA listened to a "Svengally" type, who assured them that all was well!

Please explain to me like I am a three year old, where, besides Alderman Miguel, and Alderman Maddox was the outcry to stop this? Kelleher? (no), the mayor, (no), anyone else on the board? (no).

Give up?, well I will tell you. It was a group of very concerned citizens, folks who realized that we could no longer continue down this path, if we were to remain a viable City! What do they get for their work? In a word "ridicule"

Now, all of you who are Pickel supporters have done your best to insult me, my friends, and supporters. However, when you do that, you only put your candidate out front to see what sort of person he really is! (birds of a feather.)

This sort of trite diatribe reminds me of the election when Mr. Pickel wrote a letter to the "Call" chiding Mike Anthony for backing Mr Schlink over Mr. Kelleher. He eaven went so far as to state that Mr. Schlink was not a church going man!

Well, as you may, or may not know, he "retracted" that, and other statement's to the "Call", two weeks later, as being "over the top" (If you want to see both letters, I will post them for all to see!)

Now, all of you can do as you please, but I think the time has come to stop all these "hate" messages, and run on the issues, and facts, period.

I am now asking Mr. Chris Pickel to have his supporters forgo the attack's on Crestwood citizens, and I shall ask mine to do do the same.

If you have an issue with me, say so, If you have one with Mr. Pickel, do the same, but let's all try to act like responsible adults!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

9:46 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could/can afford the Aquatic Center. The Park Fund pays for the pool and 99% of all other park expenses. The Park Fund was created for that purpose along with the 1/2 cent sales tax.

We could have afforded the police building too, but when Chied Greer had to have an office BIGGER than the Mayor's, it got out of hand.

10:16 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put Charlie Berry in with the rest of those "Faganites". Ask him yourself. He has been pretty disgusted with "Tommy" since "Tommy" took the the beating last April. "Tommy" certainly did not take it like a man and many of his former supporters know that. I voted for him and was not to happy when he lost. Yes, I will admit it! But his behavior since then has been nothing short of childish! Now I am ashamed I voted for him. The Mayor has done a good job of starting to get this ship sailing in the right direction. Who knows, maybe if some of these aldermen (ward 2) could grow up, things could have been a lot better already. NO I don't agree with everything the Mayor says or does but he is doing his best, and his best is making us come a long way! I wish I could vote in ward 2 but I can't. I definitely would vote against my FORMER friend Chris Pickle. He is being SET UP to be nothing more than a person to grind "Tommy's axe". And yes I have heard that in person with my own ears! I will be voting in ward 4 and continue to support Charlie Berry. Sorry if this upsets some of you who read this website. I trust him and know that he cares about this city and everyone in it! Good luck Carlie Berry! Good Luck Mr. Ford!

11:38 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. I have heard from many people that childish behavior changed their minds after the last election. Then they say they are so pleased with Mayor Robinson's progress they can't help but feel we are moving in the right direction.

11:57 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you think referring to "Tommy" is pretty childish? I would be careful to point fingers at other folks--and that goes for everyone on this blog who is so enraged at those who are not supportive of Mr. Tom Ford. Reread the comments that say one nasty, spiteful comment after another about the former city employees, Mr. Pickel, other alderman not aligned with the Robinson administration. Whether you care or don't care about some of the antics in City Hall. Reread Mr. Ford's own words, laced with sarcasm, half-truths and underhanded remarks. Then decide for yourself which SIDE is really so childish and nasty. I'd say it's about 50/50

8:54 AM, March 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a comment on the blog stating that the people of Crestwood
wanted a new police facility. Yes, I know that it is old news but it needs to be
remembered to get from square A to square B. The Mayor and Board spoke amongst
themselves about a new police facility, and it was discussed at the Police
Board meetings, but I still say that the majority of the people in Crestwood
were misinformed and uneducated on this subject.

When there was talk about a capital improvement sales tax, people thought
that they were voting on improving (hence capital improvement) on something that
already existed. Like improving on a building that was already built. It
should have been called a New Capital or Major Development.

You cannot embark on a sophticated, elaborate and state of the art
development and call it a capital improvement in my humble opinion. It is a major
development and should be communicated and promoted as such.

Citizens were never properly educated to this grandeous fact. You need
meetings and public comment. You need to bring the citizens in and show them
drawings and allow for their input. To the person who objects to bringing up Mr.
Greer, I am sorry but here again - we need to know how we got here before we
can go forward. Mr. Greer fooled us all and deliberately so. He knew just how
far to go and how much to say and what parts to leave out.

This whole idea of a new facility for police (not fire - just police) was his
embryo. Who else in this city would ever come up with something like that if
not a man who wanted his own dynasty? We were fine where we were. Everybody
wants new things but we are a conservative town with poor sales tax revenues
especially at that time.
This whole scenario had Mr. Greer's footprints all over it. Speaking about
it at Police Board Meetings is not the same as getting the word out. We
should have had news releases, and question and answer meetings where the news
media could have been invited. But that was not Mr. Greer's way. All things were
not brought to the table and purposely so. He was in charge of communications
to the people but he did his best to only promote more decension.

Unfortunately, this lack of communication was systematically done slowly and
methodically until it was a full-blown virus. We have all paid a price for his
subtrifuge. I think this whole city was duped. I apologize if going
backwards to set the record straight irritates people. And in my opinion, since this
is what the blog is for, I feel that some interloper came into this town and
took advantage of the honest, good and God-fearing people in Crestwood, treated
us like mushrooms (kept us in the dark and fed us a lot of manure), and we
are now all scratching ourselves and trying to figure out how to take our city

Mr. Greer created havoc with the employees, in-fighting, finger-pointing and
utter chaos and while he was in the process of creating all this decension, he
was getting what he wanted everywhere he turned. I call it a Blitz!
Employees who "butt heads" with Mr. Greer are history. Others had to sign agreements
and look over their shoulder for fear of being exiled. Whether you heard it
or not, the employees were under the control of a dictator and were so scared,
so afraid and so insecure about their jobs, it led to nothing but more
fighting and more bad feelings with each other. Because Greer wanted the power and
got it!

The cancer has been extracted, and we are going through Chemo and trying to
put ourselves back together again. We have all been burnt. The history books
are filled with individuals who are out to create their own dynasty or their
own regime. They all got supreme power first and once they got that, people
listened, people did what they were told to do without question and if you made
the mistake of acting contrary - they had the power to run you out the door.

Ladies and Gentlemen under Section 18 of the Municipal Code of the City of
Crestwood it says that you cannot demote an employee of the city of crestwood
without a written reason. Don Greer never put anything in writing when he
demoted me after being an executive secretary for over 30 years. So much for the
code being the right of passage. He never signed anything or answered a direct
question I asked him. He stated if I didn't take the demotion, I would be
fired. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. So I guess you can say it's
"sour grapes" with me if you so desire. Ha! If it would have only stopped
there, he would have been ahead of his game. The employees of this city deserve to
be protected. They are good people and they are thankful that the "devil is
now out of Dodge City" and I am so happy for them. I am glad that there will
be a Civil Service Board to do the right thing for them. It wasn't fair for
Don Greer to overrule the rules and regulations, but he did it and got away with
it. Just another example of his manipulation and power.

He is gone and thank God that Mayor Robinson and the Board of Aldermen were
able to agree to get rid of him, but it has taken its toll on everyone.
Unfortunately we would have still had Mr. Greer serving two important jobs if the
previous mayor was here. And in my heart of hearts, I feel that Tom Fagan was
duped by Don Greer just as the rest of us. I have known Tom Fagan and others
for a long, long time. My take is that if Tom Fagan were mayor, Don Greer
would have overtaken his job too. He has always rolled over anyone to get what he
wanted - even people who were suppose to be his friends. You can't possibly
think that he would have stopped trying to get more power? With his ego,
temperament and sociopathic tendencies - believe me - he would have found a way.

Please do not start nailing me to a cross because I expressed my opinions.
It is my right and I have heard worse on this blog. I am looking for a new
beginning for Crestwood. Crestwood can come back if we do it together with the
right people who will work together.

Sandy Grave

3:47 PM, March 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Winter in Crestwood means swimming at the Crestwood Swim Club is out. This means spare time. Spare time for the Ward 2 Desperate Housewives to load the dishwasher and get busy each morning blogging ..

Ladies, may I suggest that volunteer work is more gratifying and it would not embarrass the candidate you support, nor your city.

Ward 2 is a very small portion of a very small city. A very small city trying to catch its breath.

Perhaps you could put your mind to it and help us all regain the luster of our community. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Think about it.

7:50 PM, March 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think desperate housewives has anything to do with the important
issues logical citizens need to speak of on this blog. You may think you are
real cute making a remark like that, but you are the one who is desperate.

What's the matter, didn't your parents give you enough attention when you
were growing up. Sounds like you are still seeking recognition.

6:33 AM, March 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I did was yawn :o

8:18 PM, March 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you Mr. Ford! You should be proud of yourself. It makes me ill to think that some of my friends get on here and bash you because you disagree with the past administration. Mr Pickle, friend, you lost my vote about a week ago when you told me you thought this website was funny. I hope your happy seeing as how nasty this makes our town look! I thought you were a man of the church. I am ashamed to live in the same neighborhood as you!

10:01 PM, March 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think someone on the Ford team is getting desparate and making up "pro Ford" posts to boost the cause. gotta go and load the dishwasher now.

6:27 AM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought people were loading pro Chevy posts!

1:04 PM, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who yawns at 5:10 P.M. and then again at 8:18 P.M.most likely needs to get their binky and hit the sack after they load the dishwasher. Little hard to get involved with ones commcunity with this schedule.

Nighty night!


1:39 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's a binky? Can I have one?

4:19 PM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clarence Darrow:
The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children.

8:57 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I have stated before - comments on this site are obviously from people that have not been involved with Crestwood in the recent past.

Prop 1 had the same "education" as the current proposal. There were several meetings to talk to the citizens. Maybe you chose not to go.

6:29 PM, March 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helen Keller:
Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all -- the apathy of human beings.

6:33 PM, March 27, 2006  

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