Monday, March 27, 2006

Per a request from a Reader, Westfield Center web site has been added to the links page!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have added the Westfield Center web site to the "Links" portion of this web site. I hope it helps you to "SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST"!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford--you had warned us about the use of flashy, 4-color marketing pieces during this campaign--what about the 4 -color piece I received from the firefighters today--that was not inexpensive to print.....What say you?

3:35 PM, March 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOUTHWEST COUNTY JOURNAL Wednesday, 3/29/06...Page D5
Pickel and Ford respond to Staff Writer, Steve Birmingham's questions.

For all the talk on this blogg about not know this or that about either man, that might be a good place to get some answers.
Plus you can always call them, neither has been shy about giving out their phone number:

Ford--Couldn't find # on this blogg or under his profile. Couldn't find it listed in the new white pages of 3/06.

Pickel--966-5899 Number is exclusive for Aldermanic questions, may have to leave message. Having teenager at home makes getting through other line "difficult" at times.

This weeks CALL should have more coverage as well as the TIMES.

8:37 AM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Westfield Center staff has to do to improve the Crestwood mall is put on a "front face" of a series of "window displays" so the drive by person will know what is behind this huge wall.

Westfield needs to sign lease contracts with both somewhat high dollar and unique stores to entice the shopper or buyer to stop in Crestwood.

Why shop in Crestwood when you can go to Kirkwood Commons and Sunset Hills and drive around to see what each store has to offer without getting out of the car?

I stopped shopping at Crestwood when they enclosed everything in because you had no clue what stores are leasing.

Crestwood was created due to the window displays. You would drive by and say "Stop! Let's park the car and see what is in this store. Maybe I can get a tie, pair of shoes or an outfit for our affair."

Now the driver keeps going for fear they do not know what is behind that big wall. It could be all arcade games or just junk!
Ask your friends and relatives outside of Crestwood and hear their comments.

"Why go to Crestwood when every strip mall has the same stores!"

The Crestwood Mall is perfect for the Kirkwood, Brentwood, Oakland, Glendale, and Webster Groves buyers and shoppers who want the "cutting edge" outfit or toy to brag about. Their citizens move from the East Coast or from other cities and want to brag about their new shopping item!

5:21 PM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should really consider e-mailing your suggestions to the Westfield people. They might actually listen!

6:00 PM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, if the facade of the plaza was changed, I think that would help quite a bit.
Add an update from Westfield, additional economic development in the city, and Mr. Ford's slogan SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST, and Crestwood's economic health would improve.

8:24 PM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mall has been promising these minor updates for over three years, Greer announced them publicly a long time ago, the 'first phase', which includes a new theatre (totally driven by AMC, nothing to do with Westfield), and relocating the food court. These two things are supposedly still going to happen soon, which isn't very impressive.

I heard a rumor recently that the reason the bus is no longer stopping in front of the Dillard's entrance is because the parking garage is crumbling so bad that every time the busses pull into that area, more debris gives way underneath. Westfield has known that garage is dangerous for years, but they don't seem to have any interest in investing in that property.

I spoke to a Dillard's sales person last week, commented on how the store looked different. She informed me that it was because they reduced thier stock down to 1/3 of what they had originally.

Recently, a development in Sunset Hills failed to go in. This development had commitments from MAJOR retailers, some of which were totally new to the St. Louis area. Seems to me, these people were interested in coming in, and Westfield knew about it. Why didn't they use that opportunity to pour millions into that mall, capture all those retailers, and move that development into Crestwood?

Let's face it, Westfield isn't interested in Crestwood. I hope our newly elected board doesn't see fit to offer them any type of incentives to nickel and dime and put bandaids on our lackluster mall with it's antique stores and country crafts that reminds me of a St. Charles strip mall. We would be better off if this piece of property were razed and redevloped completely.

Shop Crestwood First? WHERE? I'd be embarassed to spread that word right now, not until Crestwood has something to offer when people get here.

8:50 PM, March 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, this link is a brilliant strategy--I am sure business is up already at the mall--thank you Tom Ford!

9:59 AM, April 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I just drove by the Center and there isnt a parking spot to be found! Half the police force is there directing traffic, while half our firefighters are there asking people to leave due to fire code violations of having too many people in one place.
And to think it started right here on this blogg. Amazing to say the least, simply amazing

12:56 PM, April 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work people, with citizens like you, we won't need outsiders to wreck our town!

I wish Tom Ford was a member of the swim club so his ideas were "excellent"!

Happy property value depreciation nay-sayers!

1:18 PM, April 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Newsflash from the naysayers--most people don't care if they have to pay a bit more in property taxes. That is a more realistic approach. If you think the answer to Crestwood's problems are in the mall you are sadly, sadly misguided. The best thing to do for that mall is bulldoze it and turn it into nice, upscale condos for all the folks who are downsizing. I can assure you that most major retailers are NOT going to consider that mall for a store. Most have to be within sight of a highway exit. Here's another little tidbit you need to consider--go evaluate the product mix at our Crestwood Schnucks and then go to the Schnucks in Richmond Heights or Ladue--totally different. The demographics of our community do not support the more upscale brands/product mix. Roy Robinson shaking hands with Westfield is not the solution. And that is not a slam against Mr.Robinson at all. Malls all across the country are struggling. There are other stores that would be a perfect fit for our community--ice cream store, a few more restaurants, a coffee shop. The new residents in the condos at Sappiongton and old Sappington, hopefully the new condos at the former Crestwood mall, and all the young families who recognize the solid affordable housing stock will support these new stores. Crestwood plaza is dying a slow death--it is no one's fault--and we need to be clever to figure out what is best for the community. A link from this website is not the clever solution. Guess it can't hurt though.

3:26 PM, April 02, 2006  

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