Thursday, March 09, 2006

The "political season in Crestwood"

Ladies and Gentlemen, This being the political season we will hear all sorts of things, from all sorts of people. I would hope that at least the truth will win out at the end of this.

I have given long and hard thought to this, and I know that those aligned with my opponent have passionate feelings about him, and I trust my supporters do as well. We must all remember, we are all in this for one reason, and that is the betterment of Crestwood!

I have said it before on this blog, and I will say it again here. We have two very different people, with two very different plans (I guess, we haven't heard his yet)to move Crestwood forward, and to return from the wrack and ruin of the previous administration's who have placed us in the mess we find ourselves in now.

I know that my worthy opponent is a very learned man, of good character, and with a fine family, and a very good career ahead of him. He has all the credentials, as well as a resume which, on the surface would point toward him as a great candidate. However, let's explore this a bit, if the pre-requisite for an Alderman is "formal education", then why is it that we are in deep trouble now, as most all on the board have at least a B.S. degree, and some have a Doctorate degree? The one thing that may be lacking on the board is "common sense", why do we spend funds that we do not have? Why do we let our real reason for being a city (police, fire, public works) go by the wayside, when in fact that's the only reason for Crestwood to exist?

Folks, this should not be an election where good people are chided for their feelings, but one that brings forth the greatness of the resources of our community, and, as such, moves us ahead!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward two



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am confused! I would like to hear Mr. Pickel's views on many
questions. The the same questions you have asked of Mr. Ford. But instead all I
see are Pickel signs. So I have to surmise that if he already has his signs out
posted at homes in Ward 2, maybe those individuals have got some idea of how
he feels about issues and Mr. Pickel is just not willing to share these views
with rest of us in Ward 2. Or is it because, all these people belong to the
same club and don't care what his stance is on issues? In other words, if
they don't put a sign out for Mr. Pickel, they will be chastized by some club

Mr. Pickel knows very well about this blog and he knows that people are
interested in hearing his opinions. So I think that if you are going to ask Mr.
Ford about his views to place on this blog than you should also ask Mr. Pickel
to answer some very important questions. Since I also know that Mr. Pickel is
alined with the previous mayor, and has no use for this mayor, I am concerned
that he will just be another "Fagan" person on the board of aldermen and I
think we have all had it with that bunch. So asking Mr. Ford to be forthcoming
with his views and comments, he is only one candidate. Should not Mr. Pickel
be asked as well!

As far as literature goes, I have seen Mr. Ford's message to Ward 2 people.
All I see of Mr. Pickel are his signs. How can you get a person to put a sign
out on their lawn, if you don't tell them anything about yourself. Unless -
you belong to the same group. The same group that has always had at least one
alderman in Ward 2 on the board of aldermen forever. To protect their
special interests.


7:45 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you said it best and when you said,

"I am confused".

7:52 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you call him up and ask him if you are so confused.

P.S. aligned is the correct spelling--and while we are at it, it is chastised, not chatized.

7:55 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thus saith the Ford-man. Blessed are those that use the Blog. THE BLOG (not to be confused with THE OPRAH) has spoken! I just wish I could wear THE BLOG around my neck for good luck and to keep away vampires. If elected, I'm sure he will want to give computers to every citizen so they too may access the font of all knowledge. Maybe we could get some businesses in the mall if we gave every store a computer so they could read THE BLOG. Hey - is there a TAX on blogs? Why not? Is this a conspiracy? Did the current mayor get them an exemption? Are there any legal fees associated with THE BLOG? Should there be? Maybe it was a former Mayor? Maybe it was the coalition of 5, i mean 4, er I mean yeah THOSE OTHER guys. The ones that don't agree with me. Yeah, that's the ticket. How much tax money are we losing because Mayor Robinson has exempted THE BLOG from taxation? Will THE BLOG achieve CONSCIOUSNESS and become a sentient being? Should tax money be spent on BLOG-cloning research? I BLOG THEREFORE I AM (see other people know quotes too!) I can't type any more cause I have to go out to clayton and read every piece of paper they have! Oh, what a world! (10 cents for the first person that can name the movie that's from) OK, boys and girls just remember - there are no corners in a whose corner are you really in?hmmm?

8:35 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford, It is obvious that you put a lot of thought into your comments and observations and there are many things that you say regarding what is important to the future of our city that I agree with. However, I am genuinely concerned that you are not going to build consensus with the members of the board of alderman with whom you do not agree. It is pretty evident that you have a whole host of preconceived notions about who is friends with who, who is right, who is wrong etc. You are also digging pretty deep to try and make veiled (or not so veiled) accusations about your opponent. I am concerned that we are going to have another soap opera at City Hall--different cast, different plotline. Remember, you are trying to earn the vote of your fellow citizens in ward two. Tell us why you are going to be the best choice, not why your opponent is the wrong choice.

8:36 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BROKE BACK BLOG,,,"I wish I could quit youuu"!
Up for Blog of the year as elected by the Blog-o-cadmy of Blog Making and General Goofing Around (BMGGA), BROKE BACK BLOG, is the story of an over the hill retired Navy guy who discovers his real passion one warm and humid day when having "brunch" at a Dennys with a 81 year old former elected State Rep. Drama that demands you take his blog as the only way to run a political campaign because that way he doesnt have to come out of the BLOGESPHIRE and have a face to face debate with the guy he's running against.
You will be amazed at their forbidden PLAN (there's that darn word again, if elected will Ford outlaw it in Crestwood?), to hook all the humor less citizens over the age of 59 into thinking BROKE BACK BLOG is the only way to run a city!!
Soon at a internet linked computor near you.
the Roy as the "Little Train who thought he could, but didnt"
Miguel as Jerry Mathers (the Beaver), opps that's another story about a former yoga instructer with way too much time on his hands looking for something to be remember by.

9:18 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford, you should have titled this page "Let the Opponents Supporters Speak!"
Whew...they sure did!
Maybe a little humor was just what the doctor ordered. When they were serious, I laughed. When they were humorous, I laughed. I think we should let these people run the city! You'll laugh 'til you cry!

9:47 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the previous blogger who wrote "Broke Back Blog" and tried - emphasis on tried - to be funny. Get a life or something. If you're so resentful, why don't you run for office instead of watching movies about homosexual cowboys?

9:48 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Broke Back Blogger isn't resentful, just sick of politics as usual. Robinson is obviously part of the Murphy plan and the Fiscal Responsibility Group. This administration will be the same as those that came before, maybe even worse with the level of mudslinging they were willing to do to get there, and the obvious backroom politics that is going on. Two more years, we'll get to try again.

11:28 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, it IS resentful.

12:03 AM, March 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Mr. Pickel will answer this blog regarding his affiliation with
the Crestwood Swim Club.

Under the Conditional Use Permit, last summer the swim club was supposed
to dispose of their trash using containers on their own property. All last
summer, the dumpster behind the fire department was filled with their trash to
the point where there was no room left for the city's.

Shame on you, Mr. Pickel. Can't you keep your supporters in line.

6:07 PM, March 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you have anything better to do than dig through the dumpster behind city hall?

6:44 PM, March 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to ask Chris Pickel a question, call him at
email him at

or visit his website at

7:27 PM, March 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the City of Crestwood requested the swim club not to obtain their own dumpster until the parking lot was reconfigured and resurfaced, etc. They received the portion of the parking lot owned by the Swim Club.

9:46 PM, March 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a member of the swim club and "I" asked the question because I have seen kids scoot the trash up to city hall dumpster many times and wondered why. Now that I know, I am not actually happy about it. So, please have the swim club do the right thing and obtain its own dumpster.

10:46 PM, March 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous @ 10:46 p.m.--please read previous post about dumpster. Thank you.

8:14 AM, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a disgusting thing to say about anybody. "Broke Back" Mountain
jokes? Making undignified remarks about a man who served our Country in the
Navy!!! At least Mr. Ford has put out his resume. I have seen nothing on Mr.
Pickel. And you, whoever you are, can only be one of those draft dodgers I
suspect. (You see, we can all get ugly like you, if we want). You don't have to
like Mr. Ford which you obviously don't. But stop hitting below the belt.
Even the President of the United States doesn't get those kind of slurs pointed
at him. It is all about how far you are willing to go to make a point. In
this case, you were really making yourself look foolish.

Sounds to me like you are one of those mouthy kids that didn't deserve to
be an alderman in the first place. Probably a swim club member. Probably
had the votes of your fellow congregation too. It's always been that way since
the beginning of time in Ward 2. That is a fact. These people don't care
about a person's qualifications. The person could have a court record a mile
long but if he is in that group, they all vote for him. Nobody in that circle of
citizens would ever even try to vote for someone else without getting their
head cut off. That's just the way it is and that is the way it will always be.
They may vote for someone else secretly, but they all refuse to put a sign
out. That has never changed. If they put a sign out, the henchmen would come
and behead them, just like in the Bible.

But the remarks made on this blog that are "to the gut" and disgustingly
disrespectful are wrong no matter what side of the fence you are on. So, if you
think that the honest and hardworking people of Crestwood who are in the
majority are going to think you are cute by your remarks, think again.

By your words, you have just showed us your posterior big time. You have no
dignity and neither do the others who choose to go way beyond the scope of
intelligence and honor. A little of this kind of verbal abuse, goes a long way
but now you are beginning to push the envelope.

Maybe you should get a full-time job with the newspaper specifically the
"funnies", and keep yourself busy or get a hobby. I just hope your children can't
read yet. It would be awful for them to read the drivel you write.


4:34 PM, March 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In total agreement. Keep it clean and professional. I was going to vote for Chris but now I don't know. He needs to get these people writing this stuff in line. So far he has refused to. Some of this stuff goes way beyond decency. I love our swimming pool and always will. I do feel sorry for the neighbors though. I don't think I would want to live next door to it. I do think Myor Robinson is doing a good job. I kind of feel like an outcast....Pickle supporter and Mayor supporter. Don't hear of to many of those on this website. All the mudslinging is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Been done by both sides. I do think more is done on Chris's side. That is a shame. One thing we should all agree on is that our city is in trouble fiancially and it needs our help. I don't want to pay anymore in taxes than I have to but this is certainly needed. I don't want to loose anymore of our great services. Chris, if you get elected I am going to hold you to a few promises that you made to me. "I will work with the Mayor and Board to get this city on the right path. I promise I will not go in there with an axe to grind for somebody else." You promised me and a few others of that! Please be true to your word! Now, lets all keep our heads about us and keep it clean.

5:07 PM, March 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to commend the 2 bloggers as they question the ethics of the bloggers who are running heavier on snide and ugly remarks. So far they have maligned Mr. Ford, his son, Sandy Grave, the Mayor, Mr. Miguel, Scott Becker and the Firefighters Union, Mr. Jim Murphy, Kent Licklider and any blogger who disagrees with their blogs.

What have these people done to Mr. Pickel?

Ward 2 is critically concerned by the fact that this unbecomming behavior, if it should be condoned by Mr. Pickel, could possibly be projected into office, where it has already been witnessed to an embarrassing degree. But so far it is clear that this element of which I speak is supportive of Mr. Pickel and not Mr. Ford. Not exactly a proud endorsement.

11:43 PM, March 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the previous blogger! I was a Supporter of Chris Pickle. Now I just don't know. I know him personally and it confuses me that he would let this go on. I know he knows about it as wehave talked about it on occassion. Chris, you might find humor in these personal attacks but I along with several other swim club members do not! You are bringing more bad attention on the swim club and that is something we don't need as a membership! You have control over some of these people so do something about it! I AM FED UP!

8:47 AM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once knew a beekeeper that was killed by his own angry bees!
The Pickel Faction has swarmed Crestwood and stung lots of folks thus far. Who will they turn on next? Pickel or US?
Because angry bees just turn their attention onto a new target until they hit obstacles like water.
I personally would never want to see this man leading our fine city into the nether realms of bickering at the podium. Has anyone been listening? WE'RE SICK OF IT!
Vote for Tom Ford!
Tom gave them a voice and they stung all of us! Let them sting their own keeper with their poison!

1:02 PM, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BUZZ--you sound like an angry bee yourself

1:40 PM, March 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not so much angry as I am afraid. (of you and your friends).
Thank you for your concern.

7:30 PM, March 18, 2006  

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