Proposition "S", who is for it, and who is sitting on the "fence"?
Ladies and Gentlemen, a while back I stated that I am for "prop. S", and I still am (with the right people watching the budget). I have now heard that almost all of the sitting Alderman, the Mayor, and the candidates are for it also!
Almost all you say?, why, who hasn't taken a position on it, you say? Well, I will tell you. It seems that my worthy opponent in Ward Two has declined the opportunity to make his decision, as he has not had the chance to meet with the voters in Ward Two, to see how they feel about it (paraphrased).
Now that's the correct position to take if your in marketing , where you call for a "focus group", and then have a committee decide which way you should move, but, I see it as a lack of leadership in a time when Crestwood needs just that!
If, as I do, you believe we need positive leadership in Ward Two, why not ask him via E-mail, or his home phone number why he is waiting for his answer to come from someone else? You have mine all over this Blog, and I think it's time for him to take a stand as well.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Almost all you say?, why, who hasn't taken a position on it, you say? Well, I will tell you. It seems that my worthy opponent in Ward Two has declined the opportunity to make his decision, as he has not had the chance to meet with the voters in Ward Two, to see how they feel about it (paraphrased).
Now that's the correct position to take if your in marketing , where you call for a "focus group", and then have a committee decide which way you should move, but, I see it as a lack of leadership in a time when Crestwood needs just that!
If, as I do, you believe we need positive leadership in Ward Two, why not ask him via E-mail, or his home phone number why he is waiting for his answer to come from someone else? You have mine all over this Blog, and I think it's time for him to take a stand as well.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
I do believe the Alderman should be voting the voice of the people. I don't think you have knocked on my door and asked my opinion? According to one comment if you want my vote you should come to me. I assume that you have talked to just the neighbors that live around you.
In fact when the citizens needed signatures to stop the building project, no one came to my neighborhood. I guess it depends where you live if you have an opinion?
Hey pal, there is still a month to go!
I agree with the first person--I want my alderman to vote the way the majority of the ward feels...that is why we have wards in Crestwood. While this blog has been highly is a lot harder to go door to door and talk to people face to face, think on one's feet and face criticism.
Good for Mr. Pickel.
Pickle has not been to my street yet!
Hey pal, Mr. Ford has not been to mine and I live in ward two.
I agree that your Alderman should be voting the voice of the people, but I also feel your Alderman should show some sign of leadership, don't you?
I have been to some of the Ward Two homes to pass out litrature, and I will be to many more before April 4th. Now, in defense of Mr. Pickel and I, there are at least 586 homes in Ward Two alone.
Each of us has just so much time available, when you consider family, work, and obligations. I am sure we will both do our best to see all of you who wish to see us, but unless you ask us to stop by, it may not happen; I wish it could.
In the coming weeks you will be seeing some of my campaign helpers passing out my Bio sheet, and you will no doubt see some of Mr. Pickel's as well. That's the only way both of us can get our information to all in Ward Two in time for you to read it prior to the election.
If you interpet this as "I don't care to meet you, or I just don't care," you would be wrong! There is just so much walking that a man who works 12 hours a day can do, and I plan to do as much of it as I can.
It has been said that "I have gone to the neighbors that live around me," which is not true. I have handed out only one item to my neighbor, and he was in my home at the time.
If you truly wish to meet with me, please call me, E-mail me, and I will be there.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
"Endorsed by the Professional Firefighters of Eastern Missouri I.A.F.F, Local 2665, as well as "The Missouri State Council of Firefighters"
It has been nice to see the CALL direct its attention to other area concerns other than Crestwood such as school boards and fire districts as they, too, are important issues which badly need to see the light of day. There are, however, still a few issues under rocks in Crestwood that could use the kind of in depth reporting such as that done by the CALL. Through the CALL, residents have read enough to suggest there are some unanswered questions that still need to air. Facts relative to the kind of openess needed to impress residents with how to vote on the tax proposition. Such as:
-When is the trial of the former City Administrator, Mr. Licklider?
-Why does this city tend to have so many employee related lawsuits?
-Why did the most recent City Administrator, Mr. Greer, receive 6 months salary when he left?
-Are there policies in place which prohibit accruing excess comp time? If no, why not? If yes, why?
-Is the recent City Finance Officer, who is now on leave, getting paid for this leave? If yes, why?
-Why is Crestwood so generous with our money when it comes to employees who depart?
- Exactly how many police cars does the city of Crestwood have?
-How many cars are provided to employees in Crestwood?
-What fund does the receipts from the Municipal Court go into?
-What was the 2005 total paid to Crestwood's City Attorney?
-What was the 2005 total paid to other Attorneys, and the breakdown?
-What, if any, rules are in place prohibiting Crestwood city employees from becomming involved in politics in any form locally?
-What on the tax increase ballot insures against excess spending in the future because the money is forthcoming?
-If the political mix on the city board continues its political and divisive and spend thrift ways, how do residents contend with it? How will this be explained?
Voters don't tend to reach too deep on blind faith. That didn't work out too well. Now they need answers. Withholding this sort of information when so much of the city's dirty laundry has already been aired is not condusive to a "yes" vote. "Neutral" factfinding, void of politics, from a newspaper could be an effective way to bring back the many residents in Crestwood who tuned out in disgust.
2:25 PM, March 06, 2006
The Call will never report on any of these issues as they reflect negatively on the most previous Administrations. Here are some responses to your questions that can be substantiated by factual information.
1. Mr. Leichliter’s Trial – scheduled for the end of April first week in May.
2. Good question!
3. As an employee of the City for 20+ years Mr. Greer accumulated a huge amount of vacation leave. A big chunk was cashed in for the “BMW” Trade. The remainder he is statutorily entitled to receive. To my knowledge no other employee has ever been compensated for Sick Leave upon termination. The City should have a copy of his “Retirement” Agreement – It’s public record – ask to see it.
4. I think you are referring to vacation/sick time. There are rules in place. Sick time has never been paid out in the past.
5. Ms. Madrid “Resigned” and is no longer an employee of the City. Again, ask to see her “Resignation Agreement”. It’s Public Record.
6. Good question!
7. Go up to City hall and count them at 6:00PM – that is shift change for the Police Department they should all be present at this time.
8. Historically, the City Administrator, Police Chief, Fire Chief & Assistant Chief, Public Works Director and Parks Director have had City furnished vehicles. You can take Parks Director off of this list as there is no longer this position.
9. General Fund, Police Training Fund & Bond Escrow Fund.
10. Simply go to City hall and ask for the amount. Make sure you ask to for 2003, 2004 and 2005 for the amounts paid to Lewis, Rice and Fingerish (City Attorney) and Bobroff, Hesse, Lindmark & Martone, P.C - Don’t have heart attack when you see the amount for this firm for 2003 & 2004 – it’s huge.
11. City employees can’t run for any elected Crestwood office or conduct any “political” related business while “On the Clock”. However, they can campaign during off duty hours as long as they don’t use any City resource – uniform, vehicle etc.
12. Paying off $2 million in debt leaves little or no money for spending on anything else.
13. Every April there is an election.
14. The Call has not been “Neutral” in the Past. Maybe they will change.
One blog recently spoke of additional ways to cut costs in the city. I hope this is an ongoing thing. Historically or not, discontinue the city cars to dept. heads. Imagine the savings. Give them Runzheimers like corporations. Narrow down the number of police cars in the fleet. Please, we are a town of 4 sq. miles - 1 car north, 1 car south and plaza car. Get the white shirts out on the street. Cut out accruals of vacation time, limit it to 1 week. Enforce it. Sacrifice is not fun, but the frills are costly.
Eliminate municipal league trips to conferences.
Watch the copier.
Why so many fire calls to electrical room at the Plaza? $$$ WHAT is the problem?
Why so many high salaries at city hall? How many Dept. Heads does a town this size need? This is not General Motors. This is not a for profit organization. Moderation please. If you can tell me Ms Madrid earned her salary, I'm listening. How do I know this is not the norm up there? I know, they are all working hard, but aren't they supposed to? Don't you?
What is that desk in the lobby for? Use a volunteer if it is so necessary.
How do you explain a $1200 desk chair for the city clerk. This is ridiculous. An affront to residents who are being asked to vote for a tax increase. This is exactly the kind of thing that enrages the constituancy.
Cut down on the city's addiction to the City Attorney. Find a way.
By the way, does the swim club take their trash over to the city dumpster? Who pays the bill?
Major changes have been taking place in the business world. It stands to reason it is happening at municipal jobs, as well. The best appreciation a city can show its employees is by balancing the budget, eliminating waste and excess, accountability for management of available funds, job descriptions, year end merit reviews, inventory control, and not tolerating politics on the job. While this should be a reflex action, in Crestwood it is now clearly what it will take to right all the wrongs that taxpayers have had to endure. We did not incorporate to build a dynasty we could not afford nor to hire people whose behavior, skills and performance did not benefit the city. It would seem if residents are supposed to sacrifice in spite of all the financial and political shinnagins of the past few years, then this sacrifice will need to be shared by all on a continual basis.
I don't think I want our Fire Chief or Fire Marshal responding to a call that my house is on fire at 2:00AM in the morning driving a "Runzheimer". Either the Chief or the Fire Marshall are on duty 24/7 and respond to all serious calls.
The new CA drives a mid 1990's Chevy Lumina, the Public Services Director a 1996 Ford.
I doubt that the new Police Chief will be stupid enough to drive anything other than something already on the lot.
The $1,200 chair was actually picked out by former Mayor Robertson along with a complete office ensemble that would give you a heart attack if you new what it cost. Remember this is the guy that then demanded that the City sue the former CA and ran up $250K in legal bills before "Resigning".
The 250K in legal bills certainly gave me pause, not to mention the office suite. No wonder this city is flat out busted. No wonder many are so cynical. No safeguards, no ethics, no scruples, no morals. No wonder a tax increase is a hard sell.
This 250K Mayor must be the Mayor who according to rumor disgraced himself. The city hall of the past few years sounds like a veritable Peyton Place, and I am helping to pay for it. At any rate, this is one more reason we need to make sure that any increased taxes are only to be used to pay off the debt. Residents will be watching. If city hall needs so much as a potted plant, they should hold a bake sale. Shame that jerks like we have had up there ruin it for the rest of us. The tenured Aldermen up there surely must have been sleeping. I hope April election sweeps them all out. I don't think they did a very good job. Now I understand the need for Term Limits. I hope the legal bill mentioned is paid off. This has got to stop or people will begin to think it would be better to be run by St. Louis County and you know who to blame. Face it, the facts bear out that Crestwood is not a piggy bank any longer.
Folks, we need this City to survive, and prosper! I agree that we must have four new faces on the board in April, and we shall have them.
It has been asked, who do we blame for not watching the store? In my opinion the blame goes to the Alderman in your Ward, past Mayors, the past C/A, and F/O. They are the ones who signed on to make sure that the City was operating within it's means.
Un-fortunatly, it seems that the old regime had a sort of "Svengally" effect on most everyone. They "drank the coolaid", and believed that there was no problem!
Well, there is, and it's going to take a lot of work, sacrifice, and serious decisions to fix it. We, in Ward two have a unique opportunity this election, as we have two very different candidates, with two very different ideas running for one seat, in Ward Two.
On one hand we have my opponent who is fully alligned with the old regime, and two of the Alderman who were on watch when this mess was created. On the other hand, we have "Me". In the coming weeks you will be receiving my Bio, and have a chance to see, what I stand for, and why I decided to "toss my hat into the ring"
The final decision will be your's, the voters of Ward Two, and that's as it should be. I did not spend two overseas deployments to the South China Sea in the 60's to have it any other way!
I ask you to all, ask questions, call me and my opponent, get the facts, make your decision, and then please vote on April 4th!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
"Endorsed by the Professional Fire Fighters Of Eastern Missouri I.A.F.F, local 2665"
Gosh, you are awfully quick to make assumptions about your opponent and who he is aligned with aren't you? I would say his education, work and volunteer experience ALONE make him more qualified than you to be an alderman. In a previous post you mentioned that you work 12 hour days--when are you going to find the time to do city business?
Further, you and your supporters keep making reference to changing the political style of this city--but what are you changing it to?
Your keep mentioning your endorsement by the firefighters. Realstically--how is their endorsement relevant to your position as alderman? Just curious.
Well, Golly Gee! let's take a look at who signed his petition to run for Alderman , Ward two!
We have the Vincent family, the Kelleher family, and a few others aligned with the "old guard" on the list (If you wish to see a copy of the form, I have it.) That's not an "assumption", it's a fact!
Second, why yes his "Education" (time in school,) and his "public service" looks great, but, is it?
I am reminded of George Bernard Shaw, who once said, "Those that can do, those that can't teach". It seems that your candidate has spent a lot of time at SBC, handing out our money (from our phone bill) to worthy causes. Would he be so generous if it were the family funds?
Third, Yes, I do work 12 hours a day, sometimes less, sometimes more, but what about your candidate who is listed on the board of philanthropic groups, who donate funds (our money,) to the less fortunate? Is he willing to drop out of those groups to serve the City? The short answer is no, because that is his job, that's what an "Outside marketing director" does.
Fourth, "my supporters" speak of a "changing political style", becaues we feel that "buisness at the same old stand", is not acceptable any longer in Crestwood!
We have seen he "borrow, and spend" mentality represented by signatories of my opponent, and we believe the vast majority of Ward Two citizens do not wish the continuance of this failed form of Government!
Fifth, I am proud to aknowledge the support of men, and women, who willingly put their life on the line for us every day!
This is not the "cocktail circut", this is real life. This is where all the Bravo Siera stops, and reality set's in! I know you have never "been there", so I would not expect you to understand. Let's just leave it at the fact that when you have placed your trust in another, and he/she, has placed their trust in you, it's a very special bond!
I would give up all the endorsement's from all the "cocktail groups" in Crestwood, or for that matter, Missouri, to be given the "honor" of being trusted by the poeople in the "trenches"
"My Name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Well, now that you've managed to completely dismiss your opponents qualifications---what are yours? All of your high minded imagery, allusions and mis-spelled mixed metaphors still don't tell me anything about YOUR relevant education, experience, qualifications.
Mr. Ford--it appears that your ENTIRE campaign platform revolves around disparaging your opponent Do you really expect people to vote for you because you feel that Mr. Pickel's education, job experience and volunteerism is meaningless to you? Should people vote for you because of a few names on your opponent's petition? Do we need to vote for you because there will be firefighters from other municipalities working the polls because the higher ups in Jeff City have made them come and hand our your campain literature?...seems like a pretty weak platform to me.
I guess you lump all the current Alderman with the past "problems". Why don't you ask Alderman LaBore who started this mess? From his point of view the former CA Mr. Leichliter started the ball rolling down hill. That is why it is perplexing that the Mayor "is in his (Leichliter) corner". The board has worked very hard to correct these mistakes, but like you said it takes time. And as far as new business in Crestwood, the Mayor seems to take credit for the new developments. These projects have been in the works prior to his election. Sounds like politics to me.
Instead of further discussion about Mr. Pickel, whether or not he even knows about this blog, what his stance is, etc., etc.,let the candidates run their campaign and everyoone will have the opportunity to vote for who they want.
Hasn't Crestwood had enough slamming? The last Mayoral campaign left a bad taste in my mouth with the mud-slinging, and I don't have confidence in the new Mayor because of how he chose to get where he is. The man lost 3 runs for the position, and didn't win til he ran a smear campaign. I'd like to have more confidence in who wins by them running a positive campaign.
I don’t think Mayor Robinson is in anybody’s “Corner”. I do think he’s correct to question the wisdom of spending $250k+ (Add another $100,000 for the trial.) on a VERY weak lawsuit that will provide the City with what IF it wins? The City’s two “Star” witnesses were both recently fired. The accounting firm that supposedly assembled the “Forensic Audit” won’t return calls and their lead auditor is on record in his deposition stating that he found no actual evidence that Mr. Leichliter knowingly misled the Board Aldermen – he only “assumed such”. Sounds like an airtight case and that our scarce tax dollars have been well spent!
I urge everyone in Crestwood to travel to the Courthouse and Clayton and READ a copy of the Court file on this case! It will make you sick to learn how our tax dollars have been used! Mayor Robinson is correct to question why some of these dollars were used in a blatant attempt to protect certain, now ex-employees, extracurricular activities – as well as well as actions of a certain former Mayor who resigned for “Personal” reasons.
Unfortunately there does seem to be some sort of a soap opera involving the former mayor, legal fees etc. However--from where I sit, the current mayor and Mr. Ford are spending all their time pointing fingers and looking back--instead of forward. We don't need our politicians to spend all their time naming, blaming and criticizing. We need new businesses and we need creative thinking to move Crestwood forward...not mud slinging and bitterness. That's why I look forward to voting for Mr. Pickel.
Let's ask the canidates. Mr. Ford & Mr. Pickel - will you question and review how our scarce tax dollars have been spent on lawyers and lawsuits? I suspect we will get an answer from Mr. Ford. How about Mr. Pickel?
To set the record straight.....Mayor Robinson is trying to put the past behind us and move on! There is business at hand to be dealt with! GET THIS TAX INCREASE PASSED! Get us out of debt. Believe me, he wants to move forward!
I can't wait for Mr. Lickliter's lawsuit to come out. You and I only know
as much as what we heard from others and what was said in the paper. But the
truth shall set us free.
Mr. Lickliter did one thing wrong and that was to give Don Greer everything
he wanted. Don Greer paid him back for his trust by assisting in the dismissal
of Lickliter and then Greer got what he always wanted - two powerful
positions - one as police chief and one as city administrator.
Mayor Fagan defended Greer and allowed Greer to stay in his capacity after he
first got elected and that's why he lost the second election. Not for any
smear reasons. He made the wrong choice. Those I have spoken with were sick of
Greer but Fagan thought he "walked on water".
If Mayor Fagan would have won the election, how were we going to afford
Greer's grandeous idea of a new police facility. Who might that expensive building
be for? Talk about someone building a dynasty? And don't give me the same
"crapola" about the police officers wanted it. We all want better things, but
when things get tough - we all need to sacrifice. But not Mr. Greer. Once
you get power - you can pretty well get everything if you know how! That was
Greer and he had everybody right in the palm of his hand. That's another
reason why Fagan lost the election. These were facts and not smears.
Everybody I spoke to was sick and tired of the way the city was spending
money. How come the people knew it but not Fagan and the board of aldermen.
Nine people allowed it to happen. What other department head was asking for
anything grandeous. Only Greer! Why was that? Because all the other department
heads were told we were broke. Did it stop Greer? No. Who let it continue?
Tom Fagan and his crew. Did they all know about Greer's past in Wood River?
Yes they did.
Mayor Fagan was on that board long enough to know we couldn't afford a new
police facility. Mayor Fagan may have been deceived - but he never backed down
once he knew we were broke - and was willing to go along with every cent that
Don Greer wanted to spend. You think issues became lawsuits because Lickliter
and others feel they had weak cases? Oh Boy - I can't wait until the poop
hits the fan!
We needed 100K for new computer equipment -but we had no money. Alderman
Kelleher said that because it was so desperately needed, how can we say no to
purchasing it? How could Kelleher and all the other board members vote to get it
when we were "in the soup"?
Mayor Fagan and his 5 were well aware of the financial crisis and the people
had to stop the next phase of the new police building by getting up a
petition. The city fathers were all set to rent space at Crestwood Plaza while the
new facility was being built, until the petition to stop it went through. Say
what you want about Jim Murphy but thank God we had him assisting. Think
about it - whoever you are - what would we be doing now if that would have gone
through. That's why Fagan lost the election - so stop being a cry baby. Fagan
and his 5 knew we were broke, and were willing to let this whole thing go
through. No smears - just the truth.
Mayor Fagan had his chance the first time he took over for the resigned
mayor. And what did he do - he let Don Greer put us further in the hole - that's
why he didn't make it the second time. Let's stick to the real facts. Had it
not been for Roy Robinson - we would still be paying Don Greer and his partner
Diana Madrid over 150,000 a year for destroying our city. Legal fees are only
the beginning of the reason we are in the hole. If Tom Fagan would still be
mayor - we would have gone to hell in a hand basket and by now would be part
of the County.
When I think of all the money Don Greer spent and all the money he gave to
his choice few, it is a real crime. If Mr. Lickliter did anything wrong, it is
only the size of a "nit on a nat" compared to what Don Greer and his entourage
did to this city.
Wake up, Cowboy! Hopefully, we are headed down the right road, instead of
the Last Round Up.
That is ALL VERY FACTUAL! I just wish we didn't have to keep reliving it. Sometimes you just have to put people who know very little in there place though. Lets just get back on track and get this city back in shape. Nothing we can do about lawsuits now except wait them out. This Mayor didn't bring it on us but he does have to deal with them.
Our tax dollars are being wasted on legal bills! Not because our legal team isn't doing their job, but because of things that have been allowed to happen at, or near City hall in the past.
AS an alderman, I would request of Mr. Myers that each department head hold meetings designed to inform thir staff of what is acceptable, and what is not while at the work place.I feel that we need to have a "zero tolerance" (no exceptions) policy toward harassment of any kind , be it racial, sexual, or what ever.
I would suggest that the City use every means at it's disposal to rectify a claim prior to the lawsuit stage.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
I guess the aledged personal relationships between empployees is a hot topit but that is their business not mine. Do you think that IF (because I can't go to the court house and read depositions, etc.) anything was going on would degrade their ability to perform their job?
Look at President Clinton: millions of dollars were wasted because he did not tell the truth but I am not sure that it made him uncapable of performing his duties. Don't you think that kind of stuff goes on in many business? (not saying it is right) Do you think that because their lack of judgement in their personal life makes them unsuitable to perform?
I think that it’s a pretty good indication. Look at what happened during the last four years.... 1) $250,000 on a questionable lawsuit, 2) $1,000,000 spent on a "Police Station" that will NEVER be built. 3) $100,000 wasted on accounting software that couldn't count. 4) Thousands wasted on lawyers to cover up elicit personal activities, 5) BMW Gate, 6) $1,500 Chairs & $8,000+ Office Ensembles.
The ONLY Reason why I will be voting FOR Proposition S is the fact that 1) Mayor Robinson has cleaned house (CA/Police Chief “Retired” and Finance Director “Resigned”, 2) the average City Employee has been through hell the last four years – we have GREAT employees!, 3) Crestwood is still a great town to raise a family, 4) I have faith that the new Board of Aldermen & CA will never let items 1-6 above happen again.
Yes the mayor is in Leichliter’s corner - weren't you at the town hall meeting?
Te Capital Improvement Fund continues to generate revenue (2006 projected to be over $ in the black and there is no sunset for this tax income)- in the future there will be no problem making the improvements needed. Why was the statement made that the rennovation would NEVER be done? Talk about being closed minded and the continued pointing fingers.
No, I missed the Town Hall Meeting - had to work. Perhaps Mayor Robinson has discovered that the lawsuit was indeed a waste of scarce money. From what I've read in the Court File, I think we've given a huge amount of money to ONE Law Firm with VERY close ties to former Mayor Robertson and Former CA\Police Chief Greer. What do we have a City Attorney for? Perhaps he has provided Mayor Robinson with is opinion on the lawsuit.
I stated that the original stand-a-lone police building will never be built. I think that’s a safe assumption considering the COPS money was returned. From talking with police officers, some improvement should be made to the existing station in the future.
We at the town hall meeting the mayor stated he had held conversations with Mr. Leichliter regarding Crestwood prior to his election and "was in his corner".
The COPs money was returned but the tax that generates income for that fund is still coming and is to be used only for the CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND. That fund will continue to grow to be used for CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ONLY.
That money cannot be used to pay for employees providing services to the city of Crestwood.
WHAT!!! The Mayor said in front of every body at a town hall meeting you attended that "he was in Leichliter's corner"? This from the Mayor who has to power to stop the court case against Leichliter,in return for who knows what favors from Leichliter? This is tampering with a trial, this is beyond belief, with that action we will never know what Leichliter did or didnt do if his 20 plus years feeding at the public trough.
This calls for a RE-CALL OF THE MAYOR!!!
The Mayor can't settle a lawsuit. The Board of Aldermen have to do that.
If I was Mr. Lechliter, I think I might just like a trial at this point.
It seems pretty clear that this lawsuit was part of political hatchet job gone amuck by then Mayor Robertson. Didn't he resign in disgrace?
How about Mr. Greer, Ms. Madrid - all "resigned".
Personally, I think we sued the wrong people given the last 3 years.
I guess everyone who works for a city "....feeds at the trough" Nice to know that you support your city employees!
Do you really think they "resigned"? Doubt it. I'm sure it was ALL politics. I believe the new CA has stated that much has already been done to move Crestwood forward (and I don't think he is referring to just the past 10-11 months) but more needs to be addressed. Who do you think helped sort things out the past 3 years or so? Crestwood inherited this mess from previous administration prior to Mr. Greer and Ms. Madrid.
What mess did they exactly inherit? So for, all we have is $250k and climbing in legal bills with no non-bias decision on who caused what when. Who let that happen?
Again, I urge you to go to Clayton and look at the Court File. It's eyeoening to say the least.
The "mess":
Fund balances were not kept separate and were used to pay other funds expenses. The BOA was told that the bottom line (revenue less expenses) was in the black.
The actual revenue for 2005 (not including revenues disbursed to the city for the last quarter) were over $800,000 under budgeted amounts.
Accounting system that makes it difficult to completely separate the funds making the task more difficult to maintain (not impossible).
Multitudes of audits, which added many hours of work.
If the documentation you have viewed is so enlightening why don't you share your knowledge? Not everyone has the time to go and get the information themselves. I have never read any specifics.
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