Reflections of a great President! Folk's, we need leadership, and we need it now!
Friday, January 20, 2006
One of my favorite quotes!!!!
Ladies, and gentlemen, I would like to give you the opportunity to re-read one of my favorite quote's! I have reflected on the race for Alderman in Ward Two for some time now, and I feel that this is an appropriate way to express my feelings.
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat".
-- Theodore Roosevelt
In past posts I have asked for your vote in Ward Two, and I shall do so now, for I feel that this City can, and will prosper again! We have seen the divisive political posturing of the five who seem to be more interested in the agenda of other's, than the agenda of Crestwood!
Well, I will promise you that I, as President Roosevelt said,"shall never be with those cold and timid souls, who know neither victory nor defeat", but rather in the "arena", and with the help of all of you, and the Lord's guidance, working to make a better Crestwood! I said that in January,2006, and I say it again now. We are almost at the end of this campaign, and I want to thank you for your kind consideration of my candidacy, and, I hope you will vote for me on Tuesday, April, 4, 2006!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 109
One of my favorite quotes!!!!
Ladies, and gentlemen, I would like to give you the opportunity to re-read one of my favorite quote's! I have reflected on the race for Alderman in Ward Two for some time now, and I feel that this is an appropriate way to express my feelings.
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat".
-- Theodore Roosevelt
In past posts I have asked for your vote in Ward Two, and I shall do so now, for I feel that this City can, and will prosper again! We have seen the divisive political posturing of the five who seem to be more interested in the agenda of other's, than the agenda of Crestwood!
Well, I will promise you that I, as President Roosevelt said,"shall never be with those cold and timid souls, who know neither victory nor defeat", but rather in the "arena", and with the help of all of you, and the Lord's guidance, working to make a better Crestwood! I said that in January,2006, and I say it again now. We are almost at the end of this campaign, and I want to thank you for your kind consideration of my candidacy, and, I hope you will vote for me on Tuesday, April, 4, 2006!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 109
30 Comments: might want to reread your favorite quote and then reflect on all the negative remarks you have made about the past administrations as well as your opponent....
"This City is broke thanks to the previous administration, we need funds now, we need leadership, now,"...Tom Ford on March 31st...sure sounds like you are pointing the finger at others to me....
Mr. Ford, you were not at the Alderman meeting this past Tuesday...You have several times posted how you call on God or the Lord for help and make a promise that with his help you will fullfill...How do you feel about the Mayor at the meeting you missed, taking using the name of Jesus in vain?
Still backing the mayor all the way?
Want proof, ask Frank Meyers or Kim Cottle or the reporter from the CALL who records every word, even the "ah's". I seem to recall the lynch mob ready to hang Greer when he said "pissed"...but then Greer is bad and Roy is good..
Maybe we need 5 aldermen to keep the mayor in check as your not going to be one one to do so.
Re-read it all you want, the fact is the previous administration IS at fault!
I know, we must never blame anyone, we must be understanding of other's, and we must understand!
Sorry, but while we do that, the bank forcloses on our property, and we have no police, fire, or para-medics!
If my remarks are negitive, it's because of the do nothing people who have "lead" us into this mess from the get go! Say what you will, but I think people are tired of your "borrow and spend" attitude in Crestwod! Where were the voices of reason when we were to build a new building we could not afford?
I'll be glad to tell you. Alderman Miguel, and Maddox were shouted down, and laughed at when they told us the problems we faced! Well, now the chickens have come home to roost, were broke, and it's not my fault! No, it's the fault of the "leaders" of Crestwood, who, for what ever reason, refused to do their due dillagence!
You seem to be one of the people who want "business at the same old stand", well, you had your chance, and you darn near bankrupted Crestwood, so why should anyone listen to you?
On April 4th. we will have a chance to correct the wrongs you, and your followers have wrought on this City, and move forward with Mayor Robinson, and Frank Meyers to redeem the City we all love!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
As you stated, I wasn't there. Therefore, how do I know what was said, and in what context?
Draw your own conclusion, please.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two".
Tom Ford
Ward Two
In what context would you find it ok?
In no context is it OK, however since we know human beings, it will hapen.
I seem to remember that the church teaches us to ask for forgivness, is that because the Lord knew we would fail from time to time?
I have sinned, and truth be known so have you, so let's move on!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
In answer to Ford's pointing to whomever, how do you think we got into this mess? It didn't just blow in on the wind, unless it came from the Northeast across the River. Too many similarities with the Wood River mess and then here with the getting rid of Leichliter, Webbels, Matt Conley, Sandy Grave, Robin Weihmeyer. Unless you believe in fate rather than facts, you get the picture. Someone had a long range goal and I'd say he achieved it. Maybe leaving the City at just the right time could have been part of it. The Call only made every bad thing he did look as if it benefited our City, but we know better now. You have any idea how many people have stopped the call from being delivered to their door because of it's slanted (toward the ex-two-mayors). We need a lot of new starts in Crestwood and a new newspaper would be a great start.
I don't think we want to "stop the call" from being delivered to our home's, after all it has been an excellent source of information, reference what they think Crestwood should be!
The only problem is the Call dosen't live in Crestwood. Please remember the Call was founded by people who are interested in controversy! When Mr. greer was feeding them information about Crestwood, they thrived, when it stopped, they moved on to Mehlville School's!
Please continue to take the Call, we must all remember the past, so as to not repeat it.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
"I seem to remember that the church teaches us to ask for forgivness, is that because the Lord knew we would fail from time to time?
I have sinned, and truth be known so have you, so let's move on!"
When are you and your supporters going to do the same for all of people who you keep dragging through the mud?
I was at last Tuesday night's BOA meeting and I sat quietly (not talking to any neighbors) and I did NOT hear Roy curse; however, from some of what I see at those meetings, as my dear old dad used to say, 'It'd make a preacher cuss!' Mr. Breeding sits and looks at the ceiling a lot and sometimes makes a funy, Dr. Bore talks and talks and talks and wears us out, Mr. Kelleher looks as if he's in a trance most of the time, Trueblood looks like a wise old indian chief, Mr. Myers seems to have it all together, but don't you worry, people will start getting nasty, he just hasn't been here long enough yet, and then there's Roy and if there's one thing stupid about him, it was taking on the job of Mayor in this town when everybody knows we just can't get rid of him soon enough and get the liberal younger man back in. Mr. Maddox is like everybody's favorite grandad, Jerry Maguil in trying to explain his position, while usually right on target, seems to be resented by the aldermen who have no idea what he's talking about. Mr. O'Keefe proved how smart he is, he's getting out and then there's Pat! For you candidates, are you sure you want to be a alderman? You still have time to bale!
Well, thanks for the chance to "Bail", but we still have both wings, some of the engines, and while sluggish, were still flying!
I learned several things while in the service, and while flying, the most important being "stay with the ship / aircraft! Dammage control, you bet, but stay with her, and bring her home.
Sure we all can bail out on Crestwood, heck that's the easy way out, but then what do I tell my Grandkid's when there is no play ground behind the house anymore? Gee, kids, grandpa was too lazy, or too busy to save it for you?
I learned from my Father, the Navy, flight training, as well as business never to quit, and I am not going to do it now!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
People of Crestwood, the problems we, as a city, are experiencing is a culmination of mismanagement, misinformation and misuse of funds for at least 6 years. We cannot blame all this on the BOA and Mayors of those years. Remember that our elected officials are part timers. It is the paid executives like Mr. Greer, Ms Madrid, ETC.who we employ to mind the shop. However, it is the BOA who are responsible for voting on major expenditures of the city and for verifying that the information they are receiving has been repeatedly researched and validated as factual. Like the now useless Accounting Software Program Mr. Greer and Ms Madrid guaranteed would solve all our bookkeeping problems. That 200 and something thousand dollar investment is just one example of why we are where we are. Let's face it, we cannot expect our BOA and Mayors to take time away from their regular jobs and go out and shop for the proper accounting programs or for that matter any other needs of the city. That is the responsibility of the City Administrator and his Managers. And if they prove they can't do the job what do you do? You fire them and hire someone that can do it. You don't pay them a severence pay or keep them around for consultation. Does everyone understand that successful companies are only successful if the people they employ make good decisions that result in money well spent.
Having said that, it IS the responsibility of our BAO & Mayor to take immediate action to correct any misconduct, misuse of city monies or abuses of any kind that are brought to their attention. They are our Watchdogs and we depend on them to watch out for our city.
To the Blogger at 4:31 pm. You are so right about the similarities with
the Wood River mess that Don Greer made in that city and what we have gone
through in Crestwood. However, I want to explain a few things regarding some
names you mentioned.
First of all, Don Greer got rid of Robyn Waymire because she made the mistake
of writing a memo to the aldermen regarding what was going on between Greer
and Diana Madrid. She worked for the Finance Department.
Because she told the truth in that memo, she got fired. Mayor Robertson was
the one who put Greer in the power seat to begin with. It didn't matter that
the memo was the truth, Robyn was thrown out of the kingdom. Civil Service
Board appeal? What civil service! Don Greer told me he was the rules and
regulations. She was out of work for 8 months with no other income coming in. She
was a great employee and is a good friend, but was too honest. The board
turned their heads and kept the power monger and his so-called (whatever) anyhow
- and by doing so - sanctioned the dynamic duo and punished Robyn.
Matt Conley was a great employee. That young man worked hard, real hard.
But he got in Don Greer's way and was connected with Kent Leichliter. No way
did Greer want him left around. After all, it was to be Don's World now. Mayor
Robertson and Don Greer were joined at the hip. Greer wanted Matt gone since
Greer now had control over the kingdom and Robertson went right along with
it. But Matt left on his own accord and has a wonderful job now somewhere else
and he is a fine and capable City Adm. as well as an honorable young man.
Don Greer used him one too many times as a scape goat - like many of us - and he
left for greener pastures. I aplaud him for getting out. But they didn't
get rid of him. He just had enough of the previous administration's "bull" and
The truth about me. I retired, no one got rid of me although Don Greer would
have found a reason down the line. Mr. Greer demoted me from Executive
Secretary to Administrative Secretary because I wasn't good enough to lick an
envelope for him after 30 years of service to Crestwood, and he certainly didn't
want me seeing all of the underhanded things he would be doing as City
Administrator. I had too much allegiance with others that he and Mayor Robertson
wanted to get rid off.
According to Sec. 18 of the Code Book, he was suppose to put my demotion in
writing. Why do you suppose he never did it? Because he is above the laws in
the code book or any book. He was above everything and the board members kept
giving him the OK and let him control everything - way past the time they
knew we didn't have any money. They knew he was unorthodox, they knew he was
underhanded, and they knew he had no morals, but they just let him keep going
and going.
But that's not all. Mayor Robertson knows the truth about what happened to
me months AFTER my demotion but he chooses to lie to people to protect
himself, and you can believe whatever you want on that issue. After all, I am not a
attorney and don't have that privileged title. So you pick out whatever
story you want.
I retired because I filed my own lawsuit after suffering post traumatic
stress. Make light of it if you so desire. You naysayers who have left plenty of
"tripe" on this blog, make fun of me if you wish, but I am glad I fought for my
rights. What hurts is that the Board of Alderman reward Robertson and put
him on a TIF Commission, but under Don Greer and the administration, I was told
not set foot into my own city hall. That is a truism. Bet Tom Fagan didn't
even know that but of course, try to get Mr. Greer to tell the truth. Then
Greer gets rewarded with a severance package to die for along with his (whatever)
as punishment for all the things they allowed him to control.
I spoke to a friend who lives behind me and when she asked Mr. Pickel if he
knew what happened to me, he stated that he had heard two versions of my
situation. I have wanted to ask him what they were and which one he believes. But
knowing that Mr. Kelleher and Mr. Pickel are buddies, and since Mr. Kelleher
and I disagree on most everything, I can only imagine what Mr. Pickel perceives
as the truth or what was passed on. Many people have suffered through the
previous administration thanks to Mayor Robertson and Don Greer. Still it is
frustrating to know that there are a lot of ill-conceived ideas and nonsense
about employees that have suffered through the Greer/Robertson/Fagan regimes. I
choose to let it alone and let people believe what they want. However, I am
sure that I will get a blast from the past as many on this blog think that with
power and authority come the truth.
Sandy Grav`e
In answer to 10:34 in which it is said Mayor Robinson took the Lord's name in vain. I honestly didn't hear that happen. I've asked many others if they heard it and noone did. Not to mix oranges and apples but there were two very bad distractions at Tues's BOA meeting. (1) Our aldermanic group simply will not speak into their mikes! I don't know how many times people have asked but each meeting the mikes are far removed from the speakers voice-almost looks as if they don't want us to hear. (2) There was a group of very rude people in the last two rows carrying on private conversations almost constantly throughout the meeting. I would think even if people are disinterested in what the people up front are telling us, then why wouldn't they remove themselves so that people who can to hear can do so. Interestingly enough, these were educated people, seemingly interested on what's going on but still talking long enough and loudly enough to spoil other's ability to listen to what they were there to here. Manners, anyone?
I guess now I know why so many negative remarks from from F. Clark. Very unhappy woman - "suffering post traumatic
Nice comeback Kelleher, go have another drink.
Oh, yes, go have another drink, preferably at Malone's - ever heard of a mole?
You mean to tell me that the Board of Aldermen knew what was going on between Mr. Greer And Ms. Madrid long before Mr. Greer admitted it in his Deposition? If that in fact is true, then our current BOA failed in their responsibilities to us as duly elected representatives. I think this could be considered derelection of duty. Did our city attorney know of this as well? If so, how could he stand by as our legal counsel and not advise us to take action immediately?
Isn't a mole a tiny, weasel-like creature with no responsibilites, too much time on their hands and it spends all day digging in other people's dirt?
There are no rules, ordinances or laws regarding employees "dating". Legally there was nothing to be done about it. However, there are rules, etc. regarding an Alderman and a city employee both holding positions. Maybe we should head off a problem there before it starts.
"Dating"? Yeah, thats what they were doing in his office.
Not saying what they did was ok but there are no rules against it? Are there?
Are you kidding me?
From what I have been told there is nothing in writing regarding fratinizing with the help. Again, not saying I agree with it. Maybe the individuals that have time to dig up documents would find one.
Mr. Kelleher, if you don't know for sure what a mole is, why don't you just look around your friendship pool and you will see a perfect example to coincide with your perfect description. Now settle down and go nighty night. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life big guy.
Did Sandy Grave just ADMIT she filed a lawsuit against the city she claims to "LOVE"? So YOU purposely cost the city LEGAL FEES - have you shared that tidbit with Bob Deutschman? He's been asking what the legal fees were for. Did you get a legal settlement? That would be taxpayer money wouldn't it? Gee - sounds like you personally profited from all the gossip you are still spreading about past administrations. Motives certainly are revealing - at least to anyone willing to take a good look.
To the blogger at 12:53 on April 6th. If my lawsuit was the only one
that the city had to worry about, we would be in great shape. Don't even go
there with me on this one. You are so out of line it makes me sick! You and
those like you don't care about anything but making light of a real serious
problem here. If you had walked in my shoes from 2002 to 2004, believe me, you
wouldn't be shooting off your mouth without knowing all the facts.
Yes I do love my city and love all of the good people in it.
Fortunately, I have had many good and fond memories from 30 plus years. Obviously, you
are not one of them but for everyone like you, there are 5 who understand that
what you are speaking of is not a laughing matter. However, it takes someone
as gutless as you, who refuses to sign your name, to be so outspoken. So
crawl back underneath your rock and stay there. It's you and people like you who
think that intimidation gets them kudos in life. I'm not impressed.
Why don't you use your time more efficiently and work for a new beginning for
Crestwood instead of writing scathing, disgusting remarks on a blog
anonymously for the coward you are.
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