Friday, March 24, 2006

A request of Mr. Chris Pickel. Will you have the courage of your convictions to grant an interview to the Call?

Chris, you can hide in the tall grass if you wish, but I am challenging you to grant an interview to the Suncrest Call newspaper, specifically to Mr. Burke Wasson, the gentleman to whom I gave an interview. I know that you will find Mr. Wasson to be "fair, and balanced", and this will give you a venue to respond to the many questions on the "Blog", reference your views.

I have responded to Mr. Wasson, and you should call him for an interview as well, if your serious about this race for Ward Two! Would you not agree that the good citizens of Ward Two deserve no less?

Now if you think that this is in the bag for you, well go ahead, and say nothing, why would you? But, if you think that this is still a viable race, well then, tell us what your all about!

And by the way, let's see your signature on the interview, not the spin of your handlers.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Candidates Tom Ford and Chris Pickel (along with the other candidates and Aldermen Breeding, LaBore, Maddox, and Miguel) had the courage to show up at the Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday night, but where were Aldermen Duwe, Kelleher and Trueblood? Alderman O'Keefe had the courage to kindly inform the mayor that he was out of town and he couldn't make it....but where were the others?

If they were sighted, please let us know because Mayor Robinson did not see them either.

I don't know about you, but courage is a trait I'd like to see in my representatives!

9:42 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Trueblood was at St. Marys hospital supporting his wife while she was at her father's bedside in the ICU. Trueblood shared with me this and asked for my prayer for his father in law and family. His father in law was in ICU the morning of the Ward Two town hall meeting. He did his duty to the Ward and then went to the hospital.

It takes courage to do the right thing, like putting his family ahead of the ego of the mayor and the needs of your hate filled heart. A type of courage that you would not understand because it responds to family and people, not politics and power.
From what I saw the mayor didnt need Trueblood there to help him with Murphy, Roy was able to take the microphone from the old man without any help, now there is courage for you!

10:06 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:26 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hateful hateful people. What a great town Crestwood has become.

10:39 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Trueblood,

The kind and gentle people of Crestwood wish your father-in-law a speedy recovery. May God be with you in these stressful times.

10:47 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What makes you think that just because you responded to a request for an interview that the same request has been made of Pickel? In reading your interview it seemed to me that Wasson wanted to ask you about the problem you would have if elected due to your son working for the City.

Has it occured to you that maybe Wasson hasn't asked Pickel for an interview because he does not see a problem with his serving as alderman? What makes you think that if Pickel called Wasson that he would even want to interview him?

Pickel states on his website and handouts the name of his company, why wont you tell us yours? Pickel did, so you should have to as well? Maybe you should double dare Pickel!

What child like behavour. What an unhappy little boy you have become.

10:53 PM, March 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he doesn't want anyone calling his employer with their contrivances about his being an "unhappy little boy" . Maybe his company doesn't have a bank of telephones that reroutes your calls to India and you can't understand what they are saying! Maybe just maybe he doesn't want this to cause his employer to lose business from vengeful people as someone out there is making an issue of his son's employment. A man who has a family to feed! Just shows he has his priorities straight and won't let these contrivances interfere with his business relationship. Your pushing and pushing smells of desperation for one more thing to needle at. I don't care what his job is...doesn't matter a hoot. I know the man!

11:40 PM, March 24, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To the Trueblood family: my prayers are with you. May Karen's father be home with you soon.

Tom Ford

7:04 AM, March 25, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I deleted the comment reference Mr. Murphy, and as I have told you before, I will do it again. If you must continue to defame him, use your real name, or it's gone!

Tom Ford

7:14 AM, March 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford. I have been a supporter of yours from the very start. But it seems to me that some of the comments you are making on your own blog may be grating on some of your supporters like me. It is almost as though you are attempting to alienate people so as not to get elected. I certainly hope this is not the case as I still feel you would make a worthy alderman. You have introduced some good information here but the continued challenges to others is truely irritating.

7:33 AM, March 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blogger who states that Mr. Ford is an unhappy child? He has no idea
what type of behavior is in store for him if Mr. Pickel wins the election. Mr.
Pickel and his side kick Mr. Kelleher will have a field day with their childish
antics on the podium.

They can mock the mayor just like they did at the mayoral debate. When you
see it for yourself, you may want to recant who you call unhappy.


7:42 AM, March 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 10:06pm. Thanks for the info on Alderman Trueblood. How about the others? Can anyone out there help us out? We just want representation in our fine city.

By the way, it was not Mayor Robinson who convinced Rep. Murphy to leave the podium, I think it was the ruffian in the first row sitting next to Ms. Char Braun. Mr. Murphy was just exercising his right to express his opinion in an open forum, the same as Mr. Foote. Unfortunately, the ruffian was somehow threatened by a statesman half his size and twice his age. I wonder why?

9:07 AM, March 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because that FORMER statesmen is a confused bitter man. He just needs something to whine about.

12:08 PM, March 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better be careful, tom will delete your post if you say bad things about former Statesman Jim Murphy. Worse yet, his son Jim (a.k.a. Jimmy) Murphy will have to write something using his own name. There will be a lot of tension in in the air in ward 3.

2:18 PM, March 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if Mr. Pickel grants and interview to the call, can he dodge all of the direct questions in the same fashion that mr. ford did? Just wondering. Mr. Ford did not provide one direct answer to the questions asked of him.

9:14 PM, March 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't know what he can, or can't dodge, we don't know him! So far he HAS dodged all questions Mr. Ford has asked, so what would Crestwood expect?

Mr. Ford is out there for all to see, mr. Pickel is attending meetings with his advisors!


7:39 AM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Mr. Pickel is not out there for all to see, howcome the pro-Ford posters seem to know so much about him?
Ford is not our there, he is on his blog, but he is not on the streets pounding the pavement, pressing the flesh.
If Ford and his fans were serious about getting to know Pickel, then why didnt they ask for a debate?
The reason is many. One is because the supporters knew it would be covered/sponsered by the CALL paper who they have spent the last 2 yrs hating as reflected on the earlier posts to this blogg. Couldnt have them do a debate, cant trust the CALL, yet Mr. Ford brags about his interview with the CALL as his campaign grinds to a halt.
Second reason is the same reason Mr. Ford is not going to every voters door in the City,like Pickle has done, he cant physical do it..not a slam, just a regretful fact.
So this blog became the main tool for Mr. Ford's run for election..problem is he lost control of it some time ago and now will not post on it himself. If you read the posts back in January you will see mean sprirted post then were by his supporters as they attacked the current board for not loving the mayor with all his warts and not hating Greer with for all his wart.
As April 4th came closer, Greer was gone, so the attacks started on Pickel, his church and a swim club...Big mistake.Ford had galavinzed Pickel's supporters, who at first asked questions of Ford and when he seemed less than forth right with his answers, they started to dig. Just like Ford's people had done at first.
The issue of what an alderman from ward two needed to do was soon lost in the battle of the Crestwood Swim Club. Which has nothing to do with answering the question, how will you represent ward two? Ford has a problem with the Code and a relative who works for the city, Pickel is a member of a club. Both factors will restrict what items they can vote on, Ford will be prevented from voting on many issues, Pickel on one, the pool.
But without a debate neither party has had to answer the questions. To expect Pickel to pick up his key board and reply to this blogg is a silly, no one in their right mind would do so, if they wanted to be taken seriously, just look at the Tippy post as examples. Further when Ford deletes some comments and not others, and now states he will no longer respond to questions on his own blogg, why should Pickel.
Bloggs might be a great way to replace the party line phone gossip, but they are not a replacment for face to face debates and face to face contact with the voters.

10:03 AM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last blogger, you made one, and only one correct statement in all that trite diatribe! Mr. Ford is phsically un-able to walk door to door.

Thank you for telling all of our senior, and handicapped citizens in Crestwood, that they are useless.


11:31 AM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of you are really hurtful. Who in their right mind would say something like that unless you hid behind anonymity.
When will you be happy? When all those that have a different opinion cave in to your philosophical demands? That's not even reality.
I can name this tune in one note .."Destruction!"
This city, and your candidate's chances, are being destroyed by your hateful words. When will you realize that your destructive behavior, no matter how well intentioned, will bring destructive results?
I implore all of you....for the sake of this city put away your spite! Work together or work separately but do it respectfully and peacably.
Or you can beat each others brains out until this city is a bloody pulp!
You choose...but choose wisely!

12:50 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the previous blogger - well said! There is a lot of tension and spite in this city, to say the least.

1:06 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps we are wiser, less foolish and more far-seeing than we were two hundred years ago. But we are still imperfect in all these things, and since the turn of the century it has been remarked that neither wisdom nor virtue have increased as rapidly as the need for both.
- Joseph Wood Krutch (1893 - 1970)

1:10 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. Do you think anyone is listening?

1:11 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard to understand how many have misunderstood the comments made by the poster at 10:03 a.m. They are not attacking either person or their physical condition, they were made to reflect how the use of a blogg v.s. debates and face to face meetings with the voters has failed to educate the voters. That is all, re read it objectively, not with partison glasses on and you will see what the poster was trying to say.
This proves again why bloggs have limited usefullness in a small election, readers put into the writings hidden meanings because there is a lack of person to person exchange. A large part of human communication is non verbal, IE: expressions, tone of voice, a blogg can not express these parts.

2:23 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your message is explained in the story about "Ham Strung" on a previous comment section. After reading it, you'll see how conversations deteriorate on the blogg...

2:27 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the poster that said Mr. Ford deletes posts: If you click on "Other" instead of "Anonymous" you will have the ability to delete your own posts. I have seen some posts on here disappear without the comment about being deleted. Just a helpful hint in case you want to delete your own comment for typos or content.

10:53 PM, March 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An open letter to those who have accused mr. Ford of getting donations from people outside Crestwood.

I was at the County Board Of Elections today, and requested a copy of mr. Pickel's committee report on finances. It seems that mr. Pickel has ammased a campaign chest of $1737.31 to date, with expenditures of $921.24!

What's more interesting than that is the fact that "total monitary contributions to date giving $25.00 or less is $4.00, the total monitary contributions to date of $100.00 or less is $1075.00 (no name provided, as it is not required). Mr. Pickel lists a loan in the amount of $458.61 to the campaign as well.

I seem to remember Pickel supporters berating Mr. Ford for having "supporters who do not live in Crestwood" donate to his campaign, so I am sure you can now tell us why Pickel's largest contributor ($200.00, cash), is, one Barbra M. Clark, 50 Sutton Place, Apt 5C, New York, NY. 10022! What could a New Yorker have to do with Ctestwood politics, pray tell?

Mr. Millburg, are you and Mr. Pickel going to come forward and tell us who the "less than $100.00 contributions were from, Swim Club, local folks who love Mr. Pickel?

The last question I have, is why would anyone spend that type of money, (or more) to get a job that is at best low pay? Is it that the swim club needs his voice over Mr. Ford?


7:32 PM, March 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Mr. Ford tell the folks in ward 2 how much the 4-color 2-sided glossy direct mail piece cost for the firefighters union to mail in his name.....? That's the million dollar question.....

9:03 PM, March 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask the firefighters, now what about Pickel????? Your campign slip is showing chris!


9:16 PM, March 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To blogger at 7:32 p.m.
while you were at the Board of Elections did you run into Jim Murphy? Seems he is there almost every day checking on the firefighters per Mr Becker.
I checked the website of the state and the firefighters union pac (PFEM FIREPAC JOHN SCHNIEDER TREASURE) does not show giving any money or in kind to Tom Ford, for the 8 day before election report.
Go to and search for the reports of the committee mecid:C0312256 and you will see what I mean about failure to file.
What is really intersesting is the the headquarters for the PFEM Pac is in Berkeley, MO. Pray tell, what would a PAC in Berekely, MO have to do with "Ctestwood" politics? Wonder what was promised in order to get the pretty Ford signs and the mailing sent out today? Maybe there is a link between the firefighter's union in Berkeley and the $135 Citizens for Prop S. gave Mr. Ford. Anyone care to venture a guess?

11:53 PM, March 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you were to ask Mr. Pickel who the person from NYC was you would have found that she is a relative of his wife's. But noooooooo, you dont want to know the facts, its more fun to sling mud instead of finding out truth...
You can call or email either man and get answers to your questions.

Pickel-phone# 966-5899,

Ford-phone # not listed

10:44 AM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the 11:53 blogger:
I don't understand why people question the firefighters about being involved in politics. They've been through the Don Greer fiasco, the slide of the financial picture to where their jobs were threatened, and now the suspicions of some of the people they are self-interested and involved in something that shouldn't interest them? Well wouldn't you be if your job was threatened? If this city doesn't fix it's debt problem by paying off the debt from this tax increase, then the payment for the debt will come from the general fund. And there is no more fat to trim (other than lawyers fees) What else is there to trim? They know their jobs depend on the city's budget, and if the city can only pay debt payments they might lose their jobs. It's not that hard to understand why they want good aldermen in that have a committment to public safety.
If the city employees can't work for candidates their union probably takes that responsibility to look out for the firefighters jobs. I know some of those firemen up there and they are always kind. They don't impress me as being the greedy type. I'm sure they have families. Why wouldn't they want to keep their jobs? Lord knows they probably aren't going to get anything out of this except to keep their jobs.

4:13 PM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford has given out his number several times, but for the sake of those who still do not have it, (I called him for his OK).
314-341-2307 (day)
314-965-5792 (night)
No teenagers to hold up you call.

6:28 PM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relitive or no relitive, "she is from out of town"!I am sure we are all thrilled to know she believes in mr. Pickel, but why do you slam Mr. Ford about "out of town" contributions when Mr. Pickel gladley accepts them?

And, who sent him the $1075.00? Mr. Ford listed on his disclosure the amount from each donor, eaven though it was not needed. What is Mr. Pickel trying to hide?

6:43 PM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't you listen to what the mayor and Frank Meyers are saying...Prop S will do nothing more than pay off our current debt to the bank....If passed it will not save one job or increase by $1.00 anyone's salary!!! They promised if Prop S passes it will not be spent on anything but paying off the bank, read what these two men are telling you, please!!!
Having said that, why then would the Firefighter Union PAC back prop S and certain men runnning for office?
Is it because in exchange for the support Ford and others have promise to switch to the County Police Dept for coverage before hiring our fire service from a fire district? Come on folks, no union backs anyone running for office unless there is something to be gained in return...Using the County police might save the CITY $200,000 a year and produce much less levels of service...Is that the deal that has been made?? we will support you if you go the county police and give the fire dept the "savings"???
If Prop S fails, the deal still works for union if their people get elected....
First the Mayor gets their support when he didnt back prop 1 (go bonds), now the union supports men who back prop s, who if they win gives the union how many votes on the board???Even if prop s fails, the union wins if their people get elected.

10:07 PM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that the latest article in the Call reported Mr. Pickel answered all questions in depth and with substance. I did not see those type of answers from Mr. Ford.

10:30 PM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were right when saying that Prop S won't increase anyone's salary. Thanks for agreeing on that!

If Prop S passes it will pay the bank notes ONLY and the money won't come from the general fund.

If Prop S fails the money to repay the notes comes from the general fund...and more cuts might be made unless other funds are found to help the general fund, such as increased sales tax revenues, etc.
There's no more fat to trim, except legal fees, we all agree on that.
And once AGAIN..the firefighters did support Prop 1, Props R,S, and T and Prop S, on their own time away from their families ...because those were the only financial solutions offered by the city to have the financial ability to keep them employed. Plain and simple.
And again, any union member worth their dues payments will ask that their union come forward to try to save their jobs. Isn't that why the union is helping their firefighters?

I think you should re-read Mr. Becker's letter.
It's pretty clear on all of these points.
And frankly, the firefighters and the police officers may live out of town, but they come here to risk their lives for the citizens of Crestwood. Would you do that for a paycheck?
It takes a special kind of courage to do that. And it takes a special kind of courage to stand up against such hateful opposition to help our city!

11:02 PM, March 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blogger of 10:07: you stated "no union backs anyone running for office unless there is something to be gained in return."
You are obviously one on Mr Pickel's supporters. Do you know something that you'd like to share about Mr. Pickel's union support? Are we going to be betting new phones for city hall? He was a cell phone Exec. Are we going to be paying for new cell phones? Have you promised to change our phone services?

12:26 AM, March 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the blogger @ 10:07...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How long did it take you to come up with that one? Next your gonna say they had Monte Hall come in to help make a deal! It looks like to me when they supported Mayor Robinson was job security which the police officers got as well. The police and firemen are working together just like they do out on the streets 24/7 backing each other up! Your assertions are almost more comical than the posts to save tippy the dog. Some of the stories on here irritate me but this one makes me and my husband laugh.

9:08 AM, March 30, 2006  

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