Two people of the same family, one an elected official, the other employed?
I have been going over in my mind the remarks made on this blog
regarding Tom Ford's candidacy for Ward 2 alderman, specifically dealing with the fact
that his son is a Crestwood Police Officer. I cannot believe how low people
can go to make up things solely directed to discredit Mr. Ford on this blog.
Therefore, I will submit for your information the following:
The City Clerk was not in her office this week to inquire about the
aforementioned issue. Therefore, I contacted the now retired City Clerk, who has been
around for many, many elections until 3 years ago. She said:
There is nothing in the CITY CODE that says an elected official cannot
have a son or daughter working for the City of Crestwood as an employee. She
further explained that if an employee would have to surrender his/her job
because of a parent running for political office, that would be grounds for
discrimination under the State Law. Did you get all that?
The Civil Service Rules and Regulations which governs City employees states
that a person cannot be a supervisor over their relatives and work in the same
department. It says nothing about elected officials.
Years ago there was a situation where there were several brothers who worked
in the Public Works Department. That rule was placed in the regulations to
cover that situation and any other future situations that would occur.
I hope that this will bring this issue to a rest. It just goes to show you
how people will say things they don't know "squat" about, when they would be
better off keeping their mouths shut.
Just thought you would want to know. If this doesn't cover the controversy,
perhaps you can call The National Inquirer and give your version.
Sandy Grave
regarding Tom Ford's candidacy for Ward 2 alderman, specifically dealing with the fact
that his son is a Crestwood Police Officer. I cannot believe how low people
can go to make up things solely directed to discredit Mr. Ford on this blog.
Therefore, I will submit for your information the following:
The City Clerk was not in her office this week to inquire about the
aforementioned issue. Therefore, I contacted the now retired City Clerk, who has been
around for many, many elections until 3 years ago. She said:
There is nothing in the CITY CODE that says an elected official cannot
have a son or daughter working for the City of Crestwood as an employee. She
further explained that if an employee would have to surrender his/her job
because of a parent running for political office, that would be grounds for
discrimination under the State Law. Did you get all that?
The Civil Service Rules and Regulations which governs City employees states
that a person cannot be a supervisor over their relatives and work in the same
department. It says nothing about elected officials.
Years ago there was a situation where there were several brothers who worked
in the Public Works Department. That rule was placed in the regulations to
cover that situation and any other future situations that would occur.
I hope that this will bring this issue to a rest. It just goes to show you
how people will say things they don't know "squat" about, when they would be
better off keeping their mouths shut.
Just thought you would want to know. If this doesn't cover the controversy,
perhaps you can call The National Inquirer and give your version.
Sandy Grave
To help the readers of this blog in their quest for information about Chris Pickel, this is his website
his email address:
his phone number
dont believe everything you read on this blog, contact Chris yourself and ask him your questions directly
Chris, what's the rest of you phone number? A digit is missing. (and your folks chided me for typo's.)
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward two
Ms. Grave--before you get so worked up about "how low people will go to discredit Mr. Ford on this blog" you might want to review some of your own comments you have made to discredit Mr. Pickel. In your own words--you don't know SQUAT Ms. Grave.
Mr. Pickel, you have a nice website but could you please tell us what you stand for? What are your concerns and what is your vision for Crestwood?
Ms. Grave....Municipal Code 2-142, Employment of Relatives, states it is a violation to be an employee when a relative is an elected official.
And he didn't even wait 'til Tuesday night's meeting to pull that big black book out...
Wow!! Ms. Grave certainly has issues. Well, I went to the code book after first reading the other blogger's note. After a few minutes of looking at the index, I was able to find the section. I think it starts at 2-141, I'd have to look again to be sure, it will only take a minute, yes, reference to relatives running for office.
My question is did Mr. Ford know about the code, because its in black and white and I didn't have to bother people who have been retired and probably would rather be left alone, espically from this mess at Crestwood. If Mr. Ford didn't know then he does now. If he did know and was told don't worry about it the boa will approve it after your in office, then he's no better than the other politians.
The employee's that are still left and plan to make this their home ,need for things to change. However, we don't have a union to protect us ,and we have seen if you have a conflict with the mayor or one of his supporters, what happens to employee's.
I never claim to know "squat" Ms. Grave but I know how to find answers when I put my mind to it. I don't want to discredit anyone either, espically Mr. Ford or his son, but I would like to know the truth for once!!
Besides someone will come back with sub-section 2, paragraph 3a and muddy everything up. Then were back where we started, nobody know's what is true or false.
Ms. Grave,
Turn off Dr. Phil, get in your BMW and go to the County Library at Oak Bend (right behind the QT on Big Bend).
Go to the reference room. On the wall to your left as you enter the reference room are a bunch of books. One of them is the Code book of Crestwood, the big black book. It is numbered R352.0778/C922M.
Open the book to page 110.4, that will be Article V, Secton 2-141. You dont have to go to City Hall, call retired employees or think that only current elected officals of the City have access to the Code book. It is there for every one, including Mr. Ford, to read and there by understand what his running for office is doing to our City, our Police force and our Ward.
Just in case you might think Crestwood's law is odd, check out the City of Glendale's code book. Its right next to Crestwood's. In chaper 120, Section 120.190
you will find a much more clearly defined law than Crestwood's, its called nepotism in Glendale.
If Mr. Ford is elected and if the Board at his swearing in chooses not to enforce Section 2-141 (c), what will Mr. Ford be able to vote on with out there being a conflict of interest? Can't be the budget, his son gets paid from that budget. That is the issue here, not whose dumpster is being used, or who Greer put a spell on. Instead of gaining favor and support from the firefighters Union, wouldnt you have thought Mr. Ford would have checked into the law covering what we are now discussing?
I am sure Mr. Ford was aware of where is son worked, so that should not have been a surpise.
Mr. Ford is rightlyfully proud of his son, as he should be. His son is not the issue. The issue is what does his lack of attention to detail mean to those in Ward Two? Mr. Ford has stated, as have others, that the Board must become united, and get behind the mayor and Mr. Meyers. The fighting must stop. How can he get behind the mayor if he can't vote on important issues? How does the fighting stop when if elected he forces the new Board to take a vote on his first day in office on the issue of his nepotism?
Ms. Grave, no one questions Mr. Ford's desire to do, what is in his mind, the right thing. But he, like you seem to run in a crowd that believes there is a grand plot in all this. That the City needs to return to the old days. Well, Section 2-141 was made law in 1965, it is not a new twist in the law designed to work against Mr. Ford. It is a law from the old days.
The surprise is that you, who worked for so many years in City Hall, was ignorant of this law.
The shame is, Mr.Ford did not check into this before he filed for Alderman.
My next question is this...IF Mr. Ford would get elected, would he then need the services of a lawyer to overturn this law or code?--then would the city incur additional legal fees that we certainly don't need. Mr. Robinson had no problem with his niece considering suing the city when her request for a variance was not passed. So are we to assume that another member of his posse would do the same?
This seems to be somewhat of big issue over nothing. Crestwood is a Charter City that operates under a City Manager form of government. Elected Officials, whether related or not to employees are forbidden to have any interaction with any employee. They must deal with ALL employees through the City Administrator.
The section of the code that everyone is talking about was adopted in 1965 - BEFORE when Crestwood operated as a 4th Class City without a City Administrator.
Additionally, Crestwood's Code is full of meaningless sections that have no bearing on current state law, not to mention judicial oversight. There's a section that allows the Mayor to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. Maybe Mayor Robinson should strap one on and that could be the Blogg issue.
That's fitting--Robinson and his crew sort of remind me of the "Dukes of Hazzard"--starring Roy as Boss Hogg. All he needs is a white suit to go with his black pick-emu-p truck parked proudly in his reserved parking spot. I can hear the theme song playing in my head everytime I drive by city hall.
Based on the prevous gang that turned City Hall into a drunken loveshack complete with BMW's parked out front, gazillion dollar accounting software that couldn't balance a checkbook and millon dollar sets of worthless blueprints - Boss Hogg doesn't look too bad!
At least Boss Hogg drove American!
Well not surprised to hear the comment regarding "Crestwood's Code is full of meaningless sections". A member of the Civil Service Board has been appointed illegally. The mayor is NOT allowed to break a tie on appointments (nothing to do with breaking ties on ordinances), yet this individual is still on that board. I guess the BOA don't want to address and ruffle somebody's feathers! Politics?
Could someone please advise the amount of the severance package the Crestwood Finance Officer received upon departure and why she received one? This was reported in the JOURNAL newspaper. I read where she resigned. Most times don't people who resign, just resign. No package. Also, when people retire, don't they just retire and receive their pension, not 6 months salary as did the recent City Administrator? If I knew these answers and they were logical since Crestwood is financially strapped maybe I could look differently at the tax increase. If this information is not forthcoming, I have to think the tax increase plea is not a good one Thank you.
WRONG, the Charter does not over rule the Code unless specificlly stated so in the Charter. Example, Code does not allow curb service restaurants, Charter says nothing about that. Example, Code says tattoo parlours not allowed, Charter says nothing about that.
Using the logic sited before, we now can have tattoo parlours and curb service restaurants.
Sorry Poster @10:19 a.m., no dice. See the Charter sections 14.1 and 14.3. The Charter gives City more power to stand up to State laws but it does not pitch out the Code unless the Board votes to remove those parts of the Code that are no longer of use. As far as the State laws go, there are laws covering nepotism, so why would Crestwood not have same?
As far as the City Administrator being the only way elected offical can contact employees, dont forget that the Board is the Administrators boss...No conflict of interest there?
Whether you like it or not, whether you are for Mr. Ford or Mr. Pickle, this is nepotism. This is not about BMW's (Ms. Grave drives one) loveshack, drunks, gazillon dollar software, or million dollar blue prints. Every attempt to diminish the seriousness of this by throwning mud and pointing fingers weakens the moral stance that so many of us took when we elected the Mayor based in part, on his promise to remove Greer and Madrid because of their relationship. Are we now willing to look the other way because we don't want Mr. Ford to lose? Is it only wrong when someone we don't care for has errored? Isn't the law, both moral and civil, apply to both our friends and our enemys? Doesn't any one see the problems Mr. Ford would have if elected, every vote made by this upstanding man would be questioned, and rightly so!
I dont know what the solution to this is, but I know it is infantile to try to deflect the question by pointed out other people's failures.
This is something we know now before the election, we can not hide our head in sand and say later we didnt know.
Take a deep breath.... Just because it's in the City Code, doesn't mean it’s legal or would stand a court test in today’s judicial environment.
The Crestwood City Code has not been "Re-codified" - that is the legal term - in quite some time. I.E. it has not been reviewed by lawyer who specializes in finding conflicts with state law and judicial rulings.
The City apparently has spent a ton of money on lawyers lately. A shame none was spent on cleaning up the code.
Amazing that this group continues to have nothing to say except BMW's. The "Boss Hogg" statement was funny, but unfortunately hit close to home. If anyone has listened to or read anything our illustrious Mayor has had to say, they would know this resemblance isn't imagined.
I don't think this is about Mr. Ford or Mr. Pickle, I'm sure they both have fine intentions running for this elected post, and would both represent Ward Two well. This is about an over-reaction by folks in this town. Mr. Robinson's supporters exaggerated and misrepresented things going on in Crestwood in order to turn over the administration. Unfortunately, that worked and the reaction was to elect Robinson.
Now people in this town are extremely concerned that this lackluster Mayor, his unproven City Administrator, and his good old boy buddies (including Police and Fire employees) are going to allow Crestwood to deteriorate, affecting both business and residential.
The pendulum has swung too far the other way, and unfortunately we'll be stuck with that for entirely too long. Hopefully some day in the not to distant future, we'll hit a middle ground with our elected officials. Let's just hope too much damage hasn't been done.
If it's in the Code, it's in the Code.
It's the rule that we have now. If somebody thinks it's antequated, they can bring it up in the future and try to repeal it.
For now though, we have a code for a reason, and we should abide by it. I would think an alderman, or future alderman, would agree with that.
Now there is a true modern liberal if there ever was one. "Just because it's in the City Code, doesn't mean its legal". Do you really think that a city law preventing nepotism is going to be over turned by a current State Law?
Take a look at our Charter, Section 14.3 "ORDINANCES TO REMAIN IN FORCE".
you can access the Charter on the City's website.
The section says
"All ordinances, regulations and resoltutions in force at the time this Charter takes effect, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter, shall remain and be in force until altered, modified or repealed by or under authority of this Charter or ordinance."
The City Code has not been changed, therefore its section covering employees related to elected officals is still in place with the Charter.
Unless of course we want another bit of legal action with lawyer fees out the gazoo.
Did the mayor's niece sue? I have not asked the written request for the fence variance request, so I don't know how many feet in from of the dwelling the variane was requested. If the whole side yard was included in the request instead of just several feet - the Board of Adjustments was correct in their ruling.
You forgot to finish the quote.... "...or would stand a court test in today’s judicial environment."
You are incorrect, section 14.3 does not have the quote you said was not included... Of course you are correct in that any one can sue any one for anything.
Mr. Ford does not stike me as a man who would favor doing that.
Let's hope not, we certainly don't need to give any more dollars to the lawyers.
Since the one and only paper in St. Louis has shrinked, I have more time for the CRESTWOOD INDEPENDENT. I no longer have to depend on the comics for humor, or listen to Dr. Phil on TV; this site has it all. I pinch myself everyday. I am addicted to the Brokeback Humor. It is so creative, so fresh; has that definite feminine touch. Girlie Blogging!
I hurridly field to the expected scribblings of bloggers who are but a step removed from West Park or Mad TV and have so much spare time. Such talent. How lucky can Crestwood get? It takes the sting out of the many more serious things taking place locally, nationally and internationally. It is a great relief to be encouraged to develop amnesia and not to place any blame on those who spent all my money and tried so hard to reward me with a bogus $14 Million Dollar City Hall Retrofit, and who sponsored the best Soap Opera east of the Pecos. These Brokeback Bloggers a/k/a "pals" have essentially absolved me of worry that our officials need work together. Aw gosh, this is so much more fun, this CSI type bully blogging with suspense and blood letting; microsophic sour grapes and comtempt. Killing my city. Gotta love it. It is such pure unadulterated hate. A true and telling DNA of its perpetrators.
No sense working with the new Mayor to move things ahead. Not when there is the option of denying hopes of progress while perpetuating vengence by maligning him and any resident, alderman, city employee or blogger who supports him. This type of "Survival Show" or carnival campaigning is plainly filled with more suspense and less integrity and is thus in tune with the character and mindset of Jerry Springer type serial BrokeBack Bloggers. It is hard to resist the free correspondence course on this site on all the ways and means to demean officials who were chosen to lead last April and residents who supported them. I am rivited as I read and witness how complicit these BrokeBackers are in trying to reverse the tide of progress in our vulnerable city and watch sincere efforts become negative fodder for these BrokeBack Stooges fostered by BrokeBack Alfalfa of Little Rascals standing and his hopeful protege; Jim Beam, a desposed city employee and his favorite politician. Proud mentors all. What a "rush" to see such amazing hypocritical and ungodlike rebuttal at every turn to every success this city is enjoying brought to you courtesy of BrokeBack Howdy Doody, Clarabelle and cast. Hey, what better time and place in our city's history to vent ones rage, venom and resentment? What better place to use all the big words and antics learned in 5th grade. Heaven forbid that there are lessons to be learned by factual evidence of mismanagement,infighting and petty politics in a town of 4 beleagured square miles. Not likely we will be experiencing "Face the Music" together.
Where better than this blog site to impress the city's loyal employees of their worth than by the programmed and predictable stance and daily blogs of the mighty "BrokeBack Bingers" with their red faces, their immature, ignorant and loud ramblings, name calling and total refusal to play by the rules. Ah yes, the ever fraternal BrokeBack Nasty McNasties and pals so obviously not here to earn respect,nor serve with dignity nor preserve employee jobs, but to smear everything but peanut butter on it all. Remnants of the more recent "past" Act 2 players of BrokeBack thirsty Hoss and Hawgs ever-ready with acts and deeds only a Mother could love. Defenders of TIFS, Bonds, Lines of Credit, over the top legal bills, BS and rewards to the unworthy. I know I'm impressed. Yep, city-pals complete with brandname BrokeBack fluid quills, forked tongues,terminal grudges, spendthrift ways and indifference to protocol, integrity and any form of respect. Leadership material??? Team Players!!! PLEASE. No doubt their way to impress our city employees that this is 'for sure' and DEFINITELY where they want to trust their career. Sign up, employees, on the side of the Mickey Mouse Club or get accused of Sleeping with the Enemy.
I am not running for office, the bone I have to pick, although almost bare, is in defense of my wonderful city, and so I have reserved equal time to blog in kind, tone and turn-about to those of a different persuasion and whose collective sows ears apparently have neither the inclination or desire to evolve into a silk purse. So wail away. Sticks and stones ...
Could you please summarize the previous made absolutely no sense whatsoever. thanks.
I have a question about replacing the Finance Director. Apparently the new City Administrator has indicated he isn't in a hurry to fill that position, and that for the time being he will do both jobs. Didn't the majority of the people in this town just have a hissy over the Police Chief doing two jobs? How is this any less conflict of interest than what everyone else was crying about?
I have no idea whether the former Finance Director was performing her job correctly, and I assume the majority of you don't either.
Shouldn't we insist this position be filled immediately, by someone that isn't buddies with the Mayor or part of this group? Maybe we need a fresh, independent look at our finances.
Also, I just learned that the position of Police Chief will be filled internally, they haven't posted it on the outside. Somebody else mentioned some possible connection between a candidate and the Mayor. Why aren't we looking outside to fill this spot as well???
When will everyone WAKE UP, and start thinking about the fact that we didn't question the past two administrations, and now there is a call to jump on board and do the same with this one? Why is everyone so willing to give this Mayor and City Administrator a free pass. Perhaps we should all join together to question every little thing being done now so we are in the same spot a year from now.
Let's hear some answers about the Finance position and Police Chief candidates!
Move to Town
Take the Paper
Maybe Cliff Notes?
The City Administrator is the chief financial officer of the City. Budget prepartation and adiministration are his responsibility per the Charter and State Law. It's his call.
When I tried to research this issue, I was told that there was nothing
in the code book that would address this. Now I found out that this #2-141
was codified back in 1965 - 40 years ago. If this issue was on the books, why
wasn't it enforced when the candidate "took out papers". Any candidate would
need to be told the rules before he got his campaign rolling, spent money and
received contributions. And NO I am not trying to blame the city clerk for
anything so don't get ready to send me another "shame on me comment".
If this doesn't sound like a reasonable question, I am sure one of you will
tell me about it. I am not ashamed to say I made a mistake - how about you?
Or all of you perfect. I see now that signing one's name is like sticking your
hand in a fan. Someone is always going to be out there ready to rip it off.
That's what happens when you don't hide behind the cloak of anonimity. I hope
that it is resolved if Mr. Ford is elected.
I have been told on this blog that being with the City as long as I was - I
should have known the code. When I started working for the city in 1973,
Claire Beger, City Clerk told me that nobody would ever be knowledgeable on
everything at city hall. It is just too complicated. I do know, however, that for
years, we sent our code book to be reviewed by the Municipal Code Corporation
who would recodify it and check the codes to see which were still in force and
check for any conflicts with the State and Federal guidelines.
Not only have I been accused on this blog of being inept but somehow my old
BMW got in the mix and my choice of television shows was also in question.
Well, I don't watch Dr. Phil but maybe the blogger who wrote the comment might be
a good patient (but then again that person is also and again - Anonymous). So
maybe Dr. Phil can determine what makes a person a coward. Inquiring minds
want to know! Just a thought!
Lastly, by making the remark about my BMW, you just narrowed down who you are
even though you choose to remain (faceless). But I can say one thing about
I am not the one running for office here. If you can state your comments on
this blog, I should have the right to say what I say. If I get something
wrong, I, at least will apologize. If you have a problem with my words maybe you
should read your own. I have reread mine, and I don't sound any worse than some
of you do.
And to the person who wants is to go forward and stop trying to re-hash the
Greer/Madrid saga - sorry!. In between using all your valuable time boiling me
in oil, find out how much we paid Mr. Greer and his co-pilot to get rid of
them. By that I mean when you are up there at city hall looking at Code
On the issue at hand, I guess the citizens of this community will decide who
they wish to elect in Ward 2. But from now on, if you are going to
"personally" ram me, at least put a name with it. This issue is over for me. You can
say whatever you feel like saying about Mr. Pickel or Mr. Ford. They both know
they will have to take it on the chin from people. But if you are going to
attack me, don't be a coward and sign your name. Enough with the dog and pony
Sandy Grave
The endorsement from the Firefighters Union is just the ticket to finally turn Crestwood into Chicago under Mayor Daley - just what we need. I've said it before and I'll say it again - the Ford kabal will ridicule and harrass anyone who disagrees with them - and with the union to back them up, I'm sure the rest of us will rest easy in our beds. Let me take this opportunity to thank the kabal for letting the rest of us peons breathe the air in THEIR city.
Here's a conundrum for you (don't run to your dictionaries - that's just a big word for a question):
If voting a pay increase for your girlfriend is called taxpayer financed prostitution, what is it called when you vote a pay raise for your own son who is on the city payroll?
If Ms. Grave is correct and our code books is reviewed by a professional organization, than one could surmise that the law is, indeed, in effect, and does not conflict with any State or Federal law.
Nobody could expect either the candidate or the clerk at city hall to know every code in the book (nor could we have expected Ms. Grave to know that either). However, it's out there now, we know about it, and it does seem like a major conflict to have an alderman whose voting choices would affect his own son.
Are we to assume that Mr. Pickel is "anti union" by your remarks,As you seem to be one of his supporters?
Well, I guess he would be coming from SBC management.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Isn't the City Administrator the party responsible for evaluations and the one who recommends raises and does the hiring?
Didn't 7 Aldermen vote for the city administrator? (read where Ald. Kelleher, Ward 2, was absent- again).
I seem to recall a former Alderman, G. Vincent, who served during touchy and contentious mediations with the Crestwood Swim Club, where he is on the governing board. Very definitely a case of conflict of interest. Recusing from voting provides opportunity to avoid this kind of conflict. I believe it is, has been and should be practiced when the need arises. This particular issue was not under the jurisdiction of the city administrator.
Where's the beef?
Mr. Ford would not be reviewing or voting on his son's performance as Police Officer. With the way Crestwood's pay plan is set up, he would never directly vote on his son's compensation either.
This is unlike the former CA/Police Chief who "reviewed" the former Finance
Director's "performance" and approved her raise.
Dude - your reading comprehension skills are a bit lacking. Are you really unable to discern the difference between legitimate union activities and the buying of a corrupt politician? hmmm verrrryyy interesting. also interesting that you cannot understand that the city code under discussion GOVERNS NEPOTISM. NEPOTISM. Not - the pool club.
Further, if you read the minutes of the aldermen meetings where the voted on the pool club took place you would have noted that Alderman Vincent did recluse himself from the vote.
Final note, read the City Charter and you will understand the relationship between the elected officals and the employees. The aldermen do vote to approve salary's, health benefits and retirement benefits. They do approve the hiring of the Administrator who is the boss of the employees of the city.
That is where the beef is,
I guess Mr. Ford is too busy to read the Charter. How is he going to find time to read the large volumes of information given out only the Friday before a Tuesday meeting? Much less try and contact the public for their imput before voting on a particular subject. The BOA in the past had been ridiculed for not asking enough questions and digging into matters. How will he have time to obsorb the material in such a short time if he has not taken the time to read the Charter? At least the section on the Alderman's duties, etc.
Thanks Mr. V.
There is more complaining here than a fifth grade girls PE locker room.
This site is sociologically fascinating. A morally diverse group of people arguing with a morally devoid group.
You are ALL to blame for keeping this pot stirred much longer than it had to be!
For 4 square miles all the vultures have come out to feast on the rotting and overly soaked carcass of a dying city!
Bravo Crestwood! for making yourselves look like a bunch of Bickering Bitties in a soup kitchen line!
And frankly, reasonable people are sick of this continued bickering!
Please take your nastiness to the faces of the people! Let them see how you REALLY ACT! But wait, some of you already have!
Believe's very easy to tell who is posting to this site. And both sides look like the plague!
God help us all!
I have gone back and read posts from the inception of this site, which I have not had time to do in the past. From the very beginning negetive remarks starting the ball rolling. What a shame this could have been a good site for Crestwood to communicate rather than go to meetings. Like this site, I have listened to citzen comments that have not been factual and not corrected. So even if citizens attend meetings your not really sure what is the truth.
Who is Mr. V? Is this a code only certain people know?
Looks like a reference to the new movie.
"V" for Vendetta
Yes, Dude, Mr. V is a code only certain people know.
Mr. Ford, for the sake of the city, if you really want to help, close this blog down. It is obvious to me that although your intentions were good, too many people see this site as an avenue to criticize everyone and everything important to the citizens of Crestwood. A friend told me to review this site. And as a citizen of Crestwood, I can only say that I truely expected to find something different than I found.
Dear Anonymous, It is indeed sad that the blog has become what it has. But we need to continue this avenue for detractors, as well as supporters.
I could restrict it to "no anonymous", but then very few, if any would post anything.
Once the election is over, I pray that we can return to the days when we talked about the good things in Crestwood, like whose kids got what award,
Let's hope so.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
I want the officers to be safe too...but is this a conflict of interest?....Speaking as a person who has been involved in several persuits, I can tell you first hand that it's not childs play. Police cars must have the tires, radio's, and maintanance so the officer can do his / her job!
Folks, we do not need to loose an officer, fireman,paramedic, or public works employee due to poor maintanance, or lack of communication's equipment. This is a very serious problem. I spoke with an officer not long ago who told me his unit was running with one tire plugged!
Now if we have a robery, or worse, and that car is in persiut at high speed, we stand a good chance of loosing that officer.
Crestwood must find a way to get these vehicles on line with whatever is needed to insure our employees safety, we can do no less!
I know, what's my plan to do that, right? Well, let's start by electing to the board new people who have the emergency services back ground to understand what our people need, and then we will work on it!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
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