Crestwood Citizens For Fiscal responsibility speak on the campaign.
My thoughts on this aldermanic race as we come into the home stretch.
As I am reading all the comments on the blog, I realize that some people are trying to undermine the candidates by associating them with the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility. I explained this somewhat as a comment on the blog but thought this would be a better way to go. We have never been a committee. We had no need to be a committee. We were and are a group of people working for the betterment of Crestwood. Why some of you see that as a bad thing is beyond my comprehension.
One of you was so very concerned that you reported to the Missouri Ethics Commission that 'what' you thought we were doing something you thought wrong. Of course, whenever a complaint is filed, the Missouri Ethics Commission is obligated to follow up on that complaint. I'm very sorry to tell you (1) your suspicions were wrong, (2) the Executive Director, R. F. Connor writes and I'm quoting here.
From the facts presented, the Commission determined that the organization did not receive or make expenditures in excess of the $500 reporting requirement and is not a committee as defined by section 130.011 RSMo. Therefore they were not required to file campaign finance disclosure reports. The Commission voted to dismiss this complaint.
In closing we are as of this date a registered, legal committee: Same name! We choose to do this at this time because there is another group who wanted to use this name for interest that are not ours. So to the people so concerned with our organization, it is now registered, and that gives us the ability to become involved in more serious matters in the future. Thank you for being so interested in what we are doing, we hope to do even more good for Crestwood in the future.
Anyone still needing more information: you can write Mr. R. F. Connor, Exec. Dir. MO Ethics Commission P.O. Box 1254 Jefferson City, MO 65102
Thank you, Faye Clark
Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility
As I am reading all the comments on the blog, I realize that some people are trying to undermine the candidates by associating them with the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility. I explained this somewhat as a comment on the blog but thought this would be a better way to go. We have never been a committee. We had no need to be a committee. We were and are a group of people working for the betterment of Crestwood. Why some of you see that as a bad thing is beyond my comprehension.
One of you was so very concerned that you reported to the Missouri Ethics Commission that 'what' you thought we were doing something you thought wrong. Of course, whenever a complaint is filed, the Missouri Ethics Commission is obligated to follow up on that complaint. I'm very sorry to tell you (1) your suspicions were wrong, (2) the Executive Director, R. F. Connor writes and I'm quoting here.
From the facts presented, the Commission determined that the organization did not receive or make expenditures in excess of the $500 reporting requirement and is not a committee as defined by section 130.011 RSMo. Therefore they were not required to file campaign finance disclosure reports. The Commission voted to dismiss this complaint.
In closing we are as of this date a registered, legal committee: Same name! We choose to do this at this time because there is another group who wanted to use this name for interest that are not ours. So to the people so concerned with our organization, it is now registered, and that gives us the ability to become involved in more serious matters in the future. Thank you for being so interested in what we are doing, we hope to do even more good for Crestwood in the future.
Anyone still needing more information: you can write Mr. R. F. Connor, Exec. Dir. MO Ethics Commission P.O. Box 1254 Jefferson City, MO 65102
Thank you, Faye Clark
Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility
Having just read all the comments added 4/2/06 to other posts and along with this post there is what looks like a tactical change taking place within the CCFR support group...
The talking points now are, the current board was mislead, dont be to harsh on them, after all it is a part time job and after all one of our own may soon be alderman and we dont want anyone to be as mean sprited towards our guys as we have been towards the current aldermen. we all most get along. Lowering expectations of election results, looking for middle ground, reducing promised made at the start of the election season.
All done on the same date with the same thrust and goal, draw attention away from the mud thrown on this blogg against current members of the board, members of staff and former elected officals. Are you trying to say that all will be well with the people who have said horrible things
over the past 3 months on this blogg if Ford, Wallack and Nieder lose their elections?
I was born at night, but not last night.
Can someone please tell me what the Citizens For Fiscal Responsibility did that upsets some of the writers here. I have seen their name used several times on this site.
Thank You
North County Transplant
To the anonymous at 1;58 today, What are you saying? I read this twice and have no idea what you typed or what it means! What kind of work do you do? A tactical change-no change-not one smidgen! We say what me mean and mean what we say. You may have made a good point here but I can't figure out what it is. I provided proof that what one of you suspected and then accused our group was proven was wrong. What part of this don;t you understand. Reading this from you makes me think of the commercial on TV where the boss of a company is explaining to his subordinate about being able to stick it to the 'man' and when the subordinate says, but sir, you are the man, does this mean you're going to stick it to yourself. The boss says,
"Maybe" We're in trouble here people, Big Trouble. Try rephrasing your message, we're a patient group and have various degrees of mentality. Maybe one will understand your messae and explain it to the rest.
dear north county! As one of the original members of CCFFR I can tell you why we are criticized! When we first realized in nov, 02 they passed an ordinance by build a 14.6 million police facility, those of us who knew what long term debt this was going to through us into, plus we already knew we were in financial difficulty, we started a petition to stop the leasing of Westfield Plaza so they could begin the work. We talked with hundreds of Crestwood citizens about this possibility and all were amazed at what a crazy thing this was for our City to do. If you were to go into Crestwood website and look at minutes of the board of aldermen meetings, you will soon understand how this particular deal was 'bulldozed ' through with many aldermen saying either, I didn't realize we were going to vote on this nOW, or why are we doing this so soon or I haven't had time to really get all the facts on this, Well by the time the meeting was over, the passed this ordinance and theywere on their way. No amount of talking from citizens could sway their way of thing. They were going to build that eleborate building or bust. So then the CCFFR started a petition to stop this crazy deal. and stop it we did, we'll the former mayor and his close followers which we just call the Faganites really were angry with us for being fiscally responsible. The reasonable people of Crestwood on the other hand have thanked us many times over. Now we have four candidates who stand for being fiscally responsible and the Call paper calls us 'renegades' You just have to figure it out for yourselves. I know of what I speak because I was one o the original five people. I have worked hard to help the wrons of this city and some of the old regime hate me for it, but it's a matter of doing the right thing, they can blame my father for that. He was a stickler for right. Tom Ford, ward 2, Steve Nieder, ward 4, Darryl Wallach, wrd 1, and Gregg Roby ward 3 are the 4 men running this eletion who are most likely to bring this town back to normalacy. hope this informtion is helpful. It is from the horse's mouth. Faye Clark
1:58 blogger, can you please clarify this blog, I don't understand it. Thanks.
Could someone please explain the difference between a Resolution and an Ordinance? Isn't an Ordinance "firm" and a Resolution, "flexible" as in "can be dissolved up the road if board so decides." In other words, this new resolution on how the money must be spent is not necessarily the "final answer."
Me too blogger at 1:58 pm. What on earth are you talking about. I also
have no idea what you are saying. Does man speak with "forked" tongue or in
Well, we know one thing for sure, just go ahead and elect Bland, Pickel and Berry, and watch the BOA return to the good old days of the Fagan "borrow and spend"!
Replace the Fagan five, with the Fagan four, and watch your town go down the tubes, the only question is how long will it take!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO at 1:58 blogger
You are just too funny. Is the stuff you are snorting available locally? You talk in circles and make no sense except maybe to an alien. Don't your plants need watering? maybe your dog needs to go for a walk. Either way, do you understand what you said? Please read it back to yourself and see if you really meant to say it.
Ms. Faye Clark - I am not sure how many of your comments I can believe since over, and over again you state the proposed police building was $14.6 million. Maybe you better take more time in your digging and get the correct numbers, etc.
To previous blogger - don't be so harsh with Faye Clark. It is the board and city staff that has trouble with correct numbers. Peace out.
I can't wait until the first meeting with the new CA. I wonder if the new CA will present different numbers? Doubt it.
Go to the board of alderman meetings, talk to some aldermen. $14.6 million is the exact amount of money it would have taken to build that proposed police station. You do understand that when you borrow money, you have to pay interest on all that money until you satisfy the loan. Many citizens want to elect only men who can do the math. If you didn't realize the 14.6 is the correct math, why didn't you know that? Everybody knows those figures, where have you been? Take a good look at whoever it was that told you differently.
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