A letter to the CCFFR from Missouri State Ethics Commission!
P.O. BOX 1254
March 14, 2006 573/751-2020
Jim Murphy
Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility
9314 Cordoba Lane
Crestwood, MO 63126
Re: Complaint No. 06E008
Dear Mr. Murphy:
Please be advised that at the March 14, 2006, meeting of the Missouri Ethics Commission, the complaint filed against the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility was considered.
From the facts presented, the Commission determined that the organization did not receive or make expenditures in excess of the $500 reporting requirement and is not a committee as defined by Section 130.011 RSMo. Therefore they were not required to file campaign finance disclosure reports. The Commission voted to dismiss this complaint.
R. F. Connor
Executive Director
No. 120
P.O. BOX 1254
March 14, 2006 573/751-2020
Jim Murphy
Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility
9314 Cordoba Lane
Crestwood, MO 63126
Re: Complaint No. 06E008
Dear Mr. Murphy:
Please be advised that at the March 14, 2006, meeting of the Missouri Ethics Commission, the complaint filed against the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility was considered.
From the facts presented, the Commission determined that the organization did not receive or make expenditures in excess of the $500 reporting requirement and is not a committee as defined by Section 130.011 RSMo. Therefore they were not required to file campaign finance disclosure reports. The Commission voted to dismiss this complaint.
R. F. Connor
Executive Director
No. 120
One can only hope you can "YAWN" your way through the proceedings to make your private club, public!
It looks as though the swim club, as you know it, is about to become imbroiled in more controversy than any of you ever imagined!
The hyprocracy of the members will be out there for all to see, It's about time!
More YAWN but with a smooch this time!
Whoever is yawning really needs to get his/her rest. Rest and sleep are important parts of your health routine!
"No body Know the trouble I'v seen", well swim club folks, practice that old hymm, you can use it while walking around the yard.
"Oh,What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve."
I can't wait to see what kind of summer we have over at the pool! Elliot was at my house this week and you wouldn't believe the questions he asked me and my neighbors. WOW!
What is going on? I don't like having him cal my house!
Dear Yawn,
By your own admission, you were going to cease and desist with any further comments on the blog.
What happened, did you wake up from your nap and realize you had nothing better to do?
can't there be more than one "yawner"? If the comment is boring and puts the reader to sleep, a yawn might just be the correct reply
A few of those neighbors should spend less time talking to Elliot and more time out in their yard cleaning up all the crap and cutting their grass.
You are definitely full of @#$% if you really think those neighbors want that pool to be public.
It looks like the Crestwood Swim Club is getting a new driveway today!
The City of Crestwood employees are tearing up the driveway into the "private swim club parking spaces".
Who is paying for this work?
Now, I am confused on who owns which parking space and lot.
Is this for the citizens of Crestwood?
why don't you go and ask someone at City Hall if you are really interested in the answer? I am sure they would be happy to tell you that the parking lot now belongs to the City of Crestwood, thanks to the generosity of the Swim club and the city employees are performing needed repairs to their own property. Trying to create a big scandal where none exists.
as a charter memeber of the CCFR what is your take on the Mayor and City Administrator going to Las Vegas to attend a convention for dept. stores?
Wouldn't it have cost 50% less if Ms. Dailey who is trained for economic development had gone by her self and due to her training, make a lot more sense than the two men?
Do you think the mayor should be asked and held accountable for this expense?
Do you think the CCFR should or will take any action to hold Roy accountable for this extra spending less than two weeks after Prop. S passed? Or do you feel the CCFR and its members will give Roy a pass on his poor judgment?
Is this an example of some "good ole boys" not willing to let a "girl" have a chance to show her stuff? If so what are you as a member of the CCFR thoughts on these questions?
I think this is the perfect type of expenditure for Elliot Davis to look into. Fortunately, he is in town so he can start sniffing around City Hall....
Well, first of all, I did not know they went to L.V. for anything ( they need not clear it with me.) That said, when they get back, I shall ask them for you.
As far as Ms. dailey goes, well I have no idea what special classes reference "Department stores" were presented during her education, so I can't judge her qualifications on that matter.
Good ole boy's club? I doubt that, we just got rid of that' didn't we, so who would start it again?
As a "charter member" of the CCFFR, I can tell you that the group has, and will be doing a lot of good for Crestwood. I will post on the blog the next meeting time, and place, and invite you to attend.I think you would be happy with the group.
Tom Ford
Is it true that the $750,000 from the Interservice fund went directly to the Crestwood Swim Club members to start building their pool?
Is it true that an Alderman told his neighbors about this transaction?
Was the $750,000 ever paid back to the City of Crestwood?
Is what Mr. Wuebbles was accused of spending on the city's furniture?
How was the CID money spent on the Kohl's project?
Are there new sewers under Kohl's?
Someone told me that a Bali Court neighbor got a new concrete driveway when the Crestwood Swim members put in a new sewer line to the storm sewer?
If you drive up to the top of Bali Court, you will see a new concrete driveway next to the street storm sewer.
Was this out of the CID money or TDD money or TIF money?
If I lived next to the "Roman Baths", I would want this pool to be made public for the "safety" of the children.
I would want our local police and fireman to have access to this pool anytime to protect the children.
You wouldn't want "masses of humans" in this pool or "different" types of humans walking around or swimming.
You would want this pool to be "safe" place during the 24 hours.
that doesn't even make sense
In reference to "Good ole boy's club? I doubt that, we just got rid of that' didn't we, so who would start it again?"
Are you sure about your statement because I see these "good ole boy's" at the Crestwood Swim Club in their personal labelled lawn chairs having a good old time on public monies?
I think you should join this club to relax a little in a "safe" pool.
In reference to this statement "that doesn't even make sense"
The Crestwood Swim Club members refer to their pool as "safe" and we are "different types of people" and we do not want "masses of humans" at our pool.
Just ask them!
Check out The Roman Baths Bath
The best preserved Roman Religious spa from the ancient world website
Just type in Roman Baths in Yahoo or in Google
The bath is 1.6 metres deep which is ideal for bathing and has steps leading down on all sides. Niches around the baths would have held benches for bathers and possibly small tables for drinks or snacks. To the east and west are further suites of baths and heated rooms.
Golly wowzers! Named chairs at the "pool"? Why I had no idea! I just thought the pool was paid for buy the taxpayers, please tell me the chairs wern't also!
Face it folks, the pool issue is a real bone of contention here in Crestwood. Several Crestwood residents would like to see a complete investigation into this funding of TDD monies going to a private pool.
On one side we have the entire background of the pool in two binders, at least 6" thick, on the other, we have "anonymous" remarks, and selective "yawns", who is right? I don't know, but I do know this much, until it's all out in the open, the public trust in the BOA, and Crestwood will be less than steller.
Why not have both sides meet with the Board, Mayor, and the C/A, and get this resolved for once and for all, let the chips fall where they may, and put it behind us!
Tom Ford
Who are these Crestwood Swim Members?
How can you obtain a list of these members?
Is this available by the Sunshine Laws since the Crestwood Swim Club is a not-for-profit organization and the city's pool?
I wonder if they are a 501-C classification with the IRS.
If so, those records are available by anyone who sends in a written request.
Just a few reminders for the junior FBI agents
incorrect/inaccurate information
personal vendettas
and urban legends
do not add up to real facts
So head on up to Office Max (shop Crestwood First) and get yourself a few more binders to store even more of your double secret documentation.
Check out who is sitting in the "Named lawn chairs at the pool"
It is our one and only former Alderman Gary Vincent.
I heard a rumor that Crestwood Swim Club was changing their name.
I wonder who's name they will choose! Which public official will have their name in lights!
So, please give us your
incorrect/inaccurate information
personal vendettas
and urban legends
do not add up to real facts
Our facts are based on the Crestwood Swim Club website!
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Also, please include a non-returnable family photo that will be used for your ID card. Please no larger than a 4' x 6'.
No--it's too much fun watching all the unhappy, crabby people get in an uproar about things...Happy fact finding!
So are you open to making your private pool open to all kinds of people in Crestwood?
I thought crabs are in the ocean or near large pools of water!
So who is the real "crabby unhappy people" that will not share their toys with masses of humans in Crestwood!
All the crabs can be together in one happy Crestwood family!
If everyone was able to join the fun in the Crestwood Swimming Pool,
then everyone will cool off and start having fun.
I guess the Crestwood Swim Club members do not like us because we are so "different"!
Mr. Ford you comment " I just thought the pool was paid for buy the taxpayers" is SO inaccurate - that is why you are not an alderman. I assume you just stir up the water for fun? Or is that what your friend the mayor has told you?????
No, Im not an Alderman because you didn't want me to be, not "because I am so inaccurate".
We have a new set of Aldermen, and I think we should leave it up to them to go over the paper work, and advise us.
What say you, are you willing to let that happen, as I am?
Tom Ford
The Crestwood Swim Club is a private entity. No city tax dollars were used to move the pool location from one part of THEIR PROPERTY to another and reconstruct it. At the time, Kohl's would not have built in Crestwood without obtaining the old pool location for parking. Perhaps the critics really didn't want Kohl's in Crestwood (and still don't) if it meant using a TIF. The critics can 1) try and buy the pool property that was used for parking from Kohl's and move the swim club pool back to its original location or 2) simply make an attractive offer to buy the Crestwood Swim Club, its property and pool and proceed to demolish the current pool or make it a public pool pool if that is their goal.
Simply because THF, the TIF developer, used tax dollars to move a private entity from one part of ITS PROPERTY to another does not mean that the pool becomes a public entity any more than the developer's indirect use of tax dollars to relocate private businesses from the TIF area makes those businesses public entities. It is my understanding that members of the public can offer to buy stock and become swim club members if they want to use the facilities.
In fact, some of the critics already own stock but apparently refuse to use the pool for reasons known only to themselves.
I can understand that the pool's neighbors not liking occasional noise mainly during the summer. They know what their options are. I hope that this matter can be put to rest once and for all in an amicalbe manner but I doubt that some critics will ever be satisfied with their Crestwood neighbors.
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No city tax dollars? Where would the extra 3/8 cent tax be going if it wasn't being used to repay the pool?
This was done not on a TIF, but a TDD, which is for roads and parking lots, not swimming pools according to the state statutes.
Yor right though, it needs to be settled for once and for all, and I hope soon.
Designating the Swim Club properties as a Chapter 353 redevelopment area would allow the use of eminent domain to acquire the property, but also would allow the Swim Club to reinvest the proceeds from the sale to construct a new pool on the tennis court property without having to pay capital-gains taxes.
City Administrator Kent Leichliter said July 24 that the $750,000 for the Swim Club project is coming from the TDD three-eighths-cent sales tax on sales at Kohl's. The money goes directly to the city, he said, which then will pay off the Swim Club's project. No tax-increment financing money will be used for the pool project, he said.
Humm, no tax monies a?
TDD money was indeed used to pay for parking lot spaces obtained by purchasing the old swim club location and removing the old pool. A developer, in this case an LLC, cannot collect TDD tax dollars itself only the state can. The TDD dollars were never the City's tax dollars per se but the City government was used to legally transfer/pass through the TDD tax dollars collected by the state to the swim club which were payment to them for their original pool property used by Kohl's for the extension of their parking lot. In other words, TDD monies were used for a transportation development purpose. What the swim club did with the money passed through to them in payment for their old swim club property was up to them and legitimately done.
Yes, if it was a City pool (as is stated on the Armstrong Teasdale web site), you might be correct. However, it isn't a City pool, is it.
This will be one for the books before it's over.
Dear super secret Junior FBI agents: We citizens of Crestwood are so lucky to have you investigating this matter! I am sure you are much smarter than all of the developers, lawyers, governmental agencies, bankers, real estate attorneys and corporations put together. How brilliant and insightful of you to be able to conduct research and interpret government documents that you obtain online. I am sure that you have uncovered many things that the trained professionals missed along the way. Your binders, porfolios and files you have gathered must be an absolute treasure trove! Thank you for being such good citizen watchdogs. This is exactly what we need to move Crestwood forward. When you are done with this investigation, could you please look into the Crestwood Aquatic CEnter financing? I think we should bulldoze that facility because the project was improperly managed. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and dedication.
Well, face it, you have a problem with a private pool using any sort of municipal funding to open, don't you?
Shall we get into the Creve Coeur permits, or the CUP that was not adheared to, or the lack of an occupancy permit, or the lack of a final inspection by Crestwood, Creve Coeur, or St. Louis County?
And while we are at it, why did Crestwood give the club thirty day extensions until the CUP was met (or partially met).
And as far as the CUP is concerned, it's still not met, as you have not yet provided a trash dumpster, but are using Crestwood's instead! (who is paying for that)?
This private pool will always be a problem in , and for Crestwood, until the members take it upon themselves to either open the gates as a public facility, or pay for the development themselves!
If the investigation by Mr. Nixon and Mr. Davis find the Swim Club has broken the law, does that mean all the stock holders will be held accountable for any fines/redress to those who are the whistle blowers? Including those stock holders who are currently asking for the investigation and/or those who own stock but haven't used the Club in years.
As was said earlier, those who are upset about the pool for what ever reason, better understand that the results of their action may make their situation worse.
And in closing, just because I can and as it makes some people blow a headgasket or even an O ring,
Is the house located directly east of the pool with the unkempt backyard,piles of siding and uncut grass violating any city ordinances? Is this individual an absentee owner or is it an abandoned property? Are the two by four wood railings violating some sort of an city ordinance. I think an investigation needs to be launched into this property.
Here is a question for those leading the investigation:
1. What do you hope to accomplish by investigating the pool?
2. Can you honestly say that your intentions are purely to uncover fraud?
3. Do the investigators have any personal scores they wish to settle by launching the investigation.
4. What would they say to their friends and neighbors who are members of the pool?
By the way, did super TV investigative reporter Elliot Davis ever return to Crestwood for his publicly promised follow-up report on the State Audit which cost Crestwood taxpayers $58,395??? Didn't think so. Apparently, the facts would have embarassed some former CSGA (now CCFR) members and/or their sympathizers. Maybe the super secret Junior FBI agents can investigate ALL of the financial records at City Hall concerning the State Audit and report their findings to Jay Nixon or whomever. Who knows they might find out that the State Audit cost Missouri taxpayers additional thousands of dollars beyond the above amount which the Director of State Audits did not charge Crestwood.
Are we worried, or what? Stand by, and we shall see where this takes us!
You thought this was a very good idea, didn't you? Well do you still feel the same way?
Junior FBI agents? Well I hope you don't aknowledge the real thing that way when they come calling!
By the way, at least four of the new board will have to recuse themselves when it comes to issuing the bonds for the TDD, as they are swim club members, or stock holders!
To the responder who posed the four questions reguarding the pool!
We hope to get to the truth! Pure, and simple! If, as you say, all is well, you should have no concerns, but your frightened responses tell me otherwise!
If I were you, I would be concerned, as the pool as you know it may soon change!
Dear fellow bloggers,
It appears as if $600k or so money of the CID proceeds from Kohl's consumers is being allocated for a new City parking lot. Is that fair for the consumers that shop at Kohl's? They aren't going to use the City's parking for access into Kohl's unless they are lost to turn around. I realize it is a way for the City to reap the benefits by having them pay for our new parking lot but is this the fair and honest thing to do?
I remember when our Aldermen made comments such as since we were not going forward with the new Police Station/City Hall project, we should consider reducing the Capital Improvement Sales Tax.
Just wondering what they are thinking now....
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This is what bothers me about our city (and citizens). I'm not saying all, but quite a few.
Can't we stick to the issues and not attack individuals? If we're ever going to get out of our mess, we are going to have to "grow up" and "let go" of the past and move into the future as respectful citizens. Believe it or not - we're all in this world together.
Happy Easter and God bless us all.
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Please notice the "deletes"! I think we agreed that there would be no personal attacks. Please stick to the issues, and leave names out of it!
Tom Ford
Mr. Ford,
The best way you can stop the types of comments that offend so much that you delete them is to no longer allow anonymous posting. While, as the owner of the blog you have the right to set the rules, it would seem that the personal attacks that have filled this blog's hyperpages over the last 5months would stop if the writters no longer could hide in the closet of anonyminty or however its spelled.
Freedom of speech is not based on the speaker being anonymous.. There have been some great give and takes on this blog and some great questions that have not been responded to seriously because what responses that were posted slammed the poster, thereby avoided the question or issue. I know, I am using anonymous to post this, but why not when someone could throw mud as anonymous if I posed my name?
Please give this some thought, as I remain yours truly,
While I agree wholeheartedly I am also concerned that if I were to stop the "anonymous" posting, we would end up with nothing!
There are those who, for whatever reason are afraid to use their name for fear of not being liked, or making a neighbor mad, or? If I were to require their name, they woulden't post, or if they did, it would just be a Non De Plume anyway.
I am still in hope that we can use this Blog to discuss issues, events, and whatever comes to mind concerning Crestwood, and leave the name calling out of it.
It has been stated that "we are all in this toghether", and nothing could be more true! Down deep in side I think we are all concerned about Crestwood, and we all want what's best for our town, and our families. We do know however, that all of our interests are varied (some for tax, some against, ETC,) so why cant we voice our opinions on the issues, and forget the names?
If the CCFFR is a sore spot for some of us, why not attend one of their meetings, meet the members, and voice your concerns? Conversely, if the swim club is your issue, try to meet some of their members to get their prospective. I feel that if we were to do these small things, we would find out were actually in agreement on a lot of the issues.
Who knows, we may become fast friends, and then we can move on to a debate reference what Wine, or Scotch is better, or in my case, what brand of beer! That should really be interesting!
In any case, please continue to post your ideas, and concerns as you have been, just leave the name's out of it, as this is not the place for personal attacks.
Tom Ford
So is the CCFR going to continue trying to change the outcomes of ballot issues or not? Is it a business or a pac? Your letter from the Ethics Commission does little to convince me since it refers to the fact that you raised/spent less than $500. Hmm - how convenient for you that you keep your own financial records.
I think we should make a children's book entitled "WHERE'S ELLIOTT?" with locations all over Crestwood and sell it to raise money!
Does anyone know how much a membership costs for the private swim club? Also, why don't they change the name if it isn't indeed open to "Crestwood Citizens"? I've never even seen it. Must be nice. I'm okay with the citizens that can have the "finer" things in life. Perhaps change the name to Kohl's Swim Club or something like that because it isn't Crestwood's Swim Club. If they opened it up to the public, it might work for the City's benefit. Just an "innocent bystander" looking for a solution to our City's financial mess. Again, let's work together on this.
"No branch is foolish enough to fight with its other branches. They work together for the good of the tree".
Perhaps we could take some advice from nature.
The usage of location names, such as city names, as part of the name of a private entity is extremely common. Just open the telephone book white pages to the business section and look under St. Louis.
The usage of City names is normal?
Really, I have never heard of the "Pacific six flags", or the "Fenton Tapawingo golf club"
It may be "normal" if you wish to include a private entity in the Cities business, but why would you do that?
Tom Ford
What a good idea, JK. In between yawns, you can put together a book for your buds with a signing at Malones. Y'all come! Woo Ha!
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