Monday, April 03, 2006

A letter to Chris Pickel from the C.C.F.R.

I would like to address this to Mr. Pickle. I read last week what you had to say about the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility group as that you felt we had a 'special interest'. Now Mr. Pickle, just what would you think that would be. You also said that a person would be hard put to find anyone who advocated fiscal irresponsibility. I can prove to you that your assumptions are incorrect. I know you are on the P&Z board and have been since the time you voted for the CUP for the private swim club. I also have read all the legislative guidelines about whether or not you and one other should have voted on that, considering the vote was 4-2 and you and one other won the vote. Now I am reading other documentation that questions that decision. I believe it was Mr. Golterman who made the determination that you should have been allowed to vote. As you may or may not know, many of Mr. Goltermans determinations don't always agree with what other lawyers have to say on certain issues.

So that you understand for once and for all, the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility are a group of law abiding, tax paying, citizens in Crestwood who pay very close attention to BOA meeting minutes, P&Z reports, ordinances, etc. In fact I would bet it is safe to say that many citizens are paying closer attention to the City's affairs than are some of our aldermen.

The BOA minutes of November 12, 2002 would be something you and your friends may read again. You are wrong about fiscal irresponsibility. All thru these minutes there are examples of our aldermen and women saying things such as: I never realized we meant to vote on this tonight, I really need more time to research this, Why the big push for this tonight, I'm not ready to vote for this. But then a little more pushing from MS. Joy Howard and our board seemed to just throw up their hands and Guess What-they voted it in, then and there, after all the talk about not tonight, we're not ready. Did you say in the newspaper we'd be hard put to find someone ready to be fiscally irresponsible. This one boa minutes are just one of TOO many filled with such irresponsibility.

Other than those two items, I have found a couple of things that I know you have done to be politically and socially unacceptable. In your letter to the 'Call' in which you said you overstated what you thought Mr. Jeff Schlink said about being an active member of St Elizabeth of Hungary Parish. What possible difference would it make which church a candidate belongs to. Aren't we NOT supposed to mix politics and religion. But the thing that you did that I found unforgivable was to issue this overstatement so that it got to the readers too late for them to read as the election was over and your friend, Mr. Kelleher had already won.

The other thing that gives me and many others grief was you unbelievable conduct at the mayoral debate. A few of we women who were sitting behing you and Mr. Kelleher, listenening to you both loudly make fun of Roy Robinson and actually distracting many of us so that we couldn't hear the actual debate because you were so amusing yourselves. And now on you flyer you say, I look forward to working with the Mayor, etc etc. I'm sure you must understand how difficult this is to believe after what we have witnesses. You know talk is cheap. Witnessed behavior stays with people forever.

If you should win this election and you and Mr. Kelleher are sitting up there all good buddy buddy, I do hope you will conduct yourselves better than you did at the mayoral debate.

Faye Clark
Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have diharea of the mouth. Haven't you stated this over and over. Maybe you should focus your efforts some place else - volunteer, etc. instead of being so .... like sour grapes.

11:27 AM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, why don't you dig yourself out of all those old board meeting minutes and volunteer at a soup kitchen or something....

11:32 AM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all the supporters of Mr. Ford are this hateful - I'll vote for Mr. Pickel.

11:42 AM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many shares of stock does Christopher Pickel own in Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

SunCrest Call Newspaper
Panel recommends OK of Swim Club's request for a CUP
July 12, 2001 page 1A
The city's Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-3 last week to recommend approval to the Board of Aldermen of the Crestwood Swim Club's request for a conditional-use permit to construct a pool and operate a swim club on property it owns near City Hall.

page 8A
Besides Jeff Lewis and Christopher Pickel, Chairman Matt Green and Jim Kelleher voted in favor of the motion. Opposed were Vice Chairman Pat Kapsar, David Boll and Todd Powers.
If the Crestwood Swim Pool and Rosebrook Stockholders abstained from voting in the Planning and Zoning meeting, the Crestwood Swim Pool would have never been built.

Alderman Jim Kelleher never publicly stated that he was a memeber of the Crestwood Swim Club or a Rosebrook Stockholder while on the Planning and Zoning Board.

110 Crestwood Swim Club members increased their Rosebrook Stock from $88,000 to $850,000
$850,000/110 = $7727.27 per member plus appreciated of their new pool

Can you build a private pool in your backyard for $7727.27 dollars? Can you get 10 times the value of your house? Can you depreciate a 1956 home for $198,000 in 1998? Alderman Gary Vincent son gets a paid life guard job at Crestwood Swim Club.

I want to know why all of secrecy.
Is Chris Pickel, Alderman Jim Kelleher, Alderman Gary Vincent, Matt Green, Alderman Pat Duwe, Alderman Breeding ashamed of being a member of Crestwood Swim Club and possibly still owning numerous shares of stock in Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

Maybe our public officials were ashamed because the tennis courts were falling apart or maybe the old pool was not updated or maybe WhiteCliff pool was better than their pool or maybe they can not explain their code of silence not even when they are sworn in to uphold the law of the land which is our Federal, State and local law.
Jan 22, 2006
Bush Nominee Appears to Violate Conflict of Interest Rules
by Will Evans
Federal law and the official Code of Conduct for United States Judges explicitly prohibit judges from sitting on such cases, no matter how small their stock holding, in order to uphold the integrity of the judicial system

12:34 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your fingers must be tired from all that work on the calculator--but your facts are wrong. Keep trying to dig up more "dirt"--all you will have when your done is dirty hands.

12:41 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the minutes of the meetings before 11/12/2002 and you will see the City Administrator told the Alderman that their vote did not obligate the City to any thing..the vote was just a formality.
Now there have been posts on this blogg recently that said we should give the alderman some slack because their's is a part time job.
Does this include when they were mislead by the Administrator even if it wasnt Don Greer?
Which way is it supposed to be, lay off the alderman and cut them some slack, or bury them with your 20/20 hind sight?

1:31 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Mrs. Clark were to use the tech. she says can trace posters to this blogg, she would find out that pickel hasnt posted one comment, or even read it since January, 2006.

1:36 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am from Missouri. Show me! The people on this blog who tell the
truth end up being purposely confused by those who are deliberately trying to
muddy the waters.

Facts are only facts when you see them in writing. People are trying hard to
get the facts on this blog by going back and using the board of aldermen
minutes and doing their own research. Faye Clark and others are chastised for it.
They should be commended for their initiative. Everybody who doesn't think
that it shows intelligence are those who play follow the leader, in this case
all the Fagan people who let this city go down the tubes in the first place
and they will be back in if we let them.

Faye and Don Clark have put their blood, sweat and tears in this community.
They have cared about Crestwood as if they lived here for years. They have
put their own personal lives on hold and whether you like it or not, they have a
right to say what they say without intimidation from little minds. You
couldn't handle it if you tried as hard as they do to get people in office who will
work together. In fact, if every one of us today put as much time and effort
in this community as they have, we wouldn't be in the position we are in

People can be swayed and all the mean-spirited people need to do is plant
the seed of doubt in the reader's minds; you know like our infamous lawyers do
who win a case on reasonable doubt. They know the law and know how to get
around it.

We never had chaos in this town until two lawyers became mayors, Robertson
and Fagan. Lawyers are out to impress. They get followers because people think
they are so smart and love to be in their company cause they will look
important. It makes the followers look good and therefore they feel they are better
than you and I.

The simple people who do not have a Ph.D. or Esq. after their names are the
grass roots people who should be running our city. They think in median income
terms, not in police facilities we cannot afford. Lawyers successful in the
court rooms should stay there but I guess any room will do, even the
aldermanic room or a bar or tavern or heck even in other communities. Mr. Barry has
all his barflies making contributions. Once again, a fact, look it up.

People who wish to know the truth find out with documentation available at
city hall. People found out about the enormous amount of money paid to lawyers
by Crestwood. It has been documented. But how many people want to see it?
The documents have been available for weeks but many of those who side with the
previous administration didn't care to read the numbers. Eyes wide shut!

I am now waiting for the "yawner" on this blog and the one who always gets on
the blog and accuses the opposition of doing the same thing they do. If you
read the minutes and see that the conditional use permit for the swim club was
voted on by Mr. Pickel and Mr. Kelleher, who were swim club members, how can
chastise someone for finding it. Bloggers have made light of things that
matter to convince you think they are not correct. But they are correct. It
takes time and interest in your community to put all that time and effort in a
place called home, Crestwood, my home, your home.

Incidentally, to the person who makes it sound like the new police facility
wasn't 14.6 million dollars, tell me otherwise or else shut up! You are
another one who wants to use this blog to make stupid remarks.


2:09 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I commend Faye and Don Clark for reading all of the Board of Alderman minutes, newspaper articles, Planning and Zoning minutes pertaining to the City of Crestwood.

Keep up the great work by stating the facts!

2:55 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why either one has not run for election or volunteered for any of the committees. Maybe they have and I am just not knowing.

2:59 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can Faye and Don Clark run for any committees when they are trying very hard to get our city back?

They don't want the city of Crestwood to end up like Wood River Illinois!

3:42 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always been told that more can be accomplished as an outsider (citizen) than as an Insider (politician). A politician is one and the citizens are many. The politician is the driver but the citizens are the driving force. If you don't believe that, then I ask you who put the politician where he is in the first place. And now you have the answer to who can remove him just as quickly. Remember that we are all where we are by the grace of someone.
Kudos to any citizen that takes the initiative and time to search out the source of the rotten smell in this community. Keep it up and don't stop until all our politicians current and future know we will not stand for anymore indescretions of any kind.

4:08 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the facts are wrong, then the City of Crestwood documentation and the St. Louis County records are inaccurate.

Who filed and typed all of these records?

Are the journalist who write for the following newspapers all wrong and stating inaccurate facts: Suburban Journals, Call Newpaper, South County Times and St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Maybe these Crestwood Swim Club members and Rosebrook Real Estate Stockholders are "untouchable".

5:15 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have every right to speak your piece on this blog but when you go
and start condemning the Clark's you really show your slip because they have
never slandered or slammed anyone if you check anything they have written.
Maybe you are mad because they tell the truth. There is a lot of that going
around. People who don't want to admit they are in the wrong camp.

Wise up. I have never heard one bad word come from Don or Faye Clark
except the truth. So if you can put your smart-mouthed comments on this blog
about them and you are against them, I need to speak with them cause I want to
vote the way they do.

5:16 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sun Crest Call Newspaper
July 12, 2001
page 18A

Noting that he was representing the Swim Club as a volunteer, Warden spoke of the benefits of the club.

"...This is one place I've found, it's not a Kirkwood pool, it's not a Whitecliff pool ... those pools are masses of humanity," he said. "There's no, there's no decent place to take your kids to a pool where you have a community environment, where you sit around and your kids know people and you're friendly with people and you enjoy each others' company as community. Those don't exist."

What city does Warden live? Does Warden live in Oakland or in Kirkwood? If he lives in Oakland, he can swim at Kirkwood.

SunCrest Newspapers
August 2, 2001 page 12A
"For me, it's not an issue of Whitecliff Pool vs. Crestwood Swim Club," Vincent (Alderman of City of Crestwood acting as Rosebrook Real Estate President) said. "I think probably they serve different interests and maybe different people. That doesn't mean that they can't coexist. That doesn't mean that one place is safe and the other is not."

Who are these different people?

Are these different people from Oakland, Glendale, Kirkwood, Webster Groves, Ballwin, Manchester, and Sunset Hills?

5:38 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford himself called Burke Wasson of the Suncrest Call "fair & accurate." The St. Louis Post Dispatch has standards too or they would not be a top newspaper. It's not the papers's fault for past mistakes. It's the fault of past and now leaders in the city. Not naming names. Just SAYING!

5:48 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SunCrest Call Newspaper
August 16, 2001 page 10A

Designating the Swim Club properties as a Chapter 353 redevelopment area would allow the use of eminent domain to acquire the property, but also would allow the Swim Club to reinvest the proceeds from the sale to construct a new pool on the tennis court property without having to pay capital-gains taxes.

City Administrator Kent Leichliter said July 24 that the $750,000 for the Swim Club project is coming from the TDD three-eighths-cent sales tax on sales at Kohl's. The money goes directly to the city, he said, which then will pay off the Swim Club's project. No tax-increment financing money will be used for the pool project, he said.

Riverfront Times
Pooling the Money
To the TIF victors go the spoils in Creswood by D. J. Wilson
October 24-30, 2001 page 15
Assistant city administrator Matt Conley defends the use of a TIF to develop the corner across from the Crestwood Plaza, saying, "This project is the poster child for tax-increment financing" An abandoned gas station and asbestos in the five-story bank building make cleanup of the site expensive and have prevented private-sector development, he says.

Who signed the invoices for the removal of the underground gas tanks and for the hauling of the asbestos?

6:37 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are people from Sunset Hills allowed to use Whitecliff and Kirkwood pool--I mean, we should only allow people from Crestwood into our town. Let's set up armed borders at the City limits--that way, the outsiders can not come into our community and shop in our stores and eat in our restaurants. Since Tom Ford has a military and police background--I hope this is the first thing he does if he is elected. Establish military checkpoints to keep all non-Crestwoodians out of our community.

7:29 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the 7:29 P.M. poster. If you are the kind of person who considers yourself a Pickel supporter and a Crestwood Supporter, go back and read your blog and tell me - who in the heck would want YOU to support anything? You have just disgraced your candidate and your community. There is a point to which a mature and intelligent person should decide to "stow it" - "suck it in." You have reached it PAL!!

10:01 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I coulden't agree more! Let's stop the "Crestwood swim club members from outside Crestwood from using a pool on our parking lot!

12:25 AM, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the swim club should charge retroactive back rent for the use of the parking lot for 40+ years....

3:00 PM, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe everyone should just get a life and quit fighting! You know it's spring time, don't we all have a lot better things to do. Let the city be well! And let's quit wasting our lives arguing about it!
I wish you all well.
This is the last time I'll read this blog.

11:16 PM, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds as though the bickering and name calling has moved from the aldermen to this blog.

8:52 AM, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey..maybe that'll make the meetings shorter!

9:07 AM, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ew - please don't talk about the clark's sweat. hello - OVERSHARE.

3:55 PM, April 06, 2006  

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