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By the way the newest addition to the Ford family, Haley Ford, arrived today at 3:38 PM! Mother and daughter are doing well, as are all the other relations, except me. I have a low grade fever and will not be able to see her for a couple of days, but better to error on the good side as they say.
I trust no one here can find fault with any portion of this missive!
Tom Ford
No. 135
I have gas..but it's not the kind you can use for a car.
One last note....
Congratulations to you and your family. We're sure she is a cutie...
Take care of yourself and God bless,
Laurie and Darryl Wallach
She sure is a cutie! Congratulations!
She could look like you Grandpa. Would you please shave off your mustache so we can tell for sure? Actually I've heard you were handsome in your day, but weren't we all. Only kidding, enjoy the new grandbaby, she's precious and will be small a very short while.
What do you mean "in my day", sheesh, I thought I still had it!
How depressing!!!
Tom Ford
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