What say we help Fenton stop this "Tax grab" known as "the tax formula"?
If you would be so kind as to click on the header, you will see that Fenton is moving toward changing the status of the "Tax Formula" that has pulled almost a million dollars out of Crestwood each year!
I don't know about you, but I see a million per year going into our general fund! Now that is just what we need to pay off the funds, and get back on track here!
I know that my family can't afford a home in "Ken and Barbie" land (Wildwood,) and now Jennings is planning to build a center larger than St. Louis Mills, so why are we sending them Crestwood money? Well, it seems that ole Buzz Westfall had to save his political future, so he (and other's,)came up with this scheme to loot the muni's with shopping centers of a "little bit of the proceeds" to save other's in the county! Now if I remember history correctly, that is the Marxist, Lenin theory of "from each according to their means, to each according to their needs"
Ladies,and Gentlemen, we have all (myself included)been on the band wagon this election season about "cutting expenses", "fiscal responsibility", "better management of the funds", and well we should be! That said however, look at the energy this Blog has created in Crestwood! In the last seven week's we have had over 8,000 hit's! We have all read the posts, some positive, some negative, but all in the spirit of one thing, move Crestwood forward!
The election is in the hands of the voters, as it should be, and that will be decided on Tuesday, April 4th. But what if we harness this energy, work together, and work hard to stop this "tax grab"? I think it can be done, and to that end I would like to challenge all of you to join your elected officials, and Fenton so we can get the county's hands out of our pockets!
Chris Pickel and I have our differences, but we both have a vital interest in Crestwood, and we both want what is best for Crestwood, we just come from two very different camp's. I think that this is one issue though that we can both agree on, and that is stop the county from spending what is rightfully Crestwood's money in places that are not in the vital interest of Crestwood!
I urge all of you to go out on Tuesday and vote for the candidate of your choice, and when that's done, let's ALL get behind the winner, and tell the county, and the state, no more free lunch on Crestwood, we can start April 5, 2006!
My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 110
I don't know about you, but I see a million per year going into our general fund! Now that is just what we need to pay off the funds, and get back on track here!
I know that my family can't afford a home in "Ken and Barbie" land (Wildwood,) and now Jennings is planning to build a center larger than St. Louis Mills, so why are we sending them Crestwood money? Well, it seems that ole Buzz Westfall had to save his political future, so he (and other's,)came up with this scheme to loot the muni's with shopping centers of a "little bit of the proceeds" to save other's in the county! Now if I remember history correctly, that is the Marxist, Lenin theory of "from each according to their means, to each according to their needs"
Ladies,and Gentlemen, we have all (myself included)been on the band wagon this election season about "cutting expenses", "fiscal responsibility", "better management of the funds", and well we should be! That said however, look at the energy this Blog has created in Crestwood! In the last seven week's we have had over 8,000 hit's! We have all read the posts, some positive, some negative, but all in the spirit of one thing, move Crestwood forward!
The election is in the hands of the voters, as it should be, and that will be decided on Tuesday, April 4th. But what if we harness this energy, work together, and work hard to stop this "tax grab"? I think it can be done, and to that end I would like to challenge all of you to join your elected officials, and Fenton so we can get the county's hands out of our pockets!
Chris Pickel and I have our differences, but we both have a vital interest in Crestwood, and we both want what is best for Crestwood, we just come from two very different camp's. I think that this is one issue though that we can both agree on, and that is stop the county from spending what is rightfully Crestwood's money in places that are not in the vital interest of Crestwood!
I urge all of you to go out on Tuesday and vote for the candidate of your choice, and when that's done, let's ALL get behind the winner, and tell the county, and the state, no more free lunch on Crestwood, we can start April 5, 2006!
My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
No. 110
Tom, this is the best idea as yet! It's certainly not news to me and my associates but I realize many residents know nothing at all about this tax formula. This was being discussed at the boa meeting recently and one woman simply said, 'I knew we never should have built that pool'. Good Grief, many people have no clue as what has been allowed to happen here in Crestwood. I have talked with people who have explained to me this certainly can be reversed and I would have thought some of our aldermen who have hit on this during the turbulent last three years. I know THEY know what's going on; however there may have been one person here that was very much in favor of continuing the pooling of the money as he is very connected to St. Louis County. Well, he's gone now and if anyone didn't understand how our money is being sent to our 'rich neighbors, THEY KNOW NOW! Keep up the good work Tom. What does Mr. Pickle think about taking back our almost 1 million a year? I'm counting on either you or him to show what you can do to rectify these kinds of problems. The man who understands the problem and will fix it for us will be the best possible alderman we can have. Because I'm the first one to put a comment on this, I'll gladly sign my name. Faye Clark
Mrs. Clark, vote for Rich Bland for your ward one alderman.
Could you please limit your negativity regarding our surrounding communities--there are plenty of Crestwood residents who have relatives living in the Ken and Barbie suburbs of Wildwood. When you make remarks like that--it is offensive. It is equally offensive when people view Crestwood as the home of the "angry, blue collar people with gigantic chips on their shoulders who possess limited views of reality"--unfortunatly, some of your comments seem to personify this characterization.
I am happy that someone you know lives in Wildwood, but I am sick and tired of them getting Crestwood's money, and so should you be also!
It dosen't matter what I put forth, your not going to like it, so please explain to me me like I'm a three year old why you worry about Wildwood, when you live in Crestwood? You may not like the fact that I am a "plain spoken" person, but I will fight for Crestwood. If your looking for something else, well that's your choice. I think we have had enough "Nevil Chamberlin's" leading this City as it is. Now it's time to back our town, and do it in such a fashion, that there can be no doubt where Crestwood stand's!!
If you wish, you may beg the forgiveness of which ever City you like, but as for me, I intend to back Crestwood, and I am proud of it!
Crestwood is a "blue collar town", and I for one am proud to be a "blue collar resident"! I guess I don't travel in the right circles, but then again, few in my Ward do, what about them, do they deserve to be heard? You bet they do! And I am going to make sure ALL of Ward Two is represented, not just a few, but ALL!!!!
Yes, Crestwood has a "reputation", but that has been insured by a paper, The Suncrest Call, and the folk's who fed them the information to lower the immage of Crestwood. While you are calling folks, call Mike Anthony, and thank him for the "hatchet job" he has wrought on Crestwood, with his willing accomplices.
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Please quit trying to paint Crestwood as a blue collar town because that is not true...what is nice about Crestwood is that it has all different types of people--blue collar, white collar, retired, young professionals, people with grown children, young families etc. etc. etc. It really concerns me, as a resident of ward 2--that you keep spewing this nonsense about all the bad outside forces that have their hands in our pocket--it is such a poor, sad sack view of the world. What we need to do is have a clever, REALISTIC view of the greater St. Louis area. Be clever--look at what other surrounding communities have done when they were down and out. Quit being ANGRY--Anger is not a good plan. And that seems to be the only plan you have--get everybody angry. Seems like you have some lenin-esque tactics yourself RALLY THE OPPRESSED underclasses of Crestwood--well suprise--you've lost touch with the fact that the majority of your ward does not agree with that.
The Park & Stormwater Sales Tax was passed to build and operate the new aquatic center. The information was put out in black and white when the tax was voted on. This is a wonderful amenity that ATTRACTS younger families to Crestwood. I respect our senior residents, BUT Crestwood MUST attract young families. Retailers look at DEMOGRAPHICS when deciding to locate a store. Fact is, older people don’t buy much and they tend to save their money as opposed to spending it. While sound personal economics, it is not conducive to a retail based tax base.
Next, I would caution against opening the sales tax distribution debate. The one cent sales tax that is shared is NOT a Crestwood Tax. It is a County Tax. The cities and unincorporated St. Louis County that get “Pool” sales tax money outnumber”Point of Sale” cities like Crestwood 3 – 1 in population and have very powerful state legislators representing them. We could spend a ton of money and time and get a deal that is worse than what we’ve got now.
There are ways that Crestwood can keep more of its sales tax revenue by just voting to switch certain sales taxes. This would take a little education, but could bring in an additional $500,000 a year sooner rather than later.
So now its the CALL's fault? When did they start to make policy, vote, or speak at alderman meetings?
What hatchet job? Do you have evidence of any story that mis quoted anyone from Crestwood? If so,why has no one ever demanded a correction? Have you ever listen to the tapes the City makes of the all their meetings? If you did you would hear word for word what the CALL has printed,,,its called reporting what happened. The editorial page is where the paper gives its views on events that they report. They are two seperate things..
My sense is that you and others do not like the open access to information that "past administrations" allowed and you support the reduction of information to the public. Is that why your phone number is unlisted, why the ways and means meetings are held on a week day during working hours, to prevent the public from attending? Unlike "past administrations" who held these meetings on Saturdays so more citizens could attend, this mayor goes to his country estate each week end.
Look at Mrs. Clarks comment where she states that many "people had no idea what has been allowed to happen in Crestwood". Is it the CALL's or for that matter any papers fault, that the people dont know what is going on in their City? Mrs. & Mr. Clark have said they didnt know what they were voting on when they voted to extend the Sunset date on the Capital Improvments Tax. Alderman Miguel's wife said the same thing.at an alderman meeting. Is the CALL to blame for people not knowning what they are voting for?
Is that you Mike Anthony?
Well excuse us! People who speak the truth are chided, laughed at, and berated by the all knowing previous poster!
Where is your name on the ballot, or are you on the Board now?
Why dont you call the Call and find out?
At least their phone number is listed in the phone book.
you need to evaluate the difference between "your truth" and the actual truth before you get all up in arms about people questioning "Your truth."
Agreed, there's my truth, and there's the swim club truth, and nary the twain shall meet!
Regarding the blogger's comment at 9:39 a.m. on April 1 saying "look
what other communities do when they are down and out". I know exactly what they
did when they were down and out, they went to Buzz Westfall and got the "point
of sale" cities to give them our monies. I applaud Tom Ford's idea.
Backing up a little, when communities like Webster Groves and others
surrounding cities were being incorporated years ago, they had a choice of being a
"bedroom community" or a "point of sale" community like Crestwood. Well, the
"bedroom or pool cities" (as they call them) didn't want the hustle and bustle of
cars and people or a mall or businesses cluttering up their peaceful,
tranquil areas, so they chose to be a "bedroom community".
And when they had hard times several years ago, Mr. Westfall got everyone on
his bandwagon including legislators, and all point of sale cities (like
Crestwood) were forced to contribute to a new plan based on a formula that the
County Big Shots THOUGHT UP where a portion of all "point of sale" cities monies
are disbursed to all the bedroom communities by the County. That formula is
costing us almost 1 Million dollars a year and we should be angry.
Now, if there is a way we can fight it and perhaps join forces with other
"point of sale" cities to get our monies back what is so bad about that? You
don't know the history behind that whole scenario. Ask some of the old timers,
they should remember it. We fought that issue and it happened anyway and I
applaud anyone who feels that we might be able to get this issue overturned,
don't you? Or do you just want things the way they were before where we spend but
can't find ways to save!
If the people we elect can't fight for something like getting us a million
dollars a year back, we may as well just leave everything the way it was before
so we can some day all be part of the County and then we will all see our tax
bills go up big time, thanks to the board of aldermen we elect, who are more
keen on playing politics than thinking about the citizens. Certain candidates
will say anything to get elected. I haven't heard one good idea from any of
them yet, except Tom Ford.
Incidentally to the person who was upset by mentioning Wildwood, no one was
insinuating that if you have a relative in another city (shame on them) - use
your head! The only one insinuating that was the person who inferred it. We
all have relatives in other places. Of course, if you don't like the idea
because Tom Ford suggested it, stand behind all the people who supported the
previous administration who thought we were "nickel millionaires". A million
dollars is a lot of money to me.
Sandy Grav`e
To the blogger whose comment was sent at 11:17 A.m., April 1st regarding
the CALL. The Call Newspaper was nothing until Mayor Robertson became mayor.
That paper has always been slanted. If you can't see that, you keep reading
it if you so desire. I stopped reading it and getting it. Mike Anthony is
biased and that's my opinion. He has never shown both sides of an issue.
HOWEVER, the Original Message on this blog, had nothing to do with The Call. It is
about the way our sales tax is distributed.
So, do we now want to get into the Newspaper Business or keep speaking on the
main message on this blog. I think since it has to do with the money we
loose to the county and other communities, it is far more important.
Sandy Grav`e
I would ask Tim Trueblood to explain how and when this pooling of our tax money bagan. I do know that Buz Westfall came up with this idea because he KNEW that if he asked for a tax increase, he would not win his next election, so he schemed up this idea and I believe it was Mayor Brasfield who did the leg work back and forth to Jeff City to get it through. Come on somebody, give us the time and date this all took place and we can all read about it. Thanks
To the blogger at 4:07 PM. Dr. LaBore would probably know exactly the
date of when this sales tax distribution took place. Pat Killoren was the
mayor at the time and it was maybe late 80's or so when this happened. Not sure,
but If I get a chance, I will go back into the minutes and find out. That
will tell us who the board members were also. I remember how furious Pat
Killoren was and so was everybody in the city at that time. It only shows how
power can pursuade. Mr. Westfall had the power and used it. Mr. Westfall saw a
way to make lots of money and still look like a wonderful public servant since
the pool cities would be getting money also. But the County got the biggest
piece of the formula. Westfall made it all sound like he was doing it for the
"bedroom communities" but he got the biggest piece of the pie. It was and
still is one of the worst things I have ever seen happen to us and all point of
sale cities.
All these pool cities made a choice when they decided they wanted to become a
city and incorporate. They were asked "do you want to be a bedroom community
or a point of sale community". The pool cities taxes were based on a formula
according to population. They were a happy bunch until their city - tranquil
and free-of-commercial establishments - didn't generate enough money. They
considered Buzz Westfall their savior. Yeah! So he robbed Peter (that's us) to
pay Paul (pool cities). And of course, since this was his brainstorm - he
got more than everybody for the County.
It is a very interesting issue to hear about. Just one more reason to be a
Charter City rather than be a Fourth Class City so we can control our own
destiny. But that brings up the Charter Issue. You have to watch, look and listen
when people want to change our Charter around. The Charter can allow the
wrong people to stay in office forever with term limits. We have to be vigil or
our Charter can become a paradox and used as a tool for future power and change
- not necessarily a good thing.
Everyone in this city has the responsibility to make sure who you vote for,
to make sure that we are not so trusting that we fail to see the important
issues. More people should go to the aldermanic meetings to see how the people we
elect either care or rather play politics. Once you see how they posture
themselves, and hear what they say about issues and problems, you will be more
capable of choosing the right candidates.
It has been asked, "what can we do"? Well for a change let's stop the "bleeding" of our tax money to other "less fortunate" (right!) Cities, and get Crestwood a better shake! I say band with Fenton, to get this going!
Then, once underway, let's work to stop this "tax grab" from continuing! Folk's, it's our town, why are we supporting town's with far higher property values than our's?
If you want a "bedroom Comunity", well pay for it! Leave my tax dollars in Crestwood!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
I dont think we should pass Prop S. if there is a chance that the action taken by Fenton bets passed...With the new mayor and new aldermend we should not have to worry about over spending any more....I hope this idea works and we dont have to have prop s. what if it does and we pass prop s. will the mayor roll back our tax rate to its current level/
That is going to take a long time to get passed IF it happens at all. I think we should go along with Fenton. THAT IS OUR MONEY! The bank is waiting for their money and will come calling soon. We need tax money yesterday and don't have time to wait on legislators. That is a pretty big gamble. Good idea Mr. Ford, and in all fairness, I thought I read something in one of the papers the other day that Mr. Pickel was thinking along the same lines. I could be wrong about that. I say this being a Tom Ford supporter. Regardless, all of our current board members and board hopefulls along with the Mayor should be seriously looking into this.
We must pass prop "S" if Crestwood is to continue as we know it!
If we do the right thing, and work with Fenton to stop this tax grab, abd if we are successful, it will still take too long to reap the rewards. By the time is goes through we will not have a City to worry about.
Folks, this is as serious as it gets! On April 4th. Crestwood needs your help, Crestwood, all of it's citizens and it's great business community look to you and I to "save our City"!
Interesting, S.O.S., how appropriate!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
"Great minds discuss ideas"
"Average minds discuss events"
"Small minds discuss people"
Eleanor Roosevelt
"Cant we all just get along."
Rodney King
"One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important, and that to take a holiday would bring all kinds of disaster."
-- Bertrand Russell
Face it folk's, the man's right. Alone none of us matter all that much, but working toghether, we become CRESTWOOD! And Crestwood needs us now!
Please join your neighbors, and me, and lets work for a better tomorrow!
"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two
Well said!
I suggest everyone take a moment to reflect. Crestwood is a small community with the same types of problems other communities are facing. We have been BLESSED with an EXTREMELY LOW tax rate for over 20 years! Our board did not take action because they say they did not have the information to tell them we were headed into a hole. When they did know everyone, including the board, was angry about the situation. We did not head this problem off before it became a problem. It is not insurmountable.
Every one of you has become involved in one form or another to help solve the problems. Disagreements aside, each on of you believes you have the answers. That is the democratic process at its finest.
Now, when those answers are implemented, will they work to solve ALL of our problems. Maybe, maybe not. But we are all trying! So let's put this in perspective. We were blessed, became angry, and are now working for the future of Crestwood.
That is our history and our future summed up.
Some of you might want to reflect on your own motives for continuing strife instead of promoting action. Is anger the only motivator?
I hope not. Because I see a lot of people motivated because they know they are doing the right thing. Working together, repectfully, to improve our futures.
No matter what the outcome of the elections and the tax issue, I hope we will all keep in mind why we are here in this place and this time.
And choose the right courses of action that keeps us respectable. All of us will face our last day someday. I hope we have a clean conscience when we do.
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