Friday, May 19, 2006

If your going to drink, don't drive in south county!!

County Police Highway Safety Team to Conduct DWI Enforcement in South County & Affton Southwest Precincts
For Immediate Release 19-May-2006

The St. Louis County Police Department Highway Safety Team will be checking motorists in an effort to reduce the number of drunk drivers on our streets and highways. Specially trained officers will be conducting DWI Enforcement on Saturday, May 20, 2006, in the South County and Affton Southwest Precincts. Hours of operation will be from 11:00 PM to 3:00 AM the following morning. The locations were selected for the special enforcement because of alcohol-related accidents at or near the location in recent months. Inconvenience to motorists will be minimal.

The officers participating in the enforcement have had additional training in the recognition of motorists who have had too much to drink. Officers will also issue citations for seat belt and other violations. The goal of this Enforcement is to reduce alcohol-related accidents as well as to increase seat belt use.

Tom Ford

No. 149


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this would be great idea for the City of Crestwood especially on Friday and Saturday evenings.

We lost a friend on Sappington and Big Bend.

4:06 PM, May 23, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I agree, I have worked over 50 of these DWI check points in my time, and I will tell you that it's a great tool to get the drunks off the road!

I know that some folks will tell you that it's only a way to increase revenue for the City, but it's not. These check popints save lives, both the drunk driver, and the innocent person just trying to get home.

I will tell you now, if you have children driving the most dangerous time for them to be out in a car is from midnight to four AM. Please for their sake make sure they are home by midnight, if not, tell them to stay where they are until the next morning.

I have seen some drivers with a B/A of 3.3% on the roads, and I will tell you they have no idea where they are, much less what they have done!

On a typical night in North County you could expect at least 5-15 arrests for DWI in a six hour period! Don't think it's any better down here, as the bar's are in business to make a profit.

As I said before, I think
it's a great idea for our area as well, so why don't you contact the Chief, and tell him how you feel about it.

Tom Ford, (SGT. BHPD, RET.)

5:25 PM, May 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would suggest Crestwood set up on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day on Sappington Rd., North and South of the Crestwood City Hall parking lot, from 9:00 to 1:00AM.

I would be very interested in the numbers there!

8:46 PM, May 24, 2006  

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