Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This "blog" what it is, and what it will not be!

It is sad that I should be forced to place this topic on a main header, but the way things are going in the threads, this sort of posting is no longer acceptable to me!

Day in and day out I read the threads posted under the topic's, and lately some of the vicious, hateful, innuendo placed there has become more than anyone should be forced to read.

What to do about it? Well from now on if you wish to insult, make fun of, or otherwise denigrate our Mayor, B.O.A., Police officer, fireman, paramedic or anyone now serving the city without placing your name (your real name, I'll check it) on the post, it will be gone that evening! Save your manicure, it will not stay on this blog! You can try Tim Trueblood's blog, but he won't post it either!

I have said it many times before, were all educated adults here (aren't we,) and adults do not need to sink to the three year old level of "he said, she said"! Many of you think I am fed the City information on a regular basis, your wrong! I do what every "cub reporter" does, I call people, I ask the right questions, and I back up call to make sure it's correct, or as I have, I list it as a rumor. If you want to get the same information that I do, call around, could be that you too will "be in the know".

I will not be removing posts that have a legitimate question or concern about Crestwood, nor will I remove posts that question certain officials votes, ideas, or comments. The political landscape of Crestwood is what it is, however there is no room for what has been seen lately.

I am sure that this will generate several posts about how "immature" I am, or the old "croney" stand by some have used, but this is the way it's going to be from now on! If you want to change it, stop by the house with $125.00 in cash, I will give you the site key, password, and you will be the blogger, I will retire!

I hope all (well most,) of you will join me in talking about Crestwood here on this blog, minus the Bravo Sierra.

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do us all a favor Tom and make sure you have ALL of your facts straight before you bloveate on a topic. Your own inaccuracies are both frightening and misleading.

7:21 PM, May 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand the Boss Hogg comments are out of line (and getting old), but it sounds as if people have some information about some of these folks that others might like to know.

I for one am highly interested in this relationship between the mayor and his friend that he wants to be chief. If there is some history to be shared, why can't we all hear it?

This blog has been good for the most part, with the exception of some yawners and other silly stuff. If you block information that some people don't want heard, then you'll be as one-sided as The Call.

Roy and the board are all elected officials. You know as well as anyone else that when you run for elected office, everything you do is up for scrutiny. If you are giving jobs to friends, conducting yourself inappropriately in public, and making decisions that hurt our city, the public should know.

I suspect that those being discussed here are complaining to you, and asking that you filter what is said. All I can say is that isn't The American Way. Roy dragged the city administrator and the finance person (a department head same as the police chief) through the mud to get elected, why is he exempt from the same scrutiny?

7:53 PM, May 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the Police Chief/CA - AKA Mr. Greer and Finance Person - AKA Ms. Madrid were already playing together in the mud.... they just got caught!

7:59 PM, May 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom is quite correct. In fact, Tom is quite gracious. Remember people, we are his GUESTS. He is allowing us to use HIS forum. He has a right to his opinions and has every right to control this blog - from subject matter to removal of posts if necessary. Before we go too far, all of us, no matter what we think is best for Crestwood, should give Tom Ford a BIG THANKS for allowing us to use his forum to post our thoughts and opinions.

8:25 PM, May 16, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Gee, I hate to frighten you, but, check on what I say, you will find me to be more than willing to repent if I'm wrong! But, just show me where i'm wrong, so far all I hear is your comment's!

Tom Ford

8:41 PM, May 16, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

As I have stated before, you can remark all you wish, but any attempt at inuendo goes to the trash bin, period!

Keep it nice, or do what Tim Trueblood did, and create your own blog!

Tom Ford

8:48 PM, May 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:16 PM, May 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good idea Tom!

9:31 PM, May 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do what Tim Trueblood did?
Would that be to make anonymous remarks on this blog so as not to be recognized, then make speeches about morality and speech codes on his blog?
Blogs are like masquerade parties. You never know if the person you are conversing with is really a circus animal walking backwards with a mask on.

11:46 PM, May 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why don't you delete the attacks on madrid, greer and trueblood that immediately precede this one? Hypocrite!

9:18 AM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repeating what is written in a news article or what has been said in a legal deposition by someone does NOT constitute an attack. I thought people on the blog wanted facts. Repeating provable facts is not running down, talking against, or attacking. Instead of shooting the messenger, why not read the message? Someone is repeatedly trying to disprove what has been proven by the guilty ones, isn't it time to accept the facts?

9:46 AM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post 115: "The Crestwood Independent will remain in effect for ideas, suggestions, and the news and views of Crestwood, so please use it, it's your site." Does it remain our site???

10:13 AM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the 11th blogger. Don Greer and Diana Madrid drug this city in the mud and the depositions they made under oath say it is so. You can also read in the paper from Wood River that this isn't the first city that Greer did his dirty work and we gave him a windfall to leave. Now Fairview Heights will be his next target. I wonder who he will recruit as his next victim or victims. I wonder who he will force to leave or be fired. Thanks for your comments 7:59 and 9:46. You said it right.

10:22 AM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure hope someone, in good conscience, will warn the city of Fairview Heights of its impending doom since there seems to be no vaccine for corrupt flu.

12:52 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Already in the works (warning Fairview Hts.)!

2:30 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:50 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, just the facts mam!

3:06 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see all of the moral watchdogs out there. When will you people move on? Greer is history for Crestwood, why don't you worry about what you have in office now and watching him so we aren't saying this all again two years from now. How many of you have called northern Illinois and asked why Mr. Meyers was fired from his last job???

I would think the fact that some have threatened to discredit him at his next job would be grounds for a lawsuit. This man did nothing that the board of aldermen wasn't aware of....are you calling all their employers too?

Look deep inside yourselves, how many of you would like your whole life history following you around? Yeah, makes you squirm a little doesn't it?

If you all need the melodrama this much, turn on Days of Our Lives, at least you won't be hurting people's careers.

3:56 PM, May 17, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"CENSORSHIP"? No that's when you get to say nothing except what I want to hear! or I do what Mr. Trueblood does on his blog, and approve the remarks before I put them on the blog.

"HYPOCRITE"? No again, as the facts surrounding the previous C/A, F/A are part of a public record called a deposition. Show me the "proof" you have, and you too can post your findings, it's as simple as that!

Does it remain "your site"? It does, and it will as long as you conform to common deciency, and do not personally attack anyone (I am used to it though, so if anyone here must become childish, go after me.)

Last but not least, let us leave Ms. Madrid, and Mr. Greer alone from now on, They are no longer involved in Crestwood, so why the continuation of comments? I have wished them well, and I hope you will too. Let it die a natural death, we have many more problems to solve, and we won't get them solved if we focus on anything but the problems at hand!

I hope to see, and greet many of you at the special work session on Thursday night!

Tom Ford

6:07 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford,

Once again, I commend you on your site. You do let (most) everyone voice their opinion (good or bad) without censorship. I just wish you could get us "spell check" so when we misspelled things it would be corrected. Can you work on that too? Keep up the "honest" work!! Thank you for allowing us to use your site.

Also, I guess the Call ran out of items to write about today. They had an article about the "blogs" too.

7:54 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont think the Call ran out of items. That was on the opinion page anyways. Just think theyve had it with all the bickering on here. Can I get a second?

8:12 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will second you, Mr. Ford, on your well-wishes for Ms. Madrid and Mr. Greer, appears they have both moved on to very good jobs. And I agree, lets focus on what is at hand.

Crestwood is still in a world of financial pain, we have unproven people running the city that need to be watched very closely, and we've already lost quite a few good employees because of everything. We also have a very green board of aldermen, even our 'sophomore' aldermen don't seem to know what their job is, and if they aren't on top of things, we'll have history repeating itself rapidly.

8:24 PM, May 17, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Per your request, "spell checker" has been added to the "links" section of the blog! Enjoy!

Tom Ford

8:44 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't I think the Call "has had it with all the bickering"?

This is what the Call thrives on, just look at past Crestwood post's if you doub't me!

8:50 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who actually read un-subscribed to county newspapers have come to know and expect that some of their claims to fame have been taking pot shots at new city administrations and any Alderman, Resident or City Employee who does not march to the beat of the one they endorsed. Regardless of the ethics of publishing and economics, these kinds of negligeable newspapers seem to prefer the low road when it comes to civic reporting. The road which challenges their lack of creative juices and creates an honest to goodness news void while dwelling on a very slanted one-sided perspective. They are neither fair nor balanced. Knowing this, no one cares! An example would be stunning endorsements of people who misrepresent, mismanage funds and practices and embarrass the cities who pay them. And who seldom leave a city better off according to lawsuits and audits and unbalanced checkbooks.

These kind of papers' lack of discretion and ability to editorally judge leopards by their spots is legendary; they simply create articles from tapes embellished to the point of overplay, and to the detriment of a city, challenged by an amazing lack of integrity fanned by renegade officials.

These kinds of newsrags are your basic tabloids reduced to filling white space with an abundance of pure unadulterated, useless and pointed paragraph after paragraph of rhetoric. They feed on their credo of divide and lowrate at every opportunity; their wooden noses growing longer by the week and in direct proportion to their lack of any skill they should have developed along their dismal path of unaccomplishment.

Never realizing, apparently, that the majority of voters chose the administrations they so disapprove of, these papers completely disregard the honorable side of journalism and elect to also disregard facts that point out their deficiency in realizing that voters, who disagree with their politics and ethics "SHOP" and may very well chose to reciprocrate by avoiding the businesses which advertise in their paper; which has no voluntary subscribers.

In considering the source of the repetitive nature of this kind of reporting and the inability to present both sides of a story, many readers seldom do more than lift the lid of the trash can or bird cage. Fortunately for those of us who enjoy quality reporting and balanced news, there are the welcome papers which arrive on the "lawn" and which tell the real story.

9:40 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I too say good riddance to Mr. Greer & Ms. Madrid. Kinda a sorry they took us to the cleaners on the way out of town. We can't afford too many more $500,000+ boondoggle lawsuits.

11:15 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would really like to know what will make some of the people posting comments on this site happy. Talk about moving Crestwood forward but slamming anything/anybody in the community that they don't agree with.

Some suggestions to give them a perfect city and make them happy:

Close Crestwood Swim Club

Get rid of half of the BOA

Close St. Elizabeth's

Appoint the mayor to more boards and committees (hey maybe even have him perform office work - he's there everyday)

Get rid of the journalists and papers (and heavens take the Call out of the Government Center lobby! - or was it the other rag?)

Get a new City Attorney

Promote city employees without credentials

Only appoint the mayor's friends to committees

I believe that is what people see when they read this site and I doubt no matter what others post - certain people would love to see my suggestions come about. Very sad.

12:36 AM, May 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the previous blogger, take heart. I guess there are some who would like those things to happen, but I guess I and hopefully others fall somewhere in the middle.

"Close Crestwood Swim Club" No, but I would like to know why and how a private club got so much money to relocate. Most of the time, commercial or private interests get market value or slightly above. According to the numbers, CSC was paid $750,000 - $800,000. Gary Vincent mentioned a number something in that range. The swim club property was valued by St. Louis County in the high $80,000s. That's a huge difference! How and why did that happen?

"Get rid of half of the BOA" No, but I'm not happy with the sarcastic and caustic comments out of Kelleher. I'm not happy with Bland's campaign tactics either.

"Close St. Elizabeth's" Absolutely not. I wish its school did not have to close. I hope that all of the churches within Crestwood flourish.

"Appoint the mayor to more boards and committees (hey maybe even have him perform office work - he's there everyday)" No, he is doing enough.

"Get rid of the journalists and papers (and heavens take the Call out of the Government Center lobby! - or was it the other rag?)" No, but if the Call leaves copies, so should The Times and the Southwest County Journal.

"Get a new City Attorney" No, but I and other residents have a right to question his opinions and decisions. Lawyers aren't always correct.

"Promote city employees without credentials" No, and if that is happening, it should be put to an immediate stop.

"Only appoint the mayor's friends to committees" No, but that seems to have been the practice in the past and seems to be the practice in the present. Will it be the practice of the future? Probably so.

So I guess I fall somewhere in the middle. I was not happy with previous administrations, but I will not blindly support Roy Robinson either. I expect proper representation and results. I've disagreed with Robinson on several issues, but on the whole, I am satisfied with the direction the city is going. But I will keep vigilant. If Roy disappoints, my support will change.

That's the beauty of a democracy!

1:29 AM, May 20, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...


Tom Ford

7:16 AM, May 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For 12:36 Hard to even try to understand how anyone can think of the things you put on the blog. It's overkill of the worse kind. Has anyone ever said anything against our St. Elizabeth's Catholic church? Not to my knowledge, it seems something is under your saddle and it's made you very uncomfortable so you're trying to make people think that others are against everything this city represents. Get a grip! Anyone reading what you just wrote would wonder how your mind works.

12:42 PM, May 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the first comment under this heading from the person at 7:21 PM, May 16th, should get all his/her facts straight about Tom Ford. Maybe the word "bloveate" is his/her opinion about Tom Ford's inaccuracies, but as long as I have been on this blog, Tom Ford has never been afraid to apologize. So whatever Tom Ford falls short of, in your opinion, one thing for sure, he isn't a coward!
I wonder if everyone in 7:21 PM's life ever gets some things wrong or if they are all perfect?

This blog isn't the Post Dispatch and you don't have to use your money to read it. Would you take the time to apologize if you were inaccurate about some things? I doubt it! Would you take the time to keep your cool when others make jokes on this blog about serious subjects? I see very few apologies from bloggers who would never admit they are wrong or out of line.

I have heard Tom Ford give polite replies to people that do not deserve a respectful answer on this blog. Most of us would get so disgusted, we wouldn't even try to do so. But Tom Ford is almost always respectful. More than I can say about others.

And if you were willing to go back and analyze all the comments on this blog that Tom Ford ever made that were out of line, you would come up on the short end of the stick compared to what has been placed here by others. I have used this blog since its inception and have critiqued it very thoroughly. However, (I am sure someone will challenge me on it though)

I have heard him say more positive things to people even those that are against his views. I commend him for sticking his "neck" out with people like the one at 7:21 PM and others who wish to criticize him every way they can and are only using his blog to diminish him.

It takes a person with a lot of intergrity to keep smiling, joking and giving an honest opinion, while others use this blog to throw cheap shots at him. And all the while this is going on, he tries his best to be forthcoming, admitting when he feels he is wrong, but standing up to those when he feels he is right. You may have a difference of opinion from his, but getting nasty isn't the answer.

I have tried to understand why people would use this blog to disrespect those persons that have done nothing wrong. People in this city who have brought Crestwood to it's knees need to be reprimanded and deserve the anger they have generated. Tom Ford isn't one of them.

I can only conclude that some bloggers must use this blog, after their wives or husbands ignore them and don't get enough attention from their spouses. So they pour themselves a few martinis and are remanded to the computer room for punishment.

Enough of this idiotic bantor that just uses up space to poke fun at Tom Ford. He is not running against anyone for office and has congratulated his opponent like the gentleman that he is. He has publicly said so and offered to assist the new alderman in Ward 2. Is there a problem with that or should we rehash all the political bantor again.

Keep up the good work Tom.

10:35 PM, May 24, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Gee, thanks gentle blogger! You sound like my Mom, she liked me too.

I learned a long time ago that I could not please everyone, heck, some day's it seems I can't please anyone but muself (and the dog.)

But you know, I can still put forth the facts as I see them, and I will continue to do just that. When things are wrong (no matter whose side it's on,) their wrong, period, and you can count on me to post them.

Let's face it, Crestwood has never before had the chance for all it's Citizens to post their feelings until this blog came along. With the success it's had, I have no intention of removing their chance to voice their opinion's.

Tom Ford

4:45 PM, May 27, 2006  

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