Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Crestwood Board Of Alderman meeting, 6/13/06.

Ladies, and Gentlemen, I was not in attendance at last nights BOA meeting, so I file this story from conversations with those who were. I have been told by those attendees that it was a very positive meeting!

One of the statements (I am told,) made by Mr. Jerry Miguel, Board President reference his visit to Armstrong Teasdale,to discuss the Bond sales should be viewed (in my opinion,) as outstanding!

I don't know about you, but I feel very good about having Messrs. Miguel, Neider,Roby,Robinson, ET AL on the side of Crestwood. If all is not right, let's not make it worse by selling bonds that include political sub-divisions (TDD,) that may, or may not be the right thing to do!

Times are changing in Crestwood, we have citizens who care about the community, and board members who will insure that "business at the same old stand" no longer applys here. I, for one think we are on the right track to returning Crestwood to it's rightful place as the "Jewel of St. Louis County"!

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens if the City does not sell the bonds? What is the cost to the city if the City doesn't sell the bonds?
What happens to the City if the bonds are not sold by anyone?

9:23 AM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What will happen to James Bond?

10:05 AM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is all of the Kohl's files at Armstrong Teasdale and at THF?

Who signed off on these invoices and where is the City of Crestwood copy?

Which department in the City of Crestwood is responsible for reviewing all of the expenditures for Kohl's TIF, TDD, and CID?

Was there another lawfirm involved in supervising these transactions?

Does the City of Crestwood have an insurance bond for all of the staff in Crestwood?

12:20 PM, June 15, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, if the City does not sell the bonds we got trouble right here in river city!

I am sure THF would like to be repaid the $850,000.00 they paid to the swim club for thier re-location (TDD BONDS,) and then theres the TIF, and the CID bonds. All in all about $5.5 million worth to pay for that project!

I am not positive but I will bet if the bonds are not sold, it's back to the law firms, as we have committed to do it when these political sub-divisions were formed.

But what the heck, lets use the money we didn't spend on the new police station! Look what we get for our buck, a store, a very large parking lot (never been full,) a swimming hole (but most of us can't use it,) and a cut through! And don't forget the City parking lot re-surfacing!

Thank the Lord we now have watch dogs like Mr. Miguel to make sure this never happens again!

Tom Ford

4:34 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see, what do we have?

A new Walgreens
A new Shop and Save
A new Kohl's
a new intersection

An apparently, the money is scheduled to be paid back sooner than they thought.

do you think that Shop and Save would have come in if that eyesore corner had not been developed?

Do you think Walgreens would have been built without the new turn lanes?

Think about it.

5:07 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What new turn lanes? Cut through from the parking lot, yes, turn lanes, no.
Imagine how much faster the money would be paid back if it wern't for the extra 850K to the pool!
And as for the rest, They, or others would have taken the space anyway.
By the way, what's your plan for the soon to be empty Pier One store?

5:58 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kohl's would have never came to that location without the parking lot. Plain and simple.jtz

7:02 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right, and neither would anyone else, correct? I wonder if they know their paying for a parking lot (in the rear,) that is never used unless it's for kids skate boards.
Did they need that parking lot, or did the property owners need to sell it? Seem's that the move benefited the property owners rather than Kohl's. They get an asphalt lot with yellow striping on it, the previous owners get a brand new pool to replace the blighted old one.
How convenient.

7:13 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was Kohl's choice - get over it. If you had been to the BOA meeting, the city has no liability in this matter. Find something else to "stir up".

10:08 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the toxic Crestwoodians conveniently forget the fact that Kohl's requires a set number of parking spots for every store. It is Kohl's rule. I would have loved to see what you people would have said if the board told Kohl's to kiss off!

10:11 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Alderman Miguel was on the BOA when this deal was put in place. I don't understand why he is exempt from being critized like other BOA members involved at the time. In fact, now he is praised for watching out for the future when he was part of the problem????

10:20 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Miguel got elected in 2004. He was not on the board when this Kohl's deal was originated.

Trueblood, Breeding, Labore, Vincent, Duwe, Fagan, and Roberston were on the board.

Nice try, no BMW.

4:31 AM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And on the fifth day Kohl's said to the faithful, go forth and build thee a pool, and it shall cost thee $850,000.00, and we shall pay for it!
Is that pretty much he way it happened? Well, how about buying some sky hooks I have for sale to hold up lights over the pool?
We could "get ove it" if we didn't know the truth!

7:01 AM, June 16, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Alderman Miguel has been one of only two voices for fiscal responsibility on that board since being elected in 1994 (the other being Alderman Maddox.)

We all should thank him for a job well done! As I have said before, thank the Lord his is watching our backs, the previous crew was not!

Tom Ford

7:06 AM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please note: Trueblood voted AGAINST the TIF. Move on.

9:30 AM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:30 AM blogger 6/16. Trueblood voted against it? What else did he do that is worth repeating. He, too, has lost his temper and slammed his hand on the dais and walked off in a huff several times during his aldermanic seat. He also has had nothing good to say about this mayor but glorifies the previous one and shared with others in their homage to the CA/Police Chief. He has been just as defiant and rude as others who refuse to cooperate with the new administration when the old administration including Tim Trueblood led us all down the primrose path and have yet to be forthcoming about it. Thanks

10:02 AM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim Trueblood - While he voted against the TIF initially, I believe he voted for other parts of the development. He also spent half of a board meeting screaming that Greer should be made the media spokesman of the city. This while the city is 3.5 million dollars in debt.

12:32 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another good reason for term limits.

1:36 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:44 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BLOGGERS AT 12:32 PM, 12:32 PM AND
2:44PM JUNE 16TH. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you!!!!! I applaud your great instincts and hope that most of this city can see it the same way, but I won't hold my breath. We still have a lot of poor lost souls who fail to see the truth even when it was right in front of them all these years. Keep up the good blogs. Maybe we can do some good toward saving this city some day. If it isn't already too late.

3:21 PM, June 16, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The "toxic Crestwoodians"? I guess thoes of us who are cancer survivors like myself, my wife, and at least 20 others along the creek in ward two are to be ridiculed! Will you also go so far as to tell that to the "dead Crewstwoodians" whose only mistake was to move into ward two?

Gentle blogger, I can only pray that your never in the same boat as we are, but I guarantee you I will find out, sooner or later, the cause of this "anomaly", and when I do, I will publish it for all to see!

Crestwood should look into this, and soon, and don't tell me about Radon Gas, I know about it, and it's naturaly in the ground. What else is in the ground along the old creek that has caused these problems? You tell me, and for that matter my neighbors.

There are a few that you will have to shout very loud to as they are no longer with us, but I bet they would like the answer as well.

Tom Ford

4:20 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who signed off on the MSD and plumbing permits to the Crestwood Swim Club/Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

Is this engineer bonded?

7:24 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Bonds are sold, both the Missouri Secretary of State Securities Exchange and The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (commonly known as the SEC) will receive a copy of all of the bond paperwork and ordinances.

The purpose of our democracy is have checks and balances.

Let our U.S. Federal and State of Missouri make a ruling on the Kohl's project.

7:29 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We invested all of our taxpayer monies for jails, we might as well use them for a good cause.

Maybe our jails have a swimming pool that is safe for all!

7:32 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the purpose of our local government to approve the spending of our public funds for the benefit of cooling off after these long board meetings?

7:38 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Bond or 007 is following the money tree into Crestwood and out to various citizens. It is amazing how there is always triple copies of everything within our government.

Is it true that all of the documents were destroyed in 1965 to hide the buried tanks next to the two water towers?

Who owns the sewer lines and water lines on Rayburn and Bali Court?

Who filled in the land on Sanders, Grover, Clover, and Briaton before 1950 without permits?

What was the name of the paint company in Webster Groves?

Who owns the Rosebrook Real Estate in Australia? Which lawfirms have offices in Australia?

Check out the history land under Maplewood Commons, Loughborough Commons, Crestwood Commons, and Kirkwood Commons which are all of the TIF projects in Missouri.

Is it true that there is 500 TIF's in the State of Missouri?

What kind of game is being played with taxpayer money?

Who is truely benefiting with these expenditures?

7:53 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding who signed off on the MSD and Plumbing Permits for the Crestwood Swim Club.

The contractor for this swim club is a relative of Alderman Kelleher's. Maybe we should let him get us a copy of the permits.

Except for the politicos who are members of this club, I doubt most members and those from other suburbs have a clue about the shenanigins that took place. Time to get to the bottom of things.

8:31 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so funny to watch all the junior FBI agents try to play connect the dots in Crestwood. It's funny how it never adds up to anything. Where is Elliott Davis? Where is Jay Nixon. I thought there was going to be all sorts of drama unfolding? Where is the BIG BINDER full of secrets? I think it is all buried in the toxic waste dump just east of the pool.

10:21 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is technically and legally responsible for repairing the Crestwood Swim Club pool and the city hall parking lot if Crestwood Swim Club has an easement and water rights easement?

Who has been paying the water bills to the old Crestwood Swim Club?

Does the City of Crestwood share the water bills with Crestwood Swim Club?

Who will fix the underground water tank by the post office mailbox on the city hall parking lot if it leaks or needs to be replaced?

Who owns the sewer lines under the City Hall parking lot?

MSD was created in 1954 and the city of Crestwood was started in 1947. That means that someone or some business entity could own the water rights, sewer rights and electric rights to lease these utility rights to the city of Crestwood.

10:23 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

search on Crestwood

2002 (still on the list!)
City of Crestwood, Missouri
$9,830,000 Leasehold Revenue Bonds (police station project)

City of Crestwood, Missouri
$1,525,000 Transportation Development District Revenue Bonds

City of Crestwood, Missouri
$8,495,000 Leasehold Revenue Bonds (Aquatic Center Project)

Bond underwriter is picked for Crestwood development
By Phil Sutin

Officials agreed to provide $5,861,719 in assistance for the project. The tax increment financing was $2,285,000. Assistance from the transportation development district and a community improvement district was to be $3,576,719.

Officials have not yet determined the exact amount of bonds for the transportation development district.

Are we still issuing blank checks for this TDD district?

Who is paying the bills for this TDD?

Who is responsible for knowing the exact amount for the TDD?

Is there a list of all of the bonds that were approved or issued in the City of Crestwood?

What is the collateral for all of these bonds? Is the collateral our real estate dollars?

10:33 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the 10:21 blogger. I hope you all have your storys strieght, and your friends don't give you up when they come to call!
I think this will come to a head, and it will be interesting!

6:54 AM, June 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooooohhhhh sooooooo scaaaaared

2:28 PM, June 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What size orange jump suit shall the City order for you, XXL?
You should never be scared, worried, yes!

5:31 PM, June 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:21 blogger, here you are again. You are the sunshine of Crestwood. And to think you serve this community. You spit out hate with every word you write and we have come to expect your vomit. In fact you even look like hate. Keep it up, it makes the good folk look even better. The ones who care about the community. I imagine you are scared, the boogie man who will eventually get you will not be kind.

5:51 PM, June 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no, I am not scared of the boogie man. I am scared of you.

11:34 PM, June 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...the poster @ 5:51 really ought to reread their post and then find a good, qualified therapist to help them work through their anger issues.

9:08 AM, June 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anger issues? What anger issues? Seems to me that the blogger refers to the person calling concerned citizens "junior FBI agents", as silly as that is.
If all is on the up and up you have "nothing to fear but fear itself", however your posts seem to state otherwise, since you choose to attempt humor rather than state facts.
The "binders" are well known, and available for you to see, why have you not responded to the offers made to read them? Can it be that you also know the truth, and are concerned about the final outcome?
Laugh now because when the bonds are sold, you very well may get to meet the real thing!

5:12 PM, June 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares! The problem will be Kohl's NOT the city of Crestwood.

10:18 AM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the "shenanigins" - don't know what you are talking about. The land associated with these bonds is now the parking lot. This has nothing to do with the property the Crestwood Swim Club resides on. They wanted the land for a parking lot - they paid for it - simple. If there is a "paperwork" problem with the bonds, it is Kohls' problem. Get over it and quit trying to look to the dark side of everything that has gone on in Crestwood.

10:24 AM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the tax advantages of selling these bonds?

Who is in the limited partnership for Crestwood Development Point?

Who will receive the commission for selling all of the bonds in Crestwood? Is that person a Rosebrook stockholder or Crestwood Swim Club member?

Is it true that Crestwood Improvement Association started Crestwood? Who were the original members? Did Crestwood Improvement Association change their name to Rosebrook Real Estate Company? Who has everything to gain over these bonds?

11:33 AM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer: Kohl's

11:49 AM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is toxic waste just east of the pool? Is this from Wuellner Gulf Service Station buried tanks or from Schnucks buried tanks for their store?

Will the bore samples show Benzene, TPH, and Ethylbenzene which showed up on the Bore Sample Report for the new Crestwood Police Station Report dated 2002?

How does the government agencies know about the buried gas tanks under the city hall property and about the air pollution from the factories in Crestwood?

Why is the different government agencies asking about junk bonds and embezzlement?

Who is moving the money and for what purpose?

11:59 AM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After you read this article, who did the illegal dumping in Crestwood in their sewers and creeks?

How many birth defects were born in Crestwood? How many children had leukemia and bone cancer in Crestwood?

What is amazing now is that our government can test the ground and water to verify the chemicals to track the actual company who dumped these chemicals?

12:08 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kohl's is just leasing the ground from Crestwood Development Point LLC which stands for Limited Liability Corporation.

So who are the partners of this LLC? Can our public officials be part of a LLC when it pertains to a TIF, TDD, and CID?

12:10 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This high finance is apparently too much for the small minds of Crestwood to wrap their heads around. It is hilarious to follow their speculation. Keep it up. It is so entertaining.

12:13 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure that the Crestwood Swim Club or Rosebrook Real Estate Company actually owns the parking lot?

Is there a ground lease?

Is there a easement lease?

Is there a water lease?

Is the City of Crestwood leasing their land to any company or corporation?

Is the City of Crestwood working with any International Companies?

12:14 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the bonds help the former Crestwood Improvement Association members which became the Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

Who is licensed to sell bonds?

Will these bonds help with the next election in Crstwood?

Is it a requirement to be a member of Rosebrook Real Estate Company in order to run for office in Crestwood?

Since bonds means "A uniting force or tie; a link: the familial bond.", who is bonded together on this Kohl's deal? What tax laws created this deal for everyone to have fun but the citizens of Crestwood?

12:23 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the bonds are paying off the sewer, water, utility, and ground leases?

Who installed the underground water tanks that supply water to our homes?

Who is responsible for maintaining this underground water tank?

It is amazing how the one underground water tank may be under the water easement rights section for the Crestwood Swim Club or Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

Who checks for leaks?

12:27 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that someone hired a forensic real estate consultant that has 30 years with Superfunds and real estate fraud?

Check out James Davis Bennett case on running illegal property-flippling scheme!

12:41 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katherine, are you off work today?

12:59 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that the Architect and Engineer is liable for the construction of Kohl's and Crestwood Swim Club?

What type of bond does the architect and engineer hold for their construction permits?

What happens if the asbestos and underground gas tanks were never removed under Kohl's?

Would this make the Architect and Engineer liable for uncompleted work and violation of EPA laws?

8:15 PM, June 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that the same architect firm signed off on all of the drawings for both Kohl's and Crestwood Swim Club new pool?

Is this artchitect firm liable for all plumbing, electrical, and structural code violations?

Is it true that this same architect is a member of Rosebrook Real Estate and Crestwood Swim Club?

8:21 PM, June 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that St. Louis county is aggravated by the calls they are receiving that are wasting their time and are starting their own investigation of those people who are placing the calls?

6:58 AM, June 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true the money that should have paid to remove the toxic waste under Kohl's was funneled to Al Qaeda?

8:59 AM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone verified where the underground water tanks are in Crestwood that go into your homes?

Kohl's is on the highest point in Crestwood!

Since everything runs downhill, that could mean that the underground gas tanks could be leaking into our water tanks.

If former Mayor Pat Killoran had the water tested since 1972 due to the high cancer rate in Crestwood, the Benzene, TPH, and ethylbenzene has to from some underground gas tanks or from illegal dumping.

9:24 PM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this razzle dazzle about the swim club, Kohl's, the bonds and Katherine.

Let's talk about the people who live in Ward 2 who abut the swim club and have had to deal with this pool for a countless number of years. Water running in their yards, people yelling and screaming at their pool parties and social gatherings and swim meets, year after year after year. Peoples backyards full of erosion, mud and dampness to the point where no grass will grow.

The Ward 2 aldermen are suppose to take care of ALL THEIR CONSTITUENTS IN WARD 2. Which Aldermen might they BE???? Almost every person who has ever been on the board of aldermen from Ward 2 were members of that same club and were elected over and over again.



Therein lies the real problem folks. The Ward 2 aldermen did not represent the people on THE STREETS THAT ABUT THE SWIM CLUB.

The biggest investment that most people have is their home and property. What in the world are these homes worth today because of this wonderful, new, state of the art pool? Enough to buy a McDonald's Cheeseburger? That's what they can take to the bank.

So don't make jokes about Katherine or others who have had no cooperation from the city and who are laughed at because they have been screaming injustice for 30 years.

Putting everything else aside, therein lies the biggest problem. Especially when you stop and consider that it was just several years ago when the Crestwood Swim Club Pool was in such bad shape that if something wasn't done, it would have been condemned. So what did the top dogs do? The lawyers found a way. Yes a way to get a brand new pool, make everyone else pay for it and the people living around the pool can be stuck for another 50 years with the same old problems.

Soooo don't be so sarcastic if Katherine or any other person did their homework and found out important information on underground storage tanks, and the way the bonds were handled or what is in this binder with facts and figures and names and dates.

You know the funny thing about research is that things happened here that go back WAY BEFORE YOU WERE EVEN AROUND!!!!! In your desire to defend your precious pool, you have made yourself believe that things were done properly since day one. But you really don't know it for sure - do you - but you hope and blame those who disagree with you.

People who have power and want things done to suit themselves have been stepping on folks since the beginning of time.


9:54 PM, June 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have hard facts and figures in your binders that prove that the property values have fallen due to the pool? Seems to me that plenty of houses have been bought and sold in the past three years adjacent to the pool. Here are more facts for you. The pool has been in that neighborhood for 50 years. How many of the chronic complainers have purchased homes knowing that the property belonged to the pool? How many of the chronic complainers DO NOT keep up their own yards? Don't blame it on the pool. That complaint is getting old.

8:53 AM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"State of the art pool"??? Not quite. Wait another ten years and see what kind of shape it is in. Not constructed well and in a very bad spot as far as land stability goes. Many construction firms wouldn't even come near bidding on the project.

9:41 AM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh really, do you have proof that no one wanted to bid on it? Is the proof of this in the binders?

12:12 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHo is the construction expert that says the pool is not constructed well? How do you know? What do you base this one? Did you trespass on the property to make this evaluation yourself? Do you know better than the architects, engineers, contractors and inspectors? ARe you the same person who keeps making anonymous calls to the county? The same person who has raised the ire of the inspectors who have had to make multiple trips only to uncover nothing. How sad your life must be to obsess and fixate on something that is really none of your business.

2:27 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 8:53 a.m. 6/26. I suggest that you go and live directly behind the pool and see how you LIKE IT. But you swim club people feel so superior that those homes are too beneath you all!!!!

There are many people that have lived there for years and maybe that gripe is getting old simply because you are a pool member who doesn't live anywhere close by. Oh I am sure that their homes have sold but for "how little"? The value of the homes are what is important. And Please don't tell me that you are the one who said that those property values have gone up!!! Yeah! Up HOW MUCH IS UP??? Not enough to make you want to live there! See, it's different when it isn't your home.

Why should they try to fix up their yards, WHEN THE REAL PROBLEM OF THE DRAINAGE COMES FROM THE POOL. Fixing their yards is a joke. You may as well take $5,000 and throw it right out the window. The water and drainage is still there, come on get real.

I feel bad for you if you think for one minute that the aldermen from Ward 2 ever gave a tinker's darn about representing that part of their ward.

Let's call it like it is. It is a public nuisance, has been for years but you are all having so much fun condemning everybody else, you have lost all your objectivity. You wouldn't live behind there for a minute or a second. Because if you did, things wouldn't be so happy go lucky for you, and your complaints would also fall on deaf ears. Then, it would be a totally different story. It's like you can see the problem, but you just can't seem to reach it or want to begin to understand it.

Whatever you think, it is what it is and has been for years. As long as you and others feel that everyone else is less important than the few of you in your "let's pretend we are better than others" world, keep doing what you are doing.

The board of aldermen meetings are not well attended. But when the hammer comes down, and things are brought up at board of aldermen meetings where people are complaining about the pool, you will all be there with all your guns a'blazin ready to fight for your little swimming hole; and we shall see what our aldermen in Ward 2 do about it. But I can tell you already,if that happens, they will do what they have always done NOTHING; that's the way it is in Crestwood land. The swim club ELECT their guys to win the elections and things keep going just like they always have. Doesn't it make you feel important?

3:33 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have lost your objectivity as well! A few laps in the pool has been shown to reduce stress and lower blood pressure. You should give it try. Sounds like the pool is right in your back yard. If you can't beat 'em--which you can't--join 'em.

5:39 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But my 4x6 family photo might show some "un-safe" people in it. Will I still be able to join?

8:42 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I lived in Crestwood, stress was the only thing holding me together. I'm gone from that jungle. Crestwood can't hurt me anymore. Even people like you blogger at 5:39 PM 6/26. Open your horn mouth to somebody who still has to put up with your garbage.

11:09 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 5:39 / 6/26 blogger.

Who says you can't beat em? Round one hasent even started yet, so save the pink umbrella drinks for your last dive!

I have been watching the lady who has been asking all the questions, and it seems to me she has you in the hot lights. If I were you, I would pray all is on the up and up, because if it isn't she will know about it, and if she knows look for a whole string of investigators at the front door of the pool!

5:45 PM, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only people that need to be worried are the folks that are stirring up nonsense and launching unfounded investigations. Keep digging...but "the lady" isn't going to uncover anything. The only hot lights are those that illuminate one of the nicest places to relax in Crestwood (that's according to St. Louis magazine)

12:51 PM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares what you think your pool is? You will never be the high society you think you are. The only people who think you are a big deal are the members. It's a click, it always has been and they all think and act alike.

So we all have got two choices. Either ignore them before they ignore you or let them bother you.

They are a small pool wishing they were in Ladue.

5:55 PM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's a click?

6:20 PM, June 29, 2006  

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