Sorry folks but some of these so called Senators have to go!
Click on the header for the full story, vile as it may be!
Tom Ford
No. 173
Tom Ford
No. 173
News and views of the City Of Crestwood, for and by the citizens of Crestwood! "Most of the news, with none of the paper" "The heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of the fool to the left." Eccleiastes 10:2 "Sic Semper Tyrannis"
Another attempt by the GOP to distract us from the insanity of what we are doing in the middle east. Same sex marriage and abortion aren't distracting the American citizens, so maybe we can rally them with this one
Uh, the GOP? Seems that would be the demo's, no?
Kennedy, Kary, Pelozie, Reed ET AL have been trying to distract the people with their lies for some time now.
Tom Ford
Looks like the Demos and the GOPO's are in cahootz now. Long live democracy.
Anyone know how Talent and Bond voted on the bill to give social security to immigrants? Did they vote? Thanks.
Is that illegal immigrants on that vote? Didn't hear the news yet.
Is that illegal immigrants on that vote?
"You betcha Red Ryder" Those politicos in Washington are so crooked they will be buried with a cork screw!
Please everyone, let us know if you see a flock of illegal types hanging around come our November charter vote!
Si` gringo, no habla de englase! Where do I vote?
(And their for term limits, and censure, or which ever side comes up with the most freebees! )
Tom Ford
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